Chapter 2
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Ava had wasted too much time in her argument with their guest and had to rely upon Catherine to finish the chores of the eve so that she could begin supper. Snarling and growling to herself, she set about preparing a meager meal of smoked pork and eggs. “Ava, he is just weary from his journey” Catherine’s sweet voice soothingly stated as the pretty young girl entered the house with a pail of milk and a jar of honey. Reminding Ava, that she had promised her sister some bread and honey that evening after they finished supper. “Come now Ava let us work on our spelling,” Catherine quietly offered, as she sat in their fathers chair and began to read from their only book.
Catherine was so calm and quiet, yet quite the dramatic when something did not suit her needs, to Ava she was the epitome of their mother, serene, graceful and beautiful to a fault, with golden hair and deep blue eyes. Gently soothing and calming when something upset either their father or herself. Eagerly Catherine read from the bible, pausing only to ask of Ava to spell a word at random; patiently asking if Ava was sure, when she got one wrong and gently urging her sister to keep trying at it until it was right. Silently Ava thought that if their father had been here he would be in his chair dozing while we she went about dinner, this memory causing a pain in her heart for she desperately missed him.
Henry found a brush, tattered as it was; he still used it on Storm, who gently nibbled at his cuff in loving response. “Can you believe it; I cannot in the least. Here in this forsaken area the one I could easily marry” Henry spoke to his hunter, as it dawned upon him that for whatever reason he wished to know this young lady, wanted to court her. Storm neighed in response and Henry scratched the top of his head.
Henry had raised the hunter from a colt, and their bond was deep; Henry smiled as he thought of how many times he had snuck off to talk with Storm, to spill all his secrets to the only in which he trusted fully. The hunter listened patiently, nuzzling him when Henry was down, and even making decisions for him when Henry thought little of the actions.
Henry’s thoughts were drawn to that previous autumn, when after a particularly unsettling dispute between him and his father, he had decided to run away. Storm had faltered just outside the family’s property, stubbornly refusing to move forward. Initially Henry had been angered by his hunter’s willfulness but as they stood man and beast the curses flowing from him, Henry realized Storm was right, for there was nothing to be accomplished by running. The very next day Franklin, Henry’s young brother had been in need of him, when he fell from a tree limb in an area that very few traversed, while trying to grab an apple. Franklin had broken his leg and would have been out in the cold night had Henry not been there, had he not gone to sit beside the quiet pond to think.
Completed with his hunters grooming, Henry exited the barn and headed towards the painful looking house, stopping his hand in mid knock; from inside emanated the most beautiful voice in song, so clear and pure he felt as if he were listening to angels. He stood for twenty minutes, listening to the sweet melody, so sweet his heart ached and tears welled in his eyes. Hurriedly wiping away the remnants of his emotions, he once again raised his hand, firmly knocking on the wood, prepared to apologize.
Charles Morgan lay beside his new bride, unable to sleep despite the hour. Margaret was a beautiful young woman with her fiery red hair smooth white skin and pale amber eyes, but nothing in comparison to his beloved Annette, emotional tears formed in his eyes, his heart ached for her, and for the daughters they had created. Especially for his eldest, Ava in whom had not the slightest inclination as too why he had chose her sixteenth birthday to marry. For him it had been of convenience, for not only did he have to collect Margaret, but Beatrice as well.
Charles had received a post some month before today, from George and Beatrice, explaining that they had tried in vain to conceive another heir. Detailing that a scout had come upon their small family several years back and had informed them of the two girls that lived. Charles stifled a sob, as he remembered the words, “Beatrice will arrive on the Fifth day of June, to collect our granddaughters thus elevating them to a superior rank.”

With heavy heart, Charles curled into Margaret’s back, his need pressing into the thin cotton that she wore. When she stirred, he took once more, what was his, not in passion as it had been with Annette but in hopes that he would be provided a child in which he could raise without guilt.
Upon hearing the knock Catherine immediately jumped to fling the door open, “Good eve, supper is almost ready” she greeted warmly, to warmly for Ava’s personal taste, which she hurriedly scolded herself for because after all he was a guest and deserved some form of hospitality.
Henry smiled upon the pretty, young golden haired girl, surmising by the sound of her voice that it had not been she that sang so enchantingly. Thus bringing a completely new light to his opinion of the eldest, who looked radiant in the flickering candle light. “I wish to apologize for my ungracious behavior,” Henry sheepishly offered, his stomach beginning to churn with hunger at the aroma that drifted from the wood stove.
Ava was unprepared for his apology, deep down wishing he would not have done it because it made it so much harder for her to despise the handsome stranger. Something that bothered her, sure she had met a few young men over the last few months but none that enchanted Ava so. Once more, his voice made her stomach flutter and she was encompassed with new emotions, an experience she had little knowledge of what to make of them. She stood silent, unable to speak for fear of what might fly from her mouth.

Ava’s shoulders slumped at her sisters offering and Henry could not help but smile at the small show of her embarrassment. “Well I see why it relaxes him, you have a very beautiful voice” he tested, still not receiving a word. “What are you cooking, for it smells divine,” Henry hurriedly changed the subject noting her obvious discomfort and not wishing any further upset on her part.
“Smoked ham, eggs and bread with honey” Ava answered dully, she could still feel the heat in her cheeks that he had been listening to while she sang. “Catherine will you please set the table” She questioned without turning for fear that he would see the roses in her face. Desperate to find something to occupy her time that didn’t involve her having to turn she hurried over to the bread and sliced off three pieces, making a mental note that she would have to start the dough tonight so their new mother could enjoy fresh bread the next day.
“This looks as incredible as it smells” Henry stated hungrily as his gaze fell upon the simple dish when she set the plates upon the table.

“I am truly sorry” Henry hurriedly apologized, his cheeks reddening just a bit and adding to his handsomeness, “I just forgot my manners is all” he finished with a soft smile that melted her heart.
“Thank you Lord for this meal,” Ava began, famished Henry listened as she went on for nearly five minutes in prayer, each minute that went past causing the pangs in his stomach to grow worse and when he was sure he could take no more she ended the prayer with a welcomed amen.
This young woman on the farm that had been so rude to begin with had cast Henry under her spell, she emanated a power and grace that he’d never seen before and had it been anywhere else he had met her he never would have suspected she were not of nobility. Slowly Henry savored the moments he had with her and her younger sister Catherine; allowing himself to dream that if we had been of the same, he could act. By the end of the meal, Henry had noticed that he felt a deep emotion towards her, could it be love? He found himself pondering, knowing full well whatever it was he could never act upon it.
With dinner done and the dishes washed Ava set about preparing the dough for tomorrows bread, since it would take several hours to rise; as she did so she found that dinner with the pig had turned out to be quite lovely and she found herself eerily drawn to him. Sneaking a glance in his direction, she noted that with his tone softened and eyes glazed with fullness from the food proved even more enchanting to her than when she had first encountered him that afternoon. Carelessly he laughed at Catherine’s stories, adding lines here and there to accentuate the tales. Deep within her she regretted what must come next, for there truly was nothing more she would have rather done than spend a few more hours in his company, “come Catherine, we must retire,” Ava disappointedly stated.
“Must we?” Catherine pleaded sadly, also enjoying their guests company.
“Yes, must we?” Henry laughed, his sapphire eyes fixated upon Ava, immediately causing a blush to rise up her neck for it seemed that those beautiful eyes were trying to see into her very soul; something that made her nervous, frightened and excited all at once.
“I am afraid so, for we must rise early tomorrow.” Ava sadly explained, part of her wanting to stay and converse while the other gladly accepted the escape from his presence that caused her stomach to tighten and butterflies to flutter about. “Come I will show you to your room,” she nervously stammered, as she walked into their fathers bed chamber and fluffed the straw mattress, after having sent her sister to bed.
“Thank you my lady” Henry gently murmured from behind Ava, startling her for she had not known he was so close. “I am truly sorry for being such an ass and hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive me.” he finished with a tender kiss upon her hand, a kiss that stung Ava’s very heart, invoking yet another emotion.
“Good night sir,” Ava hurriedly excused herself, nearly running from the room to avoid his seeing her blush. Once safely in the darkness of her and Catherine’s room it occurred to Ava that she had begun to fall in love, despite the knowledge that she never could be his; she allowed herself one guilty thought of the possibility before sinking into bed next to her slumbering sister.
Dawn came quickly for Charles, sadly, he crawled from beneath the covers and dressed, Margaret was already up and huddled in the corner with her bible her pale amber eyes focused on the words. “Good morning dear wife” he attempted to greet cheerfully, but failed for truth be told today was anything but good. Obviously startling her by the way she paled and said nothing; “I know the transition must be difficult” he offered walking over to lightly kiss her, receiving a turn of her head so as his aim for her lips landed on her cheek. This simple action caused Charles to remember once more the past when he had been stuck in a loveless marriage to Francis and yet he could not blame Margaret for he was old enough to be her father. As well the arrangement had been that of difficulty for all parties involved, Charles had to promise Margaret’s father Donovan, half the proceeds of his crops in lieu of the dowry, and Margaret had to leave the home in which she had grown, as well as the man that her family knew she loved. As well Charles needed a wife, one that was strong and could bare him many children. Slighted a bit, he hurriedly dressed before grabbing their bags and heading to the small wagon for he still had to meet Beatrice at the docks.
As Charles drove in silence, he could not help but think how little the Duchess had changed from when he had first met her so many years before and wondered if the Duke had been fortunate enough to meet the same blessings. Soon his thoughts drifted to his daughters, especially his eldest who had been conceived in scandal, and he felt an ass for having nearly destroyed their chance at life and true happiness.
Ava awoke to the filmy rays of sunlight that filtered through the window, rising with shock she hurriedly dressed, for they had overslept and it would never do to not have the chores finished when papa and their new mother arrived. Catherine snored quietly in the bed, causing her aggravation, “Get up Catherine, we over slept and papa will be home in a while” she urged.
In Catherine’s usual stubborn way, she rolled over and whimpered. “I am serious Cat, we’ve already slept far too late for breakfast and if the chores are not completed what will our step mother think of us?” Ava scolded as she pulled the blankets from her dear sister, causing the younger to reluctantly rise, unfortunately not without voicing her overly dramatic complaints as she lazily began to dress.
Satisfied that she was up Ava hurried out to start the fire for the bread, forgetting that they had company until she burst out and nearly knocked him over. “Oh I am terribly sorry,” She blushed.
“It is quite alright,” Henry laughed, “Fortunately I seem to be of better balance than you,” he added with a strange glint in his eyes. Causing Ava to be suddenly aware of their close proximity. She could not contain the blush as she realized his hand warmed the skin of her waist as he held onto her and her throat went dry. “I will be leaving now,” He grinned politely, very aware of how soft she felt the scent of her soap muddling his very senses.
“I do apologize sir, I will get you some breakfast,” Ava hurriedly offered, feeling horrid at her lack of manners, nervous because his touch had sent a wave of fire throughout her. Her heart began to roar as she saw him slowly begin to incline his head towards her, the feeling of his breath upon her face causing Ava’s knees to weaken. She found herself unable to move as excitement mixed with fear for it was then that she realized in just a moment she would experience her first kiss.
Unexpectedly He released her, a wave of frustration rising, until she set eyes upon Catherine who had burst from the room her eyes still filled with sleep. Ava’s heart thundered within her breast as she scolded herself for having wanted such a scandalous occurrence and cursed her sister’s arrival. “Good morning,” Catherine whispered groggily, as she quizzically gazed between the two.
“Sorry to startle you” he excused himself gruffly his tone deep and dark, “breakfast sounds wonderful but I have to admit I already devoured what was left of your bread from last eve and must be on my way.” Henry stuttered nervously as he silently kicked himself for having allowed his affections to take hold. “Thank you again for your hospitality miss Ava.” he finished with a slight bow before he departed to the barn his hands visibly shaking.
As Ava watched him leave, she knew that whether they had kissed or not she would always love the man, in whom she had never learnt his name, vowed that someday she would try and find him.
this is absolutely heartbreaking.
Charles is so tangled up that he can't see his own feet but he seems to be trying. Beatrice is just descending like some kind of hawk and grabbing his children? That is horrible! I can understand his desire to give them a life of luxury, but with that awful grandmother? And what on earth is up with Margaret -- ok, I guess maybe she can tell than her husband does not love her. Sort of sold into marriage herself. So sad.
Henry and Ava are throwing off HUGE sparks! Fairy tale romance type sparks.
The detail you use in describing when Henry's younger brother Franklin broke his leg is wonderful. I also love the way you describe Henry's horse as a hunter. A specific type of horse, a hunter, although not a breed, which I found fascinating.
Beautiful shots. Really lovely, but you always come up with lovely shots!
Extremely well done!
Thank you,
My grandfather has been alot of help with what horses were referred to in that era.
I do like Henry, but unfortunately there will be some difficulty working that out because of both Charles and Annettes indescretions. 80( too bad they would be good together.
Beatrice, does love the girls, despite their scandalous becoming, and her daughter was very special to her. Yes I do agree she is swooping. And with Margaret she is young and finds herself torn, They will eventually find a common ground.
Sadly Charles is up in the air, he left his loveless marriage for the one his heart burned for, only to tragically lose her, so sad. but what is a story without drama, lol. Several things are still the same as with the previous version, I just wanted to do the story as I initially wrote it.
Thank you for reading and commenting, especially with such a long one.
I have to say, upon a fifth read through of this one, I am a bit unhappy with it. Seems to dry and lackluster. Next should be better...
OH Charles when would he learn... so he married again knowing his wife doesn't love him... what kind of future can that marriage have? A very sad one I guess...
Beatrice is coming back as the witch she is taking away the girls with her... in all those years she never cared or worried about them and now she is going to take them away from their father! It would be so heartbreaking for those little girls they seem so very attached to their father!
Henry and Ava... look great together! I can't wait to see what happens with them!
I love your writing! :D very beautiful, descriptive and engrossing!
Wonderful job!
Thank you sandy,
So many twists and turns with this book.
Beatrice is such a witch at this point, so it would seem, I have to write out a chapter that wasnt included in the original that will detail Beatrice and Georges heartbreak as well as their affections for the girls.
This one was even better than the last! Charles keeps trying but seems to be failing miserably and now in a marriage of convenience. It's almost as though he is giving up and trying to start over despite the fact that he loves his daughters and thinks he is giving them what they deserve.
I'm sure Beatrice has love for the girls but I hope she doesn't try to turn them into cold aristocrats like her.
Wonderful, wonderful story. Looking forward to chapter 3!
There is no way possible that Beatrice could do that to them, Ava is to head strong and Catherine follows her sisters every move, well maybe not every move, LOL.
Having a bit of difficulty with the next chapter, I have add a completely new scene, and make it mesh with the rest.
So glad you enjoyed.
I am so glad Cherie, you decided to start a blog, your story is much better than the TSR version, more fleshed out, deeper, richer.
And you can tell we are a supportive bunch. We all started at TSR, but we have definitely grown free from 'guidelines' 'rules' etc! And you will, too!
Your story is steeply entrenched in the period, very true to the era. I totally buy Beatrice swooping in.
and may I say my heart aches for Charles...his loveless marriages, this one seems no better. Crazy young woman, turn away from his kiss?? Producing an heir took precedence over happiness in those days...very sad.
Looking forward to more...great writing!
And do check out the other ladies stories if you haven't already, a more talented bunch I have never seen...
great work Cherie!!
Thank you Karen,
All your support with this has been truly wonderful!!!
And yes I have spent many a sleepless night getting caught up on everyones wonderful work...
I Know I am an amateur writer, but it is a hobby of mine and hopefully I will get published someday. And I am so glad for everyones comments, they do help me quite a bit, in getting better in writing, and to overcome my shyness... LOL, plus all the support is wonderful. 80) !!!
I definately have to admit that not having the guidlines is much easier, especially considering many of my stories are a little racy. I've even had to go through them and tone them down because they made me blush, LOL.
As I said in the TSR version this particular story is my baby, it is the first full length story I have written and completed at least in rough draft form.
Margaret has a bit of a scene, in the next chapter maybe possibly she will get over some of her shyness??? I think she should, Charles is a good looking sim guy, LOL.
Thanks again for all your support and I do hope you continue to read, I know I am totally enthralled with Thunder Valley...
Awww. Thanks mate. I too, have a secret desire to be published someday. Have loved writing since I was a kid.
I have started writing a 'novel' haven't done much on it lately, so wrapped up in the Sim storytelling, but I do know I have improved my writing by doing these sim stories, and it also helped my confidence and overcome my shyness, too!
And have met some great,talented people to boot!
If I wasn't a select artist at TSR, I wouldn't be posting stories at all there anymore. My main focus is now the blogs, LOL!
And I will definitely keep reading!
Hello cherie, i got your pm(kezsridg). I liked this installment and I don't think it was dry at all:) Looking forward to the rest!
Thank you kezdridg, I am glad you enjoyed.
Let me preface by saying sorry for not commenting on the earlier parts of the story. I have read them, but I've been bookmarking/etc like a fiend, trying to get caught up with several stories and I've forgotten to comment. I'll make sure to comment from now on, as I get caught up. :)
I love the angle of the story, with a man who lost the woman he loved, never having been able to actually -love- her in a way suitable. And then thrust into a loveless marriage for the sake of having children, knowing he has two daughters already that need him. Geeze. If I weren't I stronger person, I'd probably be weeping. :b It reminds me so much of the Bronte sisters. I love it.
And now this gentleman caller has met his match and it can't be. Status. Again. History repeating itself, or will grandma elevating them higher allow it? Hmm, hmm
And the plot thickens even more! So sad for Ava, why do I feel like she won't see Henry again? I still loved all the interactions between them though.
I love how you tied in the prologue somewhat with this one, but not giving everything away. Charles is certainly looking like he's lost and now has to say goodbye to his children who he clearly loves. So sad.
My favorite part was the way you described her making bread for some reason. Something so simple but is really a give away for the time period and the way they are living on the farm.
Can't wait til I get to chapter 3, well done!
Thank you Panda_Bears1,
Yes I try and yet sometimes forget, to use general actions. Makes the story more realistic, in my oppinion.
And yes Charles loves his daughters very much.
With this story I wanted an air of mystery so to speak. Over the next several chapters there is very little reference to Annette and Charles, but as we get further in Ava will begin to find out the truths, behind their being.
Cant give everything away 80P
Thank you again for reading.
My dear Cheri, first I have to mention the lovely pics of Henry’s flashback! I loved the Sepia and black & white effect, combined with the beautiful framing! Great job! :rah:
Oh, my! I can’t believe Beatrice is back, and to collect her grand-daughters no less!
But the biggest surprise! OMG! Charles did stay with Annette!! WOW! How terribly sad for him now, to have lost her! :( And now to loose his daughters too! :(
A five minute grace! Poor Henry! LOL! That cracked me up! :D Catherine is such a sweetheart! I feel terrible for the news they are about to receive! Ava is such a good daughter, tending to everything, rushing to have it all ready for the arrival of her new step-mother, and now her whole world is going to be turned upside down! :( Wonderful story Cheri, great chapter! :rah:
Thank you again Dear Zayuri,
Yes Charles could not leave his one true love. LOL! you will see more of him in the future.
And thank you so very much for the kind comments on my amature at best attempts with photoshop, 80). That program and I are really still learning eachother.
Beatrice needs the girls, and unfortunately without her Ava cannot move forward with her true quest, 80).
Yes poor Henry, five minutes LOL! I remember being a kid and utterly starving and my grandfather would insist upon a five + minute grace that when it ended I was literally thanking the heavens that it was over, LOL! so I tried to incorporate it into my story.
Thanks so much for commenting on it. Ava has had to be her sister's mother since Annette's passing when she was five, as well as house marm so to speak. So she knows little else. 80) but I wanted a real to life character, and I am hoping I have done so. 80)
Aw, poor Ava and Catherine. Things are going to change for them so much. Ava has had to grow up quickly and run the household, and now to suddenly be thrust into a much higher position will leave her reeling.
I loved the scene where she was embarrassed - very funny and well done. And I also like how she reminds Henry of his manners by saying the five minute grace.
Almost a first kiss...sigh.
Poor Margaret. I hope Charles treats her well - so sad for her to not be loved by her new husband.
Yes so many changes ahead, and I loved the five minute grace too. Oh I would be starving and my family would insist on going on and on.... So I sypathesize with Henry, lol!
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