Chapter 14 ~ Hearts Desire
Friday, October 10, 2008
Sophia furrowed her brow in concern as she patiently awaited Ava’s arrival. Her heart aching for her brother who was soon to open his heart to Ava, the woman whom, despite Sophia’s own fondness for, she had found she lacked confidence in. In truth Sophia feared that her dear friend would not accept him, a puzzling and heartbreaking cogitation.
The longer she sat in the quiet room with the warmth of the fire gently caressing the air the more her thoughts turned towards that morning, when she had come upon her brother as he entered the Duke’s office.
Although she had known it to be wrong, her curiosity had gotten the best of her, guiding Sophia to press her ear to the door and listen to the low rumbling voices, most prominently her brothers.
Ava gazed lovingly upon Sophia, a pang shooting through her as the young woman turned her melancholy gaze in her direction. Instantly Ava ran towards her friend, scooping the girl into her arms and motherly embracing her, cradling Sophia as the young woman’s tears began to fall.
“Dearest Sophia, what ails you?” Ava murmured in an attempt to comfort despite her own apprehensions, gently brushing the wispy strands of hair from the delicate face and gazing kindly upon her as she had always done with Catherine. A smile spreading gently over Ava’s face as it occurred to her that she did in fact find solace in Sophia’s companionship, a bond that she had thought would only ever be shared with her own beloved sister, while she gently swayed to and fro, whispering soothingly until Sophia’s tears ended.
Sophia felt so comforted in Ava’s kind and warm embrace, yet she knew what must be done for she herself had found that she had given her heart to the woman. Turning her serious gaze upon her friend Sophia swallowed, silently praying that the words she stated would not in turn frighten Ava away. “I dearly love you Ava,” she sighed, “yet my allegiance lies with my brother. A brother who is far more, for he is the only father I have ever truly known.” She continued, keeping her intense and serious gaze focused upon Ava.
Ava did could not quite comprehend what Sophia was saying, a startling thought rising to the forefront of her mind as she gazed upon the young woman, “Sophia have I done something to upset you?” She barely breathed out, Ava’s heart nearly shattering as she feared as such.
Sophia pulled in a long deep breath and closed her eyes, “no…” she whispered, “Although I fear that you soon will.” Her true desperation resounded within every word as she continued, fighting at the stinging tears that burned her eyes and choked her thoughts. “I have never had a mother, nor had any love me as my brother until now.” The tears began flowing freely again, yet this time Sophia rebuked Ava’s attempts to console her. “You have taken my heart as well Ava,” she whimpered dropping her watery gaze to her hands that desperately shook.
Ava stood there in complete shock, her heart swelling with love for the young woman, fear at what her next statement was to be and heartache for she had brought upon the child grief. “I am truly honored that you believe me to be so kind,” she whispered sadly, achingly.
“I do not believe you to be so kind as to not destroy my brother,” Sophia stammered out suddenly her tone serious. “I believe that you are fighting a losing battle with your own heart one in which will cause him grief.” The ferocity in her tone snapped Ava’s bewildered gaze upon her, prompting her to continue.
“My brother has fallen in love with you and comes soon to make his attentions known. I find it most befitting to inform you my dear friend that I cannot and will not stand idly by while you crush his soul, for he is all I have.” Sophia’s tone dropped changed with her emotions, going from demanding, angry to pleading all at once, tentatively she stepped forward taking Ava’s quivering hands within her own. “Ava I plead with you, do not hurt him, I beg of thee with everything within my heart,” she dropped her gaze to the ground as she said the words she feared would frighten Ava away.
“Allow your heart to accept the joys you fight so hard against, accept his love, and give yours freely.”
Sophia’s words were so strong, emotional and powerful, leaving Ava speechless as the young woman hurriedly dropped her grip and ran from the room, her legs unable to hold her weight any longer as she gratefully collapsed onto the lounge. She knew Alexander cared for her, yet would never in her wildest dreams believe that she held within her grasp the ability to crush him. Yet how could she deny Sophia’s judgments when the young woman had always read herself so aptly and this in just the short course of three weeks.
“In truth I don’t know what my heart wants dearest Sophia,” she mournfully sighed, the notion arising to her once more that she was never as happy as during her company with Alexander and Sophia, a warm comfort of family bond she had not experienced since childhood. Roberto stared at the familiar script upon the letter he had received, a piece of him relieved while the rest worried at its contents. With a heavy sigh, he broke past the seal, and turned his eyes down towards it, a faint smile playing across his lips as he began to read Alexander’s neat hand.
Dearest Uncle,
Sophia and I have made it safely to our destination and I must whole heartedly concur with thee, the Wilshire Gardens are beautiful, yet not nearly so, as the enchanting yet infuriating Lady Ava Carmichael. The comment brought a hearty smile to Roberto’s face, as he remembered just how stubborn Annette had herself been, the thought evoking a small memory at his first meeting with her.
Roberto stood gazing upon her, the lovely angel in her white gown with a sad expression upon her face, an expression that hurriedly changed to concern as she realized she was not alone. “My lady…” he barely breathed, his full attention drawn to her ethereal beauty, his heart seemingly stopping its beat as it struck him he had indeed come upon his future.
“Your Grace,” Annette sighed lowering her eyes to the grass and moss covered earth below her, the gentle lapping of the water against the shore the only reminder this was in truth a reality, while her mother’s words echoed through her mind…
“Annette today Prince Roberto arrives, I pray that you be receptive for our families wish a unity…”
“Do you not find it inappropriate to be staring in such a fashion upon I?” Annette snapped turning her attention away from him, fighting at the urge to run as fast and far as she could from him.
Roberto could not help the faint blush that arose as he realized his gaze let on more than he had intended, “I apologize for making you nervous Lady Annette,” he sighed utterly engulfed in enrapture. Everything from the chirp of the birds to the low buzz of a nearby bee hive adding to his personal opinion of the young women.
Turning blazing eyes upon him, Annette swayed, her will and force retreating as it occurred to her that she was acting quite out of sorts. “I will never be able to accept you,” she murmured almost mournfully, her thoughts retreating towards Charles in both guilt and love. “You could never make me happy,” she mumbled, turning away from him before the tears fell, anguish written across her face…
Hurriedly Roberto shook the vision away, as a small pang shot through him turning once more to the letter before him. Laughing aloud at what he read next…
When I first came upon this enticing young woman, I had not known it to be the one in whom I was intended to meet, nor did she find it fitting to inform me. My dearest uncle I fear I have made an utter fool of myself, in an attempt to gain a better vision of this loveliest of angels I startled her causing her to run directly into my path. I do not know how to say this without any thinking ill yet I shall, the moment my arms encircled her in a gentlemanly steady, I felt as if nothing in the world could ever compare.
Roberto paused his heart stammering at his nephews words, his knowledge of the matter rather unnerving his thoughts returning to that one brief embrace he had been compelled to give in the garden, where he himself had felt the same elation until he had noticed the other, the piece in which she had shied away from.
As I gazed upon her and she upon me, I could not bring myself to release her and when she, oh please dearest uncle do not be angry, when she asked for a kiss I obliged. A kiss that I shall never forget in all my years, for it was then she stole my heart.
Roberto’s hands shook violently at the personal revelation, his heart soaring with elation for he understood his nephew had indeed found the one of his future, grateful for such. For in truth he and the duke had already agreed to the match. A long ago made plan when they had written that they had received permission to take the child, the daughter of his friend and betrothed, an arrangement and agreement made to continue her protection from society, maintain the family name.
Although as with the fragile sensibilities of a lady she did grow rather furious, yet I dare say her spirited obscenities though intriguing to hear from such a creature did infuriate me. I literally had to drag her back to the Wilshire manor, where we were properly introduced, an introduction I must say that nearly decided me against her. A decision quickly rescinded as I realized her plight, in anger I have forced my will forced a courtship of no less duration than six months.
Roberto could not help but to laugh, envisioning his stubborn and spirited nephew doing just such a thing.
I believe in my heart you would adore Lady Ava, she is such the spirited angel yet so kind I can nary keep this to my own, for her kindness and attentiveness to our dear Sophia is unprecedented. A friendship that Sophia adores, a kinship I have never before witnessed between my sister and the one in which I fully intend to make my bride, despite my concerns she will not take me for apparently her heart has been broken by an unknown gentleman. I in truth do fear I shall never compare, nor could I live happily knowing that she did not desire me.
Roberto’s smile faded at the words, his heart ripping open again as it pulled towards his nephew a resurgence of emotion at his own learning. Silently he fell into prayer, so much rested upon this union. For he knew what it felt to have your heart torn to shreds, to find that all you had been hopeful towards had all been for naught. This daughter of Annette seemed far more wild than she herself had been, his eyes growing wide as a thought crossed his mind…
Sir Gabriel Edwards sat patiently in the receiving parlor of the Talley manor, his mind calm despite his reasons for being here this day. When the scent of cucumber and rose oil reached his senses announcing his dear friends arrival. “Gabriel,” Francis coolly murmured her velvety smooth caressing his ears, “I am so glad you have come.”
Standing to his full height, Gabriel turned his silvery blue gaze upon the much matured form of Francis, looking lovely as ever with her silken blond locks tied neatly alongside of her neck in a youthful style.
Briefly he took the time to skim his gaze over her body, a flash of heat shooting through his body as his memories fell to the night she’d given him her innocence, “how could I refuse?” he purred a slick smile spreading over his face.
Speculatively Francis gazed upon Gabriel licking her lips seductively as she took a confident step forward, “dearest Gabe,” she began using her pet name for him, “I know you entirely too well, thus said I must insist upon a few provisions.” Francis smiled, a cold, calculating grin that matched the woman herself…
Thank you Beth for letting me use Gabe!!!
I hope I have done him justice, LOL!
Alright we are wrapping it up... only one more chapter until we get to the BALL!!!
Plus the change of the story itself, so to speak. Come December the story will be taking on a slightly different twist, I really want to explain Charles, Annette and all the other Secondary characters.
I cant say I am not getting excited to get to the ball though... Although it is a monster...
Ok...I got to start with Sir Gabriel Edwards 'dearest Gabe' WOW!! He does look dashing in boots and breeches does he not?
I would be licking my lips seductively as well...*slap* OK, I will stop! LOL! Great addition Cherry Pie!
Sophia is such a dear, sweet girl. Mischievous, but a darling, so concerned for her brother's heart, and not afraid to speak her mind. Good for her, give Ava something to think about.
Love how you have decorated the rooms, send me an email, how did you get the furniture to sit at an angle?
Loved Alex's letter to his Uncle Roberto, the shots, nicely done!!
Alex is such a passionate person, so it is Roberto, thinking back to Annette (who, got around, it seems! LOL!) how sad. How tragic.
Tearing one's heart to shreds seems to be a common thread with all these characters, a thread that hold's them all together. Wonderful!
Looking forward to the ball...I feel your pain, getting a roomful of Sims together can be chaotic at best, sometimes wonderfully unpredictable.
Great update mate!!
LMAO! yes Gabe does look rather good in boots and breeches, LOL! Such an interesting combo with Francis, I am so happy I get to play with him. And their story is just pouring out, (I suppose my horns hold up my halo, LOL!)
Sophia is a dear character to me, I love her. Very protective very mischevious, and very loving. But she will not tolerate anyone hurting her brother. I shudder to think of what she will do to ava if she declines him. LOL!
Fate! Alex and Roberto have a very close relationship, his final tie to his late mother. Every one is tied in to Charles and Annette, and unfortunately unlike the double A's Roberto's affections were completely one sided.
And yes, alot of drama in this story. Then again I began it when I was 20, so drama was a thing... Between friends and family.
Although have to be honest have literally tossed the original to the side, and just letting the story go on it's own direction. Much better in my opinion. 80)
Well the ball is going to be a feat, I am going to have to split the first part into two. Being it is 167 screens and 12 pages long... And I always add extra screens, LOL! So I have decided to put it out every other day, for all three or four parts.
Thank you for reading, and the lovely comment. I had so many issues with this chapter. Lost my edited version, ACK!
Wonderful chapter, I truly enjoyed Alex's letter to his uncle. It was really nice that you let us in Roberto's memories, it looks like those two families are supposed to become one, it couldn't happened with Anette and Roberto, hopefully Ava and Alexander will have a happy ending..
But my favorite part has to be the whole conversation between Sophia and Ava, Sophia is so sweet, so young and yet so mature... every single word she said to Ava made sense and probably that was what Ava needed to make up her mind and open her heart again.
I completely understand Sophia's concern... I would be probably doing the same... actually I already did... I just found out a couple weeks ago that my 18 year old brother will get married at the end of the year... I was devastated... I know he is making a mistake... I talked to his bride... lol she seems so nice, but my brother is just like Alexander, lol he feels in love right away, and when he gives himself, he gives all and completely... so that makes him very vulnerable... just like Alexander is right now...
I do believe that Ava will be able to broke his heart in little pieces if he denies him....poor Alex, I'm really praying for him :D lol
And Sir Gabriel, yummy, he looks great no matter what era or what clothes he wears... I can't hardly wait to read more of him and Francis, they do look like a perfect match, both of them are cold and detached, lol perfect!!!
Beautiful writings as always... lovely chapter, bravo!!!
Thank you sandy,
I will reply better if my computer ever comes back up. I have lost my motherboard.
So I may be hitting you up for Alex again.
Men do look good in riding breeches and boots. I think you chose a perfect match -- Gabriel and Francis should hit it off just fine LOL!
The exchange between Ava and Sophia was so well done, Cherie. So real.
and Alex's letter was wonderful -- he feels almost too strongly.
Wonderful, wonderful writing and shots, and you know how hard I've been struggling today but I could not bear not to look and see what you did. I love it. Absolutely LOVE it.
Thank you so much Beth,
And just as you dealing with so much.
Will provide a proper comment soon.
Awww, dear old Gabe-that IS one match you have made there! I agree with Beth, they will get along well, lol!
Sophia's conversation with Ava was heartwarming, I totally understand her position, her brother obviously means the world to her and she likes Ava too. It would only be natural to be angry if Ava rejects him, he's really done nothing wrong that I see.
The entire letter writing scene was genious! Those pics with the letter overlay were beautiful. I'm looking forward to the ball as well, hope you get things sorted out soon! Good luck. :)
Thank you Sandy!
As I have said in the past I adore your comments they are always so emotional 80)
Yes the two families are certainly fated... I really like Roberto's character, he is so loving and kind. Yet so tormented, lol.
Sophia and Ava's conversation is my favorite too! And Yes she needed to say that. Give Ava a shove in the right direction... It was a must, especially considering what Ava chooses will affect her own happiness and friendship.
The good thing is Alexander will not take no for an answer! He will just continue to chase after her... until she finally relents, but yes it will hurt him all the same.
I couldnt resist the preview of Gabe and Francis, LOL! Yummy...Yummmy and yes I think I matched him well. Both of them so cold and calculating...
Thank you so much for your kind comment, and I am literally jumping for JOY!!! Geek squad is my hero today.
Thank you so much Beth for taking time away from your daunting task!
And yes riding breeches, although a few fill them out better... LIke ahem...Yes Gabe and Francis, great match there in my opinion. Actually after I gave up on my computer, I sat down and was able to write somemore on them... Given my knowledge of Gabe in all the other stories, he matches the cold calculating Francis very well and there is certainly lust between them. LOL!
Thank you I am so glad Sophia and Ava's conversation played out so well. I had a lot of difficulties with getting to flow smoothly.
Yes poor sweet, passionate Alex! He does have strong feelings, but for a reformed rake to fall in love so quickly and completely. Just wish I would have gone a little more indepth with his story.
Thank you Emily!
I love Sophia and Ava's conversation, and the fact that Sophie was so forthright with her emotions and feelings. Just couldnt get it to flow the way I wanted. 80) and no Alex has done absolutely nothing but try and Sway Ava's heart, 80)
Thank you, I keep seperate folders for all my chapters Pics, so it was fairly easy to get the pictures. and overlay,I am rather pleased with them as well.
Cherie, this has to be one of my favorite chapters. The scene between Ava and Sophia resonated with such emotion. Sophia is wise beyond her years. She knows Ava has love in her heart for Alex but her stubborn pride will not give in. Brilliantly done!
Now the scene with Roberto...again we see a glimpse of history repeating although Roberto's situation with Annette never had the happy ending he desired. I still have to say I am bothered by the machinations of all the adults in this. It is almost as though they are trying to right the past, live vicariously through their children.
Now Francis...what in the world is she up to? That last shot of them was fabulous.
This is such an intriguing and captivating tale! Looking forward to the ball! There should be some interesting fireworks there.
Thanks Gayl! especially when you are having such a difficult time.
Sophia and Ava's conversation is one of my absolute fav's. Although I couldnt get it out the way I wanted, and yes the young woman is wise beyond.
Thank you for that, and yes I believe the adults are, it is a twisted unhappy mess. Beatrice, Roberto, George, Francis, all of them are forcing their will and choices upon their children/grandchildren for what? the sanctity of family union/ties. BLEH! LOL!
Fortunately, Alexander and Ava well... At least he is utterly in love with her, 80)
Francis, oh my... I couldnt resist she is such a great villainess. Plus I really wanted to explore her some more. If you want to know I will send you an email, otherwise that will have to wait until december. ;0) that whole part was a preview of Butterfly 2 and now off to the Ball...
Thanks again for reading and I am so glad that you are enjoying. It is truly difficult to do something like this story blog, as I am sure you know. 80)
Whoa! That is Gabe, isn't it? Haha, that fiend. He's snuck into another story!
Ahem. Anyway. I have to apologize for not keeping up with you, Cherie! I'm doing so now, though, and WILL get caught up or I won't leave my PC, LOL. Even with the fiance here. He likes to look over my shoulder and since he doesn't know the story, he talks about the pictures and makes silly voices akin to monty python. Sigh. LOL
ANYWAY. I love, LOVE how you interspersed the scenes with Roberto/Annette and Ava/Alexander. It was brilliantly done and it flowed so wonderfully and conveyed more emotion than I thought possible. Definitely a good choice, both on pictures, the timing, and the writing in general. One of your best works yet, truly!
Annnd, I have to say, Sophia and Ava, well, I love them. I do. They are so cute. In fact, I'm going to say forget Alexander, bring on the Sophia/Ava, LOL. What is it with me and lesbians today? But really, Sophia is adorable and I love her and she needs a hug!
LOL!!! Yes it's gabe, in yet another story. LOL!
I dont mind I read that you've been really busy. And I figured you would get here when you could. 80) Well I suppose it's a good thing there are no nude scenes, LOL! and My husband does the same thing when I am editing my shots. 80) makes goofy noises, comments on things he shouldnt and makes innappropriate comments as well. As a matter of fact I had a hugging scene between two guys and he freaked out, "OH NO PLEASE TELL ME! They arent gonna kiss" that had me ROFL...
Thank you, *blush* I was particularly proud of the letter scenes. And once again another level to my madness. LOL! 80)
Sophia and Ava LOL! I dont think Alex would be to happy with that, LOL! And dont worry she gets one soon.
Thanks again for reading and WB!
Marvelous chapter Cherie! :rah:
Definitely a very emotional scene between Sophia and Ava! :( I feel really bad for Sophia, wanting something she didn't have the love of a mother... Ava is the closest she has ever come to that love, a woman she can look up to and care for and feel cared for in return... but will Ava be able to or not? :(
OMG! I wish I had read this chapter before I did the pics for 'Evermore', dang! :< You blew me away my friend with those GORGEOUS pics of Alexander's letter to Roberto! MARVELOUS technique! BRAVO! :wub: :wub:
It is scary the similarity between uncle and nephew in regard to the women in that family... :( If I was the uncle I would really fear for my nephew's heart! :(
Gabriel: Always sexy, no doubt about it! Lol! He looks fabulous in this era! :wub: I fear what Francis has planned to do with his help! 80
Wonderful chapter my friend!
As with Alex, Ava is the only one that can provide the companionship, love and caring towards Sophia. I am so glad that you feel that emotion. It was what I was truly striving for. 80)
Thank you in regards to my budding Paintshop techniques, LOL! At least I have the letters down, LOL! And your pics in Evermore are magnificent!!!
Yes, I too would fear for my nephew, brother, family members heart. But, sometimes you just have to let things go the direction they are destined. 80)
LOL! I couldnt resist, Gabriel is such the perfect character and he fits Francis so well in this story... and well... LOL! Francis and Gabe will have quite the interesting relationship. More to come later in the story. When I return from my break. LOL! but you will see him again soon enough...
I am so glad you enjoyed!!!! :wub:
I love the letter! So gorgeous - and it was nice to see the glimpse of Roberto's past with Anette. Very well done.
Heartfelt scene with Ava and Sophia - poor Sophia is feeling so vulnerable. I hope her brother's heart doesn't get broken, either.
Sir Gabriel - can you say YUMMY? That is an awesome look for him. I wonder what he and Francis are up to?
Francis and Gabe, a preview of whats to come. lol! And I love this look on him, I am so greatful beth let me use him. lol!
I wanted to show a little of the past with Annette and Roberto. Darned Wilshire women seem to bewitch the lorenzas lol! there will be more to come havent decided if it will be soon or later. but there will.
The letter was so easy, and I am quite pleased too. Paintshop and I are finally learning to cooperate with one another. LOL!
Yes Sophia is vulnerable, she adores ava but very much so loves her brother. and Ava well she wont be to horribly upset after a while. LOL!
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