Chapter 7 & 8
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Dinner that evening was the usual affair, the large dining area seemingly reverberating with the sound of voices, and the cool salty scent of the ocean intermixing with the smell of the food. Ava primly sat her eyes plastered to the door in nervous wait. Henry had sent a letter of promise to her room that afternoon, stating he would be attending the evening meal that eve and expressed his desire to see her once more. The mere thought of his name played a smile across her face, while the searing heat of an unmistakable blush darkened her cheeks at the memory of his kiss. Unaware of the fact that her finger had rested upon her lips she grinned, until Catherine’s sweet yet nervous tinged voice broke through her thoughts.
“It is a marvelous feeling to be in love, is it not?” She lowly whispered as she quizzically gazed upon Ava. “Just think of it my sweet Ava, we could be married to brothers,” Catherine sighed dreamily once again turning from her elder sister to resume her vigilant watch for Franklin.
Ava gazed upon her sister in disbelief, although Catherine had refused to speak of her actions earlier that afternoon, she knew in her heart, for Cat had changed and been seemingly walking on clouds ever since. “Come now, it was only a kiss… That does not insinuate a marriage proposal.” Ava stated, though the prospect of her losing Henry now caused a terrible heartache.
“Yes a kiss that was close to a ravishing,” Catherine retorted with a small yet teasing giggle. “And if I were to tell grandfather… It would certainly seal your fate,” she continued fixing Ava with her laughing pale blue eyes. “Is that not what you desire? Although I had not known you to be so brash,” Catherine playfully mocked, igniting both fury and a sense of desire within Ava.
“Ava, Catherine,” Beatrice interrupted before Ava had the opportunity to quiet her sister. Slowly and nervously Ava turned to rest her gaze upon her grandmother while she fell into silent prayer that Beatrice had not heard what had just been said. “There has been a small seating change in light of recent events,” The duchess continued, unaffected. “The young Viscount has requested to dine in your company this evening.” She stated in a matter of fact tone, that allowed Ava to release a long hiss of breath that she had been unaware she was holding. “Are you displeased Ava?” her grandmother questioned in bewilderment, hearing the subtle sound.
“N-no, Grandmother I am merely surprised,” Ava stammered in response as she made the breathless excuse.
“Well…” Beatrice breathed, narrowing her eyes in a scrutinizing manner that unnerved both young women. “It is quite an honor, so I do understand your nervousness.” She warmly replied, with a soft smile. “As well I wanted to ask that you forgo your evening escort with Catherine, for young Franklin has requested a private meeting with her, and…” Ava’s heart beat fast as she saw the look of displeasure that crossed her grandmother’s face. “The captain has requested a stroll with you, Ava. Unfortunately there will be no one available to escort you and your grandfather believes that all will be well.” The older woman seemed nervous at the revelation, yet continued. “In this event I am to ask that you behave in an appropriate manner, and understand that a captain is not befitting of our family.” Beatrice dourly finished, her eyes narrowed in undeterminable annoyance before she walked away.
“A Captain is not…” Catherine singsonged in a mocking whisper.
“Quiet yourself Catherine,” Ava scolded her, cutting her sister off before she could continue.
“Good evening milady,” Henry’s deep gravelly voice cut into her mind before she could continue the ministration of her scolding.
“Good evening h-sir,” Ava greeted unable to withhold the smile that crept across her face or the blush as she realized she had nearly said his name, a rather intimate greeting that was generally reserved for married couples. Fortunately, he had not seemed to notice as she realized that his intense gaze was focused upon Catherine in a most knowing manner. Causing the younger of the two girls to blush furiously. Before anyone could speak any further, Franklins chipper voice cut through the tension.
“Good eve Lady Ava,” He began cheerfully before he turned his affectionate yet shy gaze upon her sister, the faintest tint of a blush creeping into his cheeks. “Lady Catherine,” he sighed dreamily as if all else in the room ceased to exist but him and her sister…
Alex sat heavily upon the lounge in his private quarters, his mind racing, for already two months had passed. A shiver ran through his body, despite the crackling fire and half bottle of expensive French brandy, he had consumed. His head throbbing, the dull ache having begun when his uncle had passed down his edict. Absently Alexander stared into the flickering blue and gold flames while his mind remained focused upon the argument he and his sister Sophia had four day earlier; when he’d informed her she was to stay with their cousin in London until he came for her in late August. At the time he had made the arrangements it had seemed well enough, being he would be able to travel from Lorraine’s, straight to the Wilshire Manor.
A fearful and hollow laugh erupted from him then, as he thought of the letter that lay upon his desk, the invitation to Duke and Duchess George Carmichael’s estate for their granddaughter’s announcement ball. A granddaughter no one had been aware of until late, a granddaughter in whom may be just what he needed.
The temporary amusement having worn off, Alexander rubbed furiously at his temples, in an effort to ease the dull ache that seemed determined to reside behind his eyes. While he thought of how Sophia had been so adamant in her disregard to his decision. Her pretty young face contorted with child like rage and hurt. “I DON’T WANT TO STEP A SINGLE FOOT INTO THAT DROLL HOUSE!” she had cried out in disdain acting far from her thirteen years of age.
“You will stop this nonsense immediately! For I’ve business to attend to that you would only be underfoot,” Alexander grimaced as the full impact of his words hit him. He had never spoken to her so abruptly in her twelve years and judging by her silent response to him over the course of their journey, he had wounded her deeply. A pain that would certainly take many a month to remand… now he could only pray that their relationship would once more regain the strength it had once possessed.
As if his guilt over leaving his sister in the care of their cousin had not been enough, Baroness Le’Fore had come to him this eve. Under any other circumstance, he would have found a bit of solace with his favorite mistress, yet tonight’s events proved their relationship had come to an end. An animal growl of embarrassment rather than desire escaped his throat as he thought of their interaction.
“Whatever is the matter my lord,” Evette had purred, trying to mask her aggravation at his lack of capabilities as Alex rose from the bed and hurriedly pulled on his breeches. When he failed to respond to her, she rose from the bed, without a stitch of clothing to cover her lovely body, a vision that normally caused him to react like a rutting boar and sauntered towards him. “Come now, normally you find peace with me,” she purred seductively, reaching her smooth hand to his cheek.
Alex watched in silence as he grabbed her hand and pushed it away, causing Evette to slit her chocolate brown eyes in aggravation. “Is this about your uncle’s ultimatum?” She suddenly questioned with a chilly laugh. “So you find some unwitting young woman, marry her and we continue our happy arrangement,” She finally stated her usual cheerful tone returned. “Then your uncle will be happy, and I don’t mind if you sleep with her in order to produce an heir, tis not like I have an exclusive claim upon you.” She murmured huskily in his ear.
Incredulously Alexander stepped back, gazing into her eyes for any sign that she had been anything but serious yet what he found was far from humor. He knew that when he married he would not stray, his parents had always per his knowledge been utterly in love and despite his uncles demands, and he refused to marry for anything but.
“Evette, I am afraid that is not to be,” He finally spoke somehow managing his anger at her unbelievable statement. “Dress yourself, while I call for your carriage.”Alex muttered with disgust, as he tossed her gowns at her and headed towards his door. “This is to be our last meeting,” he dully informed her, not bothering to turn around before exiting, shutting the door to her angry cries.
“You’ll tire of your virginal bride soon enough and when you come crawling back on your knees, begging for my favors I assure you, I shall not take you back…” She had hollered after him, but all he could think was he was not going to ever return to her, or go to any other woman beside his wife…
“Lady Ava, I was hoping I could induce you to accompany me for an evening stroll,” Henry questioned as they completed their meals. Unknowing how to respond and not wanting to hurt him, she barely breathed as she thought of her response.
“I would very much enjoy that, yet…” the look of questioning hurt that crossed his face caught her breath for the briefest moments. “Unfortunately my Grandfather and Grandmother have already granted permission to the Captain to escort me on a stroll this eve.” She sadly murmured, Ava’s breath catching in her throat at the swift, dark and vicious way Henry’s eyes darkened at her response.
“I see,” Henry finally stated, when Ava imagined he had regained his composure, “I shall have to await until tomorrow for my stroll with you. If you would have me?” He stated with a small smile, despite the angry twitch at the corner of his mouth.
“Most assuredly, I shall accept your invitation,” Ava gleefully responded just before Captain Regan appeared to request her escort.
The only sounds that seemed to cut through the cool night air of the ocean seemed to be the soft click of Ava’s hard soled slippers and the handsome captain’s boots against the deck. “You look lovely tonight,” Captain Regan, stated finally shattering the silence as he stopped and faced her. Ava shivered ever so slightly when he took her hand into his, and gently brushed his lips over her knuckles.
Unsure of how to respond and unnerved by the blatant display of affection Ava hurriedly pulled away from him like a startled deer. “Thank you for the compliment C-captain Regan.” She stammered slightly, as she settled her thoughts. “I appreciate your invitation, this walk has been quite liberating. But I truly must retire, for I am terribly fatigued.” She excused herself, saying the first thing that came to mind as she turned and hurried towards her cabin…
Henry paced back and forth before her cabin door, the jealousy that had begun to build the moment she explained her evening’s events to him, had now grown into rage. At first, he had attempted to relax within his quarters, but the idea of her out with the captain had prevented him from doing so until all he could do was walk. Unfortunately, his legs had guided him here, to the door of her cabin where he had waited for what seemed an eternity.
“Did you intend to make me jealous?” he gruffly questioned as soon her silhouetted form came visible in the dim light, waiting as a panther would to strike its prey before grabbing her against him and kissing her like he would never kiss her again.
“I-I assure you that was not my intention in the least,” Ava stammered in surprise once her breath returned, while Henry stared upon her in the most unnerving manner. Hurriedly she attempted to dispel the thoughts that Henry was doing unthinkable things to her in his mind and squelch the blush that darkened her cheeks. “Sir, I insist upon you releasing me this instant,” Ava indignantly replied when he failed to remove his grasp and she had recovered.
“No!” Henry’s tone was menacing and caused fear to nearly choke her as she gazed into the deep blue pools of his enraged eyes. “Not until you consent to be my wife,” he growled as he once more lowered his head to hers, brushing a chaste kiss against her cheek. The simple and sweet gesture disappointing and softening her flared temper all in one.
“Henry…” Ava’s tone was unsure, just as she felt unhinged at his sudden question, the full brunt of his comments sinking in.
“MMM,” he murmured into her hair.
“Were you jealous,” she innocently questioned, knowing the answer without his reply by the rapid heartbeat that pounded against her breast.
“Yes, how could I not be? When all I’ve thought about, dreamed of these last three years is you…” He murmured, suddenly fragile.

“Thank you!” Henry exuberantly replied, the sound of footsteps and voices breaking his hold on her before he could kiss her again. Ava watched in bemusement as his figure disappeared into the darkened corners of the ship, “Hurry in my dearest Ava…” Came Henry’s whisper from the dark, bringing a smile to her face as she realized he was doing the same…

Even their arrival at the grand manor had been overshadowed by Catherine’s misjudgments and had seemingly turned their lives upside down, as Beatrice planned the hastened nuptials.

“Ava, may I present Madame Francis Marchal,” his tone was short as if he had not desired their acquaintance. “Madame Marchal, my eldest granddaughter, Ava.” If she had found his introduction strained before, this one was far more and she noted that an odd look of forbiddance seemed to pass from the Duke to this mysterious woman.

“No, I have come on business,” the woman’s response was sharp as she soaked in every inch of Ava with a cold grey-eyed scrutiny. “Well I see that Lady Annette boar a child of greater beauty than she herself had once been.” She sneered, her icy tone startling Ava. “Pray tell my lady, how does it feel to be elevated from the gutters of the earth, into nobility,” Francis questioned coolly her gaze unflinching.
“That is enough,” George boomed, shooting the woman a wary and threatening glance. “Ava I assume you’ve other activities to occupy your time,” her grandfathers tone had softened and yet was still edged with steel.
“I apologize Grandfather,” She hurriedly admonished grateful for an opportunity to get away from the malicious woman. “It has been a pleasure to make your acquaintance Madame,” she finished with a slight curtsy before exiting the room.

“It seems you have me at an impasse,” George snarled, knowing that his granddaughter’s heart would soon be broken. “Yet I assure you… If I ever hear one slanderous word against me or my own, I shall personally break your neck,” the Duke threatened menacingly, a small smile playing across his lips as Francis blanched and shrank into her seat. “As well, you know that my granddaughter is of greater blood than your own daughter despite their shared blood, so I must insist that you refer to her accordingly.” He finished with a cold smile, as visions of the woman’s lifeless body danced before his eyes.

hah, i can't help but comment, even though i must be getting annoying x3
i loved every shot, quite beautiful, and the writing was extremely good, making you laugh, and want to kill Francis yourself, i think George should get it over and done with xD
I can't believe shes Charle's first wife o.o
I sense alot of heartbreak to come, darn Francis.
Well I read your commment about the "raw" shots, but they are quite lovely -- different and interesting angles, beautiful use of color, and in a couple of them it felt like the ship was toppling forward, something about the shot really felt like movement. Great job with them!
So far I'm very happy with Ava and Catherine's choices, if they work out. Franklin is a sweetie, and Henry definitely needs to get himself a girl fast LOL! I'm concerned he may have to fight for Ava though -- the course of that relationship doesn't appear to be smooth.
Alex is sexy and fascinating and not altogether a good guy -- he seems complex. Brooding. Wonderful character! Those scenes with Evette were well done -- sensual but tense. You really captured the moment!
Now that dreadful Francis...unique looks. I don't think I've seen someone who looks like that. Stunning beauty and completely original. However, that monstrous self-regard is not a pretty sight.
Great writing, beautiful shots and overall very very well done. I think this is your best yet!
Thank you anon and no you are not annoying in the least, 80)
Francis is certainly not a good person, yes maybe George should, but he has his family to protect.
Thank you beth,
I have a method I generally end up taking pictures from several angles, and now that I know the camerman mod, it makes it easier and more unique.Then I go through each one until I find the one that I like.
Unfortunately there will not be much smoothness, for Henry or Ava the newest evil witch has staked her claim and has the power to ruin the entire family...
Alex is one of my favorite characters in this story, and thank you I am so glad that I captured a little of what I wanted with him. You are quite right, he dearly loves his sister, enjoys his dalliances, yet deep down does want to find the love of a woman... His uncle telling him to marry weighs quite heavily with him. everyone will see alot more of him to come.
Yes Francis, I made her that way purposely. I wanted the cold looks and I wanted her to be pretty in the event I ever use her again.
Thank you again, I am glad that you enjoyed.
Ava and Henry are quite cute together and of course, Catherine has Franklin. Good thing, too, given what those two were up to. ;)
I thought the shots were well done, too! As Beth said, I enjoyed the angles. It was definitely different to see no editing at all, but I actually kind of liked it. Their faces and expressions are clear and concise and it was easy to focus on both the pictures and the words.
And argh, that horrid woman at the end is going to ruin everything! I'm afraid she's going to take Henry and that saucy Spaniard is going to snap up Ava! What a turnabout that would be!
Yes Mao,
Unfortunately as I previous stated there are deeper things at play... And sadly despite how sweet Ava and Henry may be, it cannot.
Francis will not let her ex-husbands illegitimate child take her daughters place, especially when her families funding depends upon it.
As far as Alexander goes, he is certainly one of my favorite characters and much more suited to her temperment... LOL, he will just have to find a way to pull himself up to scratch. LOL...
He's actually a key to Ava's finding out how she became to be, why her parents were in america etc. But I can assure you, she will not be easily swayed... And I still have plenty of drama and twists left.
Cherie this update was great! The images were very well done! I loved the perspectives you used with them. Very dramatic.
Now to the writing which was extremely good and even more captivating than ever. I feel so bad for Ava knowing that she and Henry cannot be together. I only hope that if she is meant to marry Alexander, that she grow to love him as much as she does Henry, or will history repeat itself I wonder?
Franklin and Catherine are just a darling couple. I am certainly happy they are getting married! And it looks like none too soon by their behavior.
Francis, more wicked than Beatrice in her manner. Too bad she won that battle. Very loathsome woman. No wonder Charles was unhappy.
And Alexander is such a mixture of honor, debauchery, and sensuality. Very complex indeed.
Enjoy your break Cherie and I will be looking forward to your next update!
Wow!!! thank you so much Gayl, I am happy you enjoyed.
Yes I know of Henry and Ava, they are just too... Perfect... LOL
I havent really decided on Alex, but they would make an idyllic pair. Always full of fire, and I am going against the original... 80)
Ava, well she is... Obstinate and Moralistic. Unfortunately her stubborn streak rules her, with the exception of her moments, which up until now involve only Henry. Being so young she believes herself in love, yet is merely enamored... Sorry for the spoiler LOL...
Thank you for the comment on Alex, I really wanted to portray him in the right light, and great use of words. Yes he enjoys being a playboy, LOL... but something has shifted... Not just because of his ultimatum, but because of his own heart. The problem there is, he enjoys debauchery, he enjoys toying with those who will let him and he enjoys tossing them aside as well considering, he's never known the love his parents felt, his personal downfall... So if he is to be induced to love with Ava, she will have to give him what he longs for most of all, vice versa for her...
Francis and Cat, I love them for their sweet relationship... I dont even have to use cheats, LOL. She just migrates as he does. I think my game is in favor with my story,LOL. Not really sure how they are going to play out though, because she seems to suffer a wandering eye... 80S
And finally Francis, evil loathsome witch... I am writing her and still despise her. LOL!!! she has to much power over their family for being so below their status. Which is why George cant stand her.
Thanks for reading
Finally made it over here! Having the two chapters at once was such a ride of emotion, the first one was so up and then the last one just brought you down!
All I can say is that whatever happens from here will probably be heartbreaking, but it's your story so go with it! And I won't say who I want with whom because I really can't say until I see more of Alex. :)
I do love that scene with Alex and his mistress, he's by far the most attractive one yet to me but there seems to be such goodness in him that I can't wait to see. Most men from that time wouldn't think twice about having a mistress, would they?
It took me a while to remember who the woman at the end was talking about, Henry is betrothed to Ava's half sister from her father's first marraige, isn't he? If she finds that out it would probably be very awkward indeed!
Wonderful update Cherie and the screens were really good, I don't think you need to do much editing!
Thank you Emily,
I know it is a rather sad ending, but in my oppinion Henry and Ava are just too perfect... With the exception of their first meeting. As well he has many skeletons in his closet... And can be less than enticing...
Alex is by far my favorite guy sim, he is very loving, very kind and yet enjoys his indiscretions, plus I think he's cute. LOL!!! Still he's not quite the good guy, very tempermental and when he wants something he will take it, no matter the cost. LOL!!! Still in his defense, his parents were very much in love and that was all he ever saw... So when he does marry he wants what they had.
And men in that time generally had three+ mistress's scattered about the country. For them it was a sign of virility and wealth...
YES!!! Henry is stuck in an unwanted engagement to Charles legitimate daughter. The one he left behind... As hateful as Francis may be, I believe I agree with her slightly...
The next chapter most definately carries some surprises. And the Ava I began with is returning, with all her fiery disregard and temperment...
Soon we will begin the journey of Ava's learning and finding her self, about her father and mother. I wonder how she will take it...
Wonderful work Cherie!
I am developing a real fondness for Alexander, as you know, I like a male character who is not all good. Love the 'rutting Boar' comment, LOL!! Love his poses as he reflects in the well-decorated parlour! Isn't decorating these period piece rooms fun?
Quite the twist with Henry betrothed to Charles first daughter, thanks Emily for clarifying that, for I was confused! LOL! Duh!
Yes, Henry and Ava are perfect, so I definitely see bumps in the road ahead, cannot wait to see what travels you lead us on.
Your writing continues to sparkle, your shots show great care and depth.
So glad you are part of the group, mate!
I love Alex... and I am still learning how to work decorgals posistions. Sometimes they work and sometimes they sink... LOL!!! Now his attitude, I enjoy a guy who will stand up for himself, but still want him sweet. 80p (proverbial bad guy here and more to come) Truthfully I am having fun writing about him, and... Well you'll have to wait until next chapter to see how it all goes. LOL!!
Yes most definately I enjoy building and decorating, just havent been doing it as much lately, since I started my blog any how. Although I need a specific set... So I am going to have to build, at least I am taking some time off. Although I am getting excited to answer a few lingering questions, so I may have my update next weekend. Possibly sooner, but I doubt it.
Thanks again for reading and thank you for the wonderful compliments. I really appreciate everyones supportive comments, because they do help me to become a better writer. And maybe someday I will meet the same standards as you all do. LOL! And I am so glad to be a part of the group.
OMG!! that was an awesome chapter!! so much going on...
and I was so happy when Henry asked Ava to marry him.... and now, that woman! She came to ruin everything!!
The captain what a jerk, he told on Catherine because he was pissed that Ava didn't like him!!! with such actions he will never get Ava's attention!! geez... he acted like a little boy!
The pictures were great! They do look better without the photoshop! Told you, your writing is already beautiful and descriptive you don't need photoshop at all!!!
Great job, I'm glad Catherine and Frank will marry soon!!
And Alex, what can I say about him? I hope he finds what he is looking for!!!
Great job!!
Thank you sandy,
Although, the next chapter will go quite fast... Alot of info in a short amount of time.
Truthfully I am getting a little bored with Ava and Henry, he is too sweet. LOL!
Thanks for the comments on the shots. I am still learning the cameraman mode so they come out a little odd at times, and I really wanted to get this piece out.
Unfortunately I am suffering a case of withdrawal I think, cause Ijust cant seem to not play and take the shots so I dont think my two weeks will come. LOL...
Francis is thinking of her own families needs, and there is a deep rooted jealousy and anger towards Ava and Cat, because they are the loved daughters of her ex husbands. Yes she is evil, coniving and mean, but she does have a point. With her displaced anger. She just needs to assault it upon the right person, Charles.
Welcome back and welcome to S2WA!!! I am so happy you accepted, you've been such a great help and plethora of info for me...
getting tire with your main character!! I have been there lol that's why I changed my story into a big soap opera, lol I made a "all characters" story, lol all of them are main characters now... lol
Yes I do like Henry but he is definitely too sweet for my taste, lol that's why I went with Alex, he is just perfect a flirt without being a rake, strong and sweet all at the same time... he takes care and listen to his sister, not all men would do that!! but he doesn't let anybody else control his life... I do believe (maybe I'm wrong) that Henry lets his family control his life and actions... but he and Ava look great together and we have to accept it was love at first sight!!! :D
Well if the child of my ex was getting ready to steal my daughter's future husband, I will jump just like Francis, lol I have no children, lol but I bet I would go as far as Francis has gone... lol
Great update and take your time, it is always nice and RELAXING to step back from the story! you get a lot more ideas once you come back after a break!!!
I did forget to respond to the Captain, I couldnt think of any other reason for the grandparents to find out, or for the captain to make his appearance, so thank you for catching that , LOL.
The next chapter will tie up alot of loose ends and make things a little more clear.
Poor Ava is in for a hell of roller coaster ride though. Whew! I am so glad to be getting to the juicy part of the story. Naked scenes included LOL!!! but those wont be for a while.
You should see Ava and Alex together though. Quite a contrast, and I cant keep them seperated, which isnt going to work with the story, LOL!...I literally had to force Henry and Ava to be friends, thank goodness for cheats. I dont know why it is, maybe ava is just a smart sim.
I know that I have been building it up to be love at first sight, but it is merely infatuation on Ava's part. Her first love, for Henry he loves the way she looks and puts a great deal of admiration into the fact that she would dare stand up to him.
All will be said soon enough...
OMG! My dear Cherie, this chapter was FANTASTIC! WOW! Okay, let me gather my thoughts here, so much I want to say, lol! :D
First, let me mention that since the link to your story from your main page takes us to the last chapter you updated, I got a quick glimpse while scrolling to the bottom for the chapter list (even though I tried not to because I don’t want to ruin it for myself, lol), but I’m glad to see that you are now distributing the text more evenly with your pics! Bravo on that! :D That makes it easier on your readers and gives us a better opportunity to appreciate your beautiful pics!
Now, this chapter: WOW! Your pictures are GORGEOUS! Cherie, you don’t understand how much I admire and respect all your attention to detail regarding the décor of your lots! Every painting on walls and mantel, serving trays, the bottle of brandy and glasses on the table, the gorgeous curtains and perfect furniture for the time period, the stroll around the ship with the beautiful starry night in the background, everything is just MARVELOUS! All your hard work pays off to get these FABULOUS pics! :wub: :rah:
Let’s not forget your BEAUTIFUL writing! You keep the time period alive with your style! THANK-YOU! :wub:
ALEX: The more I see him the more I like him! You captured him perfectly with those shots! I can really appreciate his ‘brooding’ eyes and temperament, and I LOVE the fact that he wants to be faithful to his wife! Especially, in a time period were that was very rare, I think is quite commendable! He is quite a HANDSOME fellow, with very exotic features! :wub: :rah: Ooooo! And he is going to meet AVA! Yay! :wub:
OMG! The twists and tangles of this story are freaking AWESOME! I don’t blame Francis for her anger she was greatly humiliated and betrayed, but WOW! So, Henry’s intended is no other than Ava’s half-sister, WOW! I’m flabbergasted! This is too rich, I can’t wait to see what happens next! WONDERFUL STORY! :rah: :wub:
Thank you so very Much Zayury!!! I Was and still am a little limited in ability with the poses and such. But am certainly getting better especially since I found you can combine more than one to get the right face or stance, LOL! And I suppose I am a bit of a perfectionist, lol… I spend days to weeks creating one lot… just finished a couple weeks ago one that I worked on for about three weeks. Granted not all day. *Blushing* Your compliment on the shots is greatly appreciated especially considering you take such beautiful shots as well. 80)
AND… Thank you for the lovely comment on my writing. I try really hard to keep it in time, and feel that since I began this blog my writing has certainly improved. ;0)
LOL! Alex is my baby, lol! Certainly my favorite… And he is such a willing model, does anything without complain, lol! Especially in reference to… *Wink* Now Alex is very passionate, stubborn and caring. Whoa be it to the one that breaks his heart. And Yes he meets Ava! They are my ever arguing double A’s lol!
Yes this story has more twists and turns than a mountain road… Quite hard to keep up with at times, and can get confusing. I cant tell you how many times I have had to explain the whole thing to my husband, LOL! In regards to all the characters and their relationships.
Thank you again so much Dear Zayury!!! I appreciate the glowing comment and cant wait to see what you think of the rest!... *Hugs*
This is a very pretty chapter. I can see you're starting to experiment with angles and closeups - and they're great!
I love the scene with Alex and Evette. You manage to quite nicely flesh Alex out in a short amount of time - he's coming together nicely and seems to have a lot of sustenance. I'm liking him more with each chapter, and have every faith that he will make his future wife happy, or at least try very hard. I find it honorable that he intends to stay true, though he doesn't even know who he will end up with.
I'm happy Catherine is getting married - I'm sorry her little adventure had to be pointed out, though.
Francis is a striking sim, very unique facial structure and features - very pretty. But she's obviously up to no good and aiming to stir things up to get what she wants. But what's a good story without drama! Bring it on! Dramatize me. Let's see what Francis pulls out of her sleeve. By the way, I LOVED George's comment to her about breaking her neck - LOL! Now we see where Ava got her spunk!
Your story was joy enough to read already, but now there are new things going on and things are getting all tense and stuff. Awesome!
Yes this is the first chapter after I learned from Panda Bears about the Cameraman Mode. LOL! Still working with it, but I think I am getting better. LOL!
Thank you, I had promised Sandy a chapter solely to Alex, but couldnt come up with anything so I wrote the Evette piece and added it in. Boy was I ever nervous with the nudity, LOL!
As you will see Alex is a steady force, a passionate and stubborn individual. And I have no doubt that when he is induced into love he will be lost. 80)
Yes Catherine got married,
I actually posted the shots on my main page, under one of the labels. LOL!
Francis I wanted to be able to use her again possibly. But still wanted her to look evil so to speak. She is certainly not a loving character.
George and Ava have an adoring relationship, and yes I believe that is where she got it. LOL!
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