Sophia laughed a cheerful tinkling sound that echoed through the orangery and brought a small smile to Ava’s face. For she found that she rather liked the woman her brother had chosen, she was a bit brash, very forward and extremely honest yet Sophia rather enjoyed her company. “I believe that I must wholeheartedly agree with you,” Sophia giggled as she warmly hugged Ava. “Knowing my brother as I do… I unfortunately cannot dare say what he may be,” she smiled.

“Si,” Sophia cheerfully replied, nearly doubling over with laughter as Ava gazed in bewilderment upon her. “I am so sorry, you do not speak Spanish,” she apologized, “Si… it means… Yes,” she slowly explained, silently reminding herself to refrain from her native tongue while in the presence of the woman.

“Oh no,” Sophia calmly stated, deciding that if this young woman were nearly as stubborn as Alexander she would have to push her in his direction. “It is in my opinion that you are rather drawn to him.” She laughed out, “And in reply to your question, my brother has never spoken that phrase to any other than I. So I must deduce that he is taken with you as well.” She grinned broadly her deep hazel eyes focused intently upon Ava’s pale green ones.

“I am nowhere close to being smitten with him,” Ava indignantly huffed, quite shaken by the young girl’s apt reading of her. Silently Ava's heart and mind waged a turmoil filled, inner battle over her obvious lack of self-control during their brief moments in each other’s presence that afternoon. Adding to the frightening lack of composure while she was in Alexander's presence, Ava found that she had developed an unsettling attraction towards the dark, wickedly handsome Duke. A bittersweet feeling, being Ava felt that she was doing her heart, with its fresh memories of love for Henry an injustice. Further bothering Ava, she found that she displayed a rather uncanny interest in Alexander, seemingly incapable of banishing him from her thoughts, despite her anger at his incredulous request.

“Once again my brother is difficult. He is rather stubborn yes, yet he is not one to give his heart or his love lightly.” Sophia paused to think more in depth at what she needed to say, feeling that her words were of great importance in her goal to sway Ava. “I believe…In my heart that you are the only one that will ever keep him in check,” she smiled as she remembered the strange look upon her brother’s face when he kissed Ava that afternoon. “I think you should also know he does not kiss just anyone, it is an affection reserved for the privacy of a closed door. An intimate gesture that tells me that he cares for you far more than either of us knows.” She finished, the peals of laughter erupting from her as she watched Ava blanch at her revelation. “Ah si, I saw…” she added, quickly falling silent and turning as the door to the orangery flew open.

“I apologize brother,” Sophia grinned unaffected, “I took your advice…” quickly she fell silent as he shot her a withering glare of untold communication. “I have been having a wonderful chat with Lady Ava; she has promised me a tour of the gardens tomorrow.” Sophia added with an angelic smile in his direction and a wink in Ava’s, her attempt to cover their true conversation obvious.

“That is wonderful,” Alex sighed finding it difficult to focus his attentions on his sister when Ava was in the room, the faint scent of her honeysuckle soap intermixing with the heady citrus in the air a combination of interesting clash. “If you would please leave us, I must speak with Lady Ava in private,” He finally stated when he managed to regain his composure; a small, satisfied smile playing across his face as Ava’s surprised gaze flew to him.

“Sophia is very welcome to stay,” Ava quietly stuttered the mere thought of being alone with him again disconcerting to her. Alexander seemed to have a powerful pull on her senses and she knew with certainty he would be the only in which she would abandon her morals. A fearful thought as she stared in uncomfortable disdain upon him.

“Sophia now,” Alex forcefully ordered his deep voice reverberating through the air and causing a small tremor of fear to snake its way through Ava as she realized she had no other option and dismally began to search for anyone to escort her visit, realizing that there was not even a maid to be found.

“I shall see you tomorrow my lady,” Sophia quickly excused herself, once again winking at Ava, “difficult…” She quietly whispered so only Ava could hear, with a smile before turning and quickly hurrying away. Stopping briefly Sophia turned her face upwards to gaze lovingly upon Alexander, “You were right, I enjoyed her company very much,” She grinned up at him, knowing he would understand her true meaning, before disappearing into the manor…

Marianne sat in stunned silence for an hour before finally gathering up the courage to seek out Henry, the last thing she truly wanted was to give herself to him and yet she knew that if she did not he would most certainly force his will. Nervously she dressed and began her journey towards the Library, part of her hoping he would be sleeping while the other wished him to be awake for she had to say something of great importance…

Henry had started to open another bottle, yet had changed his mind at the last moment. He knew he was using the liquor to drown out emotions, memories and painful thoughts that unfortunately for him would never dissipate. His heart belonged to Ava, he belonged with her yet she was correct. Ava's words playing through his heart and mind repeatedly, hearing them as if she were in the room…

“I don’t know why, but the fates are not in our favor…”

How correct she had been, sucking in a deep shuddering breath he angrily wished he had never met her, for she consumed his body and soul. He even compared his own wife to her, “Would it have been the same if I had never found her?” he whispered to himself, the question burning his throat as if made of acid. Surely, it would have, for his heart would never have fully been given away. The sound of the door opening breaking his thoughts, he snapped his head in its direction, wondering why one of the servants would be disturbing him this late and his heart skipping a beat as he suddenly feared something had happened to Marianne. “What!” he ground out, fighting the urge to jump from the lounge and rush to her room, their room.

“I have come to speak to you,” Marianne’s quiet sweet voice called out unsurely into the dark room, putting Henry’s mind at ease.

“So you have decided to come to me tonight,” he grinned knowing it would rile her up, wanting to break through her ever-cool exterior. For something told him that underneath the polished veneer of his wife’s quiet mannerisms lay a fiery woman.

“No,” Marianne’s reply was direct, matter of fact and oddly enough calm despite the racing of her heart at his having been still awake. Tentatively she stepped further into the room coming to stand in the faint circle of fire light from the fireplace. “I have come to say…” She paused long enough to swallow against the lump of nerves and fright that encompassed her, while she blindly stared into the darkened corner of the room where his voice had come from.

Henry gazed with interest upon Marianne, noting how lovely she looked standing in the midst of the flickering firelight. “Unless you wish for me to take your being here as an attempt to conduct your wifely duties, speak.” Henry growled lasciviously, knowing he was behaving poorly towards her yet uncaring at this particular moment.

“I have come to say that…” Marianne released a long shuddering sigh as she nervously wrung her hands together. “I will lay with you until I have provided an heir. At which time I must insist that you find other means to satisfy your cravings…” her voice came out high pitched and sounded far less demanding than she had initially desired. “This is under one provision,” she continued. “You must not think of or seek out another until after the child is born.” She quietly murmured her tone considerably deflated.

“You are most certainly joking,” Henry laughed out coldly, the sound grating to even his own ears. “What if the first child is a girl?” He questioned through the fit of laughter that wracked his very body. “And what if you find yourself a lover and end up with his seed? What am I to do then, raise it as my own knowing full well it is a bastard?” Her request was utterly hilarious to him, a fact Henry did nothing to hide as his thick cruel laughter echoed through the room.

“I-I will continue to lay with you until an heir is provided,” Marianne meekly whimpered completely taken aback by his disregard. “As far as a lover goes, I have not such a need.” She whispered the heat from her anger at his comment rising from the depths of her stomach to rest in her cheeks.

“My sweet, I assure you once you have had even the smallest taste your body will forever crave release.” Henry cruelly laughed out, “Now when do you propose this so called farce to begin,” he continued suddenly serious as he fought at the urge to take her right where she stood.

“Whenever you wish my lord,” Marianne weakly whispered, her voice a frightened croak.

Her comment struck him hard, she was willingly coming to him, granted he had frightened her and she most likely feared he would force himself upon her if she had not. Something that was furthest from truth, despite his menacing threat. Henry could never do that to his wife or any woman, even though many of his friends had exacted their rights in such a manner, “So you would be willing to take me now?” He softly questioned, the idea setting both lustfully and uneasily with him.

“Y-yes,” he heard her fright, felt her heartache, the fragility that was his innocent bride pulling at his heart.

“What do you want?” Ava snapped irritably the mere memory of his request igniting her anger once more. The thought of being linked to this dangerous, powerful man in unison with Ava's own un reasonable emotions towards him unsettling to her. How his presence muddled her senses, how she had felt with his lips upon hers; she had been rendered incapable of control.

“Can you at least put an end to your lack of manners for one moment of civility?” Alexander snarled, his face contorting with aggravation at her words, especially when she had no idea of what he had come to say. His heart pounding furiously as he gazed upon her, the humidity in the air having matted her hair to her face and the heat causing her to glow with dewy wetness. A brief vision of her in his bed looking just that way snaked through his mind, a notion he hurriedly dismissed.

“What on this earth would ever bring you to believe I could ever be prevailed upon to treat you with civility?” Ava muttered angrily. “When you have forced your ridiculous will upon my family?” She finished crossing her arms over her chest for emphasis as she reminded him that he had forced himself upon her.

“I am not a man that you can toy with,” Alexander’s tone was deep and menacing as he glared down upon her. “I meant what I said in the gardens, I do not make idle threats and whether you like it or not, I have chosen to court YOU!” he had been capable of keeping his tone even until he came to her, the mere thought of her name angering him greatly, the feel of her against him unbearable. “I still intend fully to tame you Mi Amore and I swear,” he paused silently willing his desires away. “You will yield to me eventually, for I have found the one I want…” He grinned wickedly upon her and licked his lips seductively. “You belong to me now, Mi Amore…” Alexander ground out, lowering his mouth to a mere breaths distance from hers, the overwhelming urge to taste her again driving him nearly mad.

“I am not your love, nor am I yours, you pig…” Ava snarled in an attempt to dispel the overwhelming emotions that coursed through her, desperately fighting to control the wild pound of her heart within her breast.

“What is so interesting my love?” George’s smiling voice cut through Beatrice’s thoughts, the sound causing her to guiltily turn towards him.

“They must marry…” the duchess sighed out, “He will compromise her to be sure…” she murmured not entirely displeased with the idea. A smile crossing her face at her husband’s questioning glance, “See for yourself, she’s in love it is written across her face. And he, well Alexander cannot keep his hands off of her.” She added stepping aside so that George could peer out upon the embraced couple.

“Precautions are not to help; they will find their way to the other in one way or another…” Beatrice truthfully commented her heart skipping a beat as they exited the parlor…
Ok so the "Ever Arguing Double A's are at it again," LOL!!!
Special thanks to Karen and Sandy for having taught me how to get the screens super large. 80)
Hope every one enjoys and please let me know what you think of the screen shot size...
Oh goodness, just wait 'til he says mi corazón! They are cute and intense at the same time. I like it. I just hope they're able to build a relationship past direct physical attraction and the fun of arguing!
And what are the old folks plotting? Now I'm very curious. To keep Henry and Ava apart? I don't think they need to worry about that now...
And Henry, you sneaky little devil. What are you up to?
In response to the picture size, they are about the size of the lowest resolution of windows 800x600. Not many people use this, but I know some do. It might be a little overwhelming (because they would have to maximize to see it all). It also kind of overwhelms your wonderful text, but in the end, it is your decision and your story. :)
The scene in the orangery is just beautiful, both the tone, the writing, the wonderful way Sophis explained the meaning of the word. It is a gorgeous, gorgeous room! I love the shots with the oranges over Ava's shoulders. Just beautiful.
I love the reference to the scent of honeysuckle (one of my favorites) and citrus combined -- what a heavenly mix!
the scene between Henry and Marianne -- really well done to make her so luminous and everything else do shadowy. And I'd like to strangle Henry over that comment "What if it's a girl?" but he was unexpectedly compassionate, which took me completely by surprise. Maybe there's a match between those two after all.
Love the interaction between Ava and Alexander. Lots of heat there! If he would just stop threatening her all the time...note to Alex: candy and flowers work better! Jewelry is also nice.
the last two scenes with Beatrice and George and that whole conversation, yes I can understand their concern. Ava doesn't seem the type to do something really stupid, although the electricity between Ava and Alex just jumps off the screen!
Great update! Your writing is fabulous!!
Thank you Mao, I totally forgot abou that one. LOL!!! So look for it the next time they are together. And no worries they will get past it eventually. Right now Ava is conflicted with her heart and her mind... Not near understanding her true emotions. Still Ava will not give in so easily, there will be a genuine attraction and several sweet scenes but mostly end up with some form of an argument, or kiss or both, LOL!!! Angry kisses are the best. LOL!
I am playing on Beatrices devilish side, she wants to procure a marriage with Alex's family and will let whatever needs to be happen in order to do so. Although George isnt nearly as keen on the idea of allowing his granddaughter to commit the same scandal her mother did, even for an advantageous marriage, LOL!. I thought I would throw that one in, just to try the plot out... So I hope it works.
Still dont know where I am going with the conflicted Henry, he loves Ava, yet the attraction and tenderness with Marianne is undeniable. I think I am just going to let it play out and in essence write itself. Alot of what I have been writing lately is new to the original. Mostly because I am noticing the original piece is too romantically explained. Plus I didnt explore the other characters nearly as much as I am now.
But I can say Henry is definately happy his wife has come to him. ;)
Thank you again, and it doesnt matter much to me, I have a 28" HD screen on my computer, I am was spoiled this x-mas, lol. So all the shots are huge, I am just trying to find a good size for everyone. I appreciate the honesty, I was kinda thinking they were too big, to.
Awww Thank you Beth,
I was a little concerned with Sophia's explanation, it just didnt seem to flow smoothly to me. And I am so glad you enjoy the Orangery. It is one of my favorite rooms, Although it had a huge error, and began sucking the environment out, so I had to make a few minor changes to get it back. I loved those shots too, had leave them on the tree, I am trying to get some shots with both the Lemons and the Oranges on the tree's. So there will be at least one more shoot in there. Maybe I will make it a night shot. LOL!
Honeysuckle is one of my favorites too!!! Although I have to say that I was a little unsure of that particular combination. 80)
Writing the scenes for Henry and Marianne I had a vision of what I wanted, and the game doesnt provide the right lighting for that. So I had to use Paintshop, LOL! so I am relieved that they came out decent. I am still learnign that program. LOL!
LMAO! I wanted to murder him then and there and I was writing what he was saying. Still unsure as to exactly where I am going with them, but if there is one thing every one should know about Henry, dont trust to much in his insticts. For that Fact dont put to much trust in Marianne, she is Charles and Francis's daughter after all. LOL!!!
Yes!!! Preferably Flowers, candy and Jewelry, add in some expensive computer equipment, LOL!!! I had entirely to much fun driving Ava bonkers with Alex. But they do have alot of HEAT! And Ava is certainly attracted, still battling her own convictions though. I promise all will see his sweet side soon enough. Right now tensions are high, after their initial meeting that afternoon.
Alex poor sweet soul, (no laughing LOL) he is throughouly dumb struck by Ava and his emotions are running him now. So all in all he has to have her, question is will Ava take him?
Wow, I am in shock, are you beginning to like Beatrice just a little? LOL! Actually George is the one concerned, Beatrice will let anything happen to procure the union with the lorenza/navarro family. Even if it means pushing her granddaughter into his arms. For once I am making her truly devious. LOL! George on the other hand is concerned for Ava and his family, yet he seems to believe that Alex would make it right. And I dont know there is always that one that makes it difficult to breath let alone think. Will Alex coerse her, will she coerse him or will nothing happen. I dont even know yet. LOL! Although the double A's have a rather large hurdle coming up soon.
Thanks again I am so happy that you enjoyed the chapter.
An excellent chapter! Love the writing and all the emotions in it..
First I'm glad Henry let his wife walk away.... I would have hate him if he forced her... I'm glad he didn't!
I also laughed so hard at her deal! :D lol silly girl, she doesn't know what she was talking about, even if she doesn't love him, the pain of knowing your husband (love or not love) is with someone else is dreadful! and worst knowing that you pushed him to that situation, it would be unforgivable, she will end up hating herself... I'm still hoping Henry will fall in love with her and he will eventually win her heart too... but you know I'm a romantic!
I really liked the scene with Sophia and Ava, I'm glad thy liked each other. I'm glad Sophie is being very sincere about her brother, he is not that bad, and hopefully Ava will see beyond his adamant behavior, and I agree with Mao, I hope that once they get together they will be able to build a relationship past the physical attraction!
lovely sets like always!
LOL I also loved the conversation between Beatrice and George, George is still one of my favorites, he reminds me of my grandpa, that's why I like him so much!! he is such a sweetheart!
about the pictures... well
if you actually had text under each picture, the size wouldn't be so overwhelming , but like you are posting more than two pictures together, the size really gets to the reader...
We are so excited to find out what's next that we end up just skipping all the pictures so we can read the text... so what I'm trying to say is that with pictures big, we end up:
1.- rushing into the reading
2.- skipping all the pictures
3.- we don't pay as much attention to either of them! :D lol
But like Mao said, whatever makes you happy... I said it once and I will say it again, your fantastic writing goes beyond any pictures ! :D
Thank you so Much Sandy, definately emotional... LOL!!!
I couldnt have him force his wife, he may be a cad but he is sensitive as well. I hate him just for his callous remarks to Marianne, and I wrote them LOL!!!
Thank you for finding humor in her deal, you are completely correct, she will end up more unhappy in the end. But at least she put her foot down and said no one until then... 80)I am still working them out, got a couple different idea's, on how things will go. Can say there is a definate attraction between them, the darn girl wont stop smiling even when I use a frown overlay. LOL!!! There are still a couple characters yet to come... Although I think she already has his heart, even though he believes it is still with Ava. LOL!!! But he was genuinely concerned when the door opened, and had to fight himself to not go rushing to their room out of fear that something that had happened. Then his mind keeps drawing to her... So we will see.
Sophia is a major key to Ava and Alex, for many reasons... Most importantly she is going to be the voice of reason for Ava... All this covered in next chapter. They are truly surrogate sisters... Once again more next chapter.
Ava knows he isnt that bad, she is just being stubborn, because of her guilt over having such a strong emotional pull towards him, when she believes herself to still be in love/mourning over Henry. But Alex will eventually win her over, and I promise you will all see their relationship blossom into something sweet and wonderful, yet still filled with Argument. Ava and ALex are both stubborn and bullheaded, neither willing to give. But when they are calm well... You will see.
In truth the physical attraction is secondary, Alexander knows what is in his heart, he knows he's found his life mate. Ava is just closing her heart and mind to the prospect, out of fear of being hurt again so dearly and out of just plain arrogance because she is trying to force herself to dislike him. Mainly because of her grandmother.
I work really long and hard on my sets, so it is really appreciated to hear that people are enjoying them.
YAY! I love George too, I modeled him after my grandfather. Although I think everyone needs to watch for the snake in the grass, Beatrice, I wouldnt put it past her to leave Alex and Ava alone to secure a marriage. ;oP
I was just trying this size out, it seems really overwhelming to me as well so I am going to stick with the regular picture size. Unless I am posting photographica.
Thank you for your kind words and your honesty, I really appreciate it. and Look for chapter 12 probably later this weekend, early next week. I just want to get it over with. LOL! Then again knowing my luck something drastic will happen and I will be s.o.l. in posting.
I, for one, like the large pictures, but it is your blog mate, you do whatever you want!
Your writing continues to captivate me, a sign of a good writer is the descriptions of sight, smell, for example, and you have captured that here! I almost felt I was standing in the orangery myself! Beautifully decorated as well, mate!
Sophia is a remarkable young lady, showing such maturity and taking great amusement in her brother's romance, Nicely played.
I LOVED the scene with Henry. A lot of his arrogance is bluster, but not all. Fascinating! He may actually grow to care for his innocent young wife. Maybe! Loved the lighting of him sitting in that room, reflecting. You captured the look on his face perfectly!
And what can I say of the fireworks between Alex and Ava? For the time being her heart may still belong to Henry, but Alex has certainly awakened her passion!
Look forward to more mate!
Each chapter gets better and better!
Thank you Karen,
I am working on the next chapter now... Different sides to everyone.
Sophie is very interested and concerned in her brothers relationships. Will be touched on next chapter. And yes she is with the exception of her tempertantrum at having to stay at a cousins, very mature for her age. Probably has something to do with the way her brother treats her. Still working out that relationship.
And thank you for the comment on the lighting. I had to take the shots normal then darken them in photoshop because I cant figure out how to change the lighting in the sims 2.
Yes a lot of his arrogance is bluster, LOL! Love that word, and I still havent decided their relationships coarse yet. Next chapter will hopefully enlighten me as well. LOL! I am just letting them write themselves, what comes out comes out. BLAH BLAH BLAH. LOL!
Once again thank you for reading, and thank you for all the support and kind comments. It is truly an honor to have your read.
Like Beth said, the orangery was beautiful! I really just stopped for moments and looked at those shots, admiring every detail!
I did love the interaction between Sofia & Ava, that was a very cute conversation and one that Ava probably needed to hear from her.
Alex is definitely still getting a reaction from Ava, isn't he? Those two really have good chemistry though, can't wait to see more from them.
Henry did surprise me a little in this one, I still feel sorry for his wife, she's so terrified of him! I really cannot wait to see all of these plots you've got intersect!
Well done Cherie and I have a large monitor too, so the shots aren't bad for me but I guess they could be a little smaller. :)
Thank you emily,
The large monitor is nice because you get the screens larger as is. But I prefer the size I have been working with, on my screen this particular chapter took up the entire screen. Eek. LOL!
Marianne and henry, interesting combination. I am just letting them write themselves, I have truly given up on the original that is to romantically explicit, besides it doesnt explore the depth of the other characters. Some things remain true to the original though.
Sophia and Ava are very sweet, and Sophie is a key to the entire relationship. As you will see in upcoming chapters.
Alex and Ava do have great chemistry, if only she could get past her stubborness. Which is understandable though, considering her heart was terribly broken.
The orangery is one of my favorite rooms in that house, granted I spent something along the lines of two days building and perfecting it, and even now still find that I need to add or take away... My lots have to be perfect, LOL! So thank you so very much.
Thank you again...
GORGEOUS PICS! I love the ones with the fountain so close, the water looks almost like crystals, hanging from a chandelier! Beautiful settings, great lighting, and perfect poses! :rah:
Poor Henry, he sure is having one hell of a time adjusting, love is love... And Marianne, quite, and timid, but she put up her demands, good girl! :rah:
I loved the interchange between Sophia and Ava, they look like they will become great friends! :D
Ava and Alex, definite steamy chemistry going on there! Man, she is one lucky girl, he is really SEXY! :wub: :rah: I look forward to seeing them interact more, their quarreling is hilarious! :D :D
Thank you Zayury!
Although I am not pleased with these pics so much. My lack of paintshop knowledge really shows, LOL! but I tried 80D
Yes Henry is having a hard one isnt he. LOL! and it is only going to get harder. LOL! And good for Marianne, I have been slowly working with her, I dont want a mouse in my story. So she is going to slowly come around. 80P
Sophia and Ava are wonderful, my two favorite girls... I love them dearly!!!
And Ava and Alex, *Fanning self* I love Alex. He is my favorite sim, and the closest I could get to my Hubby. Despite mine has long hair... LOL! I am more than willing to share him. If you want... I am not stingy with my sims or lots. And as you will see they are the ever arguing double A's LOL!
Thanks again for reading and commenting so glad you enjoyed!!!
Ah, what can I say? Another beautifully crafted chapter. The sets are nothing short of gorgeous - so much color and detail I always forget I'm reading a story. Truly stunning to look at. Your shots continue to improve, and the interesting angles you use make this story even more fun to read.
I love the way you cut back and forth from the seriousness of Henry and Marianne to the light hearted conversation (and amusing arguing) of Ava, Sophia, and Alex. Marianne is truly putting herself out there, I hope the softness we saw in Henry is there to stay and not a fluke.
I love this story. I really do, and I'm having a hard time tearing myself away. I fell asleep reading it into the wee hours of the morning, and had to sleep before coming to leave my comments. I told myself I would be visiting someone else's blog today, and although I really do want to do that, that means that I can't read this right now. :( I woke up this morning wanting to hop right into this story! Rest assured I'll be back!
Henry's softness is there but it hasnt fully taken hold. As you will soon enough see. LOL!
I am so glad you are enjoying and I dont want to keep you from someone else blog. 80) although I very much so appreciate it. Your comments are welcomed and lovely. 80)
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