The Duchess’s whimpering did little to soften Alexander’s heart as he realized she had intended for Henry to find them as he had. “Do you not realize that Henry has been my dearest friend since we were boys?” Alex’s tone was fearsome despite the low pitch.

“What you have incited is revolting to say the least, for you may very well have not only ended a dear friendship but ended a much desired union as well. If I find that his actions were anything but honest I shall retract my offer.” He growled, narrowing his eyes upon the shaken woman.

Gasping, Beatrice stared with wide frightened, eyes upon Alexander. A feeling of dread sank to the depths of her stomach. “My Lord, Ava loves you and I assure you she is not of loose virtue,” Beatrice cried out in vexation and fear. “I-I truly had not known Henry was a friend, I-I was only trying to put an end to his infatuation… to help him to see that she had moved forward.” The Duchess was broken and feeling at her lowest ever. Lower now than she had felt the day she had sent Annette from the house.

“You admit it then? You purposefully sent him to seek her out, knowing that she was in my company?” Alexander accusingly breathed. His anger and heartache grew more with each passing moment and every word spoken from Beatrice’s lips.

“You play a dangerous game with hearts that do not belong to you, My Lady,” he snarled, lowering his gaze to the pale frightened woman.

“The announcement will not be made tonight, for I am sure that I do not desire to be united with this family,” Alex spat out before turning and storming from the room. He ignored the sobs Beatrice emitted as he headed towards the only other place he knew Ava would be…

Beatrice sank to the floor as he left. Her tears flowed freely as she knew she did not dare fault Alexander. She had truly committed a heinous act and, worse, it was she that had broken the engagement. It was her fault that her outraged, fragile granddaughter would once again be shattered and this time she doubted her ability to repair the situation. Every time she looked upon Ava, Beatrice knew the young woman was falling fast and hard into the throes of love. It was a powerful, emotional, heartfelt, soul consuming love that not even she had been privy to during the beginning of her own marriage thirty five years earlier. A heartwrenching thought released a fresh wave of guilt and grief and another episode of guttural sobs. “What have I done…?” Beatrice stuttered between body consuming cries. “What have I done…”

Henry’s entire body went numb. His heart shattered like a crystal goblet at Ava’s words. Each love soaked statement flooded his soul with grief and guilt at his ill thought statement and purposeful actions against Alexander not an hour before.

Gruffly he pushed himself away, his entire body shaking with rage and pain. “I am terribly sorry Milady,” he snarled. The ache of his soul manifested itself into a physical pain, especially as he thought of how he had wasted two months pining for and mourning over Ava. Fighting his own growing emotions for Marianne, he allowed himself to hope.

“I-I should have known, especially when I found that my dear friend had been invited for you two are quite similar.” The words Henry spoke, though they pained him terribly, were truth.

He had known in the depths of his heart it had ended. He had always known that the cunning and charming Lord Alexander would suit her just as she would suit him. Still, Henry could not let it go nor could he bear to face reality. “Alexander is good man and I would wish no other for I know him well and he will never stray,” Henry sighed.

His words were laced with tears despite his attempt to keep them hidden. His body went tense and rigid.

His stiff stance was unwavering as Ava hugged him warmly, placing a gentle and friendly kiss upon his cheek, a kiss that burned his soul and shattered his heart.

“I figured I would find you here,” Alexander’s angered voice cried through the darkness of the woods.

The vision of Ava and Henry embracing was stabbing his heart with lethal precision as he made his mind up that they were in fact lovers. The heartache and loss shattered his little remaining sense of civility.

“I never would have believed either of you to be so callous and blatant as to sneak away during such an important event,” he accusingly ground out as he imagined that they had just enjoyed a long awaited tryst.

His words were darkly edged as Alex glared upon Ava and Henry’s proximity. The silhouetted sight of their form, shattered what remained of his heart.

“I’ve not the slightest idea of what you speak,” Ava breathed out. She was taken aback by his disregard and his anger and confused by his accusations.

“Alexander it is not as you think. Lady Ava has enlightened me in regards to her true emotions,” Henry hurriedly added, knowing full well what was going through Alexander’s mind.

“She is innocent and unless you wish to make a fool of yourself, I dare say calm down, my man,” he added nervously. He hoped that Alexander understood what he was trying to say. A part of him wanted to protect the girl from the ferocious temperament of his dear friend.

Alexander’s gaze fell quickly to Henry’s outlined form. The sudden surge of jealous rage wreaked havoc as Alex fought to control the desire to choke the man. “Henry return to your wife,” he ground out. He clenched his hands into fists and closed his eyes in an attempt to dispel the bilious thoughts that ran rampant through his mind.

Silently, he cursed himself for, at the moment, the last place he desired to be was in her company. He needed to be away and yet his legs stubbornly refused to move.

Henry understood Alexander’s anger. A fresh surge of guilt washed over him as he thought of the way he had played Alex. “My dear friend, I assure you it is not what you think,” he haltingly attempted to assure him.

“Henry… NOW!” Alexander’s thick angry voice cut through the cool air, each syllable reverberating through the night. His shout startled not only Henry but Ava and several of the creatures as well. He let out a shuddering gasp at the dark man silhouetted in the shadows of the trees.

Taking a tentative step forward, Henry listened intently to all the sounds about him. He jumped slightly as a frog dove into the pond with a gentle plop in the water. A bird called into the dark, its slumber disrupted. Some unseen creature hurriedly scampered through the leaves in an attempt to distance itself from harm.

If there was one thing he knew above all, this was a side of Alexander that was not to be ignored. This was especially true when Henry had already made a fool of himself and had inflicted pain and anger upon the two who meant the most to him. Stiffly, he moved through the dark.

He stopped when he was sure there was a safe distance between himself and Alexander and he spoke: “Lady Ava is in love with you Alex. In such a manner I must beg your justice and plead with your sensibilities. I could not bear to know that her heart is aching at my hand once more,” Henry softly explained.

The words invoked the breaking of heart yet again before he disappeared into the dark grove of trees.

Ava could not help the fluttering in her heart and nerves as she took a tentative step towards Alexander. Her confusion grew with each passing moment.

Pain engulfed her as she reached for him only to be coldly refused. “My Lord whatever is wrong?” Ava timidly questioned as fresh tears formed in her eyes at the rebuff.

The sight of Alexander standing before the pond his stance telling her he was angry with her as well, and all the pieces fit together as she recalled Alexander and Henry’s brief conversation.

“Please Alexander, say something…anything…” She breathed nervously.

Alexander’s anger was too much to bear. His heartache and the feeling of deceit were overpowering. For the first time since he’d met Ava his whirlwind of emotions turned towards absolute loathing.

“You gave yourself to him.” Alexander’s words were far from kind and reflected his belief in the matter as he unjustly accused her. The pained and tormented statement continued before she had an opportunity to defend herself.

“Are you with child, is that why you were so willing to accept my proposal?” he shakily accused. The heartbreak was tearing through his body and soul. It weakened him as he stared out at the glimmering water, tears forming in his eyes.

His words caught her off guard. Unable to wrap her mind about his accusation, Ava stared in silent disbelief at his powerful stance.

“I am not with child, it is impossible,” she whimpered, suddenly realizing that he believed she had lain with Henry.

“I accepted your terms out of love,” she whispered as she suddenly felt nauseous from the pain and heartbreak that enveloped her. “Please Alexander…” Ava fell silent as he turned his penetrating heartbroken and furious eyes upon her…

“I do not know what or who has given you that impression for I have remained virtuous,” she whispered, her voice cracking as the tears began to fall.

“Your pitiful plea will not work with me Ava and I pray that you find another fool to take my place before your condition is found,” Alexander spit out. The comment stole her breath as sorrow engulfed her.

“Did you think I would not know? I am not by any means lacking intelligence,” he continued ranting. His hands quivered with fury as his heart ached for her. “There is no point in your ridiculous attempts to assure me that you are indeed enamored, for as of this moment I sever all ties to you.”

With that Alexander stormed off into the dark, not bothering to wait for her and unable to spend another moment within her sight lest she see his heartbreak, a weakness no one but his sister had ever been privy too.
Ohhh! BRAVO!!! Wow...that was a powerful chapter Cherie! Will comment more when I get off from work!
oh good grief. Men.
I even felt a teensy bit sorry for Beatrice, although not much because the whole damned mess is her fault. Again.
I know it was acceptable to behave like Alexander, even expected, but the anger and jealousy is so sad, and so alarming. He can't give his best friend and his fiancee a little bit of trust?
at least Henry has started to act like an adult. Sort of too late, but gratifying to see.
Poor Ava. She should have slapped both of them. What a mess indeed.
I think the length was exactly right. You were able to focus on one extremely intense moment and do it thoroughly and extremely well. Great job again!
Alexander is acting like a big time jerk!!!!
Jesus, what the hell is wrong with him, I do understand he is jealous, but please!!!! He is going way to far!!!! He doesn't deserve Ava either!!!! Run for your Life Ava, you wouldn't want to be with a macho man like that, he is more concerned about her virtue than her feelings!!!!
Finally Henry kinda understood Ava's feeling, I'm glad he walked away, but the damage was already gone, he shouldn't had insinuated that he and Ava had spent a night together... somehow this whole mess is his fault... he should have been clear with Alex since the first moment they talked!!!!
And Beatrice too late to be sorry, She is to blame for everything!!! She shouldn't have invited Henry to begin with.. she shouldn't have sent him to the garden.... she is a selfish witch!! I'm glad everything went wrong, hopefully after this she would learn not to mess with everybody else's life..!!!
It was a great chapter and I'm glad you focused in this trio, they deserved the spotlight.... Bravo, beautiful writing as always!!!! Bravo!!!
Thank you Phoenix, look forward to it. 80)
lol! yes men, I think when I wrote this my husband and I were arguing. lol!
LOL!!! you a teensy bit sorry for Beatrice. Although you did say teensy, and yes this mess was brought on by her. She should have kept her mouth shut.
It is never acceptable to act like that in my opinion. In his defense I was trying to capture his heart break, and the things that go through your mind when you suddenly find out there is more to the story than you've ever been informed of.
Especially considering it didnt come from Ava, but from Henry at Beatrices hand. Stupid fool. Once again this particular chapter is rather disappointing to me, because of the emotional transistions that arent there. 80) Next up we get into the Ball... And yet another set of emotions, another new character is introduced and a few more will be seen again. 80)
And Henry! he never should have come! He has just as much as Beatrice fouled things up, lol!
Ava is thoroughly stunned, and if she thought her heart was broken by Henry this one will do her in. And yes she should have. Maybe I will write it in... We'll see.
Thank you for the kind comments, between blogger and EA I was in fits last night. 80) so just posted as is. And I suppose it's not so bad. I broke up the paragraphs between the pictures. 80)
Thank you Sandy, again I love the emotional comment!!! 80)
Yes Alex is being a jerk, but in his defense his heart has just been shattered and he doesnt know what to believe. Especially considering he has just been slammed with information, info that everyone has known and no one has spoken of to him. All in regards to his love and his best friend. 80)
Alex isnt being macho, just angry and heart broken. This is part of the reason I wanted the other part to this chapter. The emotions change. Although not much but you do see the otherside of Alex's heartbreak. 80(
Yes! Henry is as much to blame as beatrice here. Little A double Scribble and whats worse. His wife knows... And certainly if he had of been clear from the get go Alex would not have reacted like this. But no Henry was a selfish little jerk!!!
Beatrice is going to get more, trust me, She has way overstepped her bounds this time. 80)
Last time you will see this trio together for a while. But I am glad you enjoyed it ever so slightly. LOL! sorry for the emotional factor. 80) and portraying our Alex so horridly. lol!
Wow, the emotion is high in this one Cherie!
I do feel a bit sorry for Beatrice, if what she said was the truth, she only wanted Henry to stop pining over Ava for God's sake! And Henry, sorry chap, you only made things worse here! He probably should have kept his mouth shut.
Oh Alex, quite a temper there. He is pretty hard headed to not give her a chance to explain, he seems to be mad at everyone right now!
Poor Ava, I think this was the first time that she wasn't a pillar of strength, that in itself should have been a signal to Alex. I half expected her to yell back at him! I do hope he comes around and they straighten this out, I want her to be happy!
Really wonderful chapter and hopefully your game will stop acting up soon!
Thank you Emily!
Yes she wanted Henry to stop pining over Ava, but more so out of her own desire to see him leave her granddaughter be and not cause any further ripples. Little did she know she set one of greater proportion. So I dont feel sorry for her, lol! but I am glad someone does. 80)
And Henry, he has made an utter fool of himself this time around. lol! Yes I agree he should have kept his mouth shut, in truth should have declined the invite altogether. 80) He has really made a mess of things for himself this time around. 80) especially with Marianne...
Alex is very heartbroken, angry and feels completely decieved by all around him. Including his best friend... Yes extremely hot headed and almost frightening with his disregard, lol. But he has always been a passionate character/man. Things will eventually work out...
And Ava is thoroughly I cant say dumbstruck, but Heartstruck. Here she has found the one in whom she burns for and he is insulting her in every way possible. Accusing her of everything untruthful. I did almost have her yell back. But I really wanted to show her fragility, (if that's even a word) lol I have my own dictionary. LOL! This event here sets in motion a whole new set of events. one that will be difficult to say the least. 80)
And thank you, I was able to get in and do a few things tonight, dont know if it will be the same tomorrow though. LOL! and I am so happy that you enjoyed. 80)
Cherie this was a great chapter! I must say I feel no pity whatsoever for busybody Beatrice. She deserved that and more. Glad more is coming. You can't manipulate people even if you think it is for the greater good or the right reasons. It always comes back at you in ways you didn't plan.
I understand Alex's rage has blinded him. I believe he will see the truth of it soon. You're right that Henry should not have accepted the invite but you can't blame him much. Yes, he has a wife who has has struggled not to have feelings for and held out hope that he and Ava would run off like her parents did, but everyone is being manipulated here. No one's choices are their own. Even though Ava does love Alex, she was forced into a situation that she may have come to on her own if no one had meddled. But then it would not be a romance, would it? :)
I guess I am on Henry's side here a bit. I felt so bad for him and in the end he tried to make it right, let her go. I still think there is a good guy there. I always liked him...
Lovely scenery, and I think it was just right. Very tense and it came right through the screen. You can anticipate the crescendo to the ball and its ultimate conclusion!
WOW!!! Thank you so much Gayl,
You truly hit the nail on the head here! I am so glad that is how it came across! it was what I was shooting for. With the exception of wanting to showcase a little more of the emotions. And you are so very correct, manipulating the situation to try and fit your benefit is not going to work.
Alex, *sigh* the poor fool, literally. He does not realize yet what he is doing... More to come on this in the upcoming chapters. But he will soon see the error of his judgements. 80)
Henry well I do feel a little pity for him, then again I know whats about to happen. LOL! I do have a twisted way of writing. 80) Let's just hope he can over come this and take his rightful place back with his wife. 80) and yes definately should not have accepted but where would the fun be in that?
This is certainly a romance, and the next few chapters are about to become thick with it. 80) I do agree, that Ava would have come to her final decision her final choice without the meddling and manipulation of others. I am such a hopeless romantic, LOL! I believe in love at first sight. It's what my hubby and I have... 80)
Henry is a good guy, he just has his bad points. His weakness's yet has he ruined his relationship with Alex for good??? all will be told soon enough. And if so can he willingly accept that Ava is no longer his??? there is certainly more to come.
I am truly blushing and glowing that you enjoyed this chapter.
I was not happy with the length or the shots. Using gadwin I have to edit quite a bit in paintshop and I really dont know how to work it fully yet. Thank You!!!
Passion and guilt seem to be the overriding emotions that thread this chapter together.
Beatrice, well, as always these interfering old busybody dowagers had nothing else better to do than stick their nose in. NOW she realizes what she has done, Never play with others hearts.
Her granddaughter Ava will be livid when she learns of Beatrice's role in this mess.
Henry, well, last chapter he acted impulsively out of rage, jealousy. At least now he is somewhat remorseful. I always thought Henry was an interesting character, hope to see more of him!
And right on cue as Ava gives Henry a friendly, "just friends" kiss, Alex shows up.
And he immediately jumps to the wrong conclusion as any man who is highly passionate would. Can't really fault him, he is living up to his personality. Ava should see this side of him, He falls in love deeply, feels things deeply, but his quick to anger, life with him will not be dull at any rate!
And he readily accepts Henry's lies! LOL! What a vortex of emotion, Alex is something else!
I am sure it will all work out in the end, but getting there should be quite a ride.
Nicely done mate! Enjoyable!
Oooh, the anger! It's quite engrossing, isn't it? Now I feel a bit angry myself. Perhaps I should have a better grasp on my anger, but I'll admit to being a bit... temperamental at times. ;)
Beatrice learned a hard lesson--stop freaking playing puppeteer when you can't even manage your own bloody strings. Serves her right, though I doubt it'll stop any further and unnecessary meddling. Why her husband didn't put a stop to this post-haste, I'll never know.
As for Ava, Henry, and Alexander, well. This is where I have trouble with time periods. I understand the whole virtue and marriage tie-in quite well, actually. But to see him actually accuse her and then rebuff her. After everything that's happened and been said? Alexander, you're an ass. I hope Ava makes you twist in suffering before she takes you back. You deserve every minute of it. Anger or not, that's just, wow. How many women have you slept with, sir? I don't think Ava's brought that to question...
The next bits should be interesting, very interesting indeed... can't wait!
Thank you Karen
Yes Passion, guilt, anger and heartache. Once again this is going to be interesting to diffuse. lol!
Oh I havent even written out Ava and Beatrice's conversation yet. But there is something no one will expect coming... Lets just hope Beatrice doesnt foul things up anymore than she already has. Although I am glad she is feeling the emotions of her choices. Regretting her decision.
You will see more of Henry, I Promise. And well he can do little more than accept... especially now.
Thank you so much for seeing that! LOL! yep right on cue, I couldnt have alex get mad without proof to his beliefs could I? lol!
Yes Passionate Alex, although his passions are certainly losing to his anger. *Shaking head and sighing* lol! Never a dull moment between the ever arguing double A's... Especially now... You are very right she needs to understand this part of him, it will help her with her own decisions...
Henry and Alex may very well be ruined for good after this one. Especially when he finds out the truth and realizes that things are not as Henry led him to believe. The pain he has not only suffered but inflicted on others. There is certainly another tension ridden scene coming for them someday...
I am glad that you enjoyed! Have a great break!!! 80)
Arent we all at least for a time... lol! I am certainly in a wicked mood lately. lol!
George didnt know until later of the occurence. Or else he would have locked her away. Beatrice I think this will certainly put an end to her meddling. At least for the time being...
Ava will certainly torment him, but it will be a bit different than expected... Alex did and does act an ass in this chapter, but soon realizes. Thank you maybe I will write that one in, during their next argument. 80)
As for Henry he never should have played this game with Alex...
Yes a little more down in the dumps as far as emotions go... Catherine will be there in all her dramatic worry!!!
Sophie gets a suitor, LOL!
And Marianne puts a face to the name...
Oh and more on Beatrice too. 80)
Will be away for a while though.
Thanks again Mao for reading and commenting I am glad you enjoyed. 80)
Oh, dear hot headed Alex, *tsk tsk tsk*, his jealousy I'm afraid is going to cost them some time of joy, such a waste...
But what I thought was hilarious, my dear Cherie, was how Henry hightailed it out of there, LOL! Oh, yeah, his pretty brave to besmirch her reputation, but to clean up his mess, he waits until his a mile away to whisper it, LMAO! I'm still cracking up on that one! LOL!
I hope Ava, puts poor Alex through the ringer before she takes him back! LOL! :D
Wonderful story my sister! Beautiful pics, and writing! :wub: :wub:
LOL! thank you Dear Zayuri, sister!
Yes hot headed, passionate stubborn man!!!
LOL! yes Henry did hightale it away! but he knows his friend well and his friends temperment. Although the hubby suggested Alex beat his butt. I didnt want to attempt that. LOL!
I am re-writing the ending of the ball, Chapter 19 may possibly just combine 18 and 19 together for one super long chapter! just dont know yet. But I can say Ava will make him realize the error of his accusations. One way or the other. HeHeHe.
Thank you so very much again, And HOORAY your all caught up!!!
Holy CRAP!! - Was not expecting that! Oh man! So was not expecting Alex to jump to those conclusions, revoke his offer, and sever his ties with Ava and her family. What have you done, indeed, Beatrice?
Have to say I'm rather proud of Henry giving his blessing and trying to smooth the path between Ava and Alex. Too bad it's not working. I pray that Alex calms down and comes to his senses. All this time we had been rooting for Ava to accept Alex, and now that she finally has, you throw this enormous wrench in the works. Well done!
I regret that I have to go cook supper before I can find out what happens next! This is excellent, excellent, excellent dramatic stuff! I think I gasped about three times and my jaw dropped at least twice.
Oh yes - and your pictures are expressive and perfect.
Awesome job!
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