Henry drunkenly stumbled into the bedroom, startling his wife Marianne as she went about her nightly routine. “You are far too shy Mary,” he rudely slurred out, noticing her jump to hurriedly cover herself at his intrusion, out of the corner of his eye. Sighing heavily he slumped into one of the chairs his resentful gaze falling upon his boots that seemed so far from his grasp.

“I am truly sorry that I am not as worldly as you would prefer,” Marianne seethed quietly, turning her startled and shy gaze upon her thoroughly drunk husband. Sighing quietly to herself, for every night, with the exception of their wedding night, Henry had come to her in this state tossing out mild insults in regards to her morals. A rapidly growing concern for her considering his consumption of spirits seemed to be getting worse with each passing day.

Her entire body blushed under Henry’s lecherous gaze, she knew he desired her body, yet could not bear to let him touch her. Especially after the night he took her innocence, that fateful night when during the heat of his passion he had cried out for the one in which he could never have… “My lord, you are foxed.” She frowned, taking a fearful step back as he stumbled towards her.
She herself had been un-desiring of the union, yet knew that without his title, and his heir her family would be forced to relinquish their noble title to a dreaded cousin. A cold chill crept through her body, despite the heat of the fire that burned against her back. Truly, Marianne did not wish his hands upon her, for how could she fulfill her wifely duties when his heart belonged to another and knew that he would go to the woman at the first presented opportunity…

Marianne stood still, barely breathing as Henry snaked his hand about her waist; she knew she could not legally deny him, yet she still did not desire his touch. He had truly hurt her, what woman in her right mind would ever enjoy having her husband, whether in love or not, cry out for another. “Henry, I do not wish to be the physical manifestation of your day dreams, and until you can touch me without envisioning her I shall not lie with you.” She whispered biting her tongue to hold back the squeak of surprise as his hand forcefully pushed upon her abdomen, pushing her against his arousal…

“Feel that!” he growled angrily, against her ear, “I am not a man without needs Marianne and if this is not proof enough that you are more than a daydream to me, I will be forced to find other resources.” Henry menacingly hissed, before brusquely turning her to face him. “You are my wife…” He seethed, his sapphire eyes seemingly blackened with rage.

Marianne knew she could not hold him away for long, especially if his seed failed to take root from their only intimate moment. “I-I understand my lord,” she stammered in fear. “I-I just do not feel well,” she lied desperately wanting away from him and his anger, needing any excuse to be free of his attentions…

“Tomorrow night, you will come to me willingly, or else…” Henry threateningly snarled, before storming from her room… Unsympathetic towards her quiet weeping, uncaring that he had certainly frightened her…

“I have missed you Maggie,” Charles sighed against his wife’s lips before greeting her with a long smoldering kiss. Relishing the sweet, musky taste of her and the way her soft body pressed hungrily into his. Over the past three years of their marriage, he had fallen in love with his beautiful, young wife. Although he still missed Annette terribly, Charles found himself utterly in love with Margaret and found it harder and harder to be away from her; especially after he had unburdened his past secrets upon her. “I am the world’s luckiest man,” Charles whispered, inhaling a deep breath of Margaret’s, soft, rose, sun and soap smell. “To have such a lovely wife to come home to after a week of being away,” He grinned feeling her struggling in his arms as she impatiently awaited his response.

“Yes Charles, you are truly blessed and if you do not speak soon of what has happened I shall make you beg, for more favors” Margaret impatiently laughed out, gazing lovingly upon him. Drinking in every inch of his face as if it were the last time she would ever see him, the intimate yet simple gesture filling him with the unmistakable giddiness of love.

“That sounds rather tempting…Although I think it will be I who makes you beg,” Charles laughed out lustfully as he envisioned teasing and tormenting every inch of her body until she cried out for him to make love to her.

“You are positively incorrigible,” She laughed in frustration, blushing as she thought of the wicked things he would do to her this eve. “Yet you must keep yourself in check, for I am not the only one who is excited about your return.” Margaret finished, standing on her tiptoes to brush a smiling kiss against his lips. “Now tell me, or I will sleep in the children’s room this eve,” she playfully threatened.

“You would never,” Charles chuckled in feigned horror.
“Shall I let you find out, or will you tell me the news?” Margaret re-iterated, placing her hands upon her hips for emphasis.
Charles regarded Margaret with smoldering look of desire and humor, “then I must bow to my wife’s demands.” He laughed out, reaching for her slender waist only to have her step away from him in a playful tease. “Yet I must insist upon payment for my information,” he could not resist, she looked so lovely in the worn cotton dress with the sun filtering through her fiery locks, illuminating her creamy skin and golden eyes. “I have sold both the filly and the colt, and have received offers on the other four.” He proudly boasted unable to withhold the broad, amused grin as Margaret slapped her hand over her mouth and her eyes grew wide with excitement.
“A-a-all of them…” Margaret breathlessly stammered as she flung herself into Charles’s outstretched arms and fervently kissed him while tears of joy streamed over her face. She could not believe it, three years earlier she had been doubtful and altogether against, her husband’s decision to purchase the four mares. In truth she had been wary of Charles’s plan to breed them, had worried because her father had at one time attempted to breed his horses to no avail and they ended up living in poverty for nearly five years after his plans had failed.

“Yes my love, all of them,” Charles huskily whispered. “To think you were so adamant that I would fail,” he continued with a gentle nip of her earlobe. “I believe that in a few years we will have a thriving horse farm and will not have worry again over money.” He murmured closing his eyes to fight the urge to take her right there upon the ground in front of their cabin. “Maggie, can you please not do that,” he groaned as she kissed and nibbled at the curve of his neck. Each silky swipe of her tongue, every puff of her warm breath against the damp skin causing his desire to coil tighter within his groin.

“My dear husband, you requested payment for your information and in good faith I am making good my debt.” Margaret taunted with a fluttering brush of her satiny lips against his cheek, her mouth curving into a sweet and wicked smile as a low moan escaped from his throat.

“Da!” The tinkling sound of Joseph’s and Michelle’s voices cried out in unison followed by the yipping of the puppy, as all three rushed towards him as quickly as their short legs would carry them. Charles released a shuddering sigh, and separated from his wife’s embrace a wide grin spreading over his face he scooped Michelle into his arms. A pang of guilt and sadness creeping into his heart as he silently wished that Ava and Catherine were here as well.

“Sweet princess,” He murmured against her silky chocolate colored hair, receiving an avid squeal of delight as she gazed lovingly upon him.

“Da, Jasep an I mist you,” Michelle smiled; each word seemingly exotic to her as she repeated it over and over in her angelic toddler, voice while Charles lovingly kissed her satiny cheek.

Carefully placing Michelle back on the ground, he gathered his son into his arms. “Joseph,” Charles began in a stern yet playful tone, “Did you protect your mother and Michelle while I was away?” he laughingly questioned with a playful tickle upon his son’s stomach.

“Yes, Da!” Joseph emphatically replied with a squeal of delight, “An Izabal too,” he explained all seriousness, in reference to Isabel, the puppy. “She ad a torn in er paw. An mama ad me old er, wile mama took it out.” Joseph continued, looking down for the small little puppy with concern.
“Isabel had a thorn in her paw, you don’t say.” Charles chuckled, “Well I must say you have done a capitol job,” He proudly finished. Unable to withhold the peal of laughter as Michelle squeezed the puppy affectionately…

The burn of the golden colored brandy had long since passed as Henry downed the remainder of the bittersweet liquid in the bottle. His argument with Marianne having sobered him he had stormed from the room and now once more, impatiently awaited the slow coming numbness the liquor would bring. He did not know what was wrong with him, for he had a beautiful woman to call his own, and yet ever since he had learned of Alexander’s invitation to the Wilshire manor had failed to keep his heartache and jealousy under control…

“Sophia! Have you heard a single word I have spoken,” Alexander’s frustrated voice cut through the haze of her thoughts.

“I apologize brother, I must be more fatigued than I had thought,” Sophia sheepishly apologized, praying that her memories were not plainly written across her face. Fighting the urge to wiggle away as he penetrated her with a speculative gaze.

Alexander knew there was more to his sister’s dreamy expression than she let on, yet his mind was preoccupied at the moment with everything else that had occurred this day, so decided to temporarily let it drop. “I have suggested that you seek an audience with Lady Ava, for I feel you would rather enjoy her company.” He re-iterated, his tone filled cautious dismissal, for not only did he desire a moment to his own thoughts, yet he desperately needed to know his sister approved. For Alex knew he had met the only one he could ever give his heart too, the only woman he would ever love and without Sophie’s consent he would be forced to choose…

Jumping slightly at the intrusion Ava brought her gaze from the floor and rested it upon the dark beautiful girl who stood beside her. Half smiling despite her heartache as she realized there was no denying this young woman was Alexander’s sister. With her raven hair, and hazel eyes; speculatively Ava regarded the girl, for this was the second time today she had been interrupted by a Lorenza. “I would have to disagree, for difficult is far too kind of a description for your brother,” She sighed out with a quivering breath…
hi, i'm a long time reader first time commenter. hehe. anyway, i just wanted to comment and say that you have really beautiful writing. it's so descriptive and totally adds to the feel of the story (the scent of the citrus in the air for example).
and i love the sets. they're so...rich or something. even in a plain set, like at maggie and charles' farm they're still so well done and look well even if they're meant to be a bit on the meager side.
i love alexander. he's intriguing and i can't wait to see what happens with him and ava - she is the only woman he could ever give his heart to? (or did i misunderstand that? woopsy daisy if i did!) and this new side to henry is...changing my opinion of him. sorry for the rambling!
wonderful Cherie! Just wonderful! Beautiful, lush sets; I love the different camera angles you are using! The orangery (did I spell that right) is fabulous!
And the writing!!! Really well done the way you set this up, comparing Henry and Marianne's pitiful situation -- his lust without love and her justifiable unhappiness -- with the joyful and physically loving relationship between Charles and Margaret. Then switching back to Alexander and that whole mess. It works so well!
I didn't expect to like either Marianne or Sophia but find I cannot dislike either one of them, and Sophia is a doll! I'm not sure I think Ava did the right thing in challenging someone Sophia's age about her brother, insulting him actually. but that's typical Ava.
I love this one! It flows and flares and just sparkles!
Thank you for reading Ana,
and thank you so much for the very kind words on my writing. 80)
As far as the sets go, I will spend days to weeks creating them. One like Charles Farm only took a short time though. Unfortunately I lost the original farm for him. So used another one.
And no you didnt mis-understand, Alex has searched England over and cannot seem to find anyone he cares for. It is going to certainly be an interesting ride, with them, I am having a little too much fun with their bickering, LOL!!!.
Henry is conflicted truly, but in my other chapters, he seemed perfect... Still has his own demons though, for example he is arrogant and conceited. It is hard taking a loved character and displaying him in a different light. LOL!!! but it is his true self that came out here...
Thanks again for reading and commenting...
Oh Henry, you cad! But I can't hate you. You remind me far, far too much of one of my own characters. It's a shame, though. I pity the girl, even if we don't completely know her. That situation has to well, for the lack of a better word, suck.
Ahhh, Charles! It's been so long since we've seen him last! Those two little kiddos are so cute.
Henry knows about Alex going? Oh, ho, ho... just wait 'til he hears the rest!
And I hope Sophia can befriend poor Ava. She needs a friend or something to lean on. Alexander being right for her or not, the poor girls been whipped around so much she likely had whiplash. Hopefully all that madness has come to an end and well, we can look forward to new madness. Of course. Because Alex + Ava = madness, surely.
lol! yes Beth you spelled it right, at least in my oppinion. Thank you so much, I Dont know you if read my last tsr posting. But it is the same house, I just couldnt bring myself to spend another week + building another when I had this perfectly usable lot. hehehe and camerman mode really helps, I am so glad emily told me about it, LOL!!! I have been playing all these years and never knew about it...
Henry and Marianne, not quite sure where I am going with them, havent truly decided their outcome. 80)
Next chapter will enlighten you a bit on their odd coupling. And Charles and Margaret hadnt been seen in a while, I know I hadnt originally left them happy but the twins came out so adorable, LOL!!! I had to write an extra piece for the story. And I am blushing, I am really pleased with the flow and power in this chapter but I never thought about how the switches would be so effectful... Thank you so much!!!
Sophia has always been one of my favorites, she is the sense of reason for her brother and for Ava, who is so lost in her grief over losing Henry and missing her sister. As well Sophia is the only one that can sway Ava. You will see further into the story But Ava and Sophie become fast friends, surrogate sisters. Still she has her alterior motives, she for she will protect her brother and his heart at all costs.
Haha, I was really torn on how to write Mary, 80) her mother is such a witch! in the end I chose her fragile side. Poor girl, doesnt even realize the woman she hates is her half sister.
Yes Ava is Ava, she is so riled up and angry at Alexander for forcing a courtship upon her. She knows he knew her family would not let her back out of it, and yet she herself is truly conflicted. Emotions she has never felt are swirling together with her grief, an interesting, frightening and altogether fiery combination. LOL! They are truly a spirited couple, but Alex knows what he wants... And well Ava, to put it bluntly doesnt. But much of her anger is displaced, a weak attempt at keeping her distance from him.
Once I again I thank you so much for the kind comments. And have to say I really am pleased with this chapter it just seemed to come together for me. I even spent the remainder of yesterday writing out 11-13 hehehe
Yes Mao, it truly does S-U-C-K, LOL!!! Henry is truly a conflicted soul, more on him next chapter, and Marianne, she is stuck at the will of her family and her husband. Once again all because of her fathers choice 20 years earlier. Something no one knows of, but hey at least henry is staying in the family, hahaha...
Thank you so much, I have 253 type written single spaced pages, in rough draft and this is giving me an opportunity after two years of completion to finally go through it, *sigh... But reading everyone's story has inspired me one way or another to add more depth or detail to their characters. So now which one should I compare him too, LOL!!!
I loved the twins, have absolutely no idea how they will grow up though, I forgot to test Charles and margaret in Create a sim, and in my oppinion the more adorable the baby the uglier the adult, maybe I should grow them up really quick... At least that's how it usually ends up in my game, LOL!!! And this is a newly added chapter, Charles and Margaret... Was never sure where I would go with them, but decided to end his suffering and let him find love again. Plus he does have a part in this, especially when Ava finds out the truth...
Yes, it does not sit well with Henry in the least. His best friend and the one he loves, especially knowing that Alexander is as charming as he is. I knew I should have explored Alex and his exploits a little more, 80) just didnt have the stomach to...
Great analogy! Yes whiplash and madness. But never fear Sophia is here, LOL!... Sophia does like Ava and the two women will forge a fast friendship, a surrogate sisterhood. Sophie truly has a major role in this as you will see in upcoming chapters. Along with more of the ever arguing double A team... I had entirely too much fun last night writing the next chapters out... My husband kept pulling my headphones off and asking why I was laughing so wickedly... LOL!!!
Thank you so much Mao, I always look forward to your comments and they mean so much to me coming from someone as talented as you! 80)
Hi Cherie,
Again, your writing has pulled me in. I love what you have done with Henry. We saw a bit of his arrogance when we were first introduced to him.
Now his inner pain and struggle has taken a dark turn, fascinating!
I love the sexual tension, fantastic!
The way you wrote was engrossing, poor Marianne!
AS for it being like a romance novel, I say, you go girl!!
This is far superior to some Harlequin Regency stories I have read!
And how wonderful to see Charles find love again! The soaring romance! Their children look adorable! More on Charles!
This character is a true romantic!
Now Alexander. Another great male character. An engaging mixture of good and bad, how touching he craves his sister's approval, and how delightfully romantic (that word again, LOL) he feel's Ava might be the one for him.
Cherie, I love where you are taking us on your story. A great update mate!
Thank you Karen, your opinion means so much to me. I am blushing.
Yes Henry is not exactly as sweet as he portrayed himself and he is truly struggling with his losses. Stuck in conflict with his own good and evil, there is a genuine affection for mary but I am unsure myself as to whether it is purely physical, visual or will be more. Although she does seem to enjoy his touch. LOL I used DG's face overlay and she still kept smiling LOL!!!
Marianne is a complex woman, I am still working her out totally, and she will most certainly undergo a metamorphasis, she is after all a daughter of Charles...
I couldnt resist having Charles fall in love again. He does deserve some happiness despite his previous mistakes. and I grew the twins up to see how they look, maybe I will post it like you maybe not. They did come out decent.
And Alex, he is so much fun.... wickedly laughing at that thought. LOL!!! His sister is the most important person to him, being he's been her caretaker all these years. Yet another similarity between the ever arguing double a team. LOL!!! His heart can only be given once and woah be the one that breaks it... 80)
Let me first of all say that I adored the twins and seeing Charles and Margaret so happy. Finally he has happiness in life even though his first children cannot share it.
I'm not too fond of Marianne at this point. I do feel for her situation and Henry is being a complete cad but neither of them is in this for love. It's all about their families which is sad.
Alex and Ava will certainly be in for a roller coaster ride until all is said and done. Sophia is adorable and I knew she would like Ava.
Everything is so crisp and flows perfectly. Each small detail brings such genuineness to the story and your images are wonderful.
The story itself has completely captivated me. I love your writing, the way it flows and stays true to the genre.
Great job!
Wonderful update Cherie! I really enjoyed seen Charles and his wife, and the twins are beautiful! They seem like a happy family, I hope that continues for them.
Well a marriage without love is just a recipe for disaster, and if in top of that that we also add that He called someone else's name while with his wife, is just a bigger disaster! I really pity those two, they are in a hole thanks to their families!
How sad to live like that!
I really like Alexander and his sister seems to be a great character too, I really hope Sophia can be friends with Ava...
Poor Ava does need someone to talk to!
Great job and beautiful pictures!!!
Thank you Gayl,
Yes it is high time Charles has a little happiness. Especially considering he is in for a rough ride himself. Still working that part of the story out though. So you will see more. And he is very doting on his youngest children, and his wife. Despite the void that is still in his heart at having lost his first love, and his daughters.
Marianne and Henry are an odd couple. I am still working out the fine details on her, their marriage etc. Havent decided if they will eventually fall in love with the other or this will end up a repeat of Charles and Annette. Hmm Maybe I should have her run off... LOL!!! But if you dont care for her now I shudder to think of how your respond next chapter. LOL!!!
Yes Henry is battling his demons, plus extremely conflicted... THis is truly his true character. Would have been the same with Ava, in the end. He thrives off of Mary's naivete (I think I spelled that wrong) innocence and shyness. Shouldnt go on for long though... He needs a mild mannered person in his life, something unfortunately Ava is not...
Ava and Sophia are surrogate sisters... Their friendship is beneficial to all parties, for Ava has a temporary replacement for Catherine, Alex has a reason to continue happily in his argumentative lustful bliss and Sophia will eventually become a matchmaker of sorts.... So yes a definate!!! Roller coaster ride or ten coming for the double a's.
Thank you again so much for the kind words, I am truly glad that with the exception of Mary the story captivates you. I myself was getting a little bored with it for a time. 80) Will read your update in a bit...
HAHAHA!!! Thank you for noticing that Line Sandy. I didnt think it would be, I guess I have an odd sense of humor at times and couldnt think of a better reason to have her hate him. Things will eventually work out one way or the other, but it isnt going to go well between Alex and Henry. Who both are in love with the same woman.
And yes Charles and his family really came out lovely. Very caring and affectionate. Finally he has happiness, but how long it will last is not to be said...
Once again Ava and Sophia are surrogate sisters... Their friendship is beneficial to all parties, for Ava has a temporary replacement for Catherine, Alex has a reason to continue happily in his argumentative lustful bliss and Sophia will eventually become a matchmaker of sorts....
Look forward to more ups and downs for the ever arguing double a team. I really am having to much fun with their bickering... LOL!!!
Thank you again for reading and all the kind words.
Finally made it! This chapter was beautifully done Cherie, seeing the other side of Henry-you are right, he was getting to be too Mr. Perfect!
Charles with his wife and toddlers were too cute, I loved that entire scene! And I'm happy he's in love and happy, but sorry that he still misses his daughters. Perhaps they can see each other again if he makes some money as a horse breeder?
Can't wait to see more from Alex and Ava, he really is the most interesting character to me so far. I hope Ava can give him a chance after talking to his sister, but I don't think they will get along right away!
Excellent, really well done chapter!
Thank you Emily,
Yes mr perfect, too much so... It was all a facade. LOL!!!
And Couldnt resist having charles find happiness, although he has several very turmetulous things coming his way. Gotta keep mumm though.
Great assumption, Ava will not give in easily to Alex, she is extremely angered by his forcing a courtship upon her. But Sophia and Ava will get along famously...
Thanks for the kind comments and I am so glad you enjoyed.
Oh, my dear Cherie, you did it again! Another MARVELOUS chapter! :wub:
I feel horrible for Henry and Maria, what a terrible situation to be in. I know Henry is a good man, but being forced to marry would sour anyone's disposition. :(
Poor Maria, what terrible lot women had in those days! :(
I'm so happy things are going well for Charles and Maggie! Their little ones are ADORABLE! :wub: You did their speech marvelously, I could actually 'hear' the little ones speak! :wub:
Poor Ava, to be attracted to Alex, but at the same time hurt by her lost love... :( I'm glad she will find an ally in Alex's sister, Sophia! Who by the way is a beauty herself! :wub:
Please tell me were you find your GORGEOUS CC! The pictures, and curtains are devine! Not to mention everything else! :D
Beautiful writing! :rah:
Thank you yet again Dear Zayuri!!!
Yes things went well for Charles and Maggie. Not so well for the double A's... So much more to come here. 80)
Of course I will give you all the info on where I got my CC, just have to look it all up. LOL! If your email isnt listed on your blog I will be reaching you via your blog, LOL!
Thank you again so very much and I am so happy you are enjoying this story. 80)
crap. upto chapter 10 in one sittin... but now i must sleep before i fall off my chair.. it's like 5 in the morning here. so forgive me if my comment isn't really, well, euhm, thoughtthrough. i will probably comment at the end, yet couldn't wait to comment now... how you come up with these scemes and plots i do not know.. but man.. am i glued to my seat..
Thank you so much GQ,
And WOW! 10 Chapters in one seating... That is alot. lol! I am glad that you are enjoying, and look forward to hear what you think. 80)
Thanks so much for reading! 80)
My first thought when I reached the end of this chapter was, "I'm at the end, already?" I got really caught up in it.
Looks like Ava and Alex are going to have to work a bit on that Happily Ever After, eh?
I LOVE the scenes with Charles and Margaret. Playful and loving, they are truly cute together and I'm very happy for their little family. The babies are adorable.
Henry. I have to say that I'm thoroughly disgusted by his behavior. But that's not a bad thing. It was really neat to watch his descent into what he has become - to watch that darkness take hold. It would have been very disappointing had he suddenly been happy with his new bride. My heart aches for the poor girl, and I'm thankful she is of mind to stand up for herself. Maybe in time the pain for Henry will ease and he can enjoy his life with Marianne.
Your shots are really improving. They were good before, but now they rock! Nice closeups and interesting angles. Lovely scenery is so real and lifelike - no detail left out. And your sims are all so interesting and different from one another. Marianne is quite distinctive - very pretty. And I enjoyed the nice closeup of Margaret. She's just beautiful.
Well done! Though it's late, I think I may read one more chapter before heading to bed. And I already said that to myself two chapters ago. ;)
Thank you so much for the lovely compliments. Yes Henry has certainly taken a turn for the worse.
Marianne is the child of Charles and Francis, literally I am actually surprised she came out so decent. Because Charles has such a square jaw. LOL!
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