Henry sat engrossed in his study of the families business ledger when Franklin rose from the bunk and silently departed the cabin. Curiously he watched as his brother shut the door, briefly wondering if he should follow after. Yet Henry’s chivalry got the best, he understood that Franklin needed some alone time and besides He had some book work to attend to for their father.
As Franklin slowly walked across the ship, listening to the waves slapping against the hull, he knew that Joshua was right, for it was time he got over Elizabeth and his brother truly had nothing but the best intentions; yet Franklin could not help but feel sorrow.
Three months after Elizabeth had married Michael his heart still ached for her, to add insult to injury, when he had come upon her this morning, animatedly talking with her sister his heart shattered more.
She had seen him as well and made point to come over, “Good Morn, Franklin dear” Elizabeth had greeted as if they had been nothing more than acquaintances. She had then found it befitting to tell of her good fortune; Elizabeth was expecting a baby, a baby that very well could have been his had she accepted his proposal.
His anger resurfaced at the memory, at how he had stood there dumfounded by her words, his heartaching, embarrassed because not only had he suffered a lack of words yet he seemed imobile.
So consumed in his thoughts he hadnt even seen the young woman until they collided.
His gaze had been immediately drawn to her beautiful blue eyes, heart shaped face and full mouth, his fingers itched to comb through her sun colored silken strands of hair.
She had taken him completely off guard, and when she apologized he felt as if he had heard the angels speaking.
Further conversation ended up with his not only introducing himself, yet he found of her name, Lady Catherine Morgan, of Wilshire. He had ended up smitten by the roses in her cheeks as she invited him to stroll with her, and as much as Franklin had been tempted he heard his mother’s teaching in his mind, telling him how a proper gentleman nary would accept an invitation from a lady.
As Franklin turned to walk back towards his cabin it struck him that possibly, Henry was right, hurriedly he turned and invited her for an after dinner stroll about the decks and to his great pleasure she readily accepted.

Excitedly Franklin made his way back to their cabin, glee bubbling from out of him he burst into the room catching Henry off guard as he peered at one of the many logs he’d brought along on the trip. “Do you ever do anything but work?” Franklin questioned joyfully.

Henry heard the change in Franklins tone, such a difference from the moping voice he had been listening to over the course of the past couple of days. His interest piqued Henry closed the book, bending the corner to mark his spot and glanced up at him. “Dear brother what has thee so excited?” Henry laughed out, as he focused upon his brothers sparkling eyes, bright with nerves and joy. Noting the faint color to his usually pale cheeks. “I take it your walk was successful,” Henry continued probing happily as he saw the faintest of smiles creeping at the corner of Franklins mouth, the first in many months.

“Yes it was the most successful of strolls,” Franklin smiled, “For I have met the most wonderful young lady,” he exclaimed barely able to contain his excitement as he mentally perused his inventory of clothing, wanting to wear the best for that evenings dinner.

“She is the lady of Wilshire, although it seems odd since I had not known that the Grand Duke and Duchess had any relatives.” Franklin continued narrowing his eyes as he pondered between the navy suit, or traditional black. “I invited her on a stroll after dinner and she accepted,” he gleamed with excitement as he settled on the black.

“Congratulations!” Henry genuinly replied, “does this mean we will have the Franklin we all love and adore back?” He laughed out, chuckling.

“I will be perfectly content with a friendship,” Franklin replied, “but I do wish to ask, can you join us this evening, for I truly wish for you to meet her.” His words were hopeful, as he silently prayed his brother would agree.

“Dear sister, I met the most wonderful young man, his name is Franklin Grant and he declined my invitation for a stroll only to ask me on one after dinner.” Catherine murmured dreamily, absolutely glowing with joy. “Please Ava ,” she continued grabbing Ava’s hand for emphasis, “Please be my escort, for I know grandmother would not approve of my walking with him alone ?” Ava failingly attempted to withhold the smile at her sisters pleading blue eyes, as she gently squeezed her hand waiting for her response.

Seeing how happy it made Catherine and how this simple stroll seemingly got her mind off Jonathon Ava could not help but agree most heartily to the being her escort, warranting a grateful hug and a squeal of joy.

Promptly at seven Beatrice arrived at Ava and Catherine’s cabin door, dressed in full dinner wear, she skimmed over her granddaughters with her eyes and offered a nod of approval before escorting them towards the captains quarters, where dinner would be served.

Ava smiled as she set eyes upon their grandfather who patiently awaited their arrival, while he talked with captain Regan, “there are my beautiful ladies” he boomed joyfully as he set eyes upon them, with a gentle kiss upon all three of their cheeks he set about introducing them one by one to the handsome governor of the ship.

Captain Regan was quite taken with Ava, his eyes barely able to move away from her as he spoke. “Your Grace, your eldest granddaughter is a sight to behold,” he complimented as the object of his admiration entered the quarters towards the other passengers.
Ava was taken aback at the size of the Captains quarters, it must have been a third of the ship itself and had been lavishly decorated with rich mahogany wood paneling, golden candelabras that twinkled with light, a grand table sat in the middle of the room filled with fruits and vegetables, fish, poultry and beef. The sight and smell of the food reminding her of just how hungry she was. Inwardly she groaned at the prospect of having to wait for the other guests to arrive and the Captain to finish his prayer.
“Stop fidgeting,” Ava whispered to Catherine who sat impatiently in her seat looking hopefully towards the door for her new friend.

“I cant help it, he promised a walk after dinner but he hasn’t arrived yet” she responded nervously. “oh there he is,” she exclaimed happily pointing towards the door in a most unlady like fashion.

“Cat it is rude to point, now stop making such a fool of yourself,” Ava scolded, craning her own neck to catch a glimpse of the family.
Franklin was quite handsome with a head full of copper waves, and by the rather uncanny resemblance to the beautiful woman beside him, Ava gathered she was his mother.
Slowly she turned her gaze towards the man, that she assumed was his father, her breath catching in her throat at the vision of him. He had thick chestnut hair a strong jaw and wide mouth, and for a brief moment she thought he resembled their guest that had captured her heart two years before. A notion she hurriedly dismissed, for if that had been the case he surely would have been with them, unless of course he was married she suddenly thought with horror.

Before she could turn her gaze, Ava spotted their grandmother as she hurried across the crowded room, ushering the three towards Catherine and herself.

Ava and Catherine promptly stood as they arrived at the table, “Lady Grant, I would like for you to meet my granddaughter’s,” grandmother began proudly, “Our Eldest, Lady Ava , we are headed back to Wilshire Manor for her announcement into society,” Beatrice cheerfully continue, “And this is her young sister, just sixteen this Week, Miss Catherine.” She finished turning towards the younger of the two girls, pride reflected in her regal gaze.

“Girls, This is Lady Grant, Duchess of Woolbridge, Her Husband the Duke, and her youngest son Franklin,” Beatrice introduced.

“It is a pleasure to meet you and your family, lady Grant.” Ava and Catherine uniformly greeted, with a curtsy.

“Your Grace, I had not known that you had grandchildren?” The pretty woman exclaimed, with a pleasant smile.

Ava watched with well hidden disgust as their grandmother went into a well versed speech, “Well it came as quite a shock to us as well, I mean after all these years we’d presumed our beloved Annette to be deceased. Then one day about two years ago I found a story of a remarkable young girl, who according to my confidant closely resembled my beloved daughter. So I made contact and found from their father, he had indeed married a young woman named Annette and when he showed me her broach I knew it was her.” Beatrice paused to wearily glance upon both her granddaughters, silently telling them to not utter a word, “Sadly dear Annette had passed in birth some nine years earlier, twas a pity for I would so liked to have seen her once more.” Her words stunned Ava, no matter how many times in the past she had heard them, they were still the furthest from truth, yet dutifully Ava maintained her composure.

“It is truly wonderful to find that you have an heir to the title, especially after all these years that you believed you had nothing and yet it is sad that you will not be able to see your daughter again.” Lady Grant smiled to Beatrice, genuine pity in her voice. “It must be wonderful for you girls to have been so blessed in finding that you are of nobility,” She continued, turning her attentions to Ava and Catherine.
“We ourselves are enroute to England, for we’ve finally accepted an arrangement for Henry,” Eleanor beamed happily, “Although he is quite besot with the information, apparently he had met a young woman, very much below our standards and had hoped they could be unified,” She continued, her words meaning nothing to Ava.

“Speaking of, where is the young Vis-count?” Beatrice questioned earnestly.

“Busy in his cabin working on the books, I swear that young man does nothing but.” Eleanor laughed, suddenly stopping as her gaze fell upon the door. “Oh, Wait there he is now, I shall just go and grab him for I am sure he would adore to meet your granddaughters,” she excitedly exclaimed before hurrying towards the door, where a tall dark haired man stood, engrossed in conversation with his father.

Ava watched with intrigue as Duchess Grant gently placed a hand upon the young mans shoulder, suddenly feeling dizzy and weak as he turned and smiled. Her heart pounded within her breast and her her mind spun, at long last she had found him, learned his name; as he began towards them the room began to spin and everything went dark.

Ava came to in the darkness of her cabin, with Gertie at her side, while their grandmother escorted Catherine on her stroll with the young man.
“Good to see your back my lady,” Gertie greeted warmly when Ava’s eyes fluttered open.
“What happened?” Ava croaked hoarsely as she pushed herself up from the bed, wincing at the pain behind her eyes.

“Apparently you were about to meet a vis-count, when you fainted, your grandfather brought you back here while your grandmother called upon me, so she could escort your sister on a stroll.
“Yes she had, oh she must be devastated that Grandmother is escorting her,” Ava murmured suddenly remembering why she had fainted. “Gertie , the vis-count, is Henry Grant,” she blurted out as Ava stood.
“Yes, handsome isn’t he, although I didn’t expect that you would faint over him,” Gertie replied with a humorous grin.

Ava’s mind spun as she thought about it, “I first met him at the farm, the night before Grandmother arrived to collect Catherine and I,” she explained nervously. “Despite his horrific attitude to start, I found myself falling in love with him, yet I had figured we could never be until I found out I was of nobility,“ she continued, her words coming in a flurry. “I vowed the day he left with my heart I would someday find a way to marry him. Even though I never knew his name, only his face and now as if by fate I have found him once more.“ Ava sighed her heart bursting with joy, suddenly remembering the duchess of Woolbridge’s comment. “Although he is currently betrothed to another,” she finished bitterly, noticing the look upon her hand maids face.

“My lady, how do you know he even remembers you, he is a vis-count and at that time he merely would have seen you as a poor farm girl.” Gertie soothed, “I understand you have feelings for the man, but you cannot get your hopes up for he is already in an arrangement.” She finished kindly.

Unwilling to accept Gerties words, Ava shook her head, “I saw it in his eyes, I had forgotten he was there and had it not been for Catherine walking into the room I know he would have kissed me.” She argued, “I just know that he must feel the same for me as I do for him, why else would we be here together at this time?” she questioned, receiving a mere shake of Gerties head in reply.

That evening as Henry lay upon his bunk in the dark cabin, he couldn’t help but wonder.
It had all started that evening when his mother had approached him, wishing him tomeet the young countess of Wilshire, yet as he approached she had fainted leaving him with only a glimpse as her grandfather carried her away.
Her face although partial struck his heart, how could it be? She had merely been a commoner, a farmer’s daughter yet still his soul ached.
Adding to the confusion of the matterr his mothe had explained that the Duchess’s daughter had not passed, at least not until having birthed two daughters. Moreover he was brought back to his original thoughts when he had met her, the fairytale of sorts he had grown up hearing at every social gathering.
Suddenly it occurred to Henry, the young blond woman he had seen when they entered the ship, the reason he could not place her, for if it were true, she would be several years older than when they had last met.
With pounding heart he ran the scenario through his mind, deep within his heart hoping that the young noble woman of this eve was in fact his object of affection…
:( why did this chapter have to end!!!!!! Hurry up with next chapter.
I love every bit of it... you writing is just fantastic!
But I can't believe Ava fainted!!!! NO, that was supposed to be the most romantic night of her life (so far) and she fainted! I bet she will never forgive herself!
I don't think you have introduce Elizabeth yet, but I can assure you that I'm hating her already, what she did to poor Franklin is just unforgivable... but I wondered if she was forced to marry that other man....
But I have to say I'm really happy for Catherine and Franklin, they seem to really like each other, and they will make a fantastic couple!
I'm a little concerned about Capitan Regan, he does look very interested in Ava, and I don't like that... and knowing Beatrice, she will give Ava to the best offer!!!!
Really nice pictures, I love pic. 4.
Great job Cherie and please hurry up!!!
this is such a cliffhanger!!!
I think the new Henry looks awesome! :D lol and Franklin as cute as always!!!
Also I love Ava's dress and hair, she looks very lady like!
She would have made such an impression, if she wasn't for her fainting!!!
I still can't get over the fact that she fainted!!!! Can't believe it!!!!!
Thank you sandy,
I purposely didnt introduce Elizabeth, no need, she only had this one reference.
Yes Captain Regan, is very interested in Ava, but Beatrice wont allow it, he is to low of standing to be united with her family. LOL...
Yes Ava is quite upset she fainted but even more so that he is engaged to another.
Good news is we are coming into the more intricate parts of the story, I am going to cut the ship short so to speak, and flash forward a few months. I really want to get into the next part.
Will get the next chapter out soon. Have some editing to do.
Oh yes I love the screen feature in Paintshop, LOL.
Oh yes and Elizabeth didnt marry for force she just didnt love franklin that way.
For a moment I thought that Beatrice might like the Captain, I'm glad she doesn't!
I can't wait to meet Henry's fiance, I wonder how she looks like... either way... it doesn't mater Henry's heart is already taken! :D
I really want you to get into the next part too!!! :D lol I'm completely hook!
And Elizabeth, why did she played with Franklin like that? I hate her even more now! Don't you have a picture of her? just to give a face to my hatred! :D lol lol
I just think Franklin is so cute!
Yes I will post a picture of the evil witch, LOL.
Henry's fiance is a very important person in this story so to speak.
I guess it wont mean to much to give a little spoiler.
She is Ava and Catherines Half sister, if you read the prologue, it was stated that Charles was married and his wife pregnant.
Yes I do remember his wife was pregnant!!!
BUT OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so fate strings will bring the family together...
:( it couldn't be worst that to have your have sister marry the man you love :( such a love triangle!!!
I don't want to sound impatient, but hurry up...
I'm really so sorry for spamming your story with so many comments! :D sorry! this is the last one! :D lol
Dundundun... the plot thickens, and so does the romantic web. The captain fancies Ava, does he? Well then, that can't be good. Triangle anyone? Hexagon? I know how these things go, I've read books. You'll make it all crazy until we're about to claw out our eyes and then finally, it happens, and we sigh in relief.
But that's a loooong ways away. Good thing I enjoy clawing tension! Good work!
Thank you Mao, yes alot of that dundundun, stuff here.
I promise to make the clawing as pain free as possible here soon, LOL.
Cherie you tease! She fainted??? Good lord we have to wait for the next chapter now!
I loved this one. My mind is reeling t the fact that Henry is betrothed (obviously not to Ava) but I am thrilled that Catherine and Franklin have found their way to each other. And I am hoping that Beatrice will not find a ship's captain suitable for young Ava. No, I think she has some much more grand in mind.
Wonderful writing and your screencaps were beautiful. Great job my dear! Bravo!
Thank you gayle,
LOL!!! Yes Beatrice could not let a lowly captain into the family.
And yes she fainted... Couldnt have them meet up so soon, could I, besides it wouldnt flow with the rest of the story.
We are coming into the end of Henry though, sadly... At least possibly. The next chapter I had wanted to cut short but as I was editing it came to be there is no possible way to cut it out, to much info.
Thank you for reading.
sorry it has taken me this long to get here.
wow! Henry is engaged? and Catherine and Franklin have FINALLY found each other!
Beatrice still confounds me. One minute I think she's sort of ok and then the next I hate her. Is a ship's captain a bad catch? Well I guess he must be.
And Ava fainting? Now that has to be one of the most dramatic ways to end a scene!
Your writing is wonderful! You capture the time, the place, and all the different emotions and relationships with such ease, I'm astonished! And fantastic shots that complement the writing perfectly!
Thank you beth,
I am editing the next chapter, now just hope to do justice, yet more DRAMA!!! lol.
I had to cut it back though, because it was way...... To long.... 8 pages, total, and a about 200 screens, and that doesnt include the extra's I always add...
Yes Beatrice is confusing, she loves her granddaughters, but it is hard for her to show these emotions. Partly because she doted on her daughter and look what happened there.
And no, a captain is not of a catch befitting of the Ava, being she is the heir, to the Wilshire title. I did find that out, even though women were not generally considered high society, in the royal household they would inherit, the title but were generally forced to marry.
Running into a bit of a dilema though, as far as Alex goes. I had promised sandy a chapter on him, and just cant get it to flow...
Well my next posting will be out fairly quickly... Especially being I should hopefully get back to work on the 26th.
Thanks again for reading and I am glad you enjoyed. Although I have to say I am getting a bit bored, maybe I will start another story and give myself a break from BATT. lol 80)
Oh yes and thank you for the comment on my shots, I am still in awe of yours and quite often have difficulties getting them. Generally I cant get in close enough to get the ones I want and am still having a difficult time getting certain poses.
Yes fainting!!! I had to put it in there, drag out the inevitable as long as possible, LOL...
Wow, I love this story! Keep up the amazing work!
The new layout looks amazing! Love the soft colors, and the pictures look great in the new size! Now we can appreciate all the details in them!
About starting a new story, lol, I really enjoy working in more than one story, lol that way if I get tired of one I can always go to the other one!!! :D and I can't wait to read what else you come up with!!!
Very well done chapter Cherie! My mind is racing about where it's going from here!
Ava fainted! Poor thing, I hope she sees him again before they leave the ship.
I loved all the dialogue, especially Ava & Catherine at dinner when the family comes in and C. points at them. You make it so easy to imagine everything that's going on with the way you write.
About the shots, you said you can't seem to get close enough, do you use the cameraman mode? (You press 'tab' when playing or paused and then you can zoom in very close. I played for years and didn't know it existed! MTS2 has a keyboard commands section for it but I can't list the address here or it will spam my comment I think, I can post it at the Alliance if you need it, it's really helpful if you forget.)
I'm sorry you're getting bored with it, I know we all aren't bored reading it! I always take a break and do something fun to get over times like that, I'm at one now actually, putting off my own update! You did a fabulous job on this one anyway~Emily
Thought I would give posting it a try anyway.
Thank you again for reading Emily.
And thank you for the GREAT tip!!!
Yes unfortunately I always run into that problem, I get bored after working so long on one particular story, it's why I have about fifty different stories stored on my computer that way I can go through and work on them at my own pace, as I see fit. LOL...
Kinda of what I am doing now, taking a little break from BATT and writing, reading and actually playing the game. It has been so long since I actually sat down and played without trying to get my screens lol.
And I did start a new story so to speak, at least got some ideas by just playing.
Thanks again for reading, and Now your all caught up, Hooray!!!
yay! they meet and at least beatrice seems remotely interested in "the young viscount" :D.
Franklin is so adorable. I'm glad that catherine came by to save his aching heart :).
This was great, it really was. I can't believe you made ava faint! NOw I have to wait for the next chapter to come out to know where they'll go from there :/.
good job!
Thank you Chloe,
I am glad you enjoyed,
Next chapter should be out here shortly most likely today...
-is lurker- Somehow i imagine perhaps her singing brings them together? its a possibility, he might recognize her voice :3 -waits patientily for the next update- 8D
What drama, what tension. Love it, she faints. Great set-up.
The love-boat is heating up! Nothing like being cooped up on a ship for months for relationships to form.
I don't like the way the captain is eying Ava either. Concern there.
I love the look on Henry's face as he lays in his cabin. He is adorable.
Great work, I will read some more tomorrow mate!!
Thank you Karen,
Yes he is rather dreamy in that state... Still Alex is more handsome in my oppinion. LOL
I couldnt resist the faint, I guess my poor sweet fiery girl couldnt handle it, LOL.
The captain is certainly not the one she wants, for her heart belongs to someone else, at least thats what she believes...
Thank you for reading, I look forward to your comments on the rest...
Lurker, I am so sorry I didnt catch your comment earlier. 80)
Ava's voice and tone is just one bit of it, the real reason is Henry's true self...
She is the one he cannot seem to catch up...
So glad you read and commented and cant wait to hear what you may think of upcoming chapters. 80)
Thank you so Much!!!
Oh no! I can't believe she fainted! LOL! That is too funny! LOL! OMG! This is too good! At least they both now know the identity of the other! :D
Your blending/merging of pictures were beautiful! I really liked Ava's black and wht gown! Well, I'm off to read another chapter! :D
LOL I had to torture, LOL! and at least you get to read in succession. Every one else had to wait,
Thanks again for commenting Zayury!
I like that gown too! even though I dont think it was meant to be colonial. 80)
Ava was quite a vision in this chapter. And finally she and Henry see each other and make the connection! And then...she faints! I sure hope she gets a chance to speak to him.
I love Catherine - always forgetting her manners. She cracks me up.
Great chapter!
I couldnt resist the drama and Catherine is Catherine, LOL!
Thanks again, now off to comment on your others. 80)
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