Marianne sat alone in her room, the pain in her heart unbearable as she feared the worse. Feared that her husband had strayed from her, leaving her in the same situation as her mother once had been. Pregnant and alone, the only difference; her father had passed away not abandoned her for another woman. Her heart burned with anger, fury towards not only her husband but Ava as well. The wretch that had stolen from her the love of Henry, stripped from her the dignity of a comfortable marriage.

“If only I had known,” she sighed out in agony, her stomach lurching with nausea as she remembered how truly excited she had been to receive the illustrious invitation to the one house that had never before invited her or her family.

His vision fell quickly upon his distressed wife as he entered the room, his body battered and worn from having ridden all night in an attempt to outrun his grief over Ava’s revelation. “Known of what my sweet?” Henry questioned, his gravelly voice echoing across the room.

Discomfort settling within him as she turned her excited gaze in his direction, a gaze that quickly darkened to anger. Rightfully placed anger, he silently acknowledged, knowing that she had undoubtedly found of his true reasoning behind attending the ball.

Marianne penetrated him with her blazing angry gaze, her heart thundering within her breast as she abandoned all civility and stormed towards him. “How dare you!” she raged, jabbing a quivering finger into his chest, uncaring that the servants may over hear what she had to say.

“Why did you not tell me before I accepted that Lady Ava was the one in whom your heart yearned for?” She continued her voice wavering with unshed tears.

“You have gone above our agreement milord!” she snarled her watery blue eyes glittering with unshed tears. The force of her voice obviously surprising him by the unsteady step back he took. “You are fortunate that as we speak I carry, for I never wish you to touch me again!” She finished, her torment evident and her heart shattering as she spoke the words. A deep sense of loathing growing for not only her husband yet the spawn in which she carried.

Henry was taken aback by Marianne’s anger, as her words slowly registered. “Mary, my love,” he quietly murmured in his most soothing tone, his mind reeling and a sense of dread settling deep within his heart at the prospect of losing her.

Incapable of looking upon Henry, she stormed away her shoulders visibly shaking as she stubbornly fought back the tears. “I am not your sweet Henry,” his name burned like acid as it rolled off her tongue. “Reserve such endearments for your mistress Lady Ava,” she spat, the woman’s name increasing her disgust. Absently she gazed through the drapery, unwilling to look upon him lest he see her heartbreak. A deep seeded heartache that only one in love could experience emotion he did not deserve to see.

Sadly Henry tentatively stepped forward, reaching his arms about his stiff wife’s form and pulling her close. “Mary, she is mine no longer,” he quietly whispered into her ear. Pain engulfing his heart, not only at the memory of Ava yet more so now, over the heartache he had subjected his beautiful wife to.

“She is soon to be married to Lord Alexander, a very dear friend of mine.” Hot tears stung his eyes and he gently swayed to and fro, pulling Marianne closer to his quivering body.

“I truly apologize for having deceived you my love. I acted unbecoming and selfishly in my need for closure, an ending that she whole heartedly gave.” His voice was quiet, laced with emotion. “Mary you are my wife and I swear to you I shall not stray. For it is within you that I now know my heart belongs.” He whispered truthfully, understanding that Marianne deserved his complete devotion and attention.

She heard the sincerity in his voice, yet with all that had occurred over the past two months she could not find trust in him. Could not find it within herself to forgive him, nor Lady Ava, despite the woman’s clearly pure intentions when she had refused him. “Henry I do not believe I can trust in you. You have broken my heart and purposefully deceived my innocence,” She snarled.

Breaking free of his grasp and moving closer to the window, the tears flowing over her cheeks.

Her words stung his heart, shattered his soul as he gazed upon her. Marianne’s words resounding within him, her cool dismissal and the blatant disapproval. There was absolutely nothing he could say, nothing he could do for he could deny her. She had been correct, he had deceived his wife and himself, committed the ultimate crime against their marriage. Suddenly her full statement struck him, gasping he threw his hands out, “Marianne you are w-with child?” he stammered. Fear surging through him as he realized he was soon to lose her, especially if it was in fact the heir, for he was sure she would enforce the barter she had originally placed.

Marianne didn’t bother to turn, she heard his astonishment and in truth she could care less to see the discomfort upon his face. “At least two months,” she breathed out, her voice cracking with emotion…

Ava awoke with a start, bright sunlight filtering over her. Disoriented she glanced about the strange surroundings, memories of the night before flooding her thoughts as she glanced at the empty side of the bed.

The sight leaving her oddly bereft. Hot tears sprung to her eyes, stinging her lids as she swung her legs over the side of the massive bed.

A grimace crossing her face and a small squeal escaping her throat; at the intimate soreness between her thighs.

Shamefully she rose on quivering legs and hurriedly clothed herself in her undergarments, not bothering to tighten the stays of her corset as an embarrassed blush crept into her cheeks.

Fretfully she glanced about the room in search of her gown, her heart aching, a sense of embarrassment and anger coursing through her. Alexander had left her, his actions seeming to her that he cared not for her to be there with him.

Shuddering she remembered the promise she had made the night before, a fretful sob working it’s way from her throat at the prospect of leaving for Gretna green.

Especially now as she highly doubted that he would, “I am a fallen woman,” she regretfully breathed into the chilly sex permeated air. A new realization striking her, the unavoidable guilt that she had acted far to hastily by committing the exact crime in which he’d accused her of.

Frustrated she glanced about yet again in search of her gown, desperately wanting to be gone from this house before he returned to confirm her belief that he cared not to see her again.

“Oh the insufferable pig,” she tearfully snarled, throwing her hands into the air as she realized that he must have hidden it. So lost in her thoughts she failed to hear the door open and close behind her, failed to hear the heavy footfalls upon the thick wool carpeting.

Alexander’s smile soon faded as his vision fell upon the obviously outraged form of his beloved. Silently he chastised himself, for having not been present when she awakened.

Knowing she must feel horrid that he was not there to greet her. “I had hoped you would still be abed,” he lightly stated, his tone apologetic.

Startling her as she jumped at the sound of his voice and turned her glittering tear filled eyes and furious face towards him.

His thickly accented baritone rumbled through her very being, catching her off guard and pulling her away from her thoughts. The mere sight of him pulling the tears from her eyes, “why ever would you?” she accusingly snarled. Her anger flared as she doubted he truly meant it.

“You’ve gotten what you wished, completed yet another conquest and now I shall leave. Just as soon as you give me my gown,” despite her attempts at ferocity, her voice came out weak, reflecting her anguish and sorrow.

Swallowing hard at the biting comment, he penetrated her with his hurt gaze and stepped closer.

Wrapping her shivering body in his strong grasp. “Mi amore,” he carefully began, weighing his words carefully so as not to further injure her and trying his hardest to keep his own frustration in check. “I may have been a scoundrel, yet I assure you I meant every word I said last eve.” He whispered against her throat.

“You are in not in any form a conquest. I could not bear to live with myself knowing you believe as such.” he continued trailing his lips over the silken skin of her jaw.

"Mi Corazon, understand that I most ardently love you; and until the minister pronounces you my wife.” He whispered gazing soulfully into her jeweled eyes, his heart thundering within his breast as he was struck afresh at the level and depth of his emotions for her. “I am not complete,” he sighed brushing his mouth over hers.


George paced nervously about his study, fury and grief encompassing him as he ran the events from the night before through his mind.

Sorrow for he had never before spoken so harshly to his wife, the memory of her stricken look aching his heart. Anger because she had acted without thought of repercussion, allowed their granddaughter to go to him, without knowing it was in fact Lord Alexander she had chosen as her destination.

“Shades of the past,” he quietly growled the memories of his daughter and Viscount Talley’s sordid affair fresh in his mind. Absently he tapped his breast pocket wishing it would ease his discomfort yet knowing it would not.

Beatrice rushed towards her husband’s office. Fear, nervousness and shame intermixing within her. He had been correct; she had acted foolishly and may possibly have destroyed any chance of redemption for their families.

Hesitantly she turned the knob of the closed door and entered the darkened room. Her mind twisting with concern and worry over his reason for having requested her audience so urgently. “Milord,” she barely managed to whisper through the cotton dryness of her mouth and tight throat. Tears burning her eyelids for his hurtful words were still prominent in her memory.

Turning to focus upon her, a pain shot through his heart. Beatrice was pale and frightened, shame clearly written across her face. “As you well know I am greatly displeased with your actions,” he began. His voice though quiet, forceful and commanding.

Dropping her gaze to the floor Beatrice squeezed her eyes tightly closed in an effort to withhold the tears. “Yes milord, I have truly acted quite unbecoming for my position,” she choked out painfully as she braced herself for yet another scolding.

Sighing heavily he stepped forward, taking his wife into his arms in a soothing and comforting embrace. “I am pleased that you see the error of your decisions,” he murmured pitifully.

“Now I have called upon you this morn for I have received word from Lord Alexander.” He continued.

While he gently led her towards the overstuffed velvet chair and guided her to a sitting position as he knelt before his wife. Concern etched over his face as he soaked in the gentle silk of her hair that framed her pale face. He had initially been in debate over whether to inform her of the news, yet seeing how distressed she was, how she had not made her effort to complete her morning abolutions he made his decision.

His embrace soothed her nerves, the gentle tone of his voice relaxed her a bit until his words sank in. “Is…Is she not with him?” Beatrice tersely questioned, fear resonating within her tone.

George could not withhold the small smile at the fear and nervousness in her voice, “Ava is indeed with him.” He reassured standing and walking towards his desk.

Pausing until he had situated himself comfortably in the chair. A part of him enjoying keeping her on edge.

“Considering what has occurred I must agree wholly with his choice,” he whispered pulling forth the thick linen paper and smoothing it out before him on the desk.

Beatrice sucked in a deep breath, knowing in what her husband spoke of yet not wishing to believe Ava could have done such. “Milord, I had not yet explained…” She whispered fearfully, a part of her concerned over Ava’s welfare.

Her reaction warranted a hearty laugh from George, a laugh that caused her to gaze upon him quizzically.

“I do not believe she was in need of an explanation,” he quietly stated once he had regained his composure.

“If anything Lord Alexander was most pleased to explain for you,” he continued a wicked gleam in his eyes as he was transported back to his own youth.

A gasp escaped her at her husband’s rather inappropriate remark, “Milord, I do not think that is a proper subject,” she quietly scolded. Her cheeks reddening at her own memories, of her wedding night and how her mother’s words had little bearing on what actually occurred.

Clearing his throat he glanced back again upon his wife, “Apparently Ava is truly upset over the entire event. Thus she hastily agreed to leave for Gretna Green .” His tone was suddenly serious.

“She cannot, the scandal!” Beatrice cried out incapable of containing her astonishment.

“Alexander was of the same opinion,” George hurriedly interrupted. Raising his hand in signal that he required silence.

“They leave for London this morn where he will apply to the magistrate for a special license.” His blue eyes darkened with sadness as he dropped his gaze to the letter. “He has requested Gertie be sent as her companion.”

Before he could continue Beatrice flew from her seat, her eyes wild with anger. “Absolutely not, I must go with her!” she hollered her face twisting in confusion and disbelief.

“Beatrice, I have already dispatched the handmaid,” George calmly explained shooting her a wary glance. “Now if you would so kindly let me finish,” he continued.

“We have two days time to prepare for the nuptials." He finished wanting to take her in his arms and soothe away her discomfort, yet knowing that there was nothing he could do. For he himself was not happy with the entire event…

Frustrated and heartbroken Marianne rushed from the house. Ignoring Henry’s fervent and pleading cries, flinging the door open she bolted into the chilled morning air.

The Cold winds cutting through the thin linen of her house dress.

Still she did not stop until she reached the carriage house. Hurriedly she cried out to one of the stable hands, ordering him to drive her…
To Be Continued...
Oh wow!! Poor Marianne! I feel for her more than I do anyone else in this story! She was the innocent one who foolishly thought her husband would fall in love with her and while it looks as if Henry had FINALLY seen the light it might be too later for her! :S
So no rushed marriage to Gretna huh? LOL! At least this way Ava and Alexander can save face and say they couldn't wait to get married which is why he had to get a special license! They would have been the talk of the ton if that had happened!
Great chapter Cherie! I'm glad that Beatrice is seeing the light as well! It's about time!!
Dont feel to poorly for Marianne, she is just now coming to her senses. LOL! And I think this particular event will certainly aid her growing sense of power. Still havent quite decided where I am going with them yet. Perhaps a repeat of her father...
I did seriously toy around with Gretna, but do not have the gumption to build or decorate, LOL! Plus there is more argument and misunderstanding to come from Ava... LOL! I didnt dub them the ever arguing double A's for nothing. LOL! And yeah definately the talk of the Ton, LOL! although this will certainly get the tongues wagging too.
I guess I am all argued out, couldnt come up with any words I liked for George to say to Beatrice so just posted a photo sequence. LOL!
Glad you enjoyed! 80)
My, my this was really interesting. I am actually rooting for Henry and Marianne. I always did like Henry and I believe he is a changed man. Poor Marianne though, if she only knew who Ava was...
And then Ava waking up alone and ashamed. Played out in her mind exactly as one would expect. Shame, mortification, an then anger. And now they are running off to marry.
Glad that George let Beatrice have it. She really deserved a tongue lashing. And she was still enraged over not attending to Ava. I was laughing so hard about not having the talk...I bet Alex explained things!
Now you have me so curious as to where Marianne is running off to!
Wonderful update! The shots were so vivid and detailed...I don't know if that was the lighting mod or not since your images are always spectacular.
My dear Sister this was a wonderful update! :rah: Your pictures were beautiful!
The various rooms looked rich and marvelously decorated, you saw to every detail! :rah: I love all the various paintings hanging on the walls, lovely scenes and portraits! :wub:
Marianne definitely put Henry in his place didn't she?! Lol! I'm glad he deserved that and more for the awful thing he did to poor Ava! I hope nothing happens to her on the carriage, btw it's a gorgeous carriage! I love the last pic where you can see the reflection of trees and the sky on the windows of the carriage! Awesome! :rah:
You got 'sexy feet' for Ava, very nice! I don't blame her for feeling worried after waking up by herself, lol! Well sweet Alex set that straight didn't he, lol!
LOL! That is kool that you didn't add any text to the reprimand Beatrice received from George, lol! The pictures were very clear, and besides I added my own choice words, lol! ;p
Again, this was a wonderful chapter my dear! Beautiful writing! :wub:
Thank you Gayl!
Henry and Marianne, I am a little on their side, but certainly not soon. *wink* There is Sir Edwards to contend with LOL! Actually I am pleased with her change of attitude here, although I think a bit more of Francis is coming out. EEK! HA-HA if only she knew who her father was! too...
Ava and Alex, I love those two... But somehow I doubt his kisses will calm her much longer. LOL! I am glad that came across well, I was felt that particular piece was lacking and didnt portray quite what I was hoping for. 80)
LOL! That particular piece in regards to the 'Talk' was one of my favorites, I was laughing so hard when I wrote georges response. I am sure Alex more than enjoyed the explanation, LOL! glad you enjoyed it!
Mary's destination will be explained soon enough, possibly next chapter or the next. lol! but certainly not a smooth road coming...
Thanks again for the lovely and long comment. Especially the comment on the screens! It means alot 80) Possibly the light mod, I noticed the indoor shots, especially the dark colors came out really dark and had to work on them. 80)
Thank you Zayuri!
Actually I wimped out, just went ahead and used the wilshire manor being it was already decorated, LOL! actually Marianne's room is Annette's from the prologue. LOL! I just added a few extra's. I love those paintings, cant remember where exactly they came from. Probably TSR or Vitasims.
Yes Marianne finally grew a spine, and dished it out. I do agree he deserved it, for all the hell he caused at the ball. But more importantly the pain he put his wife thru. The ownable taxi from MTS2 is wonderful, and nothing will happen to Mary on there. I liked that one too, I went pic heavy in this chapter. lol!
LOL! yes I wanted something more realistic for my nude sims, LOL! And yes Alex did, or perhaps not quite. Ava is pretty steamed. LOL! I would be too.
I couldnt come up with any words I liked for the reprimand, so I left it to the readers imagination, LOL! So glad you had some choice words for the scene. 80)
Thank you again, I was not too particularly pleased with the writing, I didnt edit it nearly as much as I should. But it came out decent. 80) So glad you enjoyed!!!
Great update! Alexander and Ava are really well suited, even if she did have a bad turn there when she woke up and he wasn't there. So are Henry and Marianne if she will forgive him, which I absolutely understand might take a while. Where is she going at the end?
and glad to see George taking on Beatrice finally.
wonderful shots -- the colors are so rich and luminous.
again, great job!
Whoa, I was certainly not expecting that! Marianna has found her spine and how! She's off for it, but where? It's a shame, but what did Henry expect? She may not completely understand, but he really didn't give her much explanation. Sigh. Hopefully this can be saved! For them both.
Yikes. Alexander, you really are clumsy, aren't you? Especially for being such a ladies' man! Of course she's angry, given what she's thought and everything happened. They sure are getting married quick. What a tailspin, LOL!
Wow, George REALLY railed Beatrice! She's quite humbled, isn't she? Haha, it's strange to see her so fragile. Hopefully this means she'll be a bit more cautious in the future.
Thank you Beth,
Yes the double A's are good together. And three lightening bolts apiece. LOL!
Marianne and Henry, still toying with them. They are good for eachother, and I am proud of her for giving it to him. LOL! as far as where she's headed... That will be answered soon enough. 80) In truth I have three places she could be going havent narrowed it down yet though. 80)
LOL! I couldnt come up with any words for the argument so I just posted the pic sequence. But yes he finally put her in her place! and she has certainly realized the error of her ways. 80)
Thank you again for such a wonderful comment I am glad you enjoyed, especially the screens. 80) I do feel mine lack sometimes.80)
Thank you Mao,
Ha-ha yes Marianne finally found her spine. I couldnt just let Henry get away with it now could I. LOL!
Still working out their relationship, time to focus a bit on some of the other characters in this story. Cant truthfully say where she is headed, I havent decided quite yet, well I have an idea but... it will be answered soon enough.
The double A's are in for some interesting events, two days before a wedding. A quick trip to London That should take several uncomfortable hours in a carriage. (half an hour in one and I was screaming to get out) LOL! and then they will be subjected to their families unhappiness at the events.
Yes George got her, and I do believe Beatrice will be far more hesitant in the future. Certainly she will give her ultimatums and actions more thought. 80)
Thank you again for reading, glad you enjoyed! 80)
Poor Marianne, ten steps forward, twenty steps back! Henry is finally seeing the error of his ways and now it just might be too late.
Boy, Ava really has some trust issues now with Alex. He was stupid for leaving her though, he should know she's very fragile right now! At least they seem to have made up, somewhat. :D
George and Beatrice are a funny pair, loved what he said about Alex filling him in on what happened! :D
Very good update, enjoyed it thoroughly!
Thank you Emily,
Yes the ball threw a wrench into everything. Especially for Mary and Henry, although he did deserve the tongue lashing. Cant say whether or not it is too late. 80)
Ava was really upset and embarrassed, her discomfort heightened by nerves. Pre wedding jitters. Yes Alex smoothed things over a bit. But she is still hopping mad. 80)
I couldnt resist writing that line, ha-ha.
I am glad you enjoyed!
This certainly is an 'aftermath' wow. Such emotion, such conflict!
I always liked Henry, thought he was misguided in his attachment to Ava, it wasn't meant to be, not really, and glad to see he has finally realized his true heart lies with his wife.
However, it may be a titch too late. Marianne seems quite upset, and where is she rushing off to, and what mischief will she get into? Nice cliffhanger, mate!
Ava, how vulnerable she was when she first awoke. Who hasn't thought that at one time? LOL!
But Alex arrived in time to smooth her ruffled feathers. Such a passionate pair, wonderful!
A stunning contrast to the more formal, traditional relationship of
Beatrice and George, nicely played, and words where not needed, the shots said it all.
Great update!
Enjoyed it immensely!
Thank you Karen!
Yes alot of emotions wrapped into this one.
Henry isnt all bad, he just allowed his feelings and emotions to misguide him. Still unsure if it is or isnt to late, lol. These two are turning out rather interesting to me. Cant say where she is headed... Writing that one out now, LOL! *wink* certainly can get into plenty of mischief though...
Ava is rather vulnerable right now, and very high strung with all her emotions. Ha-ha, exactly who hasnt felt or thought that way. Well it wouldnt be Ava to let him get away with this so easily, so there is a bit more argument left there. But Alex can certainly smooth her out, LOL!
Yes I wanted to show the fragile side of Beatrice and the love George has for his much younger wife. LOL! And I am so happy the sequence worked without words and that the contrast was interesting. 80)
So glad you enjoyed! and thank you for the lovely comment!!
I cant wait for the wedding!!!
Poor Marianne, I really feel so sorry for her... I do really want to understand Henry but I can't... I just don't like him, he is so selfish, not so long ago, he was begging Ava to run away with him, she declined and he goes back to his wife.... what would have happened if Ava had taken him back? where would Marianne be right now? she would probably be forgotten and abandoned....
Ava, lol she is her usual self! I'm glad Alex didn't run away after the romantic night they had!!!
Beatrice, lol poor Beatrice, well deserved... someone finally put her in place!!! :D
Great chapter Bravo!!!
LOL! Thank you Sandy,
Still a bit to come there, Two days may be a short amount of time for but... LOL! We are talking about the ever arguing double A's!
Sorry you dont like Henry, 80) he isnt all bad. It took Ava's rejection to realize that he was acting foolish. More on him soon enough. If by some unknown reason Ava had taken him back it would never have worked, they arent suited for eachother. Something that if he truly thought about it for a sane moment would most definately been evident from the get go. He's to arrogant and she, well Ava is to free. lol!
Ha-ha, we dont have to worry about Alex running away, he would face any storm no matter how dangerous if it involved Ava. LOL! But Ava, she loves him, but why is she choosing to marry so quickly... It just isnt her... Or is it? yet another twist here in this story yet. LOL! AND SHES PREGNANT! I installed RWH just to see if caused conflicts with the game, and yes. And first time the girl got knocked up. Oh well this way all three can be hormonal together. LOL! Frustrating though, she kept running off to the bathroom. SO I had to lock her in the room. LOL! To get the screens. 80)
Beatrice most definately deserved what she got, and yet fortunately George felt some pity for her. To bad she has so much more coming!
Thank you for Reading I am glad you enjoyed and Welcome back again!
GASP!! Who's that handsome stagecoach driver? I know there are lots of other things to comment about but...who's that handsome stagecoach driver? LOL!
Aw, poor Marianne! I hope she and Henry can work it out. He does love her, he was just a bit confused. Hopefully now he'll be on the straight and narrow.
I've never seen Beatrice with her hair down before. She looks quite fetching. And boy did George really give it to her. Maybe she'll think about the consequences next time before acting.
LOL - poor Ava. I enjoyed that scene between her and Alex. I loved the picture where he startled her. And I love the two of them together.
Your pictures are always a joy to look at. So much rich detail - beautiful furnishings and paintings - everything is always in its proper place. You always use color well, and have a great eye for decorating. How do you get all those beautiful ceilings?
Great job, Cherie!
LOL! I am so sorry Astral... The stage driver is a NPC I will have to go in game to find out. LOL!
Poor Henry hasnt seen the end of his misery just yet... And why should he, if Ava would have accepted he would have run off. But for how long is the question. LOL!
Beatrice will certainly be keeping to herself from here on. Well at least as much as humanly possible for her. LOL! I actually like that sim. Although I lost the original that I modeled Beatrice off of, oh well there were only minor edits made. And I too like the long hair. I think it's time for a change. 80)
Yes George got her! Hooray finally someone made her see the light. I just wish I could have worked out the verbage for the argument. LOL!
Alex and Ava are certainly one of my favorite couples. I feel badly for them both in reality, both are so stubborn there are bound to be fireworks.
The ceilings are from Apartment life although Mod the sims 2 has some beatiful ones for those who do not or are hesitant in dealing with AL.
I love to build, and photography is another of my hobbies, plus I am a perfectionist of sorts. LOL!
I am so terribly sorry that it took so long to get back to your lovely comment. 80) Thank you again!
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