Chapter 6
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Over the next, month and a half of the journey Ava witnessed her sister’s relationship with Franklin blossom into a courtship and on the morning signaling their final three days aboard the Royal Queen. She patiently listened as Catherine babbled on and on about her new beau, her sister who fully expected that any day now Franklin would propose. This notion was by far not lost upon Ava, for the two spent nearly every opportune moment within one another’s company and most recently, she had begun to worry of her sisters virtue, being the young woman had taken to sneaking from the cabin late at night when she believed her sister to be slumbering.
“Ava, I believe he is going to propose tonight,” Catherine squealed happily as they dressed early that morning. “And if he does, I shall most surely accept. For I do not believe I could live a day without him,” she dreamily continued, unnoticing of the smile that spread across Ava’s face, at them remembrance of how not so long ago, Catherine had been adamant that she could never love again, after Jonathon.
With only a few days remaining before the ship docked in London, Franklin had gone to his parents for their permission to seek Catherine’s hand and to his joy, they willing approved. Now today, as he made his way across the deck of the Royal Queen, Franklin did everything he could to settle his thundering heart before he arrived at George Carmichael, Duke of Wilshire’s door. Yet despite his best efforts he failed to calm himself and now as he stood before the cabin door Franklin nearly faltered. “Come now,” he whispered to himself. “The Duke is a reasonable man,” the words were meant to provide reassurance, yet acted quite the opposite. Still Franklin forced his hand to raise and rap against the wood, after which he stood in agonizing silence as he awaited a response.
The Duke finally answered Franklins knock after what seemed an eternity and with a warm smile he welcomed Franklin in . Despite Franklin’s legs seemingly unwilling to move, he tentatively entered the cabin briefly glancing about lavish room in amazement. “What a pleasure to have you come and visit,” George quietly murmured as he poured to glasses of brandy. “And What do I owe your company too?” he questioned, offering Franklin one of the crystal glass's as he made his way towards a velvet chair sitting to the right of the door.
Unable to speak, Franklin took a hefty swig of the amber liquid, grimacing as the bittersweet fluid slid down his throat, leaving a trail of fire in its wake.
“Well?” the Duke pressured once more, beckoning Franklin towards the empty chair and pinning him with his inquisitive pale blue gaze.
Grateful for a reason to sit, Franklin willingly set the glass upon the wooden table before nervously making his way towards the chair. When he first attempted to speak no words came forth, rather they conveniently lodged behind the lump that had lodged in his throat, swallowing hard Franklin silently willed himself to speak. “I…I have…” he stammered nervously, “Well…I have spent quite some time as of late, in the company of Lady Catherine. And have found myself to be in love with her,” he finally managed, pausing to inhale a deep breath as he envisioned the Duke not only throwing him from the room, yet off the ship itself.
“Yes, I am well aware of your relationship,” George interrupted before Franklin could continue as he fixed upon him a gaze filled with emotion. Feelings that Franklin was incapable of deciphering.
“Sir…” Franklin fearfully choked out, his body relaxing then as the brandy eased his nerves and numbed his mind. “I have to be honest; my visit this day is to seek your permission to request Lady Catherine’s hand in marriage.” The fluid ease of his words surprised even Franklin himself, a feeling that was to be short lived by the quizzical gaze that George fixed upon him.
“I appreciate your honesty, yet I find it befitting to inform you that Catherine is merely sixteen and therefore quite possibly too young for such a serious offer.” George finally spoke after a moment of nerve-wracking silence, seemingly unnoticing of the look that crossed over the young mans face as Franklins heart to sank. “Yet I shall give this my utmost consideration,” George continued, “and I assure you that I will provide you with my response this evening.” He abrupbtly finished, as he stood and began towards the door signalling the end of the conversation.
“Thank you your grace,” Franklin murmured deflated as he stood and exited the cabin. “I do wish for you to know that if you agree, I shall always ensure Lady Catherine’s utmost happiness and will love her above all.” Franklin added, just before the duke closed the door.
Much to Henry’s dismay his father had insisted upon his spending the journey cooped up in his cabin, working through the families’ business ledgers. Despite every fiber of his being, desperately wanting to seek out the mysterious young Countess of Wilshire, in order to put his mind to rest. Unhappily, he glanced upon the final book, silently cursing its existence as his heart ached, for Henry had given up hope of ever meeting her. Let alone, finding the young woman in whom his heart belonged, the young Ava from the farm. Focusing upon a particularly odd number within the ledger, Henry nearly jumped out of his seat when the door to the cabin flung open, revealing a rather agitated Franklin.
“Henry! You will never believe what has happened,” Franklin wailed in agitation, running his hands through his wind tousled copper waves. “The Duke has told me I must wait until this eve for his reply,” he continued before Henry had an opportunity to reply.
“What did you expect?” Henry snarled out once he was able to speak as he closed the ledger and stood to face his younger brother.
Taken aback by Henry’s brusque reply, Franklin pinned his brother with a glare, “I expected he give me an answer.” He responded, not bothering to withhold his frustration or hurt.
Henry watched in amused exasperation as Franklin fell heavily upon his bunk and exhaled a sigh. Obvious distress written across his youthful face, torment that pulled at Henry’s heart. “Franklin it is a heavy decision, and she is still quite young,” He earnestly began, hoping to soothe his brother. “It may be common to marry at such a young age, yet…” Henry paused as Franklin fixed him with his angry violet gaze. “As I understand it, Lady Catherine had an older sister that is soon to be announced; therefore the Duke and Duchess may very well prefer that the eldest marry before they accept a suitor for Catherine. So please do not fret so and accept their decision with humility.” Henry finished, immediately knowing that there was nothing to be said or done to change Franklins mind by his reaction.
“Catherine and I are in love,” Franklin began, flailing his arms about in a dramatic fashion as he jumped from his bed. “The Duke and Duchess should be grateful that they can marry one of their granddaughters so quickly. Especially considering they had not known of Ava or Catherine’s existence until recently.” He continued, so lost in his own frustration he failed to notice Henry’s reaction upon hearing her name.
Completely taken aback, Henry sat heavily upon his bunk, after all these years of searching, desiring and believing he could never have her. Now he came to find she was a mere arms reach away, more importantly she was of his stature. His heart and mind raced furiously within him as a cocktail of emotions enveloped his very being. For surely his parents would agree to end his betrothal now, a union with the heiress of the Wilshire title would most certainly be of far greater benefit. Still he could not silence his mind, for what if she did not reciprocate his feelings; there was only one way to find out.
“I apologize, dear Franklin, yet I desperately need to get some air lest I myself turn to wood.” Henry hurriedly excused himself once his strength returned.
As he stepped out into the bright afternoon light, the cool salt tang of the ocean air enveloping his senses Henry could not withhold the grin, for the fates had smiled upon him. Answering his truest heart’s desire and nothing could keep him from seeking her out now.
Ava lay upon her bunk lost within the words of her book as the ship gently lolled back and forth. Her eyes growing heavier and heavier as sound of the waves lapping against the hull, lulled her to sleep when the peaceful quiet of her afternoon was interrupted by a rapping upon the cabin door. Startled and shaken Ava jumped from the bed and hurriedly opened the door, her heart pounding with concern as her vision came to focus upon her grandfather’s concerned face. “Grandfather, whatever is the matter?” she questioned in vexation.
George waited to give his response until after he had entered the cabin and ensured the door was securely shut, “Franklin came to me this morn,” he began with a heavy sigh, unsettling Ava further as she fought to control the questions that swirled about her mind.
Was it possible that he had not wished to propose as Catherine had expected? She silently wondered, if so, was this the reason behind her grandfather’s distress? “He has asked for Catherine’s hand,” George murmured sadly, putting Ava at ease for the briefest of moments. “I have not yet provided him with a response, for despite your grandmother’s acceptance I desire your opinion.” He continued nervously.
Ava stood in stunned silence as she considered her answer; despite her personal disagreement with the matter, she couldn’t help but feel torn. Once again she held her sisters heart and happiness within her grasp and based upon her reply their grandfather would make his decision. “She is so young…” Ava tentatively began, “Catherine is silly, dramatic and I am unsure that she understands the seriousness of marriage, yet…” She truthfully continued, wringing her hands nervously.
“I whole heartedly agree with you, yet your grandmother is set upon believing the union would be of great well being.” George interrupted with a long breath, “personally, I fear this union could be of severe consequence,” he murmured, his concerns mirroring Ava’s own.Patiently she waited, as Ava silently contemplated whether she should tell their grandfather of Catherine’s late night indiscretions. “Firstly I must disagree with grandmother,” she finally spoke, deciding for the time being that it was not necessary. “Yet I must say that marriage may be just what she needs to calm. For the duties of a wife are many,” Ava nervously continued. “As well, I fear that she may attempt to return to Jonathon if we do not check her soon, especially if she ever learns of what transpired, or worse she may compromise herself, for her infatuation with Franklin. In order to ensure that your response is in her favor,” Ava finished with a heavy sigh, for truthfully she was already concerned that her sister may already have done such.
George listened intently to Ava’s words, leaving her to nervously await his continued statement as he paced about the small cabin. “Once again, I must agree with you dear Ava,” He finally responded, as he turned to face her. “If you are in agreement, then so shall I be.” He tersely continued. “I just wish she had your head,” he softly finished with a gentle smile and a warm hug before he exited the cabin, leaving Ava to her own thoughts.
Henry had made his third trip around the ship when he ran into the Duke of Wilshire, inwardly he groaned while he silently resigned himself to having to wait until dinner that ever before he could speak with Ava. For the Duke had requested his accompaniment for yet another turn about the Royal Queen.
“Firstly Henry, I wish to commend you on your work ethics in which your father praises so.” George began as they stopped to gaze upon the blue green water of the ocean.
“Thank you, your grace,” Henry humbly accepted sensing more to the Dukes request for company, which alarmed him. Had George found of his previous meeting with the young countess? He silently feared, “Although, I must say that my father had by far surpassed me at my age.” He laughed out as he attempted to mask his nervousness.
“Yes, your father has always been a masterful landlord,” the Duke grinned. “I only wish that my only reason for your company was so I could congratulate you.” He continued, his attitude significantly changed to a serious demeanor. “Your brother has come to request my youngest granddaughter’s hand. I have already discussed the matter with Catherine’s elder sister, yet I would appreciate you opinion on the matter as well.” He finished, penetrating Henry with his pale blue gaze.
Unsurely Henry stood in silence as he pondered the Duke’s question, when out of the corner of his eye he saw movement. Briefly turning he found his gaze focused upon the young countess, Henry’s breath caught as he feasted his eyes upon her. There was no denying that this ethereal woman was the young lady from the farm so many years before, angelic as ever with her auburn hair piled neatly atop her head in a fiery mass of curls. A few wind tossed tendrils, framing her porcelain face. For a moment Henry nearly forgot where he was, let alone who he was in the company of, until the elder gentleman cleared his throat breaking his concentration. “I…I apologize, your grace.” Henry sheepishly murmured fighting the heat that slowly crept up his neck and into his cheeks.
“She is lovely, the captain himself is rather smitten with her.” George laughed out, “now if you will, your advice on your brother’s proposition,” He finished, once again all seriousness.
Henry had to settle his nerves before speaking as a wave of jealousy threatened to overtake him at the thought of Ava and the Captain. “Franklin is a gentleman, although fanciful at times, he does not give his heart lightly.” Henry began, “I am not well versed in the matter, yet the last time I saw him so happy was just before the young woman he was previously courting, family denied his proposal.” Henry continued, “Apparently the family decided against Franklin as a suitable match and instead chose his dear friend over him.” Henry’s smile faded as he remembered how heartbroken his brother had been. “The event devastated Franklin horribly, yet I can most assuredly say that since his friendship with Catherine began, he has returned to the sweet and loving young man we all adore. As well I must say that he will go to the ends of the earth to ensure her comfort and joy,” Henry finished, hoping it would be enough to satiate the Duke.
The broad smile that crept over Georges face warmed Henry’s heart, “I appreciate your honesty Henry, and believe that I can safely make a decision.” The Duke warmly thanked Henry, as he shook his hand vigorously before walking away.
Henry watched and waited until the duke entered his cabin before hurrying over to where Ava stood, lost in thought. His heart pounding furiously as he walked up to her, “Good afternoon milady,” he stammered once he was close enough. “Do you remember our last meeting?” He unwillingly questioned, causing her to turn and level him with her pale green gaze.
“Yes…” Ava tentatively laughed out, her eyes twinkling like polished gems. Henry noted that her voice had lost the girlishness from before and it floated upon the air as if made of silk. Stirring a new wave of emotions within him, as he found himself falling deeper into love with the young woman.
Ava couldn’t help the blush that bloomed roses within her cheeks as she faced him, while her heart thundered within her breast, its roar so loud she would have sworn he could hear it. It was strange how all these years she had dreamt of him, desired him, wondered if he thought of her as well and now she had confirmation. A knowledge that made her heart soar, her mind spin and her knees feel weak.
“Why did you not tell me of your relation to the Duke and Duchess of Wilshire?” Henry questioned rather brashly, while he silently kicked himself for being so harsh when he didn’t mean it to be as such.
Ava’s eyes grew wide for a moment, how was she supposed to respond, for her grandmother had made it evident that they were to never speak of their humble beginning, and yet here stood the one man who knew. “I…I had not known,” she stammered nervously. “For my mother never spoke of it,” she continued, deferring the subject of the farm any further. “Why did you not tell me of your name?” Ava questioned with a small smile, hoping that he would not push any further.
“Well…I…” Henry stammered caught completely unprepared for her statement. “I apologize,” he finally lamented, “so I shall start again. Henry Grant, Vis-Count of Woolbridge,” he laughed out playfully grinned with an overly dramatic bow.
“Lady Ava, Countess of Wilshire,” Ava laughed out, the sound shattering like glass the moment it hit the air.
“If I may be so bold, I would like to request your accompaniment on a stroll about the ship,” Henry laughed out, fighting his nerves as he awaited her reply.
“I believe I will allow you to be so bold, and would very much so enjoy a stroll. Although I am in need of an escort.” Ava shyly accepted, causing Henry’s heart to explode with joy.
“AVA!” Beatrice’s shrill cry echoed across the ship just then, making Ava cringe. “I pray the next time you are in the company of a gentleman that you are with an escort…” she stopped short as she realized who her granddaughter was in the company of .
“I apologize milady, I seem to have forgotten my manners,” Henry hurriedly stated, hoping to deflect the duchess’s upset from Ava to him.
“If you excuse me,” Ava began, focusing her attention upon Beatrice. “Grandmother, the Vis-Count has invited me for a stroll, so I shall go and find Gertrude to escort me,” she finished before hurrying away.
Alone with the duchess, Henry once again apologized for his abhorrent behavior. “Milady, I believe I met your granddaughter several years ago, while en-route to New York,” he stated, growing confused as the Duchess blanched at his revelation. “Lady Ava was very kind and I must say I was sure that she did not belong in such a place.” He finished.
“I am truly glad she was kind to you, for it would be utterly embarrassing to find that she had been anything but.” Beatrice stammered nervously. “Unfortunately, we ourselves were unaware of the girl’s existence until but a few years ago and sadly their mother had passed on before my husband and I had the opportunity to find them.” She continued, “Sir, if you do not mind, I must hurry and ready for dinner,” she finished before rushing off towards her cabin, leaving a bewildered Henry behind.
Once Beatrice had entered her cabin, Henry began back towards his own cabin when he heard an unmistakable “PSST,” his interest piqued he turned towards the sound and came face to face with Ava. “I wanted to apologize for grandmother,” she smiled nervously, drawing his attention to her full mouth.
“I do not mind, for she is just protective of you,” He replied, fighting the overwhelming urge to feel her mouth under his. “For good reason as well, for I must admit that I have truthfully been incapable of thinking of little else but you since we met last.” He breathed, inching closer towards her, until her scent seemingly intoxicated his senses.
“I too have thought of you often,” Ava nervously replied nervously, licking her lips and swallowing hard at the thickness of her mouth as she too became all too aware of his presence.
“You have?” Henry questioned, attempting to mask his elation at her response, as he fought harder to control his desire. Ava could only nod in response, her gaze fixed upon his, in one swift movement he grabbed her and pulled her against his body, lowering his mouth to hers.
For the briefest of moments, both Ava and Henry seemed to float upon the gossamer clouds as they explored the satiny depths of each other’s mouth. Each spicy, sweet and musky kiss intoxicating their senses further until all that existed in the world was them.
“AVA!” Catherine’s shocked screech cut through the haze and they hurriedly separated, their hearts racing wildly. Unsteadily Ava brought her gaze up from the deck to rest upon her thoroughly disheveled sister. A vision that was not lost upon Henry who hurriedly rushed off towards his cabin.
“Catherine, what have you done?” Ava cried out in equal surprise once her embarrassment subsided, suddenly worried as her sister gazed upon her with a queer smile. “Please tell me you have not jeopardized yourself?” She pleaded.
“Ava, do not worry…Yet we must hurry and dress for dinner,” Catherine hurriedly stated, changing the subject as quickly as possible before she briskly pushed past Ava and headed for their cabin. Henry felt as if he were walking on air until he entered his cabin and found Franklin standing in his breeches, his bed thoroughly tousled. “Franklin, what have you done?” Henry questioned in distress…
woah, i just loved that, the much needed chapter 6. And woah, at the ending, Sounds like Catherine is turning out like her mother. o.o
Oh, and by the way, 'chapter 5' link below leads to chapter 4 part 2, just to let you know :3
Cherie, this has to be one of your best!
I love the way Franklin approaches George, and George's careful, considerating, intelligent and kind response. Catherine is truly a butterfly. I think Ava's input and Henry's, although he seems kind of on the fence about it, meant a lot to him.
And Henry and Ava...finally! Good grief will someone pitch Beatrice off the side of the ship or please make her fall desperately in love with someone totally inappropriate LOL! She is just everywhere! Can she smell them?
I love this -- the way you carefully and delicately weave the relationships, which all ring true. And the beautiful, beautiful shots! You're getting daring here! Wonderful update!
Well, I am sorry you weren't happy with this one but I disagree completely! It totally satisfied every desire we've had so far to see, except Beatrice getting chased by some bees :P
Things are getting so interesting now, will George allow them to get married and what happens to Ava & Henry now that they've met again?!
Can't wait to find out, I really enjoyed this one, wonderful job!
Hey Cheri, I really enjoyed this and I loved the play between all the relationships. I'm happy that Ava has been revealed and hopefully now we can get into some fun messes with that situation. Catherine and Franklin are quite daring, aren't they? I'm hoping George says it all right... but who can tell. I liked how George went about asking others for input.
I enjoyed how you did a few shots and then text, it was like a progressive conversation... but I didn't quite understand the means behind a lot of the editing. They were lovely shots just by themselves, but the splits and the faded image overlays and whatnot kind of confused me and left me a little dizzy. It's sometimes hard to find that medium you want when you're telling a story this way and I can see you're still searching and feeling for something you think fits.
Just know that you don't have to be overly complicated and fancy, that simplicity goes a long way, and I think it would be a shame for the images to pull too much attention from your writing.
OMG!!! They did it!!!
Oh Catherine! lol, oh well I knew she will do it sooner or later, she actually did it sooner tan I had expected, so they have known each other for how long? 3 months? lol I remember when she was crying that she would never fall in love again, and look at her now!!! :D lol
I just think it is so funny! but that's exactly how a girl her age will act... she is 16? Beautiful writing, I really enjoyed it, I don't know why you were not happy with it, you did a wonderful job telling what needed to be said...
Henry and Ava Hurray, they finally met!!!! and He kissed her!! LOL how long they had waited, I'm so happy they are together right now, but I wonder for how long they would stay like that! :D lol
Beatrice, lol I do liker now more than I did before, lol it does show that she cares a lot for her granddaughters!!
and I really love Granpa!! :Dlol he is so sweet, ( I forgot his name) but he is such a gentleman, such a sweet old man!!!
I love the picture of Henry's close up, he looks dreamy.. (the one after hearing her name is Ava)
Anyway, I'm one of those persons who love to overlay pictures!!! :D lol but my writing is not as beautiful as yours, so I have to "overuse" photoshop to make up for my lack on "descriptive writing"!
You in the other hand, have no necessity for pictures at all, I would read your story with or without pictures :D
Your writing is beautiful! and You are getting better with photoshop too!
Thank you anonymous, yes Catherine is turning out like her mother. I tried to play around with a few different settings. But always came to that and thanks for letting me know chapter five leads to chapter 4-2.
LOL Beth, maybe I will have Beatrice fall in love with the captain, LOL.
I am really glad you enjoyed the chapter. And thank you for the kind comment on my screens, and the daring part. I will say in the future this is a romance tale... LOL...
Thank you Emily, yes Beatrice is quite the perviable witch. I just spent so much time on this chapter, re-wrote it about 8 times not including the editing, that by the time I completed I was so frustrated I dont think anything would satisfy me, LOL.
I am glad you enjoyed Mao,
Sorry the pictures made you dizzy. I had so many pictures that I tried to combine in comparison to inundating the story with them.
Yes!!! Sandy they did it, LOL
I love George, he is Ava's favorite besides her sister, and she is most definately his. As well Henry couldnt resist, nor could Ava, I am just sad that Catherine interupted yet again.
Yes, I had to reference her having sworn off love after Jonathon, but Franklin I suppose is too cute, LOL.
NO worries, Ava wont let her grandfather say no... Especially now.
I was laughing to myself at Catherine's disheveled appearance as well as the rumpled bed and Franklin's appearance. I certainly hope George says yes after that...
Cherie once again you have given us a beautiful piece of writing. Every time I read what you have done, it just gets better and better. I don't know why you were not happy with this one; it was fantastic and really flowed. I do, however, know what it is like not to be happy with one's work. I think every writer goes through that.
I was so happy that Ava and Henry finally met. I suspect it will be a bittersweet reunion though. Can't wait to see where you lead us next.
Thank you Gayle,
Yes, definately getting into the difficult yet juicy details of the story.
As far as this particular chapter, I re-wrote it about 9 times. Then re-wrote again, when I posted and it still didnt seem to flow the way I wanted it too. It just seemed things were choppy, to me at least.
Thank you for the kind comment though, I s'pose I have my good days and bad, lol. 80)
And I do not think that Ava would let her grandfather say no, LOL...
So next update alot of drama and maybe some frivolity, not really but there will be an interesting scene with Catherine and Beatrice...
Hey, um just one question, how old is Franklin supposed to be again? The same age as Catherine, you mentioned?
P.s, yeah, i'm the same anonymous from the first and second post x3
Hey Anon,
I never really thought of exactly what age Franklin might be,
So I s'pose I will have to say approx. the same age, maybe 1 or 2 years older.
Here I am mate, and I was not disappointed. I will agree with Mao a little on the shots, I found them a bit disorienting as well, I guess I am used to pics having accompanying text! LOL!
But, I soon got with the flow of the story, and it did flow well!!
I am in awe how you have captured 'Regency speak' and the era.
I like the grandfather asking everyone's advice, I like the look of him too, kindly...wise.
And Henry and Ava's meeting was well done. And that kiss! well described, mate!
Whoa Catherine and Franklin! LOL! This truly is the 'love' boat!!
Henry is a handsome thing, those large, soulful blue eyes, where did you get the sideburns? SO true to the period, and makes him look even more handsome!
The shots at the end of a disheveled, flushed Catherine and Franklin in his breeches...wonderful!!
Your writing is crisp and evokes great feeling.
Well done!
I love your nickname for it, "Love boat, where all your sims desires come true, LOL...
Thank you for the compliment, I am glad that I am doing well at capturing the language of the era. Although the titles even with the resource Saoz gave me, have me rather confused. LOL 80)
Sorry about the pictures, I did over do them, but the ship scenes are so bland to me.
Henry is a good looking sim, but... Doesnt hold the appeal that alex does to me, LOL. And I had to force Ava to him... Literally!
As far as his sideburns I believe I got them at MTS2 just did a search under body shop for Regency.
I am so happy I came across that hair, it was absolutely perfect for this scene with Catherine, LOL!!! and well we know that Cat is like her mom...
Thanks again for reading Karen and your all caught up now, LOL...
Oh no! LOL! I do believe there are a lot of going ons in that ship, lol! :D
Wonderful effects on your pics, your writing is very beautifully descriptive. I'm so glad Henry and Ava finally met up again, although I fear Beatrice is not of the same opinion. :(
I hope Catherine and Franklin will be okay, but oh her hair was a mess... LOL! :D Lovely story my dear Cheri, I'm enjoying it tremendously! :wub:
Thank you again Zayury, I am so glad you are enjoying the story. And yes Miss Cat is quite the um.... Feisty one, LOL! 80)
Oh no, Catherine - please say you didn't! She better get married right away, then, just in case! Hopefully she and Franklin will be happy and adjust well.
Franklin is just downright adorable! He's just so cute with that hair and those eyes and the shape of his face.
So glad for the kiss, finally! And yes, Catherine interrupted again, but at least they got to feel that passion finally! They've been waiting for years!
I love the language of this story. It feels so authentic and period appropriate. I love reading it, because it really makes me feel like I'm back in that time period.
Catherine is impulsive and acts before thinking, so yes she did. 80)
When I was editing this one I had to incorporate the interuption yet again, just for the fun of it. LOL!
Franklin is a sweetheart, I really like him and feel so bad because they have such a small role in this story. I suppose I will have to remedy that. 80)
Thank you so much for the lovely compliment on my writing. I would like to think that my writing has continually improved since I first began. 80)
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