Her emotional statement hit him hard, made him think of all that occurred. For why if she were as he thought, would she come to him as such and aptly call him on his actions. His mind twisting in confusion and his heart in pain he gazed upon Ava.

Alexander’s speech stolen from him at her comment, and his sudden feeling of dread. For if, it were to be true, he had been purposefully mislead by his dearest friend. Worse, he had surely offended and wrongfully accused the object of his affection.

Incapable of spending another moment in the silent and tension-filled room Ava bolted for the door, the tears she attempted to withhold threatening to spill forth.

Nearly reaching the door to the parlor, he stopped her. His comforting embrace wrapping about her waist.

An embrace she could not accept for it was nothing more than another of his attempts to insult her. “Release me now,” she growled. Her voice thick with emotion and pain.

Alexander had seen her flight and immediately reached for her, knowing that if she made it through the doors he would most likely never see her again. “I’m afraid I cannot,” he lowly whispered. Her scent intoxicating him as he pulled her closer.

Her eyes grew wide with fear at his comment as her mind spun with the various meanings. “I have made my piece known my lord, and you will not take me.” She whimpered despite her attempts at ferocity, her heart thundering in her ears.

“Please Alexander…let me go…” Ava whispered pleadingly when he did not respond, fear encompassing her as his grasp about her tightened, and he began to pull her further from the door, towards the lounge.

His heart aching for the pain he caused, the accusations he had laid he pulled her away, a new need. A new desperation to know the truth encompassing him. “I cannot milady until I have spoken with you,” he murmured sadly, brokenly as he held her wriggling and writhing form within his arms.

She hitched her breath, fury surging through her at his words as she realized coming had been a mistake. “You would take me by force?” she cried out in disbelief, her heart leaping into her throat.

“Even Viscount Grant had been more gentlemanly when I refused him,” she spat, thrusting her leg back and making contact with his shin.

Alexander grimaced with the pain from not only the hard kick she had given him, yet the truth of her words as he remembered her comment that first day in the orangery.

The realization stealing his very breath, his words, and strength. Unwillingly he released his grasp at the temporary fury that engulfed him at Henry’s actions, his heart, and soul crying out in unison.

Quickly as a cat to prey, he rushed forward grabbing her once more as she saw her opportunity to flee.

This time ensuring he had a firm grasp as he turned Ava to face him, “What did you say?” he questioned in disbelief, his tone reflecting his hurt and anger at the fool he’d made himself to be.

Ava stared in disbelief upon him, her pulse racing from not only the fear but the unmistakable heat that coursed through her at his touch, the feel of his breath so close to her lips. Something deep within her heart telling her all had changed.

His eyes showed remorse, his tone reflected sorrow, the accusation gone. “Release me!” she re-iterated forcefully, stubbornly, her eyes blazing with the fury and fright of the whole ordeal. Needing to be away from him lest she act upon the undeniable need that coursed through her, to feel his mouth.

Alexander regarded her for a moment, his frown deepening as he quickly scanned his memories in search for anything that would have shown her to be a fraud. Yet what he found was quite the opposite. “Ava, I need for you to tell me…” he murmured brokenly, his heart and soul shattering.

Balefully Ava glared upon his heartbroken face, her heart reaching out to the man she loved while she herself was still furious at his hurtful words. “Tell you what?” she sharply inquired her body tensing as he sat and pulled her down onto his lap.

George stalked towards his wife, the evenings course having alerted him to the issue at hand. Especially in regards to the flight of not only Lord Alexander and the Viscount Henry Grant, but his granddaughter as well.

“My Lady I request your audience immediately,” he snarled under his breath so only she could hear.

Dropping her gaze in defeat to the ground Beatrice stared upon her husband’s boots, fear, and shame engulfing her. “Yes Milord,” she murmured humbly. The heart wrenching sorrow engulfing her once again as she thought of how she had failed as she watched him storm purposefully from the ballroom, headed towards his office.

Sadly, she made her way towards the middle of the room, “My Lords and Ladies, it is in my utmost sadness that I must declare Lady Ava has been stricken ill.” She croaked, silently praying none had seen Ava’s departure.

Sophia sat shyly in the corner of the ballroom, uninterested in the festivities as her heart and mind worried over all that occurred since her brother’s dear friend’s arrival. The duchess’s comment having struck her odd, her mind running rampant.

As she thought of the dark look upon Alexander’s face, his angry demeanor the likes in which she had never before experienced.

She knew in the depths of her heart something was not right especially judging by Ava’s sulking actions, the evident look of heartbreak in her eyes. Despite her feigned attempts at civility towards the many guests.

With a heavy sigh, she thought of how she had attempted to follow Ava. Yet by the time she reached the entry hall, she was gone.

She knew he would not have left her unless he required time to himself and most importantly understood that the sinking feeling, the dread that had cemented itself within her soul had something to do with Ava and his relationship.

Blinking hard at the sting of the tears Sophia whimpered quietly, unaware of the presence that had come to stand before her until his smooth accented voice echoed through her thoughts.

Startled she brought her gaze upon him, stifling a gasp as she met the most stunning blue and silver eyes.

“I apologize milady,” Andrew Edwards, hurriedly stated realizing he had startled the lovely young woman. Toeing the floor shyly, he gazed upon the angel that had caught his eye several minutes earlier.

“If you are not otherwise engaged, would you care to accompany me for a dance?” He barely whispered.

Andrew could not deny that this young woman had truly captured his attention with her silky black hair and haunting green and gold eyes, yet now, as he stood closer to her, the exotic scent of vanilla and cinnamon soap engulfing his senses. He found she was far lovelier than he initially presumed.

Sophia smiled shyly upon the handsome young man, unsure of how to respond, “I apologize sir, I do not know your name.” She whispered the furious heat of her blush creeping up her neck and into her cheeks as she lowered her gaze. Silently kicking herself for having said such a ludicrous thing.

Andrew grimaced at his lack of manners, wondering why this young woman seemed to muddle his mind so. He felt as if his could barely talk in her presence.

“I apologize milady,” he barely whispered, “I am Andrew Edwards,” he quickly introduced with an awkward bow and a silent prayer that she did not see the reddening in his cheeks.

Sophia gazed with interest upon him, a small smile creeping at the corner of her mouth as she realized he was as nervous and shy, as herself seemed to be. “Sophia Lorenza, Countess of Navarro,” she shyly whispered dropping her gaze to the floor as Andrew’s shocked expression flew to her. “I am truly honored…” she trailed off as she heard the hushed yet harried voice of Ava’s sister, Catherine’s voice.

“Franklin, what if she has run off with Henry?” Catherine whispered nervously suddenly feeling lightheaded, as her heart roared in her ears. For both she and Franklin had both found no sign of either her sister or him.

“Catherine my love, I fear I cannot say what has occurred. Yet I understand that Lord Alexander is rather angered with both my brother and your sister,” Franklin sighed, enveloping his wife in a comforting embrace.

“We shall just have to pray that your sister has gone to Alexander.” He sadly murmured in her ear, guiding her towards the lounge and tenderly taking her in his arms. His finger inconspicuously stroking the growing bulge of her abdomen, warmth seeping through him as he thought of how in a few months they would welcome their child.

Fearful that she would in turn confirm his suspicions, Alexander found it difficult to speak, ask of her the question he should in fact have asked before he accused her.

“Ava, please…” he barely whispered, “Please tell me of what has occurred with you and Henry,” he murmured sadly, brokenly. His heart pounding within his breast with nervousness.

Ava sat in silence for a moment, scarcely breathing as she debated whether to attempt an escape as his hands slid away from her. A small scowl crossing her face as he seemingly read her thoughts, and rested his large hand upon her knee applying a gentle pressure.

“Why ever should I, when you will not listen?” she questioned sharply, quietly, as she rapidly blinked at the tears that stung her eyes at the painful memory of his accusations.

He felt her body tense, as his gaze rested upon the elegant, graceful curve of her neck. His body reacting to the warmth of weight of her body against his, “I believe I have wrongfully accused you and desperately need to hear your side of this sordid ordeal.” He whispered his deep tone thickly enveloped with grief and heartache.

Ava could hear the pain in his tone, the sincerity of his words pulling at her heart giving her the push she needed. “Henry and I had intended to marry,” she tentatively began.

Unsure of how to tell him of the story, un-wanting to injure his opinion of Henry. As she carefully explained everything, recounting all the events up to tonight in the garden when Henry had asked of her to run off to America.

Anger and hatred coursed through him at Henry’s purposeful actions and the deceit. Sadness as he realized he had nearly lost her. Lost the only woman he had ever loved twisting her about in his arms, he gazed soulfully into her eyes.

His heart aching, as he silently prayed she would accept him. “Ava, I have truly acted an ass,” he murmured softly the soft honeysuckle scent of her filling his senses.

“Please can you find it in your heart to forgive me?” he questioned, bringing his lips to hers for a chaste kiss, his heart swelling as she opened up to him, wrapped her arms about his neck and pulled him closer.

Ava could not deny he’d hurt her with the accusations, yet she saw it in his eyes heard the sincerity and the grief in his voice. His sincere apology pulling at her heart yet when his lips brushed against hers all seemed to melt away from her.

Absently she reached her arms about his neck, pulling him closer relief washing over her as she abandoned herself to him. “Alexander,” she murmured against his mouth prompting him to pull away, penetrating her with intense gaze. “I love you,” she whispered shyly.

He regarded her for a moment, his heart swelling with untold emotion, the words he’d longed to hear echoing through his soul as a warm summer breeze.

“Mi amorĂ©, I am utterly in love with you.” He murmured lowering his lips to hers once more, both of them falling back upon the soft velvet lounge.

Their tongues tangled together as he seductively explored her mouth, savoring the taste of her.

A low moan vibrated his throat as she skimmed her hand down the length of his back, a trail of fire in the wake of her gentle caress. Hungrily, he skimmed his mouth over the silky, soft scented skin of her throat.

A wave of heat washed over her and a low moan escaped her throat as Alexander lazily circled the peak of her breast with his finger. The ache his touch always aroused growing with each gentle movement, gooseflesh covering her as his mouth slowly tasted, teased and taunted.

Ava whimpered as he brought his mouth back to hers in a painstakingly slow decent, each flick of his tongue and every warm breath intensifying the feeling. As her mind drifted to thoughts of what lay beneath his cloths, the building desire more than she could bear. “Alexander,” she whispered over the roar of her heart.

The sound of her voice echoed through his mind bringing him back from the lustful haze he seemed lost in. “Mi amorĂ©, I will take you home.” He whispered against his own desires as it occurred to him he had nearly gone too far, believing that was what she intended to say.

A nervous smile spread over her face, as she pulled him closer to her, “I do not wish to return home,” she whispered shyly a furious blush darkening her cheeks.

He closed his eyes fighting at the surge of desire, attempting to remind himself of the impropriety of her being here unescorted. Love and desire encompassing him, “Ava would you leave for Gretna Green in the morn with me?” he breathed out, every ounce of him needing the release only she could give.

Setting his mind to base his actions upon her answer, silently praying she would accept. He did not want to wait another month or longer to be married to her, he wanted her safe in his arms at all times. Wanted to fall asleep beside her, awaken to her every morning.

Ava briefly thought of what he was implying, a wicked laugh escaping her as she envisioned her grandmother’s reaction to the news. Uncaring that it would surely cause a ripple throughout society that a lord and lady had eloped.

“I do not wish to be separated from you ever,” she replied breathily, her entire soul filled with love for him as she pressed her mouth against his.





Everything seemed to be happening in a dream like state and before she knew it, they stood fully divested of their clothing in Alexander’s richly decorated suite.

A shiver of pleasure coursing through her body as his hot mouth sought every inch of her feverish flesh. Moisture pooled between her thighs as he ran his calloused fingertips over her arms, and shoulders.

Tenderly he lifted her into his arms and lay her onto the soft bed, covering her body with his own, as his mouth possessed her.

Excitement and fear intermixing with the desire as she felt the weight of him against her most intimate point.
OMG! What a chapter, so intense and full of emotions!!!
I loved every part of it...
and your writing is just beautiful, simply captivating, rich and descriptive, I'm so very jealous, after I'm done with my story, I will take a break and I will try to learn how to be more descriptive like you, lol
the way you describe all the feelings, all the smells, and actions, is fantastic, it adds so much to the story, it makes it more interesting and very romantic :D a wonderful wonderful dramatic and romantic chapter.
Congrats to Catherine and Frank, that baby will fill their home with love and happiness I'm sure!!!
And Sophia and the young man, he is really handsome, looks like a nice shy guy, lol well now that Alexander will be with Ava, Sophia will need someone to be there for her, so I'm glad she made acquaintance with that young man! :D
I'm really enjoying seeing Beatrice weeping in every corner... hahaha she feel so bad and guilty, doesn't she? well deserved... hopefully she will learn her lesson!
Ava and Alexander, I'm so very happy for them, finally!!!!
that scene between them was beautiful, I'm glad they sat down and say the things they needed to say... and he was ready to take her home!!! Awww poor Alex, he really loves her, but I'm glad she declined the offer and stayed with him!!! It was about time!!!
Beautiful beautiful chapter, both writing and pictures were extremely well done! Perfect!!!!
Bows to you my dear!!!!
YAY!!!!! Ava and Alexander!!! Finally he sees past Henry's lies! Ugh, hopefully Henry has learned his lesson and will return to his wife and learn to appreciate her...that is if she's take him back! Anyways...I digress!
I loved all the scenes! They were filled with such details. From the sounds to the smells it made me feel like I was a peeping tom! LOL!
And you're shots were greet! Heartwrenching at one turn then filled with hope at another! Fabulous!
I'm glad Ava's first time is going to be with the man that loves her and wants to be with her...not to prove that's she's still 'pure'. Off to Gretna Green in the morning! Here's hoping that things turn out well!
Wonderful chapter Cherie! Just...wonderful!!:D
Thank you Sandy!!!
You are very descriptive! And your writing is absolutely Lovely. 80)still to keep it under 120 screens, I had to cut alot out so in their conversation, his apology was alot more, but I was unhappy with it, LOL! I majorly toned the final scenes down, those were true romance... VERY DESCRIPTIVE! not disgusting but still... LOL!
More on Catherine and Franklin soon... Wow three women with over wrought emotions. LOL! Yes I am sure it will and Catherine is slowly beginning to calm... Wait till she lights into Ava! lol!
Haha- Andrew is Gabe's son, an unfortunate attraction there. Considering who Gabe will be marrying and the things I have planned for Ava and Francis. LOL! But I wanted to introduce a new storyline/Plot for Sophia... To come later for sure. I really adore that sim, she is so intriguing to me. lol!
Yes Beatrice is seeing how badly she has messed up... And her emotional roller coaster is not over yet. Still more to come for her and Ava and George. LOL!
I too am happy this particalur piece is over, although there is a bit more to come between the double A's. Lust Love and passion certainly abound there. But they are still stubborn and there is an unanswered question... More on that soon. 80)
Thank you again SO MUCH!!! I am so happy you enjoyed this particular update!!!
Thank you Cheryl!!!
Yes Yay! no more tension between Ava and Alex, lol! and Henry well... More to come on that soon enough. hahaha
peeping tom, lol! Well I am glad that they came out nicely and that you enjoyed them and the emotions. 80) lol!
The first set of shots were so difficult I had to use so many different facial expressions and overlays, then the posistion on the couch what a pain, LOL! so glad you enjoyed the screens too!
Yes originally Alex was going to come to his senses and tell her she had to go home. But she didnt want to. Just couldnt get it written the way I wanted. LOL! I think they will be good together, so similar yet so different. And the scandal their elopment will bring, LOL! Although I am a bit concerned over Ava's true reasoning behind it. Especially considering her emotions will soon come to play, after a less than savory visit from Marianne... Few more chapters ahead...
Thanks Again and I am so glad you enjoyed this chapter and enjoy the story. 80)
Just wonderful Cherie! I'm so glad Alexander got his head out of his butt long enough to listen to Ava. Stupid jealous Henry...hope he dumps him in the pond.
I loved the scenes with Sophia and Andrew Edwards, who bears a startling resemblance to...well someone LOL! But he seems nice, sort of shy, and she is just a wonderful character.
What a romantic conclusion to the ball! Loved every scene!
LOL! Thank you Beth!
Yeah finally, stubborn man, lol! and certainly going to be interesting to see how Alexander reacts to Henry when they next meet. 80)
Andrew bears a striking resemblance to his dad yes! LOL! That will be a difficult relationship especially with the Next part of this ongoing story, LOL!
Thank you again for viewing and reading. 80)
Cherie this was fantastic! So lush, an apt conclusion to a tumultuous ball.
I am looking forward to George's words toward Beatrice...and their shock at an elopement!
I apologize for not being more prolific with my comments but my head is throbbing. I promise I will come back and leave a proper comment.
Dont worry about it,
I get migraines and know the pain. Sorry your not feeling well.
Hehehe, George and Beatrice well... That is being worked out, I have an idea.
Thank you for taking the time to read. 80) when your not feeling well. 80)
What a chapter! At first I wasn't sure those two would work anything out. :D The later half of their conversation was so heated, passionate, emotional and tense all at the same time! So glad they talked it out and didn't let pride get in the way!
Sophia and the young man were so cute! Wonder where that is headed!
Good to see Catherine & Franklin again, your descriptions of them were so sweet. Glad they are happy!
Really well done Cherie, your writing shines as always!
I didn't see anything wrong with the writing, Cherie! I thought it was well-written and it flowed with the scenes. I especially liked the discourse between Alexander and Ava. That slow build to an eventual understanding. Unfortunately, I will say I think they acted a little -too- hastily. I mean, what they've done is not entirely befitting to their positions and it kind of degrades Ava a bit. But what can you say to passionate angry people?
As for George and Beatrice, well, I hope she really gets what for. I mean, honestly. This entire mess can be blamed on her! Silly woman, stop meddling.
It was cute to see that Sophia has an admirer of her own. Maybe now she'll get some romantic intrigue to keep her from sticking her nose into her brother's? Probably not. Someone has to keep an eye on him! ;)
It was so nice to see Catherine again! She's so lovely, really. I just like the combination of her features.
Thank you Emily!
Yes very heated... But I was running out of argument, LOL!
Definately more to come from Sophia, and from Catherine and Franklin... So much to happen with the next part of this story... I am certainly not running dry on plots. LOL!
I am so happy you enjoyed, 80)
Thank you Mao,
Hastily yeah possibly... 80) There is a thread that I am following, and this is one of the reasons I wasnt happy with the writing. I couldnt get the right words to explain a certain piece of the story there. lol! Although Ive gone off the original story, I still follow the outline. LOL!
HEHEHE, Beatrice still has it coming, triply... Not just from George but Ava and Roberto as well... LOL! Not going to be a pretty picture there.
Hahaha, Sophia will never be far from trouble, LOL! She just is Trouble in it's purest form... And no she wont stop sticking her nose in her brothers business, nor Ava's now. Andrew is a possible thread for me to follow. Although he is the son of the enemy. lol!
Thank you catherine is a very pretty sim. I cant remember which I modeled her from if it was Ava or the original Annette... and you should see some more of her soon. lol!
Thanks again for reading glad you enjoyed at least a bit. 80)
Beatrice is in ♫trouble♫! LOL! I can’t wait to see all you have planned for her, lol!
I thought you did a wonderful job with the scene between Alex and Ava! Your poses were wonderful, and I’m sure quite a pain to set up, lol! You handled the love scene quite beautiful and with taste!
Andrew Edwards is adorable! I think is awesome that sweet Sophia has a beau! Wonderful update my dear Sister! Lovely pictures and beautiful writing! :wub:
Thank you so much Z!
HEHEHE... Oh Yes Beatrice is certainly in TROUBLE!!! She is going to get it good, LOL!
Most definately a pain in the rear to set up those poses, goodness, so many different ones just to get what I nearly wanted and even then the sim would automatically reset after so many. LOL! And I was so nervous about that one, had to cut out take away and add in. I nearly cut the love scene altogether. LOL! Shy ol me. 80)
Andrew is an interesting character to me. Although I have to say, Sophie is certainly drowning him with her vibrancy. Come on now kid... Thank you so much for the absolutely wonderful comment!!!
More tumultuous emotions brought to a satisfying conclusion.
Alexander came to his senses in the nick of time, looks as though his friendship with Henry is in shreds. I actually feel sorry for Henry. Too ashamed to show himself at the ball, a churlish and childish response to be sure. Also leaving his wife unattended. Tsk.
Gabriels son is a handsome young thing! He manages to spawn amazing children! Good idea a storyline for Sophia.
Great work, hope you found some furniture for Gretna Green and the blacksmith shop! Let me guess, their horse throws a shoe? Delaying the wedding? LOL!
Thank you again Karen!
Yes very satisfying conclusion and thank goodness this monster is done. Now on to the next step.
Dont worry for Henry he will return soon enough... But the question is will Mary take him? yes childish to be sure and I dont think he realized Gabriel was there, lol!
Thank you and yes Andrew is a cutey, yet another twisted story there. We will see though.
Actually it will just be a photo sequence possibly some writing if I can come up with anything lol!, because what I found in research is generally when you went to Gretna Green you ended up getting married in the blacksmiths shop. hence the term, anvil wedding or something similar.
And thank you again for the information, yes I found a bunch of stuff that will be perfect. Just have to find the time to decorate the sets.
for a time with prearranged mariages things still turn out pretty coimplicated. haha. oi the drama.
love that Ava and alexander are together, though i found it a bit sad that after al the trouble and heartache over her virtue she couldn't keep her clothes on and get married first. XD that's like running the deadman's run and stop 2 feet for the finish line.haha.
Can't wait to see the look on his sisters face when they tell her, well all of them, but Sophia the most. I wonder if any of them will find out that mary and ava are halfsisters.would that angry mary more? or help answer some questions and settle her mind? I need to know moe about gabe and his son before i make up my mind about them. it's all so turbulent. can nothing go smooth for once? it's making my head spin. i'm holding my heart.lol. that's why I like hearing about Catherine&Franklin. maybe it was a bit much for my head and heart to read it all in 24 hours. haha.( I had the same problem when i went to see all of the 3 Pirates of the Caribbean after eachother in the cinema.went on for 10 hours and I wasn't able to sleep for the next 24 hours.still makes my heart race when i think about it. XD)
But I absolutely adored it!
The story, the way you write it.WOW. the screenshots were absolutely stunning! the only one i found a bit weird is when ava and alexander were sitting on the sofa. I had to stop reading to wonder is they were sitting next to eachother or she was sitting on his lap.still haven't figuered it out. haha.
I think I'm going to read the last chapter over again.*smirk* i think I am in withdrawl. XD can't wait to read more from you!
Thank you GQ!
Yes I am a dramatic, LOL! Yes a couple people are upset about that and it is my fault truly and I agree I did rush it a bit. There was actually two more chapters to this monster chapter. That would have been 6 parts to the ball total. But I changed a few things. Mostly because I am ready to get into the second part of this story. 80) That and I have been stuck on my other story, my challenge. LOL! Those characters are ruling me right now. So I am going to take a small breather from Butterfly, probably update once or twice a month until Dark Eyes settles a bit. LOL!
Sophie will be ecstatic! That I know for sure, she has been slowly trying to push the two together for the longest. Beatrice has a boulder headed her way and no way to deflect it and Catherine is going to be quite po’d with Ava… Although she herself did the same. LOL! More coming in a couple weeks.
The whole premise to this story is for Ava to find out the truth behind her being, why she and Cat were ripped away from their father etc. So yes it will eventually be found that Mary is the half sister. Although whether she tells any of her findings will be a different story.
More on everything and everyone else coming soon too! With this particular scene out of the way, I can focus on the other characters a bit more now. Gabriel Edwards is a Rake, a scoundrel you might say too. Definitely dedicating a chapter to him and francis. His son, I haven’t decided yet where or if that relationship will progress for Sophia and Andrew. Especially considering the role that his father and Francis play in Ava’s life.
That particular shot was a pain in the a double scribble for me… He was supposed to be pulling her down onto the couch and holding her in place to keep her from running. But it came out a bit weird. LOL! So yes she is sitting on his lap. 80)
Thank you for the lovely and uplifting comment, I am so glad that you are enjoying this story… And I hope that the next will be just as well received. 80) THANKS AGAIN!!! 80)
Beautifully romantic chapter! I loved the scenes with Alex and Ava - emotional and loving - everything so well done. I'm glad they worked it out finally.
Aw, cute to see a shy young man asking Sophia to dance.
And I loved that Franklin and Catherine are expecting. She sure turned out pretty - both the girls, Ava and Catherine, are quite lovely.
Very pretty chapter. I'm all caught up and hoping for more soon.
Hooray! Your all caught up!
Now you get to wait for me to find my mojo again. LOL! My other story is ruling me right now. LOL!
I am to happy that they worked it out finally. NOw for the really excruciating part. LOL!
Cat and Frank are so sweet together, and Sophia needed a little fun too. LOL!
Thank you for the compliment on the girls.
I was planning on updating this weekend but my printer broke. LOL! so I will have to wait until later this week possibly next weekend. pooh, but will be updating my other story hopefully tomorrow. 80)
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