Warnings: Heavy Romantic explanations (I just didnt think I did it properly before) LOL! Note: I am stuck with this one, just not sure of where I want to go with it, in truth I have grown a bit bored with this poor story... I promise it will be continued but I need to write out some more, work out a few puzzling bits of info, as you will see it just did not want to flow properly and I don’t have the patience to force it right now 80)... As well my other story has me completely handcuffed and held hostage right now, Jay and Lyd are screaming at me... So I figured what better of a place to leave this off than the wedding! ENJOY!!!

Fresh flowers flanked him, their earthy perfume intermixing with the faintly musty scent of the old church. Guests amiably whispered with one another, each one of the small intimate group adding to the aura of the event. Alexander watched the door with a combination of excitement and pride, a joyous smile seeming to be permanently plastered across his face. His heart pounding fiercely against his rib cage as the door to the church opened and he caught his first glimpse the resplendent lady Ava. His eyes began to Fill with tears as he thought of how truly fortunate he was, today she would become his wife, the only woman in which he would ever love.

Beatrice sat alone in the front pew to the right, her hands folded neatly in her lap as she regally awaited her husband to take his seat beside her. Alexander’s heart swelled with love as she stepped through, her grandfather to her left. His breath catching in his throat at the vision of her. Her fiery hair loosely piled atop her head in a mass of curls. The pearl encrusted silk gown, he longed to feel the silver threaded soft velvet of the sleeves beneath his fingertips. To hold her close to him. To his left he listened as Sophia quieted her conversation with their uncle; who much to his joy and excitement had arrived unexpectedly that morning. Gazing briefly towards her, Alexander smiled as her eyes traveled along the course of his, a low laugh rumbling within his chest as she squealed with excitement, hurriedly covering her mouth with her hand at the outburst as Roberto shot her a chastising glance. The pianist began to play, each stroke of her fingers across the ivory keys filling the small room with the haunting melody.

Ava smiled faintly, her heart leaping into her throat as she saw him standing there, the black silk of his dress suit complimenting his bronzed skin; tears of joy clustered upon her lashes as she gazed with admiration upon him, the broad, loving smile across his handsome face increasing her love. It was in that instant that she realized she was doing the right thing, she was in all aspect marrying for love.

The notes of the wedding march swirled through her being, just as the excited butterflies danced about within her soul. The guests all quieted, their inquisitive gazes turning upon her, each aspect adding a magical air to the quaint surroundings. Silently she admitted that she could not deny her joy, grateful then that she had asked of Gertie to burn the letter.

Briefly she glanced to her right, tears swimming her vision, her grandmother sat stoic, in the front pew, her beloved sister and Franklin just behind and Gertie along with the man in which Ava knew to not only be their steward but her beloved handmaids fiancé.

George swallowed down the onslaught of tears that welled in his eyes as the music floated through the church and they began their descent towards the young lord and the preacher; his granddaughter was radiant, confident despite her earlier upset. Her mother's unused wedding gown, now slightly yellowed with age, only seeming to compliment her porcelain skin, fiery hair. He smiled with a combination of sadness and joy, today Ava fulfilled everything that had been set in motion twenty years earlier and more important, today his granddaughter married for love. The bouquet of flowers Sophia had hand chosen resting within her elegant hand, their fragrance surrounding him.

Preacher Donovan McIntyre glanced between the glowing couple, their happiness reflected within their gaze, "And who gives this woman away?" he hardly whispered. Not desiring to break the obvious air of love within his presence. Yes this would certainly be a marriage of fortitude, which did his heart well.

He paused at the front of the church, knowing his arrival would not be well welcomed, yet he was dying inside. He needed with everything Alexander's assistance, his contacts to locate her. Briefly debating as he heard the music stop, the low tones of the preacher as he began his sermon. "It is the least I can do to allow the ceremony to complete," he sighed out painfully...

"Let us begin with a prayer," the preacher began clasping his hands together and lowering his head. "Dear Lord God, I ask of thee to bless this young couple with your glory throughout all the days of their happy union," Ava glanced briefly at the enigmatic man, inwardly groaning as he continued on and on.
Alexander saw the flash of agitation in her eyes and grinned, for he himself could not wait for this to be over and done with. So he could take her to their home, not temporarily as it had been for the last two days yet permanently, wanted to kiss her senseless in that moment.

"We are gathered here today to give witness to the union of his Grace Alexander Lorenza of the Royal House of Navarro and her Ladyship, Ava Carmichael of the house of Wilshire." Alexander and Ava could not contain the shared grin, as they thought in unison how well the preacher had handled the long title.

His voice soon fading into nothing but an inaudible buzz as their intense gazes locked. Love, desire and happiness encompassing their souls, flowing easily between them both.
Suddenly the preacher coughed, clearing his throat as he touched Alexander lightly upon the shoulder and whispered, "The ring your grace."
Blushing ever so faintly Alexander laughed quietly, "Oh yes," he murmured reaching for Ava's creamy silken hand.

"Mi Amore," he began quietly his words causing a small gasp of surprise to echo through the church at the difference of tradition. "I ask of thee to accept this ring as a sign of my devotion and heart felt love, for you to know that I shall never in my life spend a single day without you in my thoughts, my very heart." He knew that it was not common for one to state their own endearments during these events and yet he could not contain his ever growing love for her and wished for her to know this. The preachers stunned yet fortunate well hidden surprised gaze burning into the side of his face.
Her heart in her throat, tears in her voice Ava smiled upon him, a sudden welling of emotion threatening to choke her as she slid his ring onto his thick finger. With a contented sigh she gazed into his gold and green eyes, "Alexander..." she breathed out.

"Mi Corazon," she whispered, a broad smile erupting across his face as she correctly pronounced the endearment despite the thickness of her mouth. "I ask of you to accept this ring as a token of my unyielding and unwavering love and devotion to you. A symbol that reflects the circle we have made since our first meeting," she choked out, a few stray tears sliding over her cheeks as she shot him a playful yet teasing glance. The broad grin on his face telling her the meaning was not lost upon him. An equally challenging glint to his exotic eyes and something much, more.

"I now pronounce you man and wife," Donovan whispered trying his hardest to control the discomfort in his tone at the unexpected self stated vows, no matter how heartwarming they may have been.

"Ah, the best part," Alexander huskily murmured in his thickly accented voice as he pulled her tenderly into his arms, the long awaited touch sending fire through his veins as he gazed lovingly into her heavy lidded eyes. "We get to seal our vows with a kiss," he whispered.

Gently he brushed his lips against hers in a chaste kiss, one he wanted at that moment to deepen and yet he unwilling pulled away, knowing that it would be inappropriate to do so within the hallowed walls of the church. Still he held onto her, the fragrant scent of her flowers intermixing with her honeysuckle and soap. "I love you Ava," he whispered his voice hoarse and husky. Heat building rapidly within his core, as he inwardly groaned; for after this they would head to the Wilshire manor for an early dinner.
Ava fought desperately at the heat that enveloped her senses under his gaze, with his hands upon her shoulders; the warmth seeping through the thick velvet and burning into her skin. The sweet and tender kiss having shot straight through her being rendering images of that first night within his arms, "I love you too," she shyly and nervously whispered. Her cheeks darkening under the ministers pious gaze, as she uncomfortably giggled silently praying the minister did not suspect why she acted as such.

Turning he bent his arm, waiting for her to slide her small hand through the opening and rest it ever so gently upon the soft silk of his dress suit, “Let us be announced,” he whispered supportively. As his gaze proudly met the congratulatory glances of their small group of attendee’s.
I proudly present you with His and her Grace Alexander Lorenza," the minister boomed happily, the entire church rising and clapping their hands together in joyous abandon.

When suddenly the door to the church burst open, a loud gasp escaping from Ava's throat as she pulled her hand back. Alexander squeezed his eyes shut in an attempt to fight down the sudden fury that arose within him, and involuntarily balled his hands into fists at his side.

"Have you no sense of respect?" Alexander growled, opening his eyes once more his vision resting on the uncomfortable and beaten form of his once dear friend. His first priority that of his wife as she quietly whimpered beside him, undoubtedly remembering the horrid accusations he had so mistakenly laid upon her.

Franklin ran his hand through the crop of curls on his forehead, "Lord almighty, has my brother taken complete leave of his senses?" he whispered uncomfortably. Catherine's groan of displeasure hissing from her lips, concerning him as she bent down.

Beatrice buried her head into her hands a quiet sob slipping from her lips as George turned away from the scene before him. "All will be well my love," he whispered agitation thickly ensconcing his voice as he reached a quivering hand out to rest upon her shoulder.

Gabriel's vision hurriedly moved from the distraught man at the door of the church and landed on the obviously disgruntled Lord Alexander and the newest duchess of Lorenza, a small inquisitive smile stretching across his face.

Whatever had occurred the night of the ball most certainly had everything to do with this man, Lady Ava and the Lord. This he could not refute, especially at the tension in her stance, the aggravation in Alexander's voice. All the other guests, with the exception of himself and his children's discomfort with the entire arrival. "hmm..." he quietly whispered to himself.

"My love please go to your grandparents," Alexander lowly whispered as he took a terse step forward.

"Please Alexander, I do not come to inflict any ill regard towards this happy event," Henry pleaded his voice tense filled with the promise of tears. "I am in desperate need of your assistance, I cannot locate My wife Marianne anywhere." He pleaded his eyes and face reflecting his pain and torment over the fact.

Everyone watched in tense silence as Alexander stormed towards the viscount, barely daring to breath.
Alexander glared upon Henry, his fury barely masked as he desired to wrap his hands about the mans neck, choke the life from his body. "This you should have thought of before you attempted to drive a wedge between my wife and myself," he growled venomously, the audible gasp of the women making it evident he'd not been nearly as quiet as he would have wished.

Gabriel was stunned to say the least, the enchanting lady Marianne was married to this sniveling weasel of a man, and not just this but the viscount had in fact attempted to disturb the peace between the young Lords relationship. Sucking in a deep breath of air, he tried his hardest not to laugh. He had sensed it that night of the ball, the anger and heartbreak and with Marianne's tearful recount of the events he could scarcely understand how this idiot was deserving of her.

Henry could feel the fury wafting off Alexander’s tense form, knew he had made a poor decision. "Yes you are correct I should have realized the depth of my love for Marianne before I acted so brashly." The apology flew from his lips on a hiss of breath. "Not only have I lost your good opinion, yet hers as well," He sobbed out, the pain he felt obvious as he cracked under the pressure of the last two days. "I have not slept nor ate, all I wish is your assistance in locating her whereabouts so I may try to repair the damage I have incurred."
Henry's fervant plea did little to ease Alexander's rage towards his dearest friend a fact he made quite evident as he glowered upon him. "Your wife is certainly better off without your good opinion or presence," he snarled unsympathetically to where only Henry could over hear.
Gabriel Edwards felt for the man, he too would want Marianne to return to him and the viscount was truly making an ass of himself before the group.

Stepping from his seat he approached Lord Alexander, extended his hand. "Your Grace, this is a blessed day a time for rejoice and if you do not mind, I believe I can be of assistance to your poor friend." He whispered, "Please return to your beautiful wife and let this misfortunate event be forgotten," he stated with a warm smile.

Alexander did not know what to think of this strange guest yet he could do little to deny the man, as Ava's stricken glance met his. "Thank you sir," he tersely stated before heading to Ava's side.
Pulling her into his embrace Alexander held her quivering form close to his body until she quieted. Whispered soothingly in her ear, that he loved her and held no doubt that she loved him as well.

Gabriel gazed into the mans liquid blue eyes, swallowing down the hesitation in revealing his knowledge as he searched the viscount for any sign he was not sincere in his proclamation. Finding no such evidence he hesitantly began. "Your wife, is at her family estate." He murmured blandly, "Her mother and I were recently married and came upon her on our way back to my estate." He continued.

Henry could scarcely believe his good fortune and yet could not quite allow himself to believe the dark man. "What assurance do I have?" he waveringly questioned, hope filling him as the man chuckled.

"If you do not believe me, then I pray you come and speak with Lady Francis," he jovially laughed out...

After a painstaking several hours at her grandparents estate, they were finally home. quietly he stepped behind her, lacing his fingers through hers and deeply inhaling her scent. "Mi corazon," he murmured as he trailed his lips over the satiny warm skin of her neck, his entire body throbbing with need, unmistakable desire.

Ava's hand fluttered to her throat at the electric shock that his lips shot through her, a nervous and excited gasp slipping from her lips. "Yes," she whispered shakily as he pressed his proof of desire against her. The heat of his arousal burning through the thick silk of her bridal gown.
Suddenly he grabbed her, safely balancing her with his hand on the small of her back as his lips sought hers. His tongue sliding easily through her lips as he teased and taunted, tasted. His mouth not leaving hers until the moan vibrated her throat. "Shall I tame my wild cat?" he laughed, leaving her incapable of speech as he slowly undressed her. Taking her hand within his own he guided her, assisted her wordlessly to disrobe him as well.

Their clothing laying in a heap upon the floor he gently lifted her, carried her to the bed. She gazed lovingly and longingly upon him as Alexander, her husband covered her body with his own. "Alex," she whispered as his hand secured hers above her head.
"Yes..." he murmured, his eyes burning into hers as he rested his burning silken weight against her stomach. causing the dull ache of her desire to bloom into a raging fire.
"I..." she blushed as she skimmed her fingers over his muscular chest, his stomach until she reached that part of him. The sharp intake of air and the quiet growl that emanated from him exciting to her as she shyly ran her hand over his length, marveling at the feel of him.

"I am going to make love to you all night," he murmured huskily, his voice ripe with tension, desire and need, as he slowly and tenderly entered her.

"For the rest of our lives..." he murmured huskily, his eyes boring into hers as he lowered his lips to her own, capturing the cry of pleasure that slipped from her throat...
To be continued....
awwww...just beautiful and completely romantic!
I think I'd have thrown the wedding cake at poor Henry though. Bust in on a wedding yelling about his missing wife? Talk about inappropriate behavior LOL!
Lovely lush colors and shots - perfect for this update! Great job!
*sigh* Henry, Henry, Henry!! What were you thinking? Did you REALLY think that Alex was going to forgive you so easily? And on his wedding day of all days? *shakes head*
This was just beautiful Cherie! The writting, the screens...just wonderful!
Can't wait to see what Mari has to say to him when/if they meet up again! Should be interesting to see!
The wedding invitation is a nice touch. Love the huge smile on Alex's face!
Love the long shot from Alex's perspective. I often wish someone made some dummy Sims sitting or standing for crowd scenes! LOL!
Beautiful dress, fits the era, fits Ava. She sparkled.
And how utterly perfect they uttered their own vows, gasp in the church, of course, it just wasn't done!!
I love George, so calm. Typical Gabriel 'the dark man' was amused by Henry breaking in, LOL!
Ye Gods, *fanning self* Burning silken weight, I love it!
Utterly romantic, just a wonderful update Cherie, again the descriptive writing adds so much!!
I can only out 2 words: Wow and Rawrr... :D
Thank you SB!
I am glad that it came out that way! I would have done the same, LOL! Inappropriate indeed… LOL!
Thank you for the compliments!!!
LOL! Thanks Phoenix!
Nope he knew his friend wouldn’t, just needs Alex’s assistance and connections and he CERTAINLY chose the wrong day to show up. He is seriously lacking a few screws, LOL! At least he isn’t thinking, I swear that guy just manages to show up at the wrong time. LOL! He showed up before I closed down the lot, LOL! So I had to keep it. LOL!
Definitely going to be interesting, if I can get it written out… LOL! Seriously road blocked here on this particular story. 80) although I have a couple ideas…
Thank you so much for the uplifting compliment I am glad you enjoyed!!
Thank you Drew!
I spent hours working on that thing and still didn’t like it, LOL! Seemed to busy to me, but in the end it isn’t so bad, plus it is a wedding after all, LOL!
I wish they had that too! Although getting them all dressed or time appropriate would be a huge Hassel!
When I re-installed I lost the dress I made, 80) so I went with that one and it did work, I actually think she looks quite lovely! And yes George is definitely the epitome of serene, so accepting, caring and loving of his girls. 80) I adore him!
I couldn’t resist the face and the way he turned was perfect!!! And of course he would be amused and intrigued, LOL!
LMAO!!! Yes definitely a bit more risqué!!! LOL!
Thank you again for the wonderful compliment I am glad that you enjoyed!!!
Thanks QG!
I am glad, and LOL! Rawrrr.... welll I cant disagree! LOL!
What a gorgeous wedding! How did I miss this? Shame you're bored with it, but I can understand getting roadblocked and not knowing where to go.
Ava makes a lovely bride.
Thank you Mao! I am so glad you enjoyed!! Yes definately road blocked... Well it will eventually untwist itself and then I will be able to focus again. 80) and I agree Ava did make a beautiful bride, Happy upcoming to you too!
This was truly wonderful! I don't know how I missed commenting (unless I read it at work and got distracted). It seems their marriage was a crazy as their first meeting! Beautiful and romantic chapter full of mischief. And you shots are incredible.
Oh man, way to ruin the moment, Henry! At least the man's come to his senses, but still, he could have at least waited for everyone to file out of the church. Oh well, love makes people do crazy things...
Loving this story, by the way. Excellent balance between the sweet and the sensual, and very intriguing portrayal of the time and society in which the characters live. And of course, all the twists and turns and the beautiful web of relationships between the characters make the story quite an interesting read. Can't wait for more :D
Thanky you gayl! and that picture of the roll looks so yummy! how dare you tempt me, LOL!
Actually I wasnt happy with it and reading it through again makes me cringe oh well though I am glad everyone found it romantic. I love Ava and Alex. 80) and yep just as crazy, LOL! Thank you so much for reading glad you enjoyed!
Hi Dinuriel!
Yep way to ruin the moment LOL but altogether fun... Definately not my best piece. 80)
Thank you very much for the compliment! I am glad you are enjoying!!! and hope you do keep up, I will be starting a new blog here shortly!!! to continue this!
I can't believe it took me this long to get here! I am so upset I didn't read this earlier! :D
Man oh man, from start to finish, this was so wonderful! You had be tearing up before things really even got going, with them citing their own vows and shocking everyone! That is so the double A's! LOL.
And Henry! I had NO idea why he would be a wedding crasher, at least he didn't come in ranting about still being in love with Ava. I do hope he's learned his lesson there! But dude, so what if you can't find your wife? Wait until the actual ceremony is over! :D
*sigh* No matter who says what about wedding nights, they are one of the most magical moments one can ever experience and are different from every time before them. And you showed the emotion and feeling so beautifully.
Romantic, sexy, gorgeous, this piece was amazing and you should be very proud of it! And it was a great place to leave off, you leave us dying for more!
Thank you Emily!
No worries you’re a busy mom!!!
I am glad that it came across well, I felt like it was really forced, 80) Definitely double A’s I had to do it, it just wouldn’t be them without such a scandalous action, LOL!
Yes I just had to add in that last bit of drama and Henry did find where his wife was… and yes I toyed with him doing that but it didn’t fit where I had gone with the previous chapters, LOL! Besides I think Alex would have slaughtered him then and there. LOL! And yes he should have waited but as Dinuriel said, love makes you do crazy things, LOL!
Thank you, the romance writer in me certainly came out in the last part of this one, had to tone it down quite a bit though, LOL! And although I am not particularly happy with the writing I am proud of it.
One more short post to Tie up Henry and then I will be starting the new blog which will be much more focused on the different characters than this…
Thank you again so very much!!!
That was so beautiful!!!!! Awww so romantic!!!!
I'm so happy for Ava and Alex...
Henry got what he deserved.... his wife left him... lol
I never thought Gabriel would help him, lol let's see what happens there...
The wedding was perfect, every word every picture it was all so beautiful and perfect!!!
And the wedding night it was even better!!!
Thank you for writing something so beautiful!!!
Thank you S@ndy!!!
This one really goes onto my ever growing list of crud, but I am pleased that the feel of the whole thing came out. 80) I too am so happy for the double a's but will it last... LOL!
Yes Henry got what he deserved but wait until the next Blog, Butterfly Mended Wings, at least I think that will be the name... LOL! so indecisive, LOL!
Gabriel, hmm... I couldnt resist using him with this one, he and his kids were just fillers to the empty seats so when Henry arrived I figured Why Not.
I am so thoroughly excited that you enjoyed!!! and thank you for the wonderful compliment!!!!
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