George, Beatrice, Catherine and Ava boarded the ship early on the morning of May first, so early the sun had barely risen and seemingly the weather was determined to match Ava's mood as a faint drizzle began, misting her hair and dress.
Ava looked upon the tiny ship in dismay, this was to be her home for the next two months, gone were the spring flowers and fragrant grass, gone was the sight of the sun glistening amongst the dew that clung to the tiny buds on the fruit trees. Grandfather walked beside her, his arms protectively wrapped about her shoulders as he guided them up the dock and onto the cramped ship.

The crew members stared with hungry eyes receiving a disapproving glare from grandfather, one that made them wither away back to their duties. Grandmother flanked by several of the staff snapped and snarled as a burlesque ship hand dropped one of our many trunks between Catherine’s and my bunks. “Sir, that trunk contains fragile items, I pray that you take that into consideration the next time you carry one of our trunks.” she growled, hurriedly rummaging through the packed trunk to ensure nothing had broken. Satisfied all contents were safe from harm she stood with a withering glare before gliding back onto the deck.

“Oh this is so tiny,” Catherine groaned in disappointment, as her blue eyes scanned the cabin with disgust. There were two bunks, each hard as stone, a tiny table was bolted to the floor in the corner, a cupboard hung just above which she tentatively opened in curiosity, finding nothing but a rat.

“EEEEEEE!” Catherine screamed in horror as the furry rodent jumped down and ran for the door and then under her bed when it realized there was no chance at escape.

Grandmother, Grandfather and at several burlesque ship hands came running at the horrific sound; yet all Ava could do was laugh at how her sister had blanched and was currently standing upon the small lounge in their cabin, shaking with apparent fear.
“What’s wrong Catherine?” Grandfather questioned with a mixture of confusion and humor, undoubtedly wondering why Ava stood there laughing like a hyena.
“It was a monstrous rat” Catherine whimpered pointing to the cupboard, “and now it is under my bunk” she cried, letting loose another blood curdling scream as the rodent saw it’s opportunity to escape and bolted for the open door.
Ava to fell into an even bigger fit of laughter as their grandmother followed suit, screeching and jumping up beside Catherine.
Having found the reason Catherine screamed and Ava laughed grandfather himself could not hold back, with a clap of his hands he bellowed out a thunderous laugh, earning him a baleful glare from his wife and youngest granddaughter.
“Tis not Funny George!” Beatrice snarled with as much ferocity as she could muster. “We are gentle women and the sight of such a horrific creature frightened us terribly.” She finished before gingerly stepping off the bunk and onto the floor, jumping as someone made a movement.

“Dear wife, you’ve spent enough time on ships to know that they carry rats as well as several other unsavory creatures,” grandfather laughed heartily.

“As that may be, I have never been subjected to the sight of one” she glowered before storming off in embarrassment. While grandfather, took long steps to keep up with her attempting to apologize in between thick laughs on the way.

“And you dear sister have seen far worse than a rat, I fear you are beginning to go soft,” Ava giggled once everyone had gone.
“I have never been so close to a rat before,” Catherine replied shakily, “did you see its eyes, they glowed from the dark, it wished to bite me.” she continued “I fear I shall not be able to sleep tonight from the memory of it. for I will be sure it will crawl into my bedding and lay its little rat babies in my hair.” she finished dramatically as she reached her hand to her hair in dismay.

Henry and his family made it to the port with just enough time to board, Franklin, his younger brother dallied behind in protest, after having suffered a horrid break from the young woman he’d been courting and when he’d proposed she declined only to marry his best friend a month later.

“Franklin, dear brother it has been three months since she betrayed your love now we head for England, where I am sure you will find someone that will love thee more.” Henry encouraged, “besides if you think about it, I am the lamb to the slaughter for mother and father have found my bride and I bet she is as lovely as a pig” he attempted in effort to make Franklin smile.

“I care not to ever love again, with Elizabeth’s love gone so is my heart.” Franklin mumbled sadly as he solemnly boarded.

Henry saw the girl at once, beautiful with light blonde hair and blue eyes, somehow her image strikingly familiar to him, quickly Henry scanned through his memories failingly trying with all his might to remember where it was he could possibly have met her. Resigned to not being able to piece together the puzzle he guided Franklin to their cabin, the mere sight of her eating away at him as a mouse with a piece of cheese.

As Henry entered his room he spied his mother, chatting amiably with another of the ships boards, her movements and mannerisms telling him that something excited her profusely; something he was in no rush to find out as he knew that sooner than later she would tell him of. For right now Henry’s main concern was to pull his sulking brother from his lowly state.

Despite Henry’s efforts to remember where he’d seen the girl before he decided to try to ignite his brother’s interest, while he silently hoped she was not one of his many flirtatious conquests of past. “Franklin, did you not see that pretty young lady standing at the edge, why do you not go and talk with her?” he murmured unsurely, partly relieved yet mostly annoyed at his brothers grunt of displeasure as he flopped onto the hard bunk.

Catherine lay heavily upon her bunk, pain etched across her pretty face after she returned from watching the city of New York fade into nothing but ocean “How can you be so calm? Especially when both our lives are about to be altered profusely,” she tersely questioned, not bothering to hide the tears in her eyes as her voice reflected her anguish.

“We are being given the opportunity to expand our world, see more of our heritage and who’s to say the alteration is not for the better?” Ava replied earnestly, without looking up from her journal. She knew that her sister was aching, not only at the loss of Jonathon but as herself the loss of all they had ever known.

“I do not see how it could be for the better when I am separated from my one true love,” she whined irritably.

“Dear Catherine if you are to allow yourself to wallow in self pity, then I care not to speak now. Accept that some changes are for the best, I understand you may love him but I believe you are still young and will most likely meet someone that you love even more,” by the look in her eyes Ava could tell she took her words harshly but before she could apologize Catherine jumped up and ran from the cabin in a dramatic fashion.

Catherine could not believe how her beloved sister could be so insensitive to her plight, true she had never been in love before and she seemed the type to live out her days alone rather than in the accompaniment of a gentleman. Still she was her sister and therefore should know just how much Catherine loved him, especially after the last night when he had proposed.

Catherine’s heartbroken, she sadly stood at the end of the ship looking in the direction from whence they had come, wondering if he stood there on the dock his heart aching as hers did now, pondering if he had been as saddened by the fact that he’d missed the opportunity to say goodbye to her.

Possibly her sister was correct, yet Catherine was unable to fathom how, so she stood watching and waiting until the sun began its decent over the horizon, when she finally turned to head back to Ava.
Unable to see in the dim light of the early evening she bumped into a rather large block, that as she brought her gaze up found was actually a handsome young man about her age.

“oh, I am terribly sorry,” Catherine apologized, suddenly aware of how she must look with red rimmed and puffy eyes from hours of crying.

“Oh no,” Franklin blushed as his gaze fell upon the beautiful young woman’s face, “For it most definitely my fault for not having been paying attention to where I was headed, So I should apologize to you,” he hurriedly deferred with a smile as he focused upon the young woman.

“Where are my manners,” he mumbled shyly his deep green eyes twinkling, “Franklin Grant,” He greeted with a bow.

Catherine could not help but blush as she stared into his face, “Catherine Morgan, of Wilshire,” She replied nervously, fighting back the giggle of excitement that wanted to escape her lips and hoping he didn’t see the blush that rose into her cheeks as she curtsied. “It is a pleasure to meet you mister Grant,” She whispered.

The two stood in stunned silence for a moment, unable to take their gaze away from one another. Catherine was quite taken by his handsome features, his beautiful eyes and thick strawberry blond locks, and Franklin in awe at her angelic colorings.

“I was just about to take a stroll about the deck,” Catherine whispered, “Possibly you would like to join me?” She questioned hopefully, suddenly remembering that it was improper to ask a gentleman to accompany you, especially without an escort.

Franklin smiled at her comment, wanting for the first time in weeks to spend his time in the company of someone other than his broken heart. “I fear I cannot accept,” He murmured shyly, “For it is improper for a lady to ask.” Seeing the look of horror that crossed her face, “Yet I would very much enjoy a stroll after dinner, if you would care to join me?” He hurriedly questioned silently wishing she would not decline him.

“Oh yes, I would very much enjoy that,” Catherine readily accepted, her embarrassment suddenly vanished, “although pulling my sister from her book shall prove quite a feat,” She laughed, as Catherine silently prayed her sister would agree to escort her.
“Then I shall meet with you this eve,” Franklin excitedly stated, before turning.

Catherine waited until after Franklin had disappeared from view before she ecstatically ran towards her and Ava’s cabin.
“CATHERINE!” The sharp tone of her grandmother’s voice halted her in her tracks, “A lady does not run, she walks. And I pray the next time you speak with a gentleman, you are in the accompaniment of an escort,” Beatrice scolded, disapprovingly.

“Yes granmere,” Catherine quietly responded, color rushing to her cheeks once more as she curtsied and resuming her journey back to the cabin.

Ava sat with her nose stuck in a book, trying with all her might to get one final page out in the waning light. “Grandmother was just looking for you,” she stated, without looking up as Catherine entered the cabin.

Catherine Smiled knowingly, “Yes, I came upon her while I was in return,” she smiled, her joyful tone alerting Ava at once.
Oh I love this one!!! So sweet and so funny!
The shots of Catherine jumping up on the bed in terror of the rat were hysterical -- as well as the comment about the rat "laying babies"! LOVED that line!
Ava remains the steady force. And now we have Henry, Ava, Catherine, and Franklin as well as the formidable Beatrice all locked up together on a boat. This is going to be GOOD!
Great great update! I love the shots in the ship and the interaction between Franklin and Catherine!
Thank you, I Franklin and Catherine are Destined. LOL...
Yes this chapter has always been a favorite of mine, just wish I could have found a rat, LOL.
To bad Henry and Ava dont know yet... But being in such close proximity it is about to happen. LOL
Although Cat is starting to take on her own personality, and I am not so sure it is going to well, Could be that she is the one out of the two sisters to be the most like her mom, LOL.
Oh yes, and Henry cant place her, LOL, I wonder why...
Great chapter I love how they met. Maybe both of them can be happy now. I can't wait for Ava and Henry to see each other.
Thank you Detris,
I have to keep mum on the whole thing though. Glad that you enjoyed.
Great chapter! I love the humor of it!
On a boat for 2 months? that sounds like so much fun!
Specially for Catherine and Franklin! I just love how one moment she is all heartbroken and then next moment she is all happy and excited again! :D That's exactly what happens when you are her age!
I like that both sister are so different from each other, Ava is the strong one, the one that supports, comforts while Catherine is the cheerful one, the adventurous, she is so ready to run when she doesn't even know how to walk!
I love Catherine! :D lol I just really really hope she won't make the same mistake her mother did...
Ava, we don't really have to worry about her that much, she is a strong young lady, she thinks before acting... and always speaks what is on her mind... which is good! :D
I can't wait till Henry and Ava meet again!!!
I'm really really looking forward to next chapter...
I also loved the pictures of the ship... did you build it? it might had taken forever!!!
Really nice lot!!
Beautiful writing as always!!
Thanks Sandy,
No I didnt build the ship, not that talented, LOL. Tried but my attempt was poor to say the least. If ever I do use it, it will be for inside shots only. LOL...
I got it off of MTS2
Yes I love Catherine very much, although she is a bit of a wild one, LOL.
Still Ava is my heart, very much like me in temperment, but she can be quite unpredictable, as you will see in further chapters. LOL...
This is one of my favorite chapters, I was in a goofy mood on the day I wrote it and had to put in some wise cracks, plus I wanted to differentiate the two sisters.
Yes Ava has had to be the mother for so many years she doesnt quite know how to just be herself, plus she is concerned about Cat, who has some rather dangerous tendancies.
Oh yes, and Henry and Ava will meet again, very very soon...
I LOL'd profusely at the rat scene. Oh my goodness, haha. What a good use of the jumping animation. And true to life, too. Hilarious.
Will we have two sisters marrying two brothers? Hmm, hmm... double wedding! What will Ava do when she recognizes her husband-to-be...
Thanks again for reading Mao,
Once again gotta keep mum,
I wish everything was that simple 80(, unfortunately there are some things at play here that may not be able to be undone.
You will have to keep reading to find out, LOL.
Yes I liked the rat scene too, to bad I couldnt find one to use in the game, I even tried to make one out of a cat and it looked hideous, LOL. Plus it kept having an error. So had to make due with words.
Yay! they found each other. I love happy things. catherine is way too cute! first love always seems like forever, which probably explains why henry and ava still pine for each other.
your writing's so authentic! It felt like "vanity fair" all over again when I read this. I love period pieces and you did such a fantastic job!
Love your stuff Cherie :). Your sims look so into the age too. The porcelain skins and the empire cut dresses, such nice touches!
Thank you Chloe,
I wish I could say it was going to remain a happy event, but all will come to be soon...
Unfortunately I had a corrupted file in my game and am having to start again, lets just hope the lot still works.
Thanks for reading Chloe
I don't know how I missed this update! My head has been buried in my own world I guess. FYI I have a rat in my game I will happily loan you next time you need one LOL!
I loved how easily Catherine was distracted from her "one true love." So true to stories of this nature and young girls like her.
And Henry will encounter Ava which will be fascinating to witness. I just loved this chapter! Funny, touching, and insightful. I can't help thinking ahead to all the possibilities.
Okay, this one was good but I can't help feeling like ch. 5 is going to be better! Considering what could happen on that boat with all those people you've got cooped up there!
I loved the rat scene and Ava laughing at them, very good use of humor, not overdone and still very comical!
Catherine is becoming interesting to me, as you've said she seems like a wild one, pining for her "true love" one moment and giddy the next at a new beau! She's definitely got spirit though!
Ava is most assuredly my favorite character, her strength and wisdom are beyond a silly romance tale, she's after the real thing I think and would still be standing strong if it didn't happen. She reminds me a bit of Scarlett O'Hara, any ending for her will be a happy one because you know she's not going to be one to lay about in self pity. I love her. :)
Can't wait to read the next one~
thank you again for reading Emily,
Yay! Your almost caught up, I was in a goofy mood the day I wrote that particular piece about the rat, and it helps that my mother in law is afraid of all rodents, (Typicall stand on the chair type of Gal) I love her though.
Well right in the middle my husband and I heard her scream out in the garage and went to check it out. Only to find her ontop of her car, because she thought she saw a mouse. (Fortunately it was only a brillo pad) So I wanted to incorporate it into my story. (I dont mind rodents, so long as they arent in my cupboards or food LOL).
Yes Catherine is a difficult one, I am trying to do her justice and know exactly who/what she is, I just have a difficult time, every now and again capturing her. So thank you for your indepth reading, it helps to know that I captured what I wanted in this chapter.
Ava is my favorite character, and yes she is very level headed, mostly because of having to take on the upbringing of her sister at a very young age when she lost her mother. I am a firm believer in all forms of mental, emotional, etc. Strength and wanted her to be as such.
Thank you again for reading I am glad you enjoyed and hope the next chapter doesnt disappoint.
Nicely done Cherie, Again, your writing pulls your reader into the era most decidedly!
Henry is on the ship! Great twist there, I am sure they will run into each other soon, if Ava ever gets her head out of her book!
Love the rat scene, well done. I have the rat too, if you need it. Decorative only, but effective!
Love those ship lots at MTS2!!
Great work mate!
yes I particularly enjoy the rat scene. and the ships... I am absolutely horrid, but give me a house and I can make magic, LOL.
Henry and Ava had to meet somehow...
OMG! I wish it wasn't so late right now, I'm all into this! :D I wonder if Henry and Ava will bump into each other on the ship, what if they don't? I can't take this! Lol! :D
Okay, I have to calm down, and make sure this comment makes sense, this chapter was wonderful! I loved the incident with the mouse, lol, hilarious! :D :D
Wonderful shots of the ship! Very interesting and fun story my friend! :wub: :rah:
Absolutely no worries there, LOL!
They will eventually meet up, but for how long??? that is the question. 80)
And this has one of my rare humorous scenes, LOL! although it is and was one of my favorites in this story, Silly Catherine. 80)
I am so truly glad you are enjoying this tale. I thought it was truly fun. 80) and so much better than my TSR version, ;)
This chapter was a lot of fun. Some cheerful humor to lighten the mood. And Catherine's goings on about the rat laying babies in her hair had me laughing out loud! That was so funny! And the way she acted when she met Franklin - and then running back to her room. Too funny! She's definitely an impulsive one. Great characterization!
Catherine is impulsive, I know her character now but shoot I cant seem to fit her into a chapter much. Especially with her being off the lot now. LOL! The rat was too funny to cut, I loved that particular piece. And she really is impulsive, a lot like her mother and a bit like her sister too. Lol!
WOW! You did a lot of reading, yesterday! I offer my congrats… and so glad that you are enjoying the story so far. Thank you so much for the wonderful comments and I look forward to your thoughts and comments in the future. 80)
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