Henry arrived in London within a matter of hours; his heart throbbing with pain, as he blindly guided the horse towards his dear friend’s house. Pulling into the drive, fear crept into his mind for the first time since he had left Wilshire Manor. For Henry had not the slightest idea that his friend would even be residing at his London home. Unsurely he stepped towards the door his hand shaking with pain and fury as he raised it and knocked…
“My lord,” the pretty young maid greeted quizzically, her grey eyes filled with questions at his late coming.
“Is the master of the house in?” Henry had not meant to be so harsh, yet he did not have control over his emotions at this moment. Due to the grief, his heart suffered at the loss of his beloved over his family’s choices.
“Aye, he is…” She whispered with wide eyed innocence, before hurriedly scampering away, disappearing around the corner after she settled him in the parlor
“Henry? My goodness man, you look like shit,” Alexander’s smoothly accented voice cried out in alarm as his vision came upon Henry, each word resonating with concern.
“I hope I have not disturbed you,” Henry quickly admonished, suddenly wondering if he had unwittingly interrupted one of his friend’s common dalliances…
“No, I am afraid that my uncle’s edict has rather quieted my tastes,” Alex laughed thickly, the flash of his smile adding infinite charm to his handsome face. A smile, Henry thought, that gained his dearest friend access to any woman’s bed that he wished. “So what ails you?” Alex questioned suddenly, as he poured two glasses of wine for them.

“I found the girl,” Henry murmured the mere thought of her name ripping his heart to shreds. “Quite by miracle at that, for she and I happened to be aboard the same ship.” He paused to take a hefty drink of the sweet wine, his mind spinning with thoughts. “Unfortunately her family is un-accepting of my proposal, for apparently my betrothal is unbreakable.” His words filled with contempt, hatred for his damned family and the woman in whom he was destined to take as his wife…

“It seems we are both destined to be miserable,” Alex sighed hoping to ease Henry a bit. “You have no way to marry the one in which your heart belongs, and I’ve no one to give mine too,” he knew that his friend was in pain and desperately wished to soothe. “How long are you in town for?” He questioned his hazel eyes focused intently upon his friend.
“Not long, apparently my family wishes for the wedding to commence within the month,” Henry sighed as he finished his wine and reached for more. Suddenly a bitter laugh erupted from him, catching Alexander quite off guard. “To think, I went to her tonight,” he finally managed the aggravation thickly enveloping his words.
“Henry, my man…”Alex began in surprise, “You did not take her maidenhood?” The question was far more worry filled than he had intended, as he silently prayed his friend had not. For no matter what activities they had taken pleasure in, both men had avoided the innocent in preference for the already miserably married women…

Beatrice found Ava in the parlor, a twinge of pain shooting through the duchess as she noted the faint bluish circles under her granddaughter’s eyes and how her pallor was decidedly pale; even for the fair-skinned young woman. “My dear Ava,” she greeted as she embraced her granddaughter in a concerned and loving hug. “I grow concerned, you hardly eat and I’ve not seen a smile cross your lovely face in weeks.” She quietly scolded, “I know you feel you will never again be whole, yet you must remain strong.” She murmured soothingly to counteract her concerned scolding.
“What have you come to say grandmother?” Ava questioned as she abruptly ended the embrace un wanting to live without Henry…

Knowing that Ava was not going to respond well to what she was to say, Beatrice braced herself. “The first guest arrives today, Lord Alexander Lorenza, and his young sister Lady Sophia.” she swallowed at Ava’s angry glare, grateful that there had yet to be a nasty retort. “Handsome young man and he is destined to take the throne when his uncle leaves this earth.” She murmured sadly, remembering that the king’s health had lately been in decline. “Before your mother’s deflection, she had once been betrothed to the present king,” the duchess prattled on, silently scolding herself for having used the knowledge and yet hoping that it would possibly assist Ava's decision in choosing Alexander as a prospective husband.
Beatrice flinched as Ava began to speak, “As yet another unwitting pawn within your household, I am to assume you wish a unity with the family still?” Ava bit out with contempt her fury growing with each passing moment. “Tis no wonder my mother ran off…” Ava instantly fell silent her heart aching for the pain that she had inflicted upon her grandmother with her insult…

“Ava,” Beatrice paused to collect herself, “Your heart is your own and I will say this, your grandfather and I would be very much pleased if you find this young man worthy. It would be an honor to know that my grandchild is living up to her noble blood.” She murmured soothingly, “Yet after much discussion we have decided that you must choose a husband soon, or we will be forced to choose for you.” Once again, Beatrice flinched, yet this time at the flash of pain in her granddaughter’s eyes. “I want for you to make your own choice, as well does your grandfather…”

“What if I do not wish to marry?” Ava snarled, incensed at her grandmothers statement. “Or possibly, I should lay with him and ensure our families procession to the throne,” her eyes darkened with ill suppressed rage. “You call upon my fulfilling my noble blood, yet you seem to forget that my father was a commoner! Thus meaning I am not fit for royalty.” Ava’s mouth twitched uncontrollably as she fought to claw her way out of the black pit of rage.
“You’ve no option but to marry,” Beatrice cried out, her attempts at control failing. “And do not ever speak of such a scandal again, lest I determine that you’ve already given yourself to someone?” her eyes blazed with mutual fury, while her heart ached for Ava’s torment. “Moreover, your father was not nearly as common as you believe, meaning if you choose the Duke Alexander your far more befitting of the throne than any other!” the duchess had not meant for the words to come from her mouth and knew that Ava would insist upon her answering what she meant by her comment.

Ava narrowed her eyes upon her grandmother, while clenching her hands to her side to suppress the urge to strangle the woman. “How could you know that my father was not common?” She growled. “When you had absolutely no idea where your daughter was until late…” She paused as something dawned upon her. “You’ve lied to Catherine and I, just as everyone else. You knew where she was and you never came, why? What scandal did my mother commit?” Ava screeched her eyes wide with emotion.
“I have not lied, I have protected you and Catherine,” Beatrice stammered caught off guard by the question.

Ava watched in horror as her grandmother blanched at the accusation, further leading her to believe it to be true. “You’ve deceived me far more than you realize Grandmother, and I promise that someday, I shall find your secrets whether they come from your mouth or not.” With that, Ava turned and ran from the room, the overwhelming heartbreak pushing the fat drops out of her eyes…

Ava’s mind was reeling with emotion, anger and heartache, as she solemnly walked the now familiar path towards her most recent refuge. A place where she could just sit in silence; Allowing the dappled sun, the scent of the woods and the quiet sounds of the pond soothe her. Even within this private escape, she could not seem to overcome the heartache that had settled within her over the last month since Catherine had been married. She missed her father, her sister and more so the one in which her heart ached for the one she could never have…

Arriving at the clearing Ava sank to the ground in a less than eloquent manner, the forth-coming tears stinging her eyes as she thought of all that had happened and plucked at an innocent blade of grass. Un-sensing of the figure that lurked behind the trees, watching her with uncanny interest.

“Ava, I must speak with you as a matter of urgency.” Beatrice’s tone was heavy and foreboding, “unfortunately there is no easy way to put this,” she continued, causing Ava’s heart to race with fear at what her grandmother could possibly have to say.
“What is the matter?” Ava tentatively questioned fighting back at the niggling sense that something was not right.
Beatrice gazed with sympathy upon her granddaughter, while she tried to find the courage to speak the words that would break Ava’s heart. Her heart reaching to the young woman with her pale green eyes that were bright with unshed tears, wanting to take her into her arms and calm. For a moment, the Duchess was overcome with a wave of grief, for her strong and stubborn grandchild. “I am sorry but…”

A shuddering sob escaped Ava’s throat, shattering her thoughts as the pain coursed through her once more. Desperate to shake free of the overwhelming agony, she focused upon a mallard that idyllically glided over the shimmering blue green water. “How I wish to be as free as you,” she murmured to it, a small smile spreading over her face as the bird turned its neck to look at her. “You’ve no bonds, no chains to tie you down,” her voice was thick with emotion and the bile rose in her throat as yet another vision took hold. Teasing her already tormented heart, mind and soul…

Ava awoke from the dazed and fitful slumber to a massive weight beside her on the bed, “Shh,” Henry’s gravelly voice quieted her, before the scream could escape. Tentatively she reached her hand out to him as his lips sought the soft curve of her throat, in surprise she recoiled as her fingertips brushed the warmth of his bare skin. “There is one thing we can do to ensure their compliance,” he murmured huskily. “If they came to find us,” his voice was thick with emotion as he toyed with the edge of her bodice, his fingers lightly brushing her skin.
“H-Henry…I-I can’t,” Ava stammered, her heart racing as she realized his intentions and the gravity of his words encompassed her.
“I can’t bear to live without you,” Henry murmured as he stretched himself over her.
“Please Henry,” she pleaded with a small gasp as she found he was nearly nude. “No good can come of this,” Ava shakily whimpered, trying to wriggle away from him as his lips travelled over her shoulder. The sensation both frightening and thrilling, her breath catching in her throat. Suddenly Henry jumped from the bed, keeping his back turned from her. “We have a duty to our families, Henry. Your betrothal cannot be broken,” Ava sighed through the tears. “I know not the reason, but fate is not in our favor,” she whispered as she rose to stand beside him…

“Forget duty,” he snarled angrily as he turned to face her, the faint, muted light of the moon casting an eerie glow over his tormented face. “Come away with me, I’ve enough gold to book us passage to America and set us up comfortably,” Henry’s emotional plea shattered her heart. “Please Ava, I love you,” he whispered as he took her hands into his.
“I love you dearly Henry,” Ava whispered through her tears, feeling as if her heart and soul had been ripped from her chest. “Yet I cannot, for the scandal would ruin any chance of happiness for our families.” She breathed out, unable to take her eyes from his, while she silently assured herself that she was doing the right thing.
“So that is it,” the force of the pain that crossed over his face caused Ava to squeak in surprise as she took a step back…

Ava’s thoughts were soon disrupted by the crunch of footsteps upon the leaves, not desiring to be seen in her current state she rose from the ground and began to run in the direction she had come. When suddenly she collided with a solid body, his arms encircling her in an attempt to steady, a slow smile spreading across his face as she gasped in surprise…

He had been aimlessly wandering about the Wilshire gardens, when he came across the pond and his vision settled upon the angel that sat upon the ground so forlorn. She was ethereal in her beauty, the dappled light seemingly setting her hair and skin ablaze. Despite his affinity for beautiful women, this one astounded him and he felt a pull towards her. Until he heard her words, the haunting heartfelt truth that echoed through him as if they were uttered from his own lips; and he wanted to soothe her, take her into his arms and protect her.
“How I wish to be as free as you, for you’ve no bonds, no chains to tie you down…”
He had not meant to move, hadn't desired to intrude yet as he attempted to step nearer for a closer look of her he stumbled and silently cursed himself when she rose like a startled deer and ran...

He felt the collision immediately, “damn it,” he cursed under his breath, not in pain but from the foreign sensation that engulfed him at her touch. As if he had been struck by a bolt of lightning, swiftly he turned catching her slender waist within his hands the simple action invoking a low groan before he could capture it. “Mi Amore, you must not rush as so,” he growled closing his eyes as he fought an insatiable urge of desire to feel her mouth against his, a mistake he quickly learned as he imagined loving her.
Ava looked on in interest at the wicked, darkly handsome man, fearing that she had hurt him by the low animal groan he made. “I apologize sir,” she hurriedly stated scanning her eyes over his tanned face, nearly gasping when he opened his eyes and fixated his gaze upon her. Unconsciously she focused upon his mouth, with its seductively enticing full lips, while the heat of his large hands upon her hips ignited an odd tightening within her; causing her to temporarily forget her previous agony.

“Tis nothing milady, for I always make it a point to rescue beautiful young maidens.” He murmured in that exotic and enticing voice that glided silkily over her ears and befuddled her mind. A slow smile stretching his lips and giving him a charm far more powerful than she had ever known. His scent overwhelmed her, a fresh clean smell that carried hints of sun, sable and masculinity.
“I had not known I was not alone,” she stammered unknowing that he had been watching her throughout the entire time that she had been sitting at this spot. “Will he kiss me?” she silently wondered, blushing faintly as she realized she wanted him too, while she absently bit her lower lip.
“I was thinking the same thing,” he murmured, his eyes, those intoxicating eyes delving into her soul and Ava blushed, as she realized she had not only thought it, yet spoken her private thought. “I bet you taste sweet,” he whispered, the warmth of his breath tickling her cheek as he lowered his mouth so nears hers, she could almost feel it.

Ava’s breath caught in her throat as his mouth gently brushed against hers, his heavily lidded eyes focused in the most unnerving manner upon her as he gently nipped at her lower lip. What happened next she could never have imagined. Before she could utter a word his tongue swept through her, Teasing and taunting until her knees weakened. Each sensual swipe a slowly progressing seduction, Ava gasped as the stranger pulled her closer to him so close she could feel the strain of his arousal through her skirts, and skimmed his hands over her. Each area his fingers touched, tingling with life, need until she could no longer focus. Her knees gave way and a shuddering sigh escaped her throat only to be captured by his mouth. In a brazen disregard, Ava surrendered to the electrifying current that coursed through her, tentatively reaching her hand to touch the thick raven locks, marveling at the inexplicable fire that his touch aroused, a sensation that invoked a mixture of fear and fright Henry had never.
Alexander shuddered, this young woman had brought upon him a desire, need and urgency he had never before experienced. With her innocent kiss, each inexperienced touch causing his body to ache all the more. “I was right, you are sweet.” He groaned against her lips, not wanting to release her, a move that would go against his very yearning. Yet Alexander knew he must. For if he held her a moment longer he would not be capable of releasing the angel whom ignited a passion, a desire he had never felt with another. He wanted her with all his self, needed her and craved more and Alex knew he could not do without her; he had finally met his match, his future bride. “Too sweet,” Alex sighed as he pushed away from her and watched with bated breath for her to return from the throws of passion.

Ava stood in silence, resting against his broad chest until her breath returned and her blood quieted its hum in her ears, grimacing as the immediate guilt and fury set in. Had her grandmother sent him to find her, in a desperate attempt to force the Lord upon her? in addition, why had he been there, so close to her? Had he been watching her? She silently wondered, “My lord you have the worst sense of morals.” She snarled pushing herself away from him in disgust.
Alexander watched with amusement as the passion filled flush turned to a deeper blush, a coloring of rage and had to hold his smile. “You have accosted me, kissed me…” Ava continued ranting, her pale green eyes glinting with indignation and fury.
“Must I remind you that you asked me for that kiss?” Alexander chuckled inclining his mouth to her ear, rather enjoying the sight of the frustrated young woman before him. Her anger adding infinite beauty to what he already determined incomparable. “Would you like me to do it again?” he taunted, a wicked smile spreading over his face as her eyes flew wide in disbelief and a fresh surge of desire flowing through him at the sight of her full lips pursed.

“Y-you insufferable excuse for a pig,” Ava snarled as her hand shot out, colliding with a sickening sound against his cheek. Indignantly she turned her eyes towards him, her heart leaping into her throat as she watched his eyes cloud and face darken.
“I’ve no idea who you think you are dealing with,” Alex ground out, his patience thinned at her insolence. “A young lady alone in the garden, begging for kisses is asking for trouble.” He continued, every ounce of compassion he had felt now seething with anger, blind rage at not only his angel but himself as well. “Do you even know whose land you trespass?” Alex demanded his eyes narrowed upon her.
Ava took several steps back in an attempt to distance herself from the enraged man, her heart pounding with fear. “Come, I will take you to them and let them decide your fate.” He snarled grabbing her arm gruffly and lurching her forward.
“Unhand me now you fool,” Ava snapped, her fear subsiding into rage as he pulled her behind him his large strides making her run to keep up.

Alexander drug the young woman along, each step, each insult she snarled infuriating him all the more. He had a purpose, to find out just who this young woman was. “I demand you unhand me now, lest you suffer the wrath of self condemnation,” She screeched with a futile swipe at his arm.
“I warn you miss, Continue your hell fire and I will take you to my room. Tame you and keep you as my mistress,” He snarled, stopping to turn and gaze upon her. The idea seeming rather interesting to him, as he imagined her wild beneath him, clawing and fighting. Her eyes heavy lidded with passion as he possessed her body and soul.
“Where are you taking me you ass!” She stormed lashing out once more, although he expected the action this time and deftly caught her hand.
“To the Duchess of Wilshire,” Alexander replied coldly, a dark hunger, rage and look of desire masking his face. “You would do well to understand that I do not make idle threats…” He finished turning and beginning the journey again.

Beatrice heard the commotion immediately, the high-pitched squeals of her infuriated granddaughter and the low growling of Duke Alexander. In nervous frustration, she exited the parlor, stifling a laugh and the urge to rage as she set eyes upon Ava, who was so incensed her cheeks seemingly blazed. “Unhand me, lest you realize your grievous error, you inconsiderate ass…” Ava cried out.
“Lord Alexander you would be best to do as she says,” Beatrice sighed all her hopes crushed at the prospect of her granddaughters ever bringing unity with his family.
“I found this young woman trespassing on your property my lady,” Alex growled dropping her arm from his grasp and storming as far from her as possible.
“I told you I am not trespassing,” Ava hollered.
“AVA THAT IS ENOUGH!!!” George bellowed from behind her, his voice commanding and threatening all at once.

Alexander’s stomach twisted as it registered that this hellcat was Lady Ava, incredulously he glared upon her. His arms crossed over his heaving chest, while for the first time he saw the faint resemblance of Lady Annette. The woman he had met briefly when he had been but a young boy of 3. “I apologize my lord,” he growled un able to take his infuriated gaze from her haughty smirk. “Had I known it was her, this would never have occurred,” he admonished feeling the gravity of his truly grievous error.
“We do not fault you Lord Alexander,” Beatrice gently stated breaking his attention. “Unfortunately our granddaughter seems to have a rather stubborn knack of insulting those in whom she meets,” Ava shuddered knowing that she would be severely punished for her behavior as her grandmother shot her a withering glare. “Ava please meet me in the parlor,” Beatrice coolly stated with a frown, as she dismissed her…

Stoically Ava walked past her grandmother; she could feel his eyes burning into her and could not resist the small smile at having successfully shattered any hopes her grandmother may have had. “I do so hope this will not affect your decision to stay with us,” she heard Beatrice apologetically murmur.
“I apologize My lady, but she has insulted my very being and must decline.” His comment was enough to make her turn, the evident smile of satisfaction played across her face.
Alex saw her smile and knew at once she had known all along whom he was, her pitiful plea’s to the duck, echoing in his mind once more. She was in the same situation he himself seemed stuck. Yet his anger was too much to bear, she tormented him purposely and he could not have that. For one way or the other, he would teach her a lesson. “Although, my own dear sister has behaved as such in the past…” He tentatively began, reveling in the confused gaze she shot at him. “I think I shall over look it this once, provided…” Alexander narrowed his eyes upon her, quickly scanning through the many ideas he had for retribution, until he found the one that did not involve a scandalous act, the one that he knew she would most heartily her family would accept and she would disagree with…

“I may court her…” he replied with a devious smile.

Ava hitched her breath, unable to speak at his incredulous statement, her full mouth fluttering open and shut in stunned wordlessness. “I will wait until tomorrow morn for a response,” Alexander narrowed his eyes in victory upon her, thinking of how he would enjoy punishing her. Knowing that her grandparents would never allow her to refuse him.
“I give you permission Alexander,” George gravely replied, tightening his thin lips as he gazed upon Ava and shot her a stern glance. “It is truly magnanimous for you to over look such a horrid display of ill regard.” He finished…

Several wordless minutes later, Ava sat upon the lounge in the parlor while her grandmother thoroughly admonished her. “How dare you act as so,” Beatrice raged, “you are a lady and should always act as such!” Ava watched as her grandmother paced before her, ranting and raving. “You will accept the courtship, although I am unsure as to why he would desire such an unfitting unison with you.” She snarled pointing her finger into Ava’s face and waggling it about for emphasis. “Six months, he has requested six months…” She stammered incredulously, “And if at the end you have no feelings he will release you…” Ava truly did not wish to hear it all again, yet knew she had made an error of her own.
“Grandmother, I do not care to be associated with him.” She meekly attempted.
“I already told you, there is no choice! You have completely disgraced our family and he has given us the opportunity to remand the situation.” Beatrice was still in shock at the young man’s request not only because he had surprised George and herself, yet the fact that there was now an opportunity to hope. “You are far older than most young ladies of a marriageable age and such, if this does not procure an engagement I have decided…” Beatrice was thoroughly agitated with Ava at this point and had every intention on following through with her threat. “Your grandfather and I shall choose a match for you.”

“GRANDMOTHER NO!!!” Ava cried out in alarm, wishing that she had not ever met the handsome Duke.
“It is settled, you have disappointed your grandfather and I grievously.” Beatrice snarled before turning and storming from the room. The only sounds the gentle tap of her heels and swish of her dress against the cold marble floor just outside the door.
Wow! This one is great! Sensual and tense, loving and angry, and the details are amazing! The clutter and flowers on the mantle and the little side table, the paintings, and the gorgeous, gorgeous pond! absolutely beautiful!
Alexander is a spoiled cad. Or at least he is behaving like one. Henry ought to knock him right through one of his fancy windows LOL!
Ava is such a great character! Full of fire but she has a head on her shoulders. She'll figure something out! Walk out to meet Beatrice's choice looking like a scullery maid or something!
Great job! Really really well done!
Ahhh, Alexander. Those Spanish men are devious little blighters. I can't wait to see more with those two. I'm sure it'll be a fun ride.
Poor Ava, she's so conflicted and torn. Between duty and love. I know you mentioned before that Alexander was more suited to her, but I still feel for first love loss. You always think it is so much more than it ever actually was.
I am proud of her, too. For not falling completely into temptation and keeping a level head. And for pushing Alexander's buttons, LOL! I really like Ava.
Great job! I loved the forest pictures.
Beautiful job.... I'm so proud of Ava, and I'm quite disappointed on Henry behavior... I'm a romantic at heart, I believe in that the man who loves you will always do the best for you, even if it doesn't mean his happiness.... and proposing that to Ava was simply plain stupid.. it would have ruin both their lives and they would have never been happy together...
Glad Ava didn't fall for that...
Now your gardens!! I love your gardens all of them, every shot in a garden is fantabulous, all the details the flowers the trees and ponds, awww it looked so beautiful, I completely understand why Ava picked that place as her hiding place!
You already know how much I love Alex!!! hahahahaha just as expected he would want revenge!!! hahahaha poor Ava, she is in for a very difficult ride!!
I'm dying to see the interaction between Alex and Ava... they are two very strong characters!!! that sounds like so much fun, so much drama and romanticism!!!
Great job, beautiful beautiful writing, I just wish I could write like all of you!! :Dlol Bravo!!
Your decorations are, again, wonderful! Inside and out! And I see now why you like Alexander so...WOW! He is quite the man. Just bad enough to make him interesting, just good enough so he is not completely amoral! Passionate too, a good match for Ava in a lot of ways!
But then, so is Henry. I still feel for him! LOL!
The age old question, is it possible to love two men at once? Ava will soon find out I think!
The sparks certainly fly between her and Alex!
Ava has spunk, standing up to her grandmother. Well done!
Again, the writing is enchanting, you have totally pulled me into this Regency world with it's compelling characters, well done Cherie mate!!
Thank you beth,
I was going for all of those things, heartache as well. It is unfortunately the end for Ava and Henry and the beginning for Alex.
Actually Alex is, very, very spoiled and used to getting his own way. Although he is thoroughly jarred by Ava, no woman has ever made him feel like that. In his defense, Henry never told Alex just who he was in love with, merely mentioned "her" without an name. So there is yet another twist in the road ahead.
And Yes I love Ava, so glad to have the tempermental stubborn one back. Yes, yes, yes, Alex is punishing her for her deception. On the same hand, he doesnt mind, he's in love... So Ava will most definately try his patience in every sense of the word. LOL!!! Just wait until she and Sophia get together.
Yes Mao, devious to the core, LOL!!! But I love him... And most definately it will be a ride, they are both very tempermental and hot headed... It will certainly be a matter of who tames who first.
Ava is definately torn up, and yes first love can be horrid. Although what she realizes with Alex, in this chapter is a stronger connection which makes her feel even more confused, guilty etc.
And you dont have to worry, Ava has her morals and her values... I almost did but I literally have to force her and Henry together. He keeps wanting Catherine and one of his traits is red hair, the other fitness. I am disappointed in Henry though, he has overstepped his bounds. Granted it is out of lust, and out of love. If anyone is the spoiled one it would be him. So willing to give up everything for what he wants.
Yes Sandy, I am dissapointed with Henry too. I am the same way at heart, and believe in the same things. Unfortunately Henry is driven by his desires, he wants Ava and was willing to do what ever was necessary to ensure he got her. What he didnt expect was her refusal.
This is the first point where she realizes that her love for Henry was not enough to compromise her posistion, family or self.
Thank you, I put the garden together in literally twenty minutes and just kinda scattered where I saw something would look nice. And Ava certainly does love that spot... Even with free will on, she will go there and sit, stand or just plain whatever. Provided she is on the lot.
It took me a minute to think of Alex's revenge. Would have been to easy for him to just out and out say he wanted her as his wife. Although Beatrice and George would most heartily agree to the union. Alex is definately smitten, head over heels, and he Doesnt know that he is falling in love with his best friends girl.
Now for the fun ride between Ava and Alex, oh boy!!! They are completely perfect, they argue one minute and kiss the next in the game, so I dont think I will have much issue with working with them. Henry and Ava only seemed to argue, and Henry kept wanting to kiss Catherine. AACK!! LOL, I had to literally force them together.
Alex is the key to Ava unravelling her past, without him she will never meet the next key character and will never figure out just how she came to be...
Awww Thank you Karen,
I really enjoy building just havent done it as much as I wanted to with the story. Unless I need a particular lot, IE the Garden.
Yes isnt Alex quite the guy,LOL!!! He and Ava will surely be at eachothers throats. In truth I have never seen a more fitting character set in the game. They argue one minute and then they are kissing the next. I cant keep them off eachother unless I turn free will off. LOL! Had to literally force Henry and her together, LOL! So it is for the best.
Finally I get to explore this story the way I wanted to with TSR but couldnt.
Alex is a strong character as is Ava, so it will end up being a matter of who breaks who first... So to speak. And Henry, I do feel for him, but he will over come it all, and everyone will see him again soon, as well as several of his more unsavory traits. As I said in a while back, he isnt necessarily a good guy. He just fell for Ava which was enough interest for him to last this long.
Welcome back usual crabby, tempermental Ava. She went a little soft on me with Henry, LOL.
LOL well isn't that an interesting twist between Henry and Alexander...I can't wait for those fireworks!! I loved the flashback scenes; they were very well done! So Henry tried and Ava refused...she was smart to do so since their match can't be. Shades of her father and mother in that scene...
Alexander and Ava are going to be in for a bumpy ride, just like all the wonderful romances. They truly will be a good match, both challenging each other and staying one step ahead. A fiery match for sure!
I am in awe of your sense of detail. Every shot was just perfect. And your storytelling is magnificent! I really admire your ability to remain true to the period with your writing and images.
Great update!
Thank you for noticing the twist Gayl, Unfortunately neither of the three realize just yet how tied in together they all are. Henry has never actually spoken her name to anyone.
Yes, I just cant do without a dramatic climax... LOL. Alot of twists turns and tumbles in this story.
Alex and Ava are very well matched, He used to getting his way and she refusing to follow the rules. Alot of fireworks too, as well alot of Ava trying her hardest to ignore them... I have some ideas richocheting about because I dont want the ease between these two that there was with Henry and Ava.
Truly she is very set against him, now more than ever because of the feelings he invokes. Unfortunately the game wont allow me to keep them apart without turning freewill off. LOL...
Henry poor guy, lost what he truly wanted but is gaining more than he realizes.
Alex is a key to Ava's unravelling of how she came to be. Without him she will not be able to meet the next....
And thank you for the compliment on the flash backs. I was a little concerned that they may end up confusing. Being the transistions didnt flow to smoothly. Besides I started with the night Henry and Ava broke up, then went to present... So on so forth, it was all very jumbled. And I am so happy that I am doing a good job with keeping with the times. It is truly difficult, not knowing fully everything.
Thanks again for all your and everyones elses assistance with the OMSP's
Oh yes,
Ava has a very strong sense of morals and cant allow herself to disgrace her family, or herself. Let alone cause even the slightest bit of unhappiness upon her sister.
Well, I finally made it! I swear, all of your chapters are filled with such great emotion one way or the other!
I feel so sorry for Ava, getting over a first love can be difficult, took me about seven years! You may look at other people, but you still go back to that one thinking you were "meant to be" and then one day you find out you were wrong.
Alex is interesting. A bit of a cad, but interesting! Yes, Ava behaved badly with him, but he wasn't so nice to her either! They must be one of the opposites attract couples! Can't wait to see how they progress.
Wonderful update Cherie, I had fun on another roller coaster ride!
Thank you again emily,
I am so glad that the rollercoaster was a fun one.
Yes Alex and Ava are truly a fiery couple. In the game if free will is on, they will talk, argue, kiss hug and repeat. Yet their relationship bar never goes down.
They will actually seek eachother out too. So it is definately meant to be.
For me I cant really say I ever got over my first love. He and I split up and got back together on several occasions. Only to get married six years ago. So Ava and Alex are loosely based upon my relationship with my husband. LOL!!! and Yes we fight like cats and dogs at times, but for the most part we are great!!!
That's so wonderful that you married your first love! It's almost inspiring in a way. I think all couples fight though, so I wouldn't worry about that, lol! I know my first and I didn't have hardly anything in common but a love for the same kind of music, not really enough to base a relationship on! I know I found a much better match for me though, it just took me longer than I thought!
I was truly blessed to marry my best friend. And no matter how large the argument if it didnt happen it would just end up more. LOL!!!
And you are very blessed as well, for not everyone is able to meet that special someone. 80) and yes I had a few boyfriends that were what I thought was love but, now that I look back, NAH!!! 80)
My dear Cherie, again your pictures were GORGEOUS, and this chapter was WONDERFUL! :wub:
Oh, I can definitely see the sparks flying between Ava and Alex, lol! This is going to be a very interesting couple, lol! :D I do feel bad for poor Ava to have lost Henry, and not even know why... :(
This is a lovely story Cherie! :wub:
Dear Zayury, Thank you so very much!!! especially in regards to my shots. For you have an amazing ability. *blush*
Yes the sparks certainly fly between the double A's then again how could you resist someone like Alex, LOl! *slapping self* LOL!
First love can be a hard thing to overcome, yet when it isnt right, well.... It isnt. And That is what Ava is slowly learning.
So glad you are enjoying and cant wait for your further responses. 80)
Thank you so very much again, I so appreciate it and am so happy you enjoy. 80)
Stunningly beautiful chapter. The pond and gardens are breathtaking! I love the small details like the mushrooms. Everything fits so well together and nothing seems cluttered or forced. Truly beautiful - it must have taken a lot of patience and time to set up. Also the indoor shots were just as pretty with the marble flooring and richly decorated rooms. Gorgeous settings.
What a first meeting! So much chemistry, fire, and emotion. And I love Alex's reaction to Ava's outbursts - he'll court her! Classic - I love it. And the grandparents' decision to choose her mate if this courtship doesn't yield an engagement - she's sooo trapped.
Henry! Disappointed in him to take such a bold action. And I'm very happy that Ava turned him down. Good for her. Her virtue is worth more than that. Just as my opinion of Alex improves with each chapter, my opinion of Henry drops. He's starting to seem whiny, clingy, jealous, and desperate, not manly like he originally did. I'm kind of happy that Ava will be moving on, though it hurts her to do so. Perhaps she'll fall in love with handsome Alex and have a Happily Ever After. Not without a fight, though, lol!
Thank you again Astral,
Actually the pond was completed in about 20 minutes, LOL! I just tossed a bit here and there. Now Wilshire manor on the other hand took two weeks, LOL!
Yes very trapped although Beatrice played down a certain aspect from later in the story. LOL! This is one of my favorite chapters although going through and re-reading I have found several errors. LOL!
Henry is truly a Cad, there are some redeeming qualities in him, but those have yet to be seen. LOL!
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