Monday, July 7, 2008
The snow fell heavily upon the roof of his carriage, a cold winter storm filled with danger much to the likes of his being here this night. Sullenly the man gazed out at the landscape that in the night was a pale violet, while he silently wished back the lazy summer days. Where the scent of the heady English roses and the sounds of birds twittering their love; beckoned two young lovers to sneak away for a moment of lustful peace.
Charles Earl of Bruns had not an idea what he would soon face, yet with certainty he knew his indiscretions, his forbidden love had finally made itself alight. His mind buzzed with a mixture of emotions as he set eyes upon the grand manor, grimacing at the sight of it. Wilshire Manor was dark, it's windows black as his very soul.
Charles had made this trip many times before during the last three years, at Duke George's request. Yet up until that clandestine night he had remained honorable, until fates seemed to fall to Annette and his favor. Surely, Annette had flirted with him all those years, casting fluttering lashed eyes upon him when no one was looking and swaying about him at every opportune moment her intent plainly aimed at flaunting her figure. Charles had known that she desired him as much as he did her yet still he could not find it in his heart to betray his benefactor or wife. That was until that December past, when all his self control melted as he found himself trapped within the Wilshire Manor's walls for a full day and night, with only the delectable Miss Annette due to a terrible snow storm.
Yet tonight was different, for rather than George's beckoning it had been the Duchess herself, who had unexpectedly called upon him. The heated words upon the thick paper a testament to her fury and Charles only insight that their indiscretions had been found.
For the briefest of moments his mind wandered to the past December…
Annette had been standing by the fireplace, when Charles had come upon her. Inexplicably he stepped towards her, taking her smooth cheek in his hand, the simple touch igniting a raging fire within his very soul. Annette’s eyes fluttered open and closed in surprise and desire, wordlessly she licked her lips as if anticipating the next action.

They had known it was wrong and yet their love for one another was to much to bare, after nearly an hour of play Charles took her, slowly at first until his need grew too much for him to control.
Over the course of the next year whenever he had been visiting with the Wilshire family, Annette would either sneak to his rooms or he to hers, and when she found of her condition, Charles was not to be swayed they immediately set plans for her to visit the country with a hired escort, where she would birth and once the child arrived they would book passage to America.
The vision of Annette standing there weeping, from heartbreak and fear not only caused Charles heart to jump into his throat and the color drain from his face but it brought him back to the present. Immediately he rushed to her side whispering calming words as he lovingly wiping the tears from her cheeks.
Beatrice, Annette’s mother pinned them both with her emerald green eyes that seethed with anger and pure hatred for what they had done. Both Charles and Annette knew there was no denying his implication in the events that had unfolded and Charles dared not deny it for the swollen stomach that pressed into the thick cloth of Annette’s gown announced their sins. Yet despite Beatrice’s angry glare he could not say he didn’t expect it, for Charles too would hate the man that stole his daughter’s heart and placed her in disgrace.
Charles best attempts at consoling his distraught beloved paled in comparison to the mornings events that kept replaying within her mind and within Beatrice’s as well, adding more fuel to her anger.
Early every morning Annette had risen to bind her rapidly swelling stomach into a tightly laced corset, except today she had been stricken ill and before she could clothe herself, her handmaid Rebecca had entered the room. “My lord!” Rebecca cried in shock upon seeing the unmistakable swell, before Annette could react the maid had run from her room.
“My lady,” Rebecca nervously began, “I have come upon the most disturbing sight.” She lamented frightened for not only her position within the households employ, but Annette’s safety as well. For she had heard horrible tales from other handmaids in regards to their charges when the young ladies failed to remain pure and she knew that her mistress had a horrid temper.
“Well what is it?” Beatrice questioned in alarm, her mind automatically conjuring the worst.
“It is Lady Annette,” Rebecca whispered in distress, “She…She is with child,” she stammered quietly.
“WHAT!” Beatrice yelled vehemently, immediately knowing whose it must be, “Send for the Earl and do not dare breathe a word of this scandal to anyone!” She snarled rising from her chair and storming out of the parlour.
In a flash of anger and disbelief Beatrice burst into her daughter’s room, where she gruffly reached her hand to Annette's stomach, “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!” Beatrice screeched in rage.
“I…I’m sorry,” Annette whimpered knowing that her words fell upon deaf ears.
“You are no longer welcome in this house you scandalous wretch,” Beatrice snarled as she harshly pushed herself away from the protruding belly and stormed from the room, locking her only child within.Charles stood there wondering what form of punishment he was about to undergo, fearing that in a moment a shot would ring out to still his heart, Beatrice spoke. Calmly with venomous words, “My husband and I welcomed you into our home, accepted you into our family, helped to rebuild your fathers wealth and this is how you repay us!” His heart pounded within his chest as the words rang through the icy air. “You betray us by taking our daughter into your bed, when you had no intention let alone capability to make her your wife.” She paused to turn the angry glare upon her daughter, “Did you ever stop to think of the repercussions of your actions? Not only have you spoiled her but you have disgraced my family and yours!” her words came hot and fast now, burning with the hatred she felt. “I wonder Sir, what does your wife think of this, how will she feel knowing that her child’s father has smote her family for his own lust?” Charles felt as if he were sinking into the depths of a bottomless green pool in her gaze. “You have ruined her as well and may you be damned to the fiery pits of hell for your sinful indiscretions, both of you!” The Duchess cried into the still icy air.
“I will say if not for other circumstances I would marry her, I love her beyond utter comparison, ” Charles murmured sadly. “Although, my wife suspects she has not exactly heard and in her weakened condition I pray she does not find out.” He sucked in a deep breath and clung tighter to the beauty on his arm, as he continued. “I was blinded by all consuming love, and could not help myself from falling into the affections of your daughter,” he finished brokenly realizing for the first time since their affair began the true extent of their indiscretions.
It was evident Beatrice wished to kill Charles with her bare hands, but as a lady she regained her composure to once more speak, “ Tonight she leaves, I will give you the option to see her off being it is you that put her in this predicament.” Her tone carried an a dangerous hint of something and Charles couldn't help but feel that she was withholding information by the wild look in her regal eyes, a look that made both he and Annette shiver within their boots. “yet as much as I despise you,” her eyes narrowed into cat like slits as the corner of her mouth began to twist into a cruel smile. “I feel it befitting to inform you that as we speak a letter detailing your horrendous sins is being delivered by a trusted confidant of mine,” she let out a breath into the frosty air, “Frankly at this point your wife is most likely crumpled in a heap to the floor as she reads everything.” She finished, the cruel and satisfied grin upon her face a testament to her joy in his fall from grace.
Charles stood in stunned silence for several minutes, while the Duchess’s words and their meaning sunk in. Each letter seeming to infuriate him all the more, “I apologize for my indiscretions, and yet cannot understand how you would place your own daughter into such a scandalous affair!” he could no longer contain the anger that welled up within him. “We were happy in our love and I had made arrangements for her and I.” Charles hung his head in shame as the gravity of the entire ordeal sank in. “I had planned to leave my wife when she and the child were healthy,” he finished the heat of embarrassment and fury creeping into his cheeks and tears misting in his eyes as he realized that never again would he have Annette.
I have booked two one way passages,” The older woman spoke, after several long minutes of silence. “She will need someone to care for her during the two month trip,” For the briefest of moments Charles thought he saw a familiar glint of kindness. “I pray you take her companions spot, for once upon the ship, it will be that she has run off and is presumably deceased.” Her voice had lost its harsh tone from earlier, “redeem your sin and repent, or you may go back to the woman who carries you legitimate child and suffer the wrath of self condemnation.” She suddenly sneered through clenched teeth anger once more surfacing.
Charles stood in thought, running each scenario through his mind. He knew that if he went with with his mistress, his wife and unborn child would be the pity and laughing stock throughout society.
Yet if he did not go never again would he feel the love, joy and all consuming fire that only Annette seemed to fill his world with every time he was with her.
With heavy heart Charles turned to Annette, “I apologize my lady, but duty calls.” The words had barely been whispered when his heart shattered as he gazed into Annette’s teary eyes that reflected her heart break and torment. “I will see her to the ship but that is the furthest I can go.” He muttered unhappily to the Duchess. “I really do love you, but she is right I must suffer the pains of my wrongs for my wife and the child she carries, it is my duty and obligation.” Charles had barely spoken the words, yet at once he felt horrid, for he had broken the only heart that he’de ever cared for, left her with a bastard child and no means to ever right herself…
Wonderful beginning Cherie, The opening shot with the snow falling gently is timeless.
Your writing is descriptive and fits the era beautifully.
Character list is a good idea, LOL! Comes in handy when your cast of characters starts getting large and you need to keep track of them!
Love the layout of your blog!
Scorching love scene, kind of liberating to be free of constraints, isn't it, or "Pg-13" rules!
Great shot with the 'swelling stomach'!
One tiny suggestion. Maybe start a new paragraph every time a different person speaks, makes it easier to read instead of one long paragraph!
Poor Annette, such a tragedy, but having a child out of wedlock back them was a mortal sin and scandal, well portrayed!
And Charles, duty and honour is everything...
Very enjoyable Cherie, look forward to more
Cheers mate~~
Thank you for the help, with the new paragraph... And thank you for your kind comment.
YES!!! it is so great being free of constraint, a little nervewracking though, I have never truly put my work out there before. At least the way it was meant to be. LOL
And yes I had to do the Character references, because there will be so many... Thanks for all your help again, and thank you for reading...
Wonderful work, hon!!!!! I love it.... as Drew said... a NEW paragraph with each new person speaking! It's a must..
Use more simile and metaphor... "...The snow was falling heavily..." tells us. "...the snow was falling like cow pies on a dark spring morning..." SHOWS us... be careful not to overdo them.. but they're a tool to use!
I loved your use of the sims to illustrate the story.. I do so love the story, btw... when do we get to see more?
what is BTW? I have seen it alot lately, but have absolutely no clue as to what it is... LOL I probably should though. LOL
Thank you for the assistance, I appreciate all the feedback I can get, especially since I am finally working through this story...*sigh, 80). Maybe I can work on getting it published, next... 80)
Been complete for over a year now and havent been able to pull myself into revisions. So using it in the sims is a great way to go over my previous work.
I will try and get it up this weekend, Saturday hopefully, but my shoulder has been giving me alot of pain lately. Can barely sleep at night, let alone roll over and it is still really swollen...80(
I like the way you put that "...the snow was falling like cow pies on a dark spring morning..." Personally I wouldnt want to get caught in that snow storm. LOL!!!
lol True... but it ILLUSTRATES the point well, doesn't it? That's the point of using a metaphor or a simile...
BTW, I think means "by the way" I could be wrong!
Yes I finally found out *blush* Should have really thought about it. lol...
Honestly I love your writing. The first paragraph when you use the word violet to describe the air and the snow...absolutely wonderful.
What a mess though...Charles has a wife and here he is with someone else, and both of them are pregnant. He really does seem to love Annette.
Beatrice is a horrible witch. Guess that was normal for the time though.
Love the shots and the writing! Lovely, sensual and evocative!
Yes Beatrice is,
She is angry with her daughter and furious with Charles. Unfortunately even in those days true love could not be denied.
As I go on, everyone will get Beatrices true nature, which although headstrong and determined, her family is truly the most important thing to her.
Beautiful writing!
Like everyone else, I loved that first snowy picture and description of it too!
And the Love scene!! Wonderful, very romantic and sensual!
Poor Annette! And Charles I don't feel sorry for him.... I do feel sorry for his sickly wife and child...
And Annette's mother....Maybe if he wasn't married, Beatrice wouldn't be so upset... lol
Beautiful writing!
ps. Thanks for reading my story...
Thanks Sandy,
Yes it was a loveless marriage, and had he not been married it would be different. LOL
And I loved your story, very difficult to capture those emotions But you did a great job.
Cherie this was really well done! Very descriptive and compelling. Poor Annette, and I see by the screen shots on the side that she is deceased?
Sometimes true love cannot be denied and Charles found it. Unfortunately he already has a wife and unborn child. What a mess. But you definitely portrayed this true to the era. His sense of honor would not allow him to abandon his wife no matter how much misery it will cause both himself and Annette.
Well, I lied LOL. I did make it here! Honestly I did NOT think I would get time, but it just seemed like the thing to do right now. :)
So glad you're able to get out there as a writer, that's one of the best feelings in the world if it's a passion you have. I was scared to strike out with my blog too, how people would react or if they would even like the story!
I really liked this beginning and since Karen already said about the paragraphs (which she suggested to me as well! Makes such a difference!) The only thing I noticed was some of the commas didn't seem to be in the right place to take a breath, or use a period to form a new sentence with some of those really long ones.
Other than that nit picky thing, it was really good! Glad I found time to read it and I'm crossing my fingers that it holds out so I can catch up! ~Emily
Congrats on the Baby, and I have been reading your work, slowly but surely. Trying to get caught up, LOL.
Thank you very much for the comment, I will try to work on my grammar, Just have a really hard time with that particular aspect. LOL 80)
Thank you, I'm very excited about this new little person but it's also why I update about once a month now! And don't stress too much about the punctuation, your writing and descriptions are wonderful!
WOW! Cherie, this was sensational! First, I have to commend you on the absolutely excellent décor throughout your lot! Simply, marvelous work, and I know that did not take you a short time to complete. Your attention to detail, the wonderful CC, and your excellent taste, contributed to very GORGEOUS pics! :rah:
Second, I LOVE period romances! Your writing is fabulous! I could actually hear their elegant, accented, and educated English in my head, while reading! Your characters are and your story, are wonderful! I’M HOOKED! :D :D
Thank you so much Zayury!!! I am blushing 80)
Yes the Wilshire Lot took about two weeks, granted only about 4 hours a night of actual work. LOL!
And I s'pose I am a perfectionist, 80)
I am so glad that you enjoyed, and wow, 14 more chapters to go.... LOL!
Wow! That's really terrific...I think somebody has a gift...good luck on the rest of this!
Thank you anonymous
What pretty writing! Poor, poor Annette. I feel so bad for her. I feel bad for Charles' wife, as well, and he probably made the right decision by society's standards, but now this young girl is all alone, heart broken and with child. What will become of her?
Great beginning. Beautiful love scene. I'm so envious of those who can write nice love scenes - it's a weakness for me. I always freeze up and can never find the words, or make it sound cheesy and pornoesque - I do much better with violence, lol.
Thank you Astral! and thank you for the compliment on the writing.80)
Alot happens in this story, and if you read the next you will see. lol!
Annette and Charles, are tragic...
I know the feeling on Romance, I can certainly write it, but have to tone it down at times. My theory if it makes me blush I am not going to post it. LOL!
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