Angry and heartbroken, Alexander sat in silence across the ball room.

Each laugh and every murmur increased the hollow ache in the depths of his soul. He had to ensure the first dance and keep up pretenses until tomorrow when the relationship would end. For, despite his loathing at all that had happened, he did not wish to disgrace her completely.

Horrified he heard the strain of the music. His heart sank as he rose and made his way towards Ava, the forlorn, pale fallen angel, for whom his heart ached. With longing and an ache that he could do little about, his fury was still evident as he gruffly took her in his arms and spun her about the floor. The warm room assaulted his senses with the over powering scent of roses and wine.

Marianne stood across the ball room, her heart shattered as she glared with utter hatred upon the wretched Lady Ava. Why had she not realized when the invitation had come that this lady, was the one in which her husband’s heart yearned for? She felt nauseous at the prospect of it all, while stinging tears formed in her eyes.

Oh how Marianne wanted to tell Ava just what was on her mind, the boiling rage within her almost more than she could bury as the first strains of the honorary waltz began.

She watched in disgust as the angry Lord Alexander rose, and stalked as a panther towards the object of her hatred.

Something about his mannerism telling her that more than she knew had occurred. For Catherine had been touting all week that her sister, this wretched female was soon to be united with him. Yet the look upon his face, ranging from sadness to loathing spoke volumes.

Fruitlessly she glanced once more about the ball room, searching for Henry.

A very small piece of her wanting him to be here, to have him guide her out onto the dance floor. In frustration and embarrassment she stalked out through the room towards the balcony doors.

Unable to spend another moment in the warm, rose and wine permeated air, incapable of spending another minute in the same room as her…

Gabriel Edwards stood on the balcony, bored out of his mind as he gazed about the Wilshire estates when he heard the door open. Deftly turning his gaze in it’s direction he came upon a vision, not just any vision but the lovely young woman in whom he had seen glaring upon the delectable Lady Ava.

A slow seductive grin spread over his face, as he turned casually placing his hand on his hip as he raked his gaze over her voluptuous curves. A deep yearning of lust pooling in his loins, as her image reminded him of Francis so many years before. A thought he hurriedly dismissed for the daughter of his obsession would not be within these walls.

“Good evening Milady,” he smoothly purred into the chilled night air, a predatory look glazing his eyes as she jumped, startled by his voice.

“Good evening,” Marianne whispered shyly, dropping her gaze as she turned and started for the door. Her velvety voice floating through the air like a feather.

The thought of her rushing off so quickly, oddly disturbing to him, “I can hardly stand these droll affairs,” he hurriedly stated in an attempt to engage her in conversation. Yet another strange reaction, to the man. For in general he could care less if the ladies stayed or left. Yet there was something about her, something that intrigued him made him yearn for her attention.
“I apologize sir,” Marianne murmured wanting to find a solitary place to settle her angry thoughts. “I s-shall leave you to your solitude,” she grimaced inwardly, unsure as to why she had even said such a thing.

A strange sensation tingling through her entire body as she brought her gaze up towards his handsome face. The mans, startling silvery blue eyes that gazed upon her lustfully, hungrily. A gaze, she thought with heartbreak that Henry had never before bestowed upon her.

“No, please do not go,” Gabriel urgently stated, startling himself at the abrupt and yet pleading statement. “I am terribly bored out here on my own, yet I cannot bear to enter the festivities.” He hurriedly added mostly in an attempt to explain his own unknown reaction to the young woman.

The lady, whose lilac and fresh soap smell wafted on the gentle breeze, engulfing his senses and intoxicating him. While he silently wondered if she would be as soft as her scent.

Marianne gazed curiously upon the man, his pleading statement despite propriety rather welcoming.

“I too am undesiring of this event,” she whispered ruefully as she tentatively stepped forward. Stifling a gasp as her eyes adjusted to the dim light and she made out his broad shoulders, quite the opposite of Henry’s thin wiry frame.

Nervously she gulped, she could feel the warmth radiating from him, the scent of sandlewood and shaving soap engulfing her.

Alexander shook uncontrollably as he held her in his arms. His body longed to be pressed against Ava’s body. Desperately, he needed to feel her lips and hear her speak of love. Alex closed his eyes to fight off the wave of emotion that overcame him as the piece ended.

He was thinking of how she had chosen tonight to speak of her love, a love he could never accept for it was, as everything else, a lie. Brusquely he released Ava from his grasp, turned on his heel and stormed from the room. Tonight he would allow Sophia her fun for tomorrow he would have to find a way to break her heart, tell her of the end.

Ava watched in dismay as Alexander exited the ballroom. She knew he was headed to the house he’d purchased for them. She knew he was hurting and somehow she would have to find a way to enlighten him on the truth behind his accusations. That was something that normally would have infuriated her, yet this was different.

Her heart was involved now and she was aching and fearful that she had, in truth, lost him. Silently she stood in the corner of the ballroom watching as smiling couples spun before her as they enjoyed the lively music. This was a party that she’d never been privy to and now her heart could not revel in the joy.

After an hour had passed Ava was certain he was not returning so she made up her mind, she would go to him. She needed an opportunity to explain his unjust accusation.

She was desperate to do whatever was necessary to return his beliefs to truth. Carefully and quickly Ava began her journey across the large ballroom, cringing as she came face to face with her grandmother who, for once, looked stricken.

The normally fierce, regal Duchess looked wan and beaten. Something told Ava it had not just been her words as she silently wondered if, perhaps, Alexander had spoken with the Duchess as well. “Ava, where do you go?” Beatrice softly questioned, her tone belying her masked emotions.

Ava regarded her grandmother speculatively, knowing she would have to deal with the woman eventually yet understanding now was not the time.

“Grandmother you have caused enough heartache tonight, so leave me to my own,” she hissed while brushing past the Duchess and continuing her journey.

She was uncaring that her grandmother had given her a knowing glance, grateful that the woman had not attempted to further delay her.

Several minutes later Ava stood in the parlor of the grand house. Her attentions were focused on a smiling portrait of Alex that hung over the fireplace. The laughter in his eyes and the gentle, crooked and charming smile caused her heart to ache as she silently wished to feel his smile upon her.

“I came here to, once and for all, put an end to this ridiculous accusation you have placed upon me,” Ava whispered. Her voice came out a heartwrenching croak as she heard the gentle footsteps and the swish of his breeches between his powerful thighs when Alexander entered the parlor.

She could feel his presence behind her, so very near that Ava could smell the comforting and familiar scents he exuded. The warmth of his powerful essence radiated over her.

Alexander took a few unsteady steps forward, his hand aching to reach out for her. The last few hours had been a torture to his soul and yet still he could not think of her having been with Henry nor could he control the anger at the loss.

“Ava you’ve no right to be here!” Alexander’s words were far more strained and gruff than he intended as his mind reeled with heartbreak at the loss of the only woman to whom he could give his heart… and the anger was engendered by the fact that she seemed so willing to draw him into her deceitful grasp.

Ava heard the hatred in his voice. The sheer force of his ill regard towards her brought the all too familiar sting of tears to her eyes.

“You have unjustly accused me,” she whimpered as she struggled to compose her emotions while fighting with everything in her to stop the tears from falling.

“I’ve no other option but to accept your lies then?” Alexander ground out. He fought against his own urges and desires for here stood a fallen angel.

She was his truly beloved and he was sick with himself, nauseous over the fact that his friend had taken the one thing he desired most, her heart and soul.

“I believe it is time for you to leave Lady Carmichael,” he stated using her family name in place of the more intimate given name while clenching his hands into fists to suppress the urge to draw her against him.

Alex knew if he were to touch her now he would be incapable of stopping and, unfortunately, the future king, a prince, could not be tied romantically to a less than pure woman.

His cold dismissal did what nothing prior had been able to do. The tears fell from her eyes as shuddering sobs wracked her body.

“My Lord, I do not understand what I have done to deserve this,” Ava cried out, desperate to understand. She needed to know just why he had changed his mind against her so suddenly when he fought so hard to force himself upon her.

“You are the one who requested this arrangement yet now you give up so easily on it without even hearing my truths.” Ava’s words issued from her in a meek and pained manner.

“Yes I requested six months as payment for your disservice, yet I have come to find it is necessary to release you,” Alexander snarled, incapable of believing her attempt to cling to innocence. “I, as the future King, cannot take a bride who is impure,” he finished coldly, unable to bring his eyes to her as she turned to face him.

His words slammed against Ava like a boulder. It took her breath and then, her speech for the briefest of moments.

“If I am as you say, why have you not taken me by now?” It was a question meant to infuriate, a question of challenge. Judging by the determined, angry glare in his eyes she knew it was taken as an invitation causing Ava to swallow against the building fear.

Alexander grinned devilishly. Under all her hellfire, she desired him. It was a prospect, an opportunity he was not willing to let go.

Ava stood in his house and he wanted her. He needed her with an all consuming fire that no other in the world could elicit. Casually he closed the distance, his aching hands soothed with the touch of her body.

His anger and frustration paled in comparison to this as he set his mind to take what he had wanted since first meeting the lady. “Shall I take you then…” Alexander challenged as he lowered his mouth to hers.

His entire body cried in joy as her flavor seeped through him. The feel of her soft mouth worked under his in equal hunger, igniting a passion within him. He knew it would never be simple between them. He knew they could never be more than what they were now, yet his hunger, his need was too much to bear.

Ava nearly melted as his mouth explored hers, each fiery and passionate kiss intoxicating her senses.

A sudden wave of fury overtaking her memory at all his hurtful accusations, in an instant she broke away from him. “You will not take me,” she stammered her voice wavering with rage and hurt. “I have not an idea as to who placed within you doubt of my virtue and at this moment I consider myself fortunate to be released from you affections.” Her eyes blazed, her voice was strong despite the quaking of her knees beneath her skirt.

The pain that coursed through her entire body as she glared upon him, “You state that you cannot take an impure bride.” She challenged her placing her hands on her hips in indingnation.

“In truth what brings you to believe that your bride would not want her husband to be pure, something I am sure you are not.” She huffed swallowing at the fear that rose as his dark angry gaze penetrated her.

Alexander was taken aback by her actions, her statement. “You dare to come to my house and insult me?” he breathed in anger, her words having struck him with a lethal blow.

“You are an arrogant and self centered pig Alexander Lorenza! A man who is so caught in his own misery that you fail to see and hear the truth.” Ava cried out, her heart pounding furiously within her breast as she gazed upon him.
“I came here tonight with every intention of proving my innocence to your accusations and you have once again insulted me. Hear me and hear me well my lord,” Ava threateningly challenged her eyes focused intently upon his.
“You can speak of love, yet when you are faced with doubt, you easily toss it aside out of hurt pride. Which leads me to the conclusion, you are not the man I believed you to be.” She stammered unable to bring her gaze to his face.
“I wish no further audience with you My Lord, nor do I care to see you again.” She finished her voice nothing more than a whisper as the tears threatened to spill forth.
Her anger subsided into pain and heartbreak as she accepted that Alexander and she were no more.
Hooray, an update! I've been waiting to see Ava read Alexander the riot act. Boy did she ever. All that was missing from that was a few sassy snaps! Silly Alexander. You just got served, sir!
Gabriel and Marianne are creeping me out, LOL. They are related, aren't they? Or maybe they're not and I'm confused. I know she's Frances' daughter, right? Right... maybe. Crap. My head hurts. Either way, creepy! Henry needs to get his head out of his butt and get his wife!
Trust me there is more to the double A's I just didnt want to post 120 screens. LOL!
And Gabe is not related to Mary, he is an ex boyfriend of Francis. But Francis Married Charles, and that is how Mary came to be. LOL!
But shortly this little triangle will be explained. Just have to finish the ball. LOL! In Gabriels defense, he doesnt know that Mary is Frances daughter...Yet... lol!
Thanks for reading!
Sorry for the long wait, I was taking a break and started a new completely out of my genre story...
Hahahahah... I LOVE how Ava turned the things around at the end... for a moment I really believed she was going to bed with him!!!
I'm glad she didn't! That's not what she would do!!! Hahahaha, she has to be my favorite character of all... and poor Alexander, he will be left so confused and in need of a woman!!! hahahaha... he was so sure he would take her...
Gabriel and Marianne... did he recognize her? I was confused as if they did recognized each other or not...
That is an interesting couple... I can't wait to find out what happens with those two...
I'm glad Beatrice didn't stop Ava... seems like she finally realized what she did...
Beautiful writing as always, lovely lovely sets, I'm sooo jealous of all your beautiful sets!!!
the pictures are great, but I think you forgot to change the s400 to s800....
they don't looks as sharp as they usually look and when that happens is becuase of the s400 :D lol
Great update!! I loved every bit of it!!!
I wonder what will come next with Ava and Alex!!! :D Hurry up!!!
Gabe looks great int hat era...
Forget what I said about the pictures... lol they look better now...
:D maybe it was just my monitor, lol
Great update Cherie, I love your writing!!!
LOL! Thank you Sandy.
There is still one more part to the ball, wrapping up everything here. And Ava and Alex... Well you will have to wait to find out! 80) Actually I changed the chapter, originally they were! but I didnt want her first time to be that way. LOL!
No neither realizes who the other is. Gabe will be marrying Francis but not just yet. The last time you all saw him was merely a glimpse into the future. And Mary doesnt know anything about him, at least not yet. What a surprise that will be. lol!
Henry and Mary... I am truly shaking my head. Will get to them in a couple more chapters. I wonder if Mary will over come this??? I wonder if she will fall for the handsome devilish rake that is Gabriel, lol!
Thanks for the lovely compliment, I am glad you enjoyed and I promise I will be working on the next chapter all week. So hopefully should have the next one up next weekend. 80)
Thanks again, and I am not too pleased with the shots, they look fuzzy to me. Plus blogger gave me fits last night. 80)
Beautiful and emotional chapter! I love the way Ava gave it to Alexander right across the bow! Arrogant is right. But they do love each other. I'm hopeful they can work it out.
Henry really does need to get a clue. There's the mother of all rakes out there seducing his wife and where is he??? I love that scene -- poor Marianne.
Gorgeous shots and stunning writing. I'm so glad you got Wilshire back again! It was worth the wait though!
Thank you Beth!
Yes gave it to him, there is more coming I swear. LOL! I did really change the ending, they were supposed to end up in the bedroom and him find out the hard way. 80) But it was to unlike Ava in my opinion. LOL!
And LMAO!!! Yes the mother of all rakes, is after Henry's wife... Poor Mary is so right, lol! Especially when she finds out what he is to her... LOL! Where Henry is, hmmm... Cant say will be explained later but he is certainly off licking his wounds. 80)
Thank you for the lovely comment!
I am glad to be back in this one. 80) and finally had a break through of sorts! 80)
tsk, tsk! Alex had that one coming! Glad Ava flipped it on him. This way he'll have to work to get back into her good graces(if that's possible) rather than to wind up sleeping together and him finding out that way...but still getting what he wants! LOL! If that makes sense!:P
I feel for Marianne! *sigh* Poor girl is so in love with Henry and is hurting because she realized who Ava was to him(what woman wouldn't be when faced with that situation) but I fear she's going to do something regretable if she falls for that smooth talker.
Great update!! Love all the emotional shots! I could just feel the tension and angst! :D
And glad to see you got things up and running again!:)
Cherie I am so glad you got the manor back. It is spectacular. And wow, Marianne and Gabriel...poor girl needs to turn around right now and RUN! LOL!
Alex deserved every bit and then some from Ava. She used considerable restraint with him. I think you were right to change the ending...much more dramatic this way. The path to love is going to be full of pitfalls for these two.
Wonderful update Cherie, I am so glad that "someone" gave you some space so you could finish it.
Very wonderful update Cherie! The ballroom is gorgeous, I love all the little details you put into it.
Interesting match there with Gabe and Mary and where IS Henry while all this is going on?! He had better look out or that will make #2 he's lost! :D
What an emotional conversation between Alex and Ava, he still does not believe her? I think they still have some discussing to do! And what a cad-he won't take an impure bride but he would have taken her and then what, thrown her away? Or could they still have gotten married as long as it was him and not someone else?
I do hope they talk some more and don't just walk away from each other and call it quits, that would be too sad. :(
Thanks Phoenix!
Yes Alex certainly had it coming! LOL! Yes it makes sense, LOL! actually the original ending caused him to feel extreme pain. Possibly I will post it just so everyone can read… With out pictures. I don’t know. He will have to work sorta, there is more to come on this conversation. Will Ava’s flip change his mind???
Mary is confused at the moment, chalk it up to pregnancy hormones and the fact that she just found out the one her husband is in love with is non other than the host of the ball. LOL! We’ll all see what happens there. Gabe and Mary are in for an interesting revelation. Especially when they meet for the first time formally as Francis, her mothers husband and daughter. LOL! Should I be wickedly laughing, lol!
Thanks for the compliments and glad you enjoyed! Yes up and running again, will be working on the next chapter all week along with DE’s next chapter too.
Thank you Gayl!
I am so happy to get Wilshire back up and running again. I had to delete and re-install the reflective floors, and still have to limit the amount within the manor. But big sigh of relief!
LOL! Yes Mary run, although she wont get too far now will she, especially with an upcoming dinner invitation to her mothers. LOL!
Thank you for that my editor, Gramps is not to pleased that I cut out all his hard work. But I just didn’t want it to go down that way.
Actually I think this is what I needed to do, because now that I have started working on Butterfly again, my screamer has shut up. I got about 14 pages of new material on Butterfly last night. Hooray! Lol!
And yes Alex certainly deserved that! There will be more… Gotta keep mum on the next step though. 80)
Thank you again so much for reading I am so glad you enjoyed.
Thank you Emily,
The ball room was actually an easy decorate, it is mostly empty space. LOL! That I use as needed.
Henry is off licking his wounds and taking some time to find himself. LOL! That is a good question, all though both Mary and Gabe are in for a surprise, lol!
I will say that Ava and Alex are not finished, but I will say this if she had given in he most certainly would have married her. Then again, he would not have been able to ignore his heart. Cant say much else on these two without giving it all away so I am going to leave it hanging here.
What an emotional conversation between Alex and Ava, he still does not believe her? I think they still have some discussing to do! And what a cad-he won't take an impure bride but he would have taken her and then what, thrown her away? Or could they still have gotten married as long as it was him and not someone else?
Thank you again for reading and I am so glad you enjoyed. 80)
I loved this update my dear Cherie!
I'm glad Ava finally put Alex in his place, hopefully soon he will realize his mistake.
I felt bad for Henry's wife, Maria, I know that must have been quite painful to see the object of her husband's fantasies.
Like always your decorations, lots, and CC were perfect for the scenes! Your pictures were beautiful, and your writing my dear Sister was spectacular! :wub:
Thank you so much,
I had such a difficult time with this one. Changed the entire ending in it. LOL!
Yes extremely difficult for Mary, yet understandable too. I myself would be quite irritated to be in the presence of the one my husband longed for. 80)
Well, an emotion packed update. Alexander is such a typical man, all rough and full of bluster when their feelings are hurt. Also very much a little boys in his responses.
Ava, after her initial whimpering, gave it right back to Alex with both barrels. Shows the depth of her resolve and strong character
Off to read some more!!. Nicely played!
The sets again, lovely.
Oh, and Gabriel Edwards, rogue, rake, blackguard, him! LOL!
Thank you Karen,
Yes very much a man, lol! and he's 25 still acting like a child. LOL!
Wish I could say her resolve would hold out, but it just wasnt Ava to have her take all his S*** and not give something back. LOL!
Gabriel, (shaking head)I was having fun writing out that whole next part of the story. Definately a scoundrel, rake and rogue. Now might I ask what is a blackguard? obviously something in the same field as the others. lol!
So glad you enjoyed!
Blackguard~a low, contemptible person; scoundrel. First used in the 1500's.
synonyms: cad, knave, louse, rascal, ruffian, scoundrel, vagabond, vagrant, villain, rogue,riffraff...
1532, of uncertain application. Perhaps once an actual military or guard unit; more likely orig. a mock-military ref. to scullions and kitchen-knaves of noble households, of black-liveried personal guards, and of shoeblacks. By 1736, sense had emerged of "one of the criminal class."
LOL! From website I use constantly!!
Alright, Ava, yeah! You GO, girl! Tell that boy off - he deserves it!
Beautiful sets and writing - captivating chapter. And I LOVED seeing Ava give it Alex - he really earned that one.
Can't wait to see what happens next!
Thank you again Astral,
Yes it would not be Ava if she didnt give it to him. LOL!
I had to change alot in these last two chapters. 80)
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