After a week of constant companionship, Ava and Sophia had grown as close as sisters, spending nearly every waking moment in each other’s company, laughing or talking, a welcomed change from her previous heart wrenching aloneness. Turning to gaze behind her, she laughed as she caught sight of Sophia hunched to the ground gazing with absolute interest at something. “What do you look so intently upon,” Ava smilingly questioned, her heart swelling as she gazed lovingly upon the thirteen year old young woman that in a short few days had come to mean so much to her.

“It is a bug of some sort,” Sophia quizzically murmured, tentatively reaching a finger out then changing her mind and pulling it back. “It looks so soft, I want to touch it yet am fearful,” she grinned.

Ava laughed aloud at the unbelievable statement as she thought of how truly amazed she had been that Alexander remotely let his sister out unescorted with her for their daily adventure. “Surely you jest, if one hair on your head were out of place he would find it befitting to tack on an additional six months to the courtship,” Ava breathed out in humor, her eyes twinkling brightly with happiness and secret desire.

“Would you terribly mind an extension of time?” Sophia questioned suddenly, gracing Ava with a sly yet determined smile. Sensing that Ava had eased in her opinion of Alexander, hoping that it was true for she herself had grown to desire a union between her brother and Ava.

Ava stared in disbelief, Sophia’s question having temporarily unhinged her thoughts sending her thoughts spiraling as she admitted to herself she would not terribly mind. “I-I do not wish to think of that,” Ava stammered against her own hearts answer, against her own opinions of Alexander, whom she had found to be a rather doting brother, fawning over Sophia as if she were made of glass and would shatter. Despite his dark moods and frightening effect on her Ava had come to find that she was in fact, rather taken by the handsome man, there was something about Alexander that drew her towards him, an inexplicable emotional interest in him.

Sophia grinned brightly at Ava, seeing the wistful thoughts that etched into her lovely face and knew that Ava was falling in love with Alexander, the mere thought filling her with giddy joy and hope. “In truth Ava, my brother would surely not place a single fault upon you, for I have earned a rather impetuous name within society; one that has cost Alexander many prospective courtships.” Sophia laughed out wickedly, the usually chipper sound darkly edged. “Tis part of the reason our Uncle has stated he must marry, he believes that my lack of female care and companionship will in turn end up ruining me.” Sophia’s eyes darkened with emotion and Ava knew it saddened the young woman to feel that she was the reason her beloved brother was being forced to marry, a sweet gesture that rested pitifully upon Ava’s heart and soul. “Our Uncle arranged a visit between the Lady Chesterfield and my brother, a proper stuffy young lady who certainly had eyes for him, yet I could hardly bear to stand her, so I filled her trunk with frogs and when that did not work, I pushed her into the lake.” Sophia explained proudly, her eyes gleaming wickedly.

Her eyes wide with surprise and humor Ava looked upon the young woman before her, “I certainly do not wish to be on your disagreeable side,” Ava murmured, stifling a laugh as she envisioned Sophia doing just as she stated, imagining that she had probably stood at the edge of the lake laughing joyfully at the fallen woman.

Alexander rested casually upon one of the trees, watching with intense interest at Sophia and Ava’s comfortable conversation, his heart swelling with untold emotion at the sight. Smiling he added the scene before him, along with Ava’s uncanny devotion to Sophia to his ever growing opinion of her. “Si… Lady Chesterfield could not escape our park fast enough,” Alexander’s deep baritone laughingly rumbled from the edge of the trees once Sophia completed her narrative, snapping Ava’s attention to him immediately. The current of electricity that flowed between them increasing his heartbeat, igniting a swell of pure soul felt emotion as he gazed upon the lovely woman he was determined to spend his life with. For a moment, Alexander was incapable of moving, part of him fearing that he was witnessing a mirage. A surreal dream like state, where the low buzzing of bugs and the twitter of the birds in the trees thrummed through the air in a euphonic melody, nature’s way of singing a love song. Fearing a single movement would cause the scene to melt before his eyes like a sugar cube in his tea.

Ava could not help the heated blush as her pulse quickened at the sight of Alexander, who looked handsome in his cream riding breeches and a deep blood red coat; blushing even deeper as she thought of how it would feel to have his arms around her, held tightly to the solid length of his body. “So you have been spying upon us my lord,” Ava barely whispered as she hurriedly dismissed the lurid daydream, her voice seemingly lost under his penetrating gaze. “I would think that you would have learnt your lesson the last time,” she mockingly scolded, hurriedly recovering as warmth spread through her at an alarming speed, for she could see it in his eyes, he wanted to kiss her as much as she wanted him too. Silently she breathed a sigh of relief that Sophia was present, for he surely would not dare touch her in front of his beloved sister; helping ease her nervousness a bit, for Ava knew without a doubt he would elicit from her what no other could and she would not be unwilling.

Alexander laughed heartily, breathing a sigh of relief at her civil greeting and silently praying that they had finally come to a truce of sorts, for he rather enjoyed the mild mannered woman who sat before him, glowing beneath the dappled sunlight. “Si… I have been as you say spying, it is not often that I can witness my sisters obvious enjoyment in the company of a lady,” he murmured easily, the sound of his accented voice intoxicating Ava’s senses and muddling her mind. “If you wish I shall resume my journey and allow dear Sophia to regale you with more of her heinous acts…” Alexander paused, his gaze unwavering. “Unless I may join into the festivities?” it was more of a desire than a question as he silently wished they were alone. Yet grateful they were not, for Alex did not trust himself to be alone in her company when she were so subdued, her biting sarcasm and forceful disregard though adding to her qualities did rather grate his nerves.

Sophia smiled excitedly upon Ava, shrugging her shoulders slightly as she wordlessly expressed her willingness to let him join. “Well I do not see the harm in a friendly conversation, considering I am apparently unified in a six month courtship with thee.” Ava murmured her breath catching in her throat as she watched Alexander purposefully stride towards them, his entire body moving with the grace and agility of a panther stalking its prey. “Perhaps my lord, you could tell me of Spain, for Sophia speaks so fondly of it and yet cannot tell me much,” she nervously questioned, her mind reeling from the onslaught of electricity that charged the air between them as Alex sank to the ground beside them. “Sophia has told me so little, being she is stuck away in studies in London, for most of her time.” Ava unwillingly chattered feeling that she needed to continue talking lest she faint as she caught scent of his clean masculine smell.

A gentle smile slowly spread over Alexander’s face as he realized that Ava was indeed nervous in his presence. A fanciful thought that made his heart soar in elation as Alexander focused his gaze upon Ava, incapable of taking his eyes from hers as he spoke. “Ah Spain, it is not much different from here, albeit much warmer.” He softly murmured, envisioning strolling along side of her upon the golden sand of the ocean that rested just below his Spanish residence, “After we are married we shall go to visit my uncle, so you may enjoy the splendor yourself. Then in the summer we shall stay in Sophia’s and My Spanish Manor,” He added warmly, bracing himself for a biting comment that to his relief did not come and laughing as he saw his sisters dreamy gaze floating between he and Ava. Quite the difference from Ava’s dark and bewildered expression, “Come Mi Corazõn, I do not wish to quarrel over this, for you just as I know the truth.” Alexander could not resist the playful jab, the mild possession of her mind and heart at the moment as he penetrated Ava with his gaze, his eyes filled with all the heartfelt emotion he felt for her.

Ava stared in disbelief upon him, waiting for her heart to steady its pace before she spoke, lest her tone belay her words. “I believe my lord you are counting your chickens before the eggs hatch,” she calmly stated, bursting into a fit of giggles at the perplexed and quizzical gaze Alexander and Sophia fixated upon her. “It means that you have over stepped your bounds,” she snickered, her eyes dancing with merriment.

Smiling queerly Sophia turned towards her brother, knowing he was lost to Ava, “Brother, you have never said that to anyone before,” she innocently pointed out, in hopes that Ava’s interest would be peaked, unable to withhold the sobbing laugh as her brother turned shocked and furious eyes upon her.

“I shudder to think of what Me Core a zone, means…” Ava laughed out, realizing whatever it was could not be nearly as horrid as it sounded if Alexander would dare mutter it in Sophia’s presence.

“Yes brother, I informed of the meaning behind Mi Amore, so I leave it in your judgment to tell her what this means,” Sophia bubbled with a joyful clap of her hands, mired in her joy at her brother’s obvious discomfort.

“Sophia, I did not mean,” Alexander ground out, his dark face turning pink as he blushed.

“Well to see a lord blush, I must know what it means and I shan’t let up until you properly inform me,” Ava laughed, rather comfortable in the intimate family setting. Laughing with her new friend and feeling for the first time since she had been ripped from her father’s farm as if she belonged. “Shall I sweetly beg?” She murmured angelically flashing a smile upon Alex that made him blush all the more. “Or is it something scandalous that you accidentally let slip in front of two innocent young ladies.” She probed…

“You know what Mi is,” Alexander grumbled lowly, his body suddenly engulfed in heat. “Corazon is heart,” he whispered unable to take his gaze from the ground despite the sharp intake of breath he heard Ava take…

Marianne sat in nervously in the quiet library, awaiting Henry’s arrival, lost in her thoughts over the course of the last week. He had eventually agreed to her terms, had in turn come to her every night, morning, and had nearly attacked her this afternoon. Not that she minded too terribly, for he had been a considerate lover, seducing her by slow degree’s until she felt she could not bear another moment without him each gentle touch and fiery kiss, nearly leading Marianne to believe Henry was in fact in love with her. Frowning slightly, Marianne attempted to dispel the brief flash of heartbreak as her own words came to her again. She was falling in love with her husband, a love that could never be, for once the heir came he would find another, or for that fact return to the one, his heart belonged to. Marianne swallowed hard at the lump in her throat and blinked away at the tears that burned her eyes. In all her life she had never felt complete, never felt as much love or comfort as this past week.

She let out a shuddering whimper as childhood heartache resurfaced again; she never knew what she had done to deserve her mother and grandparents hatred. Other than, the fact that her father had died before she was born died without providing them an heir. An unfortunate task that now lay upon her and if she failed, all would be lost.

Henry stood silently watching Marianne, he could see heartbreak written across her face and for the first time in a month felt an overwhelming urge to protect her, a brief fear shooting through his heart that it had been him to bring pain upon her. When she whimpered at a thought it had been enough, Henry hurried towards Marianne and took her in his arms, “hush my sweet,” he soothingly whispered, holding her tightly against him. Both afraid and wanting to know who or what had caused her tears.

Marianne had been taken quite off guard when Henry hurriedly pulled her into his arms, the scent of the horses on his jacket intermixing with sweat and hay a rather comforting smell; turning her gaze upwards, she forced a smile onto her face. “My lord…” Henry cut her off with a smoldering kiss…

When the kiss ended and her tears subsided, Henry released her, the stirring of desire resurfacing as he gazed upon her. “Well unless you wish me to take your being here as an invitation,” he playfully laughed out, envisioning her arms locked around him while she tossed her head back as she cried out to him.

“Henry, an invitation has come inviting us to the Wilshire Manor for a ball.” Marianne whispered excitedly, unseeing of the immediate change in her husband’s stance, failing to sense his change in demeanor.

Marianne’s words seemed to suck the air from the room causing Henry to tuck his thumbs into the waistband of his breeches to control the shaking. Surely, it had been a mistake, why would the Duke and Duchess have invited him and his wife when they knew of his and Ava’s history. Blindly he stared upon Marianne, his heart and mind crying out in unison, desperately wanting to accept yet knowing his acceptance would be of dire consequence. “If you care to attend we shall make arrangements to stay with my brother and his wife…” Henry quietly replied leaving the decision to his unaware wife, for although she knew Ava’s name she had not known in what family she belonged and this would present him the opportunity in which he needed to make his final offer, something deep inside telling him that this would not be a pleasant trip…
Oh boy, how uncool! Inviting Henry and Ava into a situation together again. Nothing but strife can come of this, especially when they're both starting to get on with their lives! Even Henry seemed to be indulging his young wife. Bah. Pesky elders!
Ava's inability to pronounce mi corazón had me laughing. Sophia is quite the little fire cracker. Frogs in a trunk, pushing a lady into the lake? Yikes!
Yes bad things coming there... Henry and Marianne seem to be growing fond, but still not sure where to go, he's to stuck. Maybe I will have a duel, LOL!
Yes major insight on the invitation. The grandparents sent the invitation completely by accident, but I will say it is going to be one interesting ball....
Yes, I had to do it that way, Ava is american after all. And I love Sophie and Ava's relationship, they are so similar in their personalities.
really really loved this, Cherie. the atmosphere is so lovely, so evocative. The flowers, the toadstools, the caterpillar...I could just feel it.
I adore Sophie - you're right, she is so much like Ava. Frogs in the trunk LOL! And the wonderful attraction between Ava and Alexander, beyond anything I had expected. His embarrasment over being caught in an endearment was so sweet!
The relationship between Henry and Marianne might really come to something -- I feel very sorry for her. He ought to decline the absolutely stupid invitation, accidental or not, out of respect for his wife. He's not going to get Ava back. Maybe all his horses are sick or something.
I like the smaller photos better. You can't see as much detail as you can with the larger ones, but you can string them together without text and it really works.
Lovely, just lovely, gorgeous writing and wonderful, wonderful shots!
Thank you Beth,
I agree I like the smaller ones a bit better, because I do like to string the photos...
I had too, Alex and Ava have been at eachother's throats and there is a definate attraction between them. I didnt want every one to hate him. LOL! And I couldnt resist showing a boyish side to Alex. This was just a fun sweet chapter to write out.
And had to find a way to work the butterfly in one way, LOL!
Still unsure as to where I am going with Henry and Mary, as I said previously letting them write themselves. And also wanted to give a little insight as to Mary's past. She really does need someone to love her. And yes they must be, for Henry to go against everything.
But with everything we know about him now, he is certainly not going to turn an opportunity down, I wonder if he realizes curiosity killed the cat, LOL!
Definately going to be an interesting event, and have to thank my husband for telling me that Alex and Henry need some drama, LOL! Many more twists and turns in the road ahead...
Thank you for the sweet words, I am so glad you enjoyed.
Awww, what a beautiful writing you have! I love every description, every smell, every feeling, every room you describe is just perfect, it makes me feel like I'm right there, smelling it, touching it, seeing it...
aww I just keep on dreaming one day I will be able to describe as beautifully as you all do...
anyway going back to the story, I'm glad Sophie and Ava are getting along really well. when Alex and Ava get married, it sure will get lonely for Avan, no sister, no family, just her husband, so I'm glad Sophie and her are friends, they can keep company for each other.. :D lol
I really enjoyed the conversation between Ava, Alex and Sophie, looks like little by little Ava is learning a lot about Alex, and he sure is a box full of surprises, there is too much to him, he is a wonderful brother, funny, annoying, he is just the perfect balance.
Henry and his wife... well, poor girl, so she was never wanted in her family, she must had been really lonely, I really pity her, looks like she had a hard life... hopefully she and Henry can be happy together!
The invitation... I don't really know what to expect... I just hope everything goes right with Alex and Henry, they are supposed to be BFF lol so it would get ugly once Henry finds out Alex is with Ava.... Oh boy!!!!
Great chapter and I agree with Beth, the pictures are lovely and you appreciate every single detail...
I am truly blushing Sandy, And you do have terrific, captivating writing. very emotional and intriguing... You are a truly talented author. 80)
Yes, Ava and Sophie are truly a perfect match, she definately helps to ease the strain of seperation from her own sister. And no spoiler here, Ava and Alex will get married, just the circumstances may be a little surprising. LOL! But Alex is very intuitive and will/does know how family oriented Ava is. Definately to be explained later. Which is exactly why Sophia was so mean to all the other girls, she didnt like them because they didnt suit her or her brother, nor did they necessarily care for her. Which could be understandable. Alexander is a truly sought after catch, being his title and his posistion in society, but he needs someone who will not be jealous or against his relationship with his sister who has known really nothing more of a father than him.
And it was so nice getting to explore the sweet sides of Alex and Ava with one another, I had them hanging out and Alex wouldnt take his eyes off of Ava throughout the entire conversation despite Sophia talking, LOL! And of course, there is so much to both of them, I doubt there will ever be adull moment between the double a team, LOL! The intense physical attraction, the obvious emotional connection, that ava is still unwilling to fully accept. She will eventually but not too soon.
Henry, poor cad... I dont know what to do with him, I want to strangle him for putting the decision upon Mary, knowing full well she was excited about the invitation and would take it.
And yes Mary's background story is not to pleasant. Will definately be explaining a few things in the upcoming chapters. She really needs someone to love her, she was an unwitting pawn herself in the world.
Charles Parents, as was customary in that day, supported Francis and Marianne after his supposed death, provided them shelter etc. yet never gave her love or affection, out of spite, anger and heartache that she had not been a boy.
Yes the ball will be quite interesting, although Henry already knows that Alex is there and deep down he knows that his friend and love are most likely falling in love, an idea that does not sit right with him, out of both jealousy and heartache, for he does want a small amount of happiness for both of them, just would prefer it with others. Selfish...
Thank you so much again for reading and all the sweet kind words.
Your writing is pulling your readers right back into the Regency era,you have the cadence of the speech, the thin veneer of society with its rules. Nicely done!
Your gardens are breathtaking, and thank God for Cashcraft and her wonderful furniture sets, LOL!! Carolyn is a sweet lady, love her stuff!
I am really getting pulled into Henry and Marianne's story! He is such a randy sucker, LOL! Every day? Morning and night? *sigh* But his character is fascinating, he is starting to have a few feelings for his bride. But Marianne has every right to be concerned, he may very well toss her aside after the 'Heir' is born. Can't wait to see where you go with this!
Esp. if he sees Ava again at the ball, will it freeze his heart toward poor Marianne?
Love how you are building the relationship slowly between Alexander and Ava, Alexander is adorable, the rake...who is flummoxed by his feelings for Ava, never felt them before.
And Ava getting such joy out of making such a man blush, wonderful!
How will be react if he sees Ava and Henry perhaps talking on the balcony in low intimate terms at the ball...LOL!
I can't remember, does Alex know Ava's heart was otherwise engaged before he came on the scene?
The ball promises to be a scorcher!
Great work mate! You are in the zone!!
Thank you for the kind comments! I have done as much research as I could on this particular era, my favorite part of that watching any reproduction of Jane austen. LOL! Although some things are not quite right... Then again I dont profess to be a historian. LOL!
Yes I love Cashcrafts garden stuff, Maybe as some others have done I should start a CC page, so everyone knows where to find what I have used. A nice thank you to all the wonderful artists... Hmmm think I will do that. 80) This particular lot is one of my favorites, for having literally been thrown together in 20 minutes LOL! quickest I ever built a lot and had it come out nice. 80)
I am so glad that you are enjoying Henry and Marianne, And yes very Randy, I almost did a piece on his seduction, LOL! then couldnt because it just didnt flow with the sweet nature of the rest of the story. LOL!
Henry is interesting, I really dont know where I am going, I know it's odd to say, but I am literally letting them write themselves, it just doesnt feel like a set I can totally mapout.
Although I have a sneaking suspicion Marianne is going to be picking him up off the floor piece by piece. we'll see.
Now the ball, definate fireworks, I do have that planned out, at least that particular confrontation. For now that is all I can say. Going to work on making that one a long one, then again to leave everyone hanging may end up splitting it in half. Still a few chapters down the road though. I have to revisit some other characters, tell some other area's of the story first...
Ava fell so quickly into love with Henry, and was hurt so horribly she is taking her time. And couldnt resist the innocent young lady making the debaucherous rake blush, LOL!!! I love the picture accompanying that whole piece where her eyes are looking sideways, just seemed to fit the entire cap. LOL! As far as Alex goes, he has only loved two other women, his mother and his sister, and thus the only way he could ever love is if she fit that mold, which seeing Sophia's true love and affection has definately assisted.
Plus I just had alot of fun showing his boyish embarassed side. LOL!!! I think it adds to him so much more. 80)
Yes Alex knew that Ava's heart had been broken horribly, he just doesnt know by whom. And great question, how will he react? I cant really say, but I dont think he is going to take kindly to either Ava or Henry's conversation... As I have said in the past, his heart will only be given once and whoa to the one that breaks it... There are some twists and turns ahead, that will put everyone in a predicament...
Once again thank you for the kind words, I aprreciate them...
LOL! Thank God for those BBC mini-series and movie adaptions of Jane Austen I have seen or I never would have felt comfortable doing a Regency piece either!
And sometimes letting the characters write themselves is the best way to go!
It would be interesting if Ava broke Alex's heart, would he become embittered, return to his rakish ways? LOL!
I'll stop now...
Yes and no,
You will have to wait and see totally but Henry is going to play a small role in that particular event that will certainly change Alex's actions... Dont worry they do get married...
Once again, loved the scenery in this one! All of your lots have such a real quality about them, especially the outdoors.
Loved the scene with Ava & Alex again, very touching after all the squabbling they've been doing! And I'm glad she's getting along with Sophia, she pushed her into the lake! LOL.
This one was like you said a very sweet and enjoyable chapter and I hope everything doesn't fall apart after this ball! I wonder though if Ava will care to want Henry anymore once she sees him again? Loved it, so much! Well done.
hi, ana again.
wow there's going to be a mighty amount of tension at this do - henry and ava will see each other again, then there's marianne's hidden history with the family. looking forward to seeing franklin and catherine again.
i really like alexander and ava together and i'm worried about what henry's reintroduction could mean...hmm..
looking forward to the next update!
Thank you Emily,
No Sophia pushed the last lady her brother attempted to court into the lake. Although I believe Ava would be quite a bit more receptive to it than Lady chesterfield. LOL!
I really enjoyed exploring Alex and Ava's sweet side in this one. and yes the ball is going to be filled with fireworks of all forms.
Ava is slowly getting over Henry, she has found a deeper attraction and interest in Alex. His key qualities at this point being his devotion to his sister. Just as she... Will definately be going deeper into this. And the ball will cause a ripple, a huge wrinkle in their relationship that will eventually lead to their marriage. But cant delve into that just yet...
I spend so much time on my lots it is unbelievable, with the exception of this one, I literally just tossed this and that here and there LOL! and it worked.
Thanks again for reading...
Thank you Ana,
Ball coming in a few more chapters... Have to hit on some other things first, and I am working out the next couple of chapters now...
Good news coming, 80)
Bad news coming 80(
Lots of twists and turns, and I am so glad you are enjoying the story.
thank you again for reading and commenting.
i'm excited! I feel awful that ava and her first love were so close yet so far.
but i'm happy that at least they're getting on with their future/ current spouses. Alex is smoldering! a little forward... very seductive but i think he loves her which is good enough. pick me pick me!
It's still an awkward situation for henry though. I don't quite believe that he's going as fast as ava is in the getting over. It's more of a pity love than a spark (as in ava's case).
i love where you're going with this, alex is beautiful and very romantic.
Thank you Chloe!
I too am happy that Alex and Ava are getting along too. And yes he is very much better looking than henry in my personal oppinion. Yes he loves her, his heart is hers but will she accept it entirely... LOL!
Good call on Henry, you are absolutely correct he is having a difficult time getting over Ava, but there is that underlying attraction/interest and need to protect/care for Marianne. So there is hope there. If only he doesnt mess it up...
Alex is very romantic, I will be exploring this further in the book, very sweet and caring too, it just took the right woman.
Thanks for reading and commenting, I am glad you enjoyed. 80)
LOL, sorry, couldn't remember the lady's name! I knew it wasn't Ava. :)
I'm Sorry too Emily,
Sometimes I get to literal, LOL!
Another wonderful chapter Cherie! So much can go so wrong with these couples. Henry is beginning to warm to his with as she is to him. And the insight you give us to her past makes her even more sympathetic. So she also believes a lie, that her father is dead. Will Henry become the bitter man when he sees Ava and Alex together and take it out on his wife or will he see the futility in wanting what he can never have. I still feel sorry for him.
Sophia is a breath of fresh air and so like Ava. No wonder they get along so well. No other two women could so completely control a man like Alex! I love how you are building the relationship with A&A. But what will happen when she sees Henry again? And how will Alex react?
So much drama to come! Like a true Regency story. Your images were just wonderful and well thought out. And your writing is engaging!
Thank you Gayl!
There is so much that can go wrong and so much at stake. Definately more to come with Mary, just have to get the muse to finally hit me over the head. LOL!
Yes I adore Sophia, she just seems to come so easy, and your right! she knows how to manipulate her brother and Ava. Devilish little matchmaker, LOL! Certainly Ava can learn alot from her...
A&A my favorite couple, hehehe. There are many surprises twists and turns up ahead. Everything will be explained at the ball....
Thank you again for the kind comment and reading. It really truly is an honor. 80)
WOW! Catch my breath here, lol!
Okay, first, I have to mention that with every chapter your pictures and writing become more engrossing!
You are using some very wonderful angles for some of those shots! Your beautiful character's are contributing marvelously in giving you some excellent expressions! For example, the one Ava gave Alex regarding what Mi Corazon meant! That look was priceless! I LOVED IT! :wub:
I think is wonderfully how their animosity/leeriness of each other is subsiding and now a friendship is growing. I'm sure Sophia has a lot to do with that! :D
OMG! Henry and Marianne invited to a ball at Wilshire Manor! OMG! That is going to be awesome!
I'm telling you my dear Cherie, you sure do know how to grab your audience and keep them coming back for more! :D
Becoming a part of the S2Wa has certainly helped me to improve in my writing. I want to put out quality. LOL! 80) especially in considering I am in the presence of so many great writers. 80)
I am assuming that you mean the sideways glance from Ava which is one of my Fav's. LOL! but I love photography period so trying to take shots in game. Although frustrating can be rather satisfying too. 80)
Yes Sophia has alot to do with it, with her fresh upbeat perspective. But Ava and Alex well... They have their own play too! whether or not she realizes it! lol! 80)
Yes Henry and Mary in conjuntion with Alex and Ava, should be interesting indeed. *Laughing wickedly* LOL! 80)
Thank you so much again for reading!!!
Final offer? What the heck does that mean? Henry isn't up to no good is he? I loved this scene with he and Marianne - the tenderness he showed her and the feelings they're starting to develop for one another surfacing. Beautiful and romantic. But the ball...troubling to say the least.
You never fail to cause me to gasp when I see the beautiful forest! So bright and vibrant - full of life. Gorgeous use of color. I enjoyed seeing little tomboy Sophia and the scene with the caterpillar, and liked the dialogue exchange between them all. Very smooth and natural. You're getting good at figuring out where to cut your scenes to make people want to continue reading, and your pictures are getting very pretty.
Excellent work! As you can see, I never made it to anyone else's blog, yet, lol. I simply must know what happens next - and I'm sure I'm not the only one.
Final offer well that comes into play at the ball, LOL!
Sophia is wonderful, I absolutely adore her and am currently trying to work out a story for her as well. LOL! I grew up playing in the creek with all the bugs and critters so that I had to infuse a bit of my childhood memories into her. LOL!
The pond/forest is one of my favorite lots. I myself am still in awe that it came out so well for having litterally just tossed this here and there lol.
I am so happy that you are enjoying my little regency soap, it does make me feel a little less shy about my writing.
Although i will be honest the last chapter of the ball is not my favorite. I got a bit bored with the whole thing and really wanted to get to the next part of the story so things are a bit rushed. 80)
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