Beatrice stared in disbelief upon her husband, her mind reeling with shock at not only Alexander’s intentions, yet his lack of knowledge in the matter, dropping her voice low when she was sure the young lord had made it safely away from hearing she spoke. “My Lord, he is unaware of the existing arrangement,” Beatrice questioned in concern, for she knew the young man was far more prideful and stubborn than Ava and if he were to find of this may very well put an end to the betrothal.

George smiled slightly, understanding his wife’s concerns for they were his and the Roberto’s as well, yet something deep within his heart told him otherwise, calmed him.

“Aye my love, he does not and it is as his majesty requests, for it is better to all parties involved that it does not come to be so, if their hearts are truly fond.” The duke weakly smiled gently kissing his wife, “Now love, tell me what has you so upset?” he continued signaling the end of that discussion.

Beatrice hurriedly snapped to attention, not wanting to re-visit the truly upsetting news yet knowing she must. “George, an insight of the most grievous kind has been made,” she breathed feeling her heart beat stop for a moment. “An invitation has been sent to Vis-count and Vis-countess Grant in which has been accepted…”

George need not say anything for Beatrice to know his thoughts, his face darkening immediately matching her own opinions on the matter. “Can we do nothing to end it?” he murmured fighting the anger.

“No, they have made arrangements at Lord Henry’s request to reside this week with Catherine and Franklin,” the duchess breathed in nervous upset. “George, I am truly worried for Ava and her heart, I know that she cares deeply for the young lord, Yet her attachment to Henry was so strong.” Beatrice dropped her gaze to the ground as she spoke her true heartfelt feelings, for she had seen him as he departed the Manor that night nearly two months earlier.

The tears poured from Sophia’s eyes, blurring her vision as she ran until she collided heavily against a warm solid body.

The familiar musk and sable scents along with the comforting embrace causing her to stiffen. “Mi amoré, whatever ails you?” Alexander questioned tersely.

Hurriedly wiping at the tears, Sophia sighed as she turned her gaze upon her distraught brother, “nothing,” she murmured avoiding his gaze.

Alexander gazed upon his young sister, knowing full well that Sophia was being less than truthful, “I do not believe you,” he quietly breathed keeping his penetrating gaze upon her. A sudden rush of anger coursing through him as it occurred to him that Sophia and Ava must have quarreled.

Frustration that quickly turned to fear, “Sophia are you and lady Carmichael no longer in eachother’s confidence?” he unsurely questioned, nervous for if that were the situation he would be torn in his plans.

Sophia knew it pained her brother to think of such, for she could hear the torment in his voice. Turning her gaze upwards she found the look that crossed his face was equal to his tone, aching her all the more.
“No brother, I…” Sophia began trailing off, “I eavesdropped on your discussion with the Duke this morn. I fear for your heart, so I called upon Lady Ava.” Sophia could not look upon her brother, out of embarrassment and knowledge that she had stepped into a situation she was not intended to be a part of.

Alexander’s face darkened with rage, it all made sense, why his sister had been crying. “Sophia you must tell me exactly what you said to her that she would speak so harshly to you,” he ground out angry that Ava had dared take her frustrations out on his sister. Furious for it was one thing for Ava to belittle and berate him when he attempted to make his intentions known, yet quite the opposite for her to treat Sophia with so little regard.

Her brother’s darkened mood did not go unnoticed by Sophia, despite his attempt to remain calm she could hear the tension in his voice, feel the anger that wafted in droves from Alexander’s body. “”Alexander…” Sophia breathed out, her small voice filling with tears once more, “Ava did not say anything untoward, It was I who explained my fears that she would hurt you, hurt my own heart and I begged upon her sensibilities to let herself enjoy love.” She sighed out swallowing hard at the lump that had lodged itself in her throat.

The tension dissipated immediately as Sophia’s words sunk in, “you have not spoken to her of my intentions?” he barely breathed in question, relief washing over him as he understood that she had given him her blessing.

“So you are happy with my choice,” he whispered enveloping his sister in a glee filled hug.

“Yes Alex, I dearly love Ava and would be most happy to have her as my sister,” Sophia whimpered holding tightly to her brother as she attempted to dispel the fears…

Alexander came upon Ava in the garden, his heart palpitating irregularly from nerves and fear as he gazed upon her, looking so frail and lost a look of heartache across her face. Despite being unsure of how she would react to his news, knowing that she would not respond well to his having gone to her grandfather before her, Alex rushed forward. The need to hold her, kiss her and ease Ava’s pain to strong for him to bear.

Ava jumped slightly as Alexander’s arms came around her, yet instantly relaxed as he turned her to face him his face filled with such emotion and pain pulling her closer to him. She did not want to hurt Sophia nor this gentle and frustratingly stubborn man, yet Ava was unsure of what her response would be, for she did not know that there could be anything more than a friendship, the comfort of family with him.

When Alexander lowered his mouth to hers and tenderly kissed her, she felt a pang of guilt wash over her, for certainly she enjoyed his caress, his kiss that seemed to ignite her entire body and soul yet her heart seemed devoid.

“My Lord?” her voice was a breathy whisper as she gently caressed his stubbled cheek, skimming her finger tip lightly over the course thickness of the mustache he had recently begun to grow. The sensation of the rough hair and the warmth of his breath on her hand causing an unfamiliar sensation to coil within the depths of her stomach, an ache Ava did not know how to control let alone understand.

“I find you much more appealing without the caterpillar upon your face,” she sighed out resting her head on his shoulder and inhaling the familiar scent of his soap and skin. Knowing it was improper and far to intimate of a comment than was proper yet something deep within her heart and soul forbidding her from not saying it.

Alexander shuddered as a wave of heat engulfed him at the simple yet intimate touch of her finger, his vision hazing with lust and love, “Then I shall happily remedy the situation,” Alex laughed out his heart easing a bit.
“Yet Ava, I must speak with you.” The seriousness of his tone causing her to drop her gaze, as she knew there was absolutely little time for her to make a decision.
“Come, I wish to show you something,” he breathed taking her hand in his and guiding her from the gardens towards the awaiting carriage before his urges took control.
Alexander’s heart pounded furiously within his chest as he gently guided Ava through the thick grove of trees that surrounded the property, he was unable to speak out of fear for not only himself yet Sophia as well.
Nervously he took her small hand within his own pulling her out onto the bridge, the simple touch sending an electric current through his veins she gripped him tightly her vision resting upon the gleaming house.
Ava breath caught in her throat as she gazed about the lush property, confusion and fear choking her as she wondered at what his intentions were.

“My lord, why have you brought me here?” she nervously questioned her heart beat elevating to a roar as Alexander turned his soulful gaze upon her.
She looked so lovely with the bright afternoon sun illuminating her skin and hair, unable to withhold Alexander reached for Ava’s waist his hands firmly grasping the gentle solid swell of her hips he pulled against him, her intoxicating scent of honeysuckle and sun, intermixing into with the earthy autumn air about them driving him mad with desire.
Sighing heavily he gazed into the fathomless jeweled eyes, that seemed to captivate him the warmth of her breath against his cheek rendering him speechless.
“Alexander?” Ava’s questioning tone broke through his thoughts as he stood silently contemplating the depth of his affections for the fiery and spirited young woman. “I do not believe the owners of the property would appreciate our trespassing,” she nervously continued, her voice a timid shy whisper. A flash of anger shooting through her eyes as Alexander heartily laughed at her comment.

Moving his hands he gently skimmed his finger over the delicate cheek bone and down until he reached her full lower lip, his eyes focused intently upon hers he applied a gentle pressure against it with his thumb as he lowered his mouth to hers.

“Mi amoré…Mi corazõn…” Alexander sighed against her mouth, the vibration seemingly enough as she opened to him, allowing him to explore every inch of her mouth in a slow, sensual seduction that seemed to engulf both of their souls.

Having learned what the meanings behind Alexander’s colorful endearments had softened Ava and surprising to herself she found she loved to hear them. The way he gazed upon her, how every syllable seemingly reverberated through her entire soul swelling her heart, calming her mind.

She sighed against him completely and utterly enchanted as his lips slowly seduced hers, gently guiding her until warmth spread through Ava, that undeniable need coiling tightly within her abdomen.

She knew he was sincere in his attentions towards her, understood he would always love her treat her with the utmost care… For the first time Ava abandoned herself to Alexander as she reached her hand up to toy with a silken lock of his raven black hair a low moan escaping her throat as he pulled her tighter against him. that part of his masculinity pressing hard against her hip, the feeling invoking yet another unexplained ache within her a desire to feel him, become his…

When Alexander pulled his quivering body away from her Ava fought to control herself fought against the need to pull him back, the realization causing a blush to rise into her cheeks.

“Ava I must speak with you,” Alexander shakily whispered, his tone surprisingly desperate something that did not bode well with the proud man, as he guided her on unsteady legs across the remainder of the bridge towards a bench beside the lake facing a small waterfall.

Ava sat in confusion, her heart pounding furiously within her breast at what Alexander had truly meant to say and the memory of his rather erotic kiss, closing her eyes briefly she realized she could still feel him there, feel his gentle ministrations the silken slide of his tongue and lips over hers.

“My lord, do you think it wise to be sitting here on another’s property,” she whispered a pang of fear shooting through her at their lack of sense, worried that if the landlord had seen they may very well tell her grandparents thus sealing her fate.

Alexander turned away from her his face clouded with worry, “Ava this is yours, I purchased it so you can be close to your family until we make the move to Spain…” he murmured sadly fear shattering his heart and mind as he worried over her response, slowly he turned penetrating the obviously nervous and questioning Ava with his eyes.
“I have gone to your grandfather to request your hand and it has been decided we will be united.” Alexander breathed out, nearly stumbling backwards at the look of pure and utter hatred that crossed her face as his words sunk in.
For the briefest of moments all in the world seemed to cease to exist, the sounds of the water fall bugs and birds dying away and leaving her with nothing but silence.
Ava stared in contempt upon him, all the bliss she’d felt a few moments earlier, in his embrace, Alexander’s company fading into a dark rage as the words sunk in, her anger propelling her forward as her hand shot out and collided against his cheek with such force her palm stung.
“How dare you!” She growled narrowing her eyes upon the handsome man, “First you force me into a much unwanted courtship with you because I bruised your pride and….and…” Ava was so angry she was sputtering her eyes darkening with rage as she glared upon him.

Alexander gazed upon Ava with surprise, he had expected her to react horribly to the news, yet he did not expect her be so violent in her disagreement. “If you will allow me the honor to explain,” he sighed his cheek smarting from her hand yet his mind worrying that she herself was hurting from the stinging slap, as he took a tentative step forward to try and take her hand in his, dropping his gaze as she stepped away from him.

“I will not!” Ava thundered her voice echoing over the lake and startling several ducks who flew from the chilly blue water their disgruntled quacks following behind them.

“Y-you are an insufferable spoiled ASS!” she stammered out in rage, “How could you go to them before coming to me?” she questioned her tone suddenly wavering and had Alexander not known better seemingly filled with tears.

“You knew I would disagree so you force my hand?” She accused the frightening pitch of her voice returning once more.

“Oh bother, Ava you are overreacting. I went in honor for your families approval to let my intentions known.” Alexander snarled his patience depleted, “if you did not react in such a manner every time I tried to speak with you then possibly it would have been understood that I was to do this.” He snapped stepping towards her quickly as she turned, his hand reaching for her before she could dart away and gruffly pulling her against him. “Ava I love you sincerely and will make good on my offer,” Alex murmured the feel of her in his arms softening his anger.

“Surely you jest,” Ava growled out as she wriggled and writhed in his arms in an unsuccessful attempt to be free of his grasp.

The comment stung, more so than the slap for Alexander was nothing but forthright and honest, “Very well I shall take a lesson from thee and follow your lead,” he conceded his hopes of saying his piece kindly thoroughly dashed.

“I feel horrid for having gone to your grandfather first, yet now as you act like a wild animal I am glad I did it.” Alex hollored gruffly turning her to face him his arms securely locked about hers.

“I love you and know that in the depths of your heart you love me although you stubbornly refuse to admit it. More over my sister adores you, that itself is a feat for if you thought her to be in jest with all the tales she has spoken, you are sorely mistaken.”

The force of his words and the tension that wafted from Alexander’s body crackled through the air, heightening Ava’s senses, weakening her regard until she went limp in his embrace. A realization dawning upon her as she stared at the only man that had ever made her feel like this, despite his enraged tone, his fury masked face Ava felt safe and comforted.

“Why if you knew I would act as this did you not approach me first?” she sighed out, her anger subsided into something else entirely, acceptance…
Wh-?! Wait!! See, I knew I should have skipped ahead but I couldn't resist! LOL! I'm loving your story so far!!
I can imagine, if I lived back then, having to marry someone because my parents said so and not because I was in love! I'd have slapped him too!!
*Scurries off to finish playing catch up!*
Thanks for reading! I am so glad you are enjoying this tale.
Although she still not sure she isnt. ;0)
I was so hypnotized by every word in this chapter!!
Beautiful, enchanting, romantic and fascinating...
the difference between Alex and Ava is what makes that couple so interested. they seemed so be so alike an yet they are two completely different persons. perfect balance for each other.
Beautiful writing like always, but like I said before, every word was use beautifully, your descriptions always leave me in awe... and make me so very jealous :D lol (good jealousy, the kind that makes you try hard to become like the one you admire) lol ...
great chapter from start to finish. I loved the interaction between Ava and Alex, it was all so real, the first part, where she just gives herself freely, then the second part where he is afraid of what he would say and the best part, she explodes and at the end he eases her anger with his kind words and hugs... very romantic and dramatic!
Looks like she accepted at the end... lol hopefully that wont change when she meets Henry again!
Great update!
Thank you so much Sandy!!! *hugs
I adore your writing too!!! and yes such completely different characters and yet the same...
Couldnt just let her give in now could I, LOL! That just wouldnt be Ava. And Alexander with his steady forcefullness... My favorite line has to be when he tells her that she is acting like a wild animal. Oh boy so much more to come... Next update the Ball... If I can get my game to stay up long enough to take a shot, I will be working on it all week. 80)
I am so glad the emotions came across well with this, I worked pretty hard on the revision of the chapter and tried my best to keep the general double A's.
Thank you so very much for the kind and uplifting words, I appreciate it very much. Now off to see if the lover is updated.
I absolutely, absolutely ADORE this!!! OMG it is perfect! The sensual connection, the slow acknowledgement that there is something between them. The stunningly beautiful shots and sets -- I am as undone as Ava!
Gorgeous, Cherie. The writing, the tone, the pace, everything. Just wonderful!
Although I know that Alex was following "protocol" by going to George first, he should have known how Ava would react. I am happy to see however that she is softening and beginning to realize that there is something there and that she can feel it in her heart, mind, and body.
It isn't easy to be told what you will do or must do, to not have control over your choices, your future. I don't blame her at all for wanting to fight it.
Sophia, what a doll she is. So young, so wise. The scene between her and Alex was so touching.
Cherie this was a fantastic update. It flowed beautifully. And the shots were stunning as always.
Thank you Beth!
Yes there is something there, ava is just being stubborn and keeping everything blocked. LOL!
Next up the Ball! that is if my game will let me get a screen without crashing. 80)
Thank you Gayl,
Yes he did follow protocol, and on the same hand he did do it purposefully, LOL! Still he was concerned, so I think he deserved what he got, lol. 80)
Ava does feel it but the stubborn girl just wont accept... Or will she, everything answered in the upcoming Ball... If my game will let me take a screen.
And yes Sophia, she is really becoming one of my favorites, maybe someday I will get a story for her. 80)
Thank you again for reading! 80)
Absolutely steeped in Regency manners, protocol and speech. You have truly whisked me back to that time, well done!
And your writing continues to thrill me! Love the descriptions, more!!
Sophia's genuine concern for her brother and his feelings was indeed touching. I too, would look forward to a story of hers, what kind of young man would be strong willed enough to capture her heart??
Now, the two 'A''s, wonderfully portrayed, Ava's 'awakening; as it were, making her more confused, she feels something for Alex, but what? Well done!
And Alex, wow, he is such a passionate, glorious man! And generous!
Sheesh...I wish someone would buy me an estate!! LOL!
And truly breathtaking pictures to accompany your great writing, a great effort Cherry pie!!
I raise my tea mug to you!!
Thank you Karen!!! Toasting you back with my coffee mug, lol! Coming from you and everyone in the S2WA it is truly an honor and compliment to hear your lovely comments on my writing.
More coming for sure at the ball all though everyone will propbably hate me for what is going to happen. 80) Although Patience is a virtue, LOL!
I will try and work that out, have a few story idea's bouncing around for Sophia, just cant get one to stick out solidly and I am almost thinking Gabe's son, LOL! Interesting looking young man, I used my self sim to create them in CAS, LOL! being I dont have access to Alex.
Sophia is so sweet I adore her heartfelt emotion...
The double A's yes! Ava get off your high horse, LOL! Yes she is further confused, come on now he loves you, has several savory traits and those eyes, LOL! (He's the closest I could get to a self sim of my hubby, minus long hair and some slight facial features)
I love that he purchased a manor for them, and yet again another twist coming there. Cant delve to deep, Fate seems to have a way with coming back on you. LOL!
Thank you so much for the kind words on the screens, I tried really hard to get them perfect,lol. And have to say again I am generally pleased with this chapter. I personally feel it is on of my best. 80)
Thanks again!!!
Finally got a moment to read! Trying to catch up on all the updates :P
This one was quite good Cherie, I loved the fact that Alex isn't taking her crap anymore! Like he said before, it's good to be strong willed but don't turn into a shrew! I think she overreacted a bit considering the time period, arranged marriages were normal. (And Alex is a babe! I hope she can accept that she does have feelings for him, he is a doll!)
My, the ball should become interesting now that Ava is starting to accept Alex and that darn Henry will be there with her half sister! Can't wait :D
Thanks Emily!
Yes is Alexander Darling? LOL! Ava is just being thoroughly stubborn, I think if anyone should be call an ass it is her. LOL! little brat. And yes arranged marriages were quite prominent, at least in the middle to upper class. Lower social ranks generally could marry for love, unless by some unknown reason a willing knight in shining armor decided he liked the daughter of a poor man. 80)
And yes I could not let Alex just take it, he was baring his heart and soul to her and she acted horrid. But there is that underlying confusion. She feels something, is it love??? and yet she is also accepting her fate.
The monster that I am calling the ball is currently in progress. My grandfather edited it for me and just sent it yesterday, and I have maybe 20 out of 300 screens. LOL!
It's a four parter... and I havent even completed the fourth part yet. EEP! 80)
Thank you so much for reading and I am glad you enjoyed!
I knew Ava wouldn't go down without a fight, that's just how she is... even if she does want it. LOL. Is it sad I can understand that? Imagine the hell my fiance goes through on a daily basis. xD
I adored the outside scenery in this one--so gorgeous! I am so jealous, truly.
Sophia, yay! I'm glad Alexander wasn't angry and those two are just so cute. Who doesn't love a little brotherly and sisterly bonding?
Uh oh, so Beatrice has the sorts to know that Henry + Ava + Ball = bad news... but the best part? I don't have to wait!
Off to the ball!
No certainly not with out a fight, and it probably comes across so well because My husband goes through the same, LOL!
Thank you very much Mao, I am so glad you enjoyed it. I spent so much time on that damned house. lol
Sophia and Alex are my favorite, kinda reversed role, I am older than my brother but we have a very similar relationship. Man I have picked him up from the floor on so many occasions. LOL!
WOW! FABULOUS chapter my friend! :rah: :wub:
You gave us a serious punch, and kick with this one! LOL! I'm still trying to catch my breath! :D
GORGEOUS, GORGEOUS waterfall!! Fantastic pictures my friend! :rah:
A lot of deep emotions going on! Poor Alex, I understand were he is coming from, but unfortunately, he should have known better. :( He knows how much pride Ava has, and how badly she wants to be 'Free'! Her own individual, and not have to live by the commands of others. He should have spoken to her first, or at least tell her that was so, lol! :D
Dear Zayury!!! Thank you so very much again!!!
And I am so very happy you enjoyed the punches, rolls and kicks here. lol!
Yes he should have gone to her first, but this whole time he has made his intentions known... 80) *wicked grin* Ava just reacted horridly to the thought, LOL!
If anyone can provide for her desires, it will certainly be Alex... So much more to come there. 80)
I am glad you liked the waterfall, if you want I will look it up and tell you where I got it. Although I used the move objects and snap objects cheat to place more than one.
So glad again you enjoyed, and you only have 2 more to go to be caught up. 80)
Thank goodness! I'm glad to see Ava softening at the end of this chapter. I was really worried that her heart would be in an uproar at the beginning of the ball, and would be vulnerable to Henry.
Poor Alex - he sure is in for a bumpy ride with her! She'll keep him entertained, indeed!
Beautiful, beautiful pictures! Exciting and so full of life. The gardens, forests, interior shots - everything always looks so perfect. It really makes me want to make more of an effort when I do my photoshoots.
Now then, on to the ball!
Enjoy the ball!
I loved that lot and spent nearly three weeks on just about 6 rooms that I decorated.
Unfortunately there is something causing an error with it and I cant seem to get it back. 80(
I am still unwilling to give up though.
I really wanted to try and convey the change of her heart in this one. And have to say this is absolutely my favorite chapter. LOL!
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