Charles lay upon the soft bed, his body humming with excitement and the calm of release, while Margaret quietly slumbered beside him. Her angelic face peaceful, the faintest of smiles playing across her lips as she dreamed of something. Guiltily he rose from the bed, quietly exiting the room so as not to disturb her, for he desperately needed a moment to himself as the vision of his wife wrought a painful memory…

“I am betrothed to Prince Roberto,” Annette cried out in agony as she flung herself into his arms. “Oh sweet Charles, how can I marry another when I’ve given my heart to you…” she sobbed against his shoulder, the fat salty drops soaking the cloth of his coat.

“When?” he finally managed to stammer, frightened nervousness encompassing his words as they did his emotions at the prospect of losing her to the future seat of Spain.

“Mother told me this morn,” Annette whispered sadly her blue eyes reflecting the torment she felt. “Yet that is not all…” she sighed, shifting her weight in his arms. “I am with child…”

Charles hadn’t realized he was crying until he felt the cold chill of the shed tears against his bare chest, how would he ever get over his personal torment. Knowing that he had taken her without the ability to ever right his wrongs, mournfully he let out a shuddering sob. He worried over the fate of his daughters, and wondered of the child he had never met. Did he have a boy? Silently he wished it to be as such, for the sanctity of his families title, for the child's welfare. He of all knew if Francis had bore a girl all would be lost, his shame engulfing him deeply as he meandered into the room where his and Maggie’s children slept. Their angelic faces curled into the warm linen covered bedding; tenderly he tucked the covers in over Michelle…

“Annette, are you positive?” Charles was frantic at that moment, “it is not a false alarm,” he pleaded. Fear snaking through his body as he thought of how Francis herself was several months along with his child as well.

“Yes, I am swelling and have not had my cycle for four months,” Annette’s reply was mournful, heartbroken filled with grief and fear at the situation…

Charles broke away from her embrace, his love for Annette surging through him, “Well…” he excitedly yet tentatively began. “I shall let a house in the country next month and when you give birth we shall head for America.” He offered, uncaring that their life would be a harsh existence. Unknowing that sooner or later all would come crashing down upon them. “We shall make a fortune breeding horses…”

Francis read the letter twice, before her soul was seemingly ripped from her, the man her family had chosen for her was gone.
He'd chosen another, yet not just any other, Charles had chosen a women beyond even his own title...

Heart broken and angry Francis fell to the floor, her animal sobs echoing through the room; the baby as if experiencing her torment kicked, a child she immediately loathed for it's relation to Charles, the horrid man she had once called her husband.
How had she not known? Francis cried out in agony and anger, her very mind seemingly shattered while her torment manifested itself into a physical pain.

A pain that shot through her entire body, focusing in her abdomen, Francis's eyes went wide with agony as it occurred to her, the child was coming...

Marianne lay uncomfortably upon the bed, waiting for Henry to enter, tears began to fall as she thought of this past weeks events, the sickness her inability to eat much and most distressing the lack of her monthly cycle. She knew she was with child, her worst fears were coming to play for if this was indeed the heir, she would lose everything. Henry’s words coming to her once more.

“Once you get even the smallest taste, your body will forever crave release.”

Initially she had not believed him, yet Marianne found that as the three weeks, since that night had passed she did indeed crave his body, needed his touch, wanted his kind words and attentions, especially now as she found she was in love. The mere thought erupting a bitter laugh and a fresh surge of heartache for she had fallen in love with a man Marianne would never completely have. The sound of the door opening distracted her from her thoughts, causing her to reflexively cringe. “H-Henry,” she tersely called out hurriedly ending the tears.

Henry’s heart was torn, his mind confused how could he crave Marianne with every ounce of his being, yet still long for Ava with such force and desperate need that he would if she accepted him, leave? Henry silently contemplated, as he crawled onto the bed, noticing the tears that still clung to Marianne’s lower lashes. “Mary,” he sighed pulling her soft body against his and burying his head in her falls of hair inhaling deeply the scent of lilac. “Have I upset you?” Henry whispered a pang of guilt washing over his heart, as he feared he had.

Marianne snuggled closer to her husband gently kissing him, “no Henry I was just thinking,” she lied, deciding tonight would not be the time to tell him, she would wait until after the ball, wait for the doctor to confirm, for at least that would give her an extra few days…

Marianne’s words eased Henry a bit, despite his knowledge that she was being less than truthful, he knew she had fallen in love with him. Something that weighed heavily upon him for his plan was to convince Ava to leave with him, he could not keep these pretenses up for much longer, for despite his own growing affections for his wife, they paled in comparison to the searing aching all consuming love he felt for the one he could not have. “Henry what do you contemplate upon?” Marianne’s gentle voice broke through his thoughts bringing his attention to her full lips as he leaned down and possessed them. His entire body rejoicing as she opened to him, skimming her hands over his body, down his arms over his chest and when her hand found the part of him that ached his eyes went wide with surprise, he would not have expected her to be so blatant with her desires.

Marianne had been unsure of what his reaction would be and hurriedly pulled her hand back, blushing profusely at her outward approach. “No sweet, don’t stop,” Henry shakily growled against her ear, “I like that your taking an interest,” his words although embarrassing her swelling her heart as she let go of her inhibitions, gave herself over to Henry fully and completely…

Hesitating briefly he knocked and entered George’s office, wondering if he would ever possess her heart the way she did his. A slow smile crossing Alexander’s face as he thought of her, his love, his heart he knew Ava cared for him, it was evident in her mannerisms the way she would gaze upon him when she thought him unaware. “Alexander,” George greeted brightly as Alex closed the door behind him.

“Sir,” Alexander replied confidently, “I have come to make a request…”

Beatrice rushed into George’s office, concern written across her face hurriedly swallowing her concerns as her vision fell upon Lord Alexander. “I apologize, I had not known you were otherwise occupied My lord,” Beatrice breathlessly stammered to her husband unable to resist an interest in what the conversation pertained to, especially as she noted the ecstatic and strained look upon George’s face.

George knew that there was something upsetting Beatrice, could sense it in her tense posture and the tight line of her lips, “I swear the women in this household have all seemed to forget that when my door is closed I am in the midst of business.” George sighed out playfully, despite the growing urgency within him, a small laugh erupting from him as he noticed the faint inquisitive gaze in her eyes.

Alexander smiled, unaware of Beatrice’s upset assuming it probably had something to do with the ball as he turned his vision towards her. “I do not mind, in the least and I believe that her ladyship would in fact be rather interested in our discussion,” he laughed out.

George could not help but laugh himself, “I must whole heartedly agree,” he grinned standing and walking towards his wife. “My love, Lord Alexander has purchased Orville Manor, so that Ava may stay in close proximity to her family,” George grinned.

“What does that have to do with Ava?” Beatrice breathed out in confusion, suddenly clapping her hand over her mouth as the realization sank in. “She has accepted you then?” she cried out in elation suppressing the urge to dance about the room in glee, her previous upset temporarily forgotten.

Alexander grimaced inwardly at Beatrice’s comment, “Not as yet…” he sighed sadly.

Sensing Alexander’s discomfort George took control of the conversation, “lord Alexander is in a peculiar situation, for his uncle has given him six months to find a suitable wife.” George began rather nervously. “Yet until now he has not found a bride he wishes to be unified with, for as he explained to me his values of marriage are strictly reserved to love. Which he is most certainly lost in with our stubborn grandchild,” it felt odd to be talking to Beatrice of the young lords situation when Alexander sat in the very room, yet George continued. “I have decided the match would be of great benefit, she would have a husband who loves her deeply, he will have a wife that is sure to keep him entertained.” George smiled, as he thought of it, imagining that Alexander would surely be driven mad by Ava, yet knowing in the depths of his heart his granddaughter would blossom in the passions of the young lord, and eventually allow her love for him to grow.

Beatrice stared with a mixture of disbelief heartache and nervousness upon her husband, his words sinking hard against her heart. For even though she understood what her husband explained she did not think Ava would take it. “You will force the marriage,” she sighed out fear snaking into her mind as her thoughts once again returned to her upsetting news.

“Yes we will announce the nuptials at the ball, Lord Alexander will be going to speak with her privately as soon as we are finished.” George murmured sensing Beatrice’s discomfort. “His intention is to post the banns the following day,” he finished.

At the final comment Alexander stood facing his hosts, “Duke, Duchess, if you do not mind I shall take my leave now.” He murmured for he had one final stop to make before he went to Ava, Alex had to inform his sister of the coming changes. Changes he was positive Sophia would certainly take kindly to…
This story in truth revolves around two characters, Annette and Charles, how they affected the lives of the others, well that is what I am exploring. LOL!
In which ends up really hard to do because I keep bouncing between era's,80) yet as you will begin to see in the rest of the story things are coming to twist, LOL!
I have to figure out a way to do a family tree, so that everyone will fully understand, because this tale starts taking on a majorly confusing turn from here well at least the Ball...
Any suggestions comments are more than welcome, 80)
Here are a couple links for a family tree tutorial. I had a better one but since my computer crashed I'm trying to find all my links.
And this one is in german so you need this site:
to understand this:
I'll post back if I find that linked that I loved for the family tree! Hope this helps!
Very good update Cherie! Although I can't see Ava being too excited about being told she is getting married :P
Seeing more history from Charles' past was interesting, showing how he felt about the news and that he still misses Annette after all this time. :(
Poor Henry, I think he's in for a shock when he sees Ava again! And his wife might be pregnant, oh boy!
Can't wait to see more!
Wow, the Charles and Francis thing threw me for a loop. Both Francis and Annette had blonde hair. I had NO idea that they had once been married, wow. How did I miss that? And better yet, how did I miss that they got divorced? LOL
Francis also amuses me because it is my fiance's last name, ha.
Mary and Henry are definitely walking on a tightrope. Henry is so conflicted and Mary is confused. Hopefully they can both just give up and find happiness in one another. Because...
it looks like Ava is about to get hitched! Oh boy. I can't wait to see how she reacts to THAT news. I'm sure it'll be interesting indeed.
Thank you emily,
And Mary is certainly pregnant, at least in game, havent decided where to go with it yet. 80)
Every one will be seeing more of Charles and Annette in future chapters, soon enough and the key is right there. FATE! LOL!
Ava poor sweet conflicted girl, she doesnt know what she or her heart wants at least doesnt understand it. LOL!
Thank you Mao!
So glad that you enjoyed, and yes Charles and Francis were once married. Actually if you think of it they still are, the only dissolution being that he is presumed deceased within society. And Yes, Ha-ha blonds, in CHarles younger years he liked the Blondes.
Ava is certainly going to be in for it, I think she's probably going to scream and holler at me! when she finds out, LOL! Then again there is no better guy for her... At least I know their kids wont be fugly, I had the presence of mind to test them in CAS first. LOL!
I am trying to tie up some loose ends here, for the next part. 80)
Henry and Mary, what a twisted mess... and worse I still havent decided where I want to go with them... LOL!
And thank you Phoenix,
I appreciate the help... 80)
It's a completely tangled twisted mess but you are handling it brilliantly! Tying Charles and Annette and Francis to the situation with Henry and Mary (now that is truly sad -- he'd better get his head together) and then finishing with Alexander and Ava.
Everyone is in love with the wrong person LOL! and in a couple of cases, the person they're with seems capable and interested in making them happy. Sometimes you just do NOT get what you want!
I love the shots, the reflective floor, the despair, the lush beauty everywhere. You include so many beautiful period details -- great job!!
Good update Cherie, Love seeing Charles, the shirtless shots were particularly yummy!
I got a little confused, but I read it over again and it made more sense, it was more I wasn't fully awake yet, LOL!
I can't remember, is Frances still alive, (Marianne's mother, right?)Or have you even told us, LOL!
Charles is tortured, even after all those years, his romantic impetuous decision to run off with Annette will impact so many lives, nicely done!
I love how you are setting up for the ball, should be a barn burner! LOL!
And Henry, I have softened toward him a little, he does have some feelings for his young wife, lust to be sure, but something more. But Ava is his obsession as Annette was for Charles. History is doomed to repeat itself it seems!
Sophia listening at the door was precious!
And Alexander, such the gentleman, but you know that passion just lurks below the surface. How can Ava resist such a man?
Why settle for Ashley when you can have Rhett Butler? Never understood Scarlett's obsession! LOL! But I am sure Ava will come around a lot quicker than Scarlett O'Hara did!
Well done mate!!
Thank you beth!
Yes Henry needs to get his head together, and yes oh what a tangled web I weave, I even have my husband and myself confused. LOL!
Francis's room was literally just that, maybe I will do what you and others have done and post a picture of the hood. LOL!
Charles & Francis, Charles & Annette, Charles & Margaret... three marriages and was never divorced... I am glad that I captured the despair it, I really wanted to, so everyone understands a little more in depth... Yes all in love with the wrong ones, and thank you!
It is so true you cannot have your cake and eat it too! 80)
Thank you for the kind comments on the screens. Francis is my favorite set...
Thank you Karen,
I knew a couple of people would like that lol! Getting him ready for his photo shoot...
I am sorry that it was confusing at first, and yes Francis is still alive and kicking.... Literally and she really hates Annette...LOL! And yes she is Marianne's mother.
Charles is definately tortured, yet he is trying to come out of it, trying to give himself completely to maggie... He certainly loves her. and thank you so much for noticing that, as I said in the beginning of the comments this story is truly about Charles and Annette's choices how they affect everyone and what's more every character is tied to them both!
This story confuses me sometimes LOL!
Oh the ball! My grandfather is editing it now as we speak, I wanted this one to be perfect and it is a long one, I think about 130screens minimum... But it will also be a two parter...80)
Henry is just as lost and tormented as ever... And his feelings are growing, he just doesnt realize it because he's too hung up on a certain young lady that... Ooh gotta stop there... Cant give to much away.
And thank you for noticing that, Obsession is correct, the one thing in his spoiled life he cannot take possession of.
Next Chapter Sophia and Ava have a talk...
Ava and Alex- the double A's, she herself has some growing emotions yet still tormented. He well... Knows exactly what he wants and is not below taking it by force if necessary. LOL! Although those very same passions can be his own worst enemy...
Thank you for reading and commenting, I am so glad you enjoyed... 80) lol!
I am still caught up in the fact that history seems to be repeating itself and that Marianne could conceivably be headed toward the same fate as her mother, Ava the same as her mother being forced to marry a man she seemingly does not care for (we all know better though.
My heart broke for Charles as he reminisced about Annette. I do believe that she will always be his one great love but it is possible to love another.
Cracked up at Sophia spying at the door! That was so in character!
Lovely shots, wonderful writing. Looking forward to the twists and turns ahead.
Thank you Gayl!!!
Seemingly is the most appropriate word here! Shades of the past... hmmm.... Cant say anything more for all will be answered soon enough lol 80)
Still yes, Ava get over yourself!!! LOL!
And I am so happy that you felt the heartbreak, well not happy in terms of ha-ha but happy I was able to portray it, 80) Charles is trying to give his heart again. And why not, he loves Margaret dearly but Annette is a certainly a ghost from his past, a ghost that wont stop tormenting him. He made some poor choices as all do...
I love Sophie dearly so like Ava and Alex yet her own... Although her true heart is revealed next chapter.
As we get closer to the Ball....
Wow I bit off more than I can chew, LOL!
Still Francis is growing into an interesting character for me, I almost want to explore the witch some more. 80)
Hey, Anon Here.
I felt somewhat sad for francis there, and if i'm not mistaken, thats the letter that beatrice sent, the one she mentioned in the prologue?
Anyway, heh that cheeky sophia x3 What a coincidence that Annette was engaged to the heir to the throne, Alex's Uncle?
I have to say, i think Alex and Ava are extremely sweet together, and funny, I like going back to the scene where they first meet, lol xD
Hey Anon, thanks for reading!
Yep definately the letter...
With only two more chapters until the ball and 2 possibly 3 parts to the ball, I am starting to preview a little more of the upcoming BAtT Pt 2... In which I plan on exploring a little more in depth on these secondary characters. But Francis just ruled me, so I am glad someone feels for her... I did too and really tried to capture her desperation... lol 80)
As you will see in chapter 14 due this Saturday Morning... All choices revolve around Charles and Annette's actions... Lots of twists and turns there...
And Sophia is a doll, LOL! once again more on her in the next chapter (14).
I love that scene too, Love at first sight, utter despise too... Yet they so compliment eachother and will make an excellent couple provided she can handle him, LOL!...
Thanks again for reading and commenting, I am glad you enjoyed!!! 80)
Another wonderful update... there was a lot going on in this chapter..
It was great to look back into Charles' life... it was really sad he never got to see his first child... I really admire the love he feels for Ava and his other children, but what he did back then was very wrong, leaving his pregnant wife when she needed him the most... and he never cared for that child.... shame on you Charles! I really hope one day he will meet that child and apologize to her... lol...
Mary is pregnant!!! :D that was a surprised!!! I hope her mother story wont repeat itself on her... it would be so sad if Henry walked away from her just like her father did with her mother!
Best wishes for her.. Henry should stop daydreaming about Ava...
OMG!!! Ava is going to be so pissed off... lol I can't imagine her reaction when she finds out they had arrange her marriage!!! :D lol she is going to go mad... she might love Alex, lol but I bet she wont like the idea of announcing her marriage in the ball... lol poor Ava...
And was Sophia listening to Alex's conversation with the Duke? lol
I just love Sophia she is so sweet!!! :Dlol
Great chapter, beautiful writing like always!!!
lovely pictures as well!!!
Of Course, i always read BATT,
yay, update on saturday :3
I love this series, i swear they get better and better, and your sets are georgious 8D
And i can't wait until the next update, and the ball chapter, sounds exciting...:D
Always, even if i don't get to comment, i always check for updates and i really enjoy reading ^-^
Thank you Sandy!!!
I always love your comments you are so emotional with them, lol. Yes alot happening I am wrapping things up before the ball, two more chapters until the monster. Chapter 14 Saturday Morning and Chapter 15 next week. Then my super long super huge, extremely emotional ball... LOL! and after those 2 or 3 parts I will be taking November off... Returning in december with BAtT part 2, lots more insight there. LOL!
Yes it is very sad that he didnt meet Marianne, sadder still that he doesnt know she is a girl! Things happened a bit quicker than initially planned between him Beatrice, Annette and Francis and I was hoping to capture his desperation, Hence the statement,
"It is now I realize your heart was never mine to have..." So I do hope that it came across so desperate. I do love charles but he is tormented by his own past choices in life. Which is a good thing and who knows he may very well get the opportunity... Once or If Ava ever finds out about her relations, if she will tell Marianne of it...
Mary... Poor sweet girl I cant tell you too much... but yes she is Preggo, even with Risky WH. turned on both she and Cat are!!! So have to work it into the story...
I am sure if ava could jump out of the screen and strangle me she would with this upcoming announcement, LOL!!! but I think her heart is changing...
YES! Sneaky little sophia, eavesdropping on her brother and George... Isnt she adorable though!
Once again thank you for your sweet and kind comments! 80) Hugs
Thank you Anon! I am so glad you are enjoying my regency soap opera, LOL! and I have to say that I love having been invited to the Sims 2 Writers Alliance, my writing has certainly improved 80)
Well unless I get struck by lightning or some character begins to rule me I will be posting saturday mornings...
Only thing is after I complete the ball, I am taking November off to work on the next part and try and complete my other story that I hope to get published *Crossing my fingers. I am at 50,000 words now so hopefully I cant 25 k more out... Thanks again for reading
LOVED IT! Wow! You did a MARVELOUS job taking us back to how some of the events took place in Charles', Annette's, and Francis' past!
The way you depicted their respective feelings not only with your beautiful pics but with your wonderful writing, was AMAZING! That was definitely a very painful period for all of them... And poor Charles he is still carrying that guilt! :(
THE BALL! I can't wait to get to the ball! And the fact that they are planning to announce Alexander's and Ava's nuptials, OMG! That is going to be a shocker for Henry and possibly even Ava, lol! :D :D
I wonder what is troubling Beatrice? (The reason she went to her husband's study in the first place? Hmmm?
Girl, this story ROCKS! :wub:
thank you Zayury!!! *blush* I am so very happy you enjoyed! and yes Charles, Annette and Francis... *Sigh*
Yet another trio or more of sims deeply torn *wink* Especially poor sweet Charles. I do feel for him. He's truly lost it all... Including that in which he doesnt yet know. (RE: Marianne)
Your almost caught up now, so I wont bore you with details. 80) lol! But Ava being the stubborn feisty thing she is, wont take too kindly. Alex well he's a man lost in love. LOL!
And Beatrice is upset over the news that... Oh wait, cant say anymore. lol!
Thanks for all your assistance. 80)
thank you Zayury!!! *blush* I am so very happy you enjoyed! and yes Charles, Annette and Francis... *Sigh*
Yet another trio or more of sims deeply torn *wink* Especially poor sweet Charles. I do feel for him. He's truly lost it all... Including that in which he doesnt yet know. (RE: Marianne)
Your almost caught up now, so I wont bore you with details. 80) lol! But Ava being the stubborn feisty thing she is, wont take too kindly. Alex well he's a man lost in love. LOL!
And Beatrice is upset over the news that... Oh wait, cant say anymore. lol!
Thanks for all your assistance. 80)
LOL - I love that Sophia is eavesdropping! She is a little Stinkerhead!
I'm happy about the marriage of Alex and Ava - but I bet she's gonna be mad to be manipulated this way. She'll probably be very cool to Alex for quite awhile. It cracked me up that George said that Alex would gain a wife that would keep him entertained - ain't that the truth!
Loved the flashback scene with Francis. Beautiful shot of her on the floor and the letter before her. Things are really starting to tie together nicely, and the sins of the fathers are really starting infect everyone.
I fear for Marianne, and hope Henry doesn't have a massive attack of stupidity at the ball - but then again - that sure would create some delicious drama!
I can't wait to go to the ball! I have my gown all ready!
I cant wait to see what you have to say about the ball and the attacks. Although your oppinion of Alex may go down a bit. lOL!
Francis, Annette, Charles, Henry, Marianne, ava and Alex.... YiKES!
Sophia is truly a fun character she is so full of life and spunk.
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