“I do not believe I could ever love you again…”

The words resounded through Henry’s heart and soul, Marianne had loved him and he’d been to set in his own determination to see it. Fooled himself into believing he was only meant to love Ava, a cold laugh slid from him as he thought of how strange it was.

He had hated his parents decision, loathed the idea of being married to a woman in whom he had never met. Yet now after everything he realized, he loved Marianne completely.

How it had happened was unbeknown to himself, all he understood was from the moment he had entered the room that morn. Set eyes upon the forlorn figure of his wife he knew.

Stopping the bay, he scanned the path way, searching for any signs that the carriage had passed. Sighing heavily when he did not find it he pulled gently upon the leather reign to pull the horse around when he saw it. The wind that had picked up yet again fluttered the leaves wildly about, revealing fresh wheel marks in the moist dirt.

Filled afresh with determination, need and desire he pushed his heels into the powerful haunches of the horses hind quarters and with a wild laugh, whooped and hollered as the Bay shot forward…

Ava’s thoughts twisted back to the day he had informed her of his proposal, the guilt that had been in his eyes as he held her that day.

Her heart in her throat she pushed away from him and leveled her gaze upon Alexander, “My lord.” She tersely began, clasping her hands behind her back and lowering her gaze to the floor, afraid her assumptions were correct.

“What have you done?” she questioned biting back her concern.

Alexander’s heart sank at her question, yet a wry smile crossed his lips as he thought of how well she had come to know him.

Stepping forward and taking her hands into his own he gazed longingly upon her, “My lady, I have once again gone to your grandfather.” He whispered.

Grasping tighter to her tiny cool fingers as she attempted to jerk away, “before you grow ever angry I ask you to hear me,” he whispered forcing her gaze upon his.

His words stung, yet not more so than the fact he had once again behind her to her grandparents, “Very well yet I promise you if I am unhappy with the outcome I shall not see you again,” she murmured stiffly maintaining her steely gaze upon his own.

He couldn’t help the gentle laugh at her comment, he had known she would not be happy with his choice. “I cannot in good faith allow a single negative word to rest upon your lovely head,” he murmured ever so quietly watching intently as her eyes softened.

“Thus I have sent word to your grandfather that we shall be wed in two days time,” his heart swelled as she gazed upon him, her anger now replaced with a sense of confusion.

“Two days?” Ava whispered, “I…” she lowered her lashes over her eyes, the heated blush creeping into her cheeks at the comment.

“I do not wish to return to Wilshire Manor,” she hardly whispered.

In truth she did not, she had found that falling asleep within his arms was the most comforting experience of her life, he made her feel safe, protected and comfortable. Something she had not felt since childhood when she would fall asleep upon her father’s lap as he rocked her to and fro telling her a fanciful story.

Pulling her into his arms, Alexander stroked her softly a possessive look within his eyes, “I did not say you would be returning my love. In truth your abigail should be arriving shortly,” the stunned look she shot him rumbled laughter deep within his throat.

“Your abigail, Gertrude will be arriving shortly as your escort,” he smiled.

Ava did not comprehend just what Alexander was saying, the fact plainly written across her face. “My lord, I cannot stay here unmarried,” she whimpered, staring incredulously upon him.

“We leave for London, where I will apply for a special license this way we can explain our hasty nuptials as a matter of not being capable of waiting,” he grinned.

“In truth I cannot but I did not wish to give you time to re-consider,” he jokingly stated with a warm hug.

“Shouldn’t my grandmother escort me?” Ava questioned her voice thick with shock and confusion, laughter at the playful side she was seeing.

“Why ever would I do such a thing, with the dowager duchess about I could not persuade you to my quarters,” he grinned lavishing her with a long smoldering glance.

One that sent a shiver from the top of her head straight to her toes as she thought back to the night before and the wicked things he had shown her.

With a bright smile she pushed away from him, her eyes darting towards the as yet unmade bed, a glance that did not fail to escape his own.

“I do not have the time to properly love you,” he whispered seductively in her ear, his hot breath feathering through her hair, his deep baritone vibrating through her very being, coursing white heat through her veins.

“You are positively incorrigible,” Ava laughed out, swallowing hard and willing the heat away. .

“Besides until we are married I shall not be anywhere near your quarters,” she added weakly as he snaked his hand about her waist and pushed her against him, the warmth from his body a welcomed reprieve from the chilled room.

“Now if you will, my gown.” She whispered shakily, as his hand sought her breast, his fingers dancing lightly over the thin material, his touch eliciting a quivering breath.

Turning her deftly in his arms he embraced her, the dark lustful look in his eyes frightening and thrilling, “we shall see about that,” he growled seeking her mouth with his own.

Barely had their lips met when a quiet rap upon the door sounded through the room, with a curse under his breath he pushed her behind him. “What!” he snarled in frustration.

“Your Grace, her ladyships handmaid has arrived,” the timid voice of the young woman carried from beyond the door, although she did not open it.

Catherine nearly tripped over the hem of her gown as she rushed towards the parlor, anger fueling her every step.

Flinging the door wide she stepped in penetrating him with her icy blue gaze all her frustration and fury to be found in that one glance. “How dare you,” she snarled after a few moments of silence, quietly pleased that he looked so ragged.

Henry turned his dark circled eyes in her direction, a pain shooting through his heart at the vision of his brothers beautiful and sweet wife. Her elfin face was red tinged and contorted with rage, all evident in her calm steely tone.

Swallowing hard he just gazed at her, incapable of speech. He had truly made an ass of himself and highly doubted she would tell him if he asked.

Taking his silence as her cue to continue Catherine stepped closer, placing her small hands upon her hips. The placement tightening the fabric over the gentle swell of her abdomen.

“You have disgraced your family, ruined my sister,” she growled her entire body quivering with rage.

“Now I demand you tell me just where you have taken her!” she shrilly screeched, the demanding question temporarily throwing him off guard.

Uncomfortably he gazed into her darkened eyes, wishing at that moment he had not come.

“Catherine, I have not an idea in what you speak,” he finally managed. His mouth dry and his tone weakened.

“Although if I must venture a guess, she is most likely with Lord Alexander,” he calmly added.

She could scarcely believe his comment, her beloved sister acting so foolishly. “I am sure she is not, especially after the horrid way you acted, the things you have done to ensure her dissatisfaction with her life.” She spat, hoping that he would believe she did in fact know what had occurred and tell her more.

Turning away his shoulders drooping with exasperation and weariness, “dearest sister, Ava has most certainly ended any possibility of my initial intentions. She is in love with his grace and I…” he paused his voice thick with emotion.

“I realize that I am in truth in love with my wife and that is why I have come,” the words shot pain through his soul, self loathing for his actions.

Catherine’s temper softened, as she gazed upon him noticing for the first time the disheveled state of his dress and the lack of grooming. “Henry…” she coolly stated still angry with him, yet his mannerism showing his fragility. “Why are you here?” she finally questioned, torn between her anger and her concern for him.
Poor stupid Henry! On one hand I feel for the guy and on the other I hope that Mari makes him win her love and not give in easily...if at all. I think it would be hard to trust him again...you'd never know if he was lying about his feelings and still pining for Ava. *sigh*
I LOVE Alex and Ava!! Haha! Their relationship is going to grow so much stronger...I can just tell. And she really seems happy!
I like what you've done with your shots. Absolutely stunning! You have more patience than with the editing! Haha!!
I really enjoyed this update!:)
LOL! Poor Henry, he is really having a rough go of it, LOL! Mari will not give in so easily, but first he has to find her, LOL! still a secret there...
Alex and Ava will certainly have a strong relationship, although just because it is calm now doesnt mean it will stay that way. I have some ideas in mind. 80)
LOL! Yes I had way more patience in playing with the pictures than I did my editing and writing this time. Not my best but at least I am getting slowly back into my groove. 80) been a rough few months. 80)
Alex and Ava are just so wonderful together! I love reading about them.
Henry is finally coming to his senses. I hope Mari will cut him a break. And Catherine too. If he behaves himself.
The pics are gorgeous! And I don't see anything wrong with the writing -- it's wonderful! Beautiful update!
lovely update. i had to giggle like a little girl when I was reading ava and alex's part. at least they learnt and keep talking, even if they react so passionate they are a joy to read about!
aah henry, yes he is quite the tool. learnt a little humbling lesson I hope. haha. let's hope he truely learnt from it. and a bit of graveling woith mari couldn't hurt eather. haha. looking forward to watching him grovel ( gravel? why couldn't the learn us the words we really use in school...? XD )but I do hope she is still open to his love. i'm ever the romantic...*sigh*
awsome update! love it, hope to read more soon!
Wonderful update!!! :D
I just love Alex and Ava together, finally they stopped fighting!!!
I'm glad they will be married soon, I also believe their relationship will only grow stronger by the minute!!! Wonderful couple!!!!
and Henry, well what can I say about him.... serves him right!!! He had a beautiful wife besides him but decided he loved someone else...
then when suddenly that someone else tells hims she doesn't love him anymore, he decides to fall in love with his wife "again"....
I also don't believe his feelings...
I think he is somewhat selfish...
and if Mari is going to take him back, I really hope she will make him suffer first....
Great update!!! :D Lovely pictures!!!
Thank you so much Beth!
The double A's are truly sweet and wonderful... Finally I can get away from this particular part of the book. In truth I think I am a bit bored with it. 80)
Mari will come to her senses eventually but not for a bit, there is something a bit more pressing at hand. 80)
Thank you again, my grammar was off and it is really kinda uh... short to me. Not as descriptive as I would have liked but then again I am not much for writing right now. Still having difficulties focusing. 80)
Thank you GQ!
I love the double A's they are just so sweet to me, now to work out the rest of this darned story... Phase two coming soon!
Mari and Henry I am sure they will work out eventually but right now... Alot of bumps...
I have the next chapter 1/2 finished then I need to edit, just hope it isnt another 2 months. LOL!
Thank you S@ndy!
Yes their relationship will grow stronger but there are a few things Ava has to come to terms with. 80)
I love them too! they are so sweet and literally write themselves at times.
Henry does see the error of his ways, and now realizes that he has been wrong all this time. So his feelings though confused and misguided and misplaced are true.
But certainly she will make him suffer!!! If she decides to take him back at all. LOL! Yet another story thread there too. 80)
Hooray, an update! And Henry is still as clueless as ever. Sheesh, dude, buy a clue. I can't believe what a mess this has become, LOL. He'll be lucky if Marianne even so much as agrees to acknowledge he exists now! He's got a lot of patching up to do.
It's nice to see Catherine again, too. She could surely beat some sense into Henry.
The handmaid is quite pretty, too. I like her freckles! She has quite a time of arriving, though, LOL!
Thank you Mao!
LOL!! I dont think he could buy one if he tried, LOL! He certainly has a long road ahead of him in regards to his wife...
And Catherine, I have had such a difficult time working her into this darned story... Everything I write about her gets canned, I just dont like it. LOL! But yes I am sure she could certainly beat some sense into him. 80)
The handmaid, just a regular CAS with some minor edits in game by me. Mostly skin and eyes, I think I thinned the nose too. But yeah she did turn out rather pretty to me. I like the freckles too, can just never find a sim to use them on. 80) LOL!
Well everyone else said it first but I adored Alex and Ava's part in this one! They are just so steamy hot together, and make one explosive match!
Poor Henry, hope it isn't too little too late for him & his wife. Maybe Catherine can help him out. Everyone deserves a second chance (maybe) :D But he better not screw up again!
Really wonderful update Cherie, I enjoyed it!
LOL! Thank you Emily,
the Double A's are a sweet and wonderful couple... But I will be honest I need to get away from this particular set... Been at it for too long and am growing bored with it.
Wedding soon... Just have a rather dramatic event that I am trying to work into it. LOL!
Marianne and Henry have a long road to haul here, will she forgive him, I am certain she will eventually... Then again... 80) LOL!
Thank you for reading and commenting I am so glad you enjoyed!!
Wonderful chapter lady! :rah: Your pictures are absolutely amazing! The colors are so vibrant, and the pictures themselves are very sharp and crisp! Again your attention to detail regarding the décor is extraordinary! :rah:
I'm glad Alex and Ava are going to get married so quickly! And I'm especially happy that Henry is getting a tonguelashing from Catherine! Lol! :D
Great chapter and wonderful story girl! :rah: :rah:
I know I am in the minority but I really do love Henry. I hope he does find his way to Marianne again. I also just adore Catherine! She is one spunky young woman! Laughed so loud at her anger when she clearly has no idea what is going on with Alex and Ava although she should know...seeing as she did the same thing...
Love what you did here with Photoshop. The colors, backgrounds, all the shots are spectacular. And I wouldn't worry about your writing Cherie, it is truly wonderful!
Thank you Zayuri!
Yes major tongue lashing, from Catherine but I think that she is concerned for him after everything. 80)
the double A's are such a pleasure to write, they actually wrote themselves. LOL! I couldnt keep them off of eachother in this chapter. LOL!
Glad you enjoyed!!
LOL! Thanks Gayl,
I could hardly stop laughing myself, but I thought it would be fun to do, she is after all a very young woman. LOL!And yeah she should know... But well... she is lost in anger.
Henry and Marianne will meet again! just what the outcome will be I dont really know yet. 80)
Thank you for the lovely comment on my screens!! Especially when you all have stunning shots!!! and know so much more about Photoshop 80).
Lovely pictures, glad you are enjoying photoshop, breathtaking in their scope!
I have to agree with Gayl, I always had a soft spot for Henry too, passionate, but not always the sharpest tool in the shed. Finally he realizes what a gem his wife is, but could it be too late? I have a feeling Henry might be able to persuade her with those moist eyes of his, if he ever catches up to her!
Alex and Ava are enchanting, And thank God for the 'special license' LOL!
They are quite the couple, I see a passionate relationship ahead for the two of them.
Great update Cherie, glad you feel you are getting back into the groove, missed you!
Yes Photoshop was well worth the pennies I spent on it. LOL! I have always wanted that program but could never seem to part with the amount they wanted, 'Thank goodness for Amazon' LOL! I will most like use it to spice up the sims sky, that bland blue is rather boring.
Yes Henry certainly isnt the sharpest! We'll see what happens, I am working on the next part now, feel really poorly for Mari though. 80)
those two are both very much in love, three lightening bolts apiece and if free will is on... Forget it, I can usually find them in the gardens making out, LOL!
I have missed butterfly, but unlike this particular chapter, I want to put out quality. 80) Thanks for reading again!!!
Aw, I just love watching Ava and Alexander! They are so sweet together.
I feel somewhat bad for Henry, but he kind of deserves it. I really hope he does fine his wife and remembers the lessons he's learned.
Little Catherine cracks me up. Such a little spitfire. Hard to believe she is a grown up lady and pregnant. I'll always think of her as a little one.
Beautiful pictures!! So crystal clear. Love the playful ones of Ava and Alex. I especially love the ceilings. How the heck do you do that, by the way?
I enjoyed this chapter. Great job!
Thank you Astral!!
Ava and Alex are truly wonderful, I love those two together...
I myself feel badly for Henry, (not too though) LOL! he certainly has more coming, Take that all you cheating scumbag ex's LOL!
Cat is going to have a roll soon upcoming... so much between her and Ava! I adore her... Cant say anything more without giving away plot. 80) and Yeah, so young and already pregnant and married, I had to grow her up because the teen hack I had stopped working.
80( or else she would still only be 16 almost 17.
If you have Apartment life, you just toggle the ceilings and add some kind of flooring, if not go to MTS2 and they have some downloadable ceilings, I cant remember the name of them. Either you can email me, or I will hunt them down and post to the best of my ability the link here. 80)
Thank you so much for reading I am glad you enjoyed!!
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