Chapter 16 ~ The Ball Part 1 of 4
Monday, October 20, 2008
Despite the warmth in the orangery, Ava could not shake the chill of the cool September night air. In less than two hours the ball would begin and her grandparents would make their announcement. She could not deny that she was nervous, tense and out of sorts. She felt as if she had lost complete and utter control of her life and actions, especially in reference to Alexander who had sent her spinning like a top with his emotional and kind attention. Although, she had to admit, things could be worse. At least he genuinely cared for her and she was developing an attachment to him as well.
Alex briefly debated entering the orangery as his vision fell upon the forlorn form of Ava lost in thought. “My lady,” Alexander murmured. The moment he had entered the orangery he had known that she was bothered by something or someone.
“Are you nervous, do you wish to wait?” he tenderly questioned as he placed a comforting hand upon her shoulder.
“Not in the least. It is inevitable and between you and my grandparents my choices have little bearing.” Ava did not make her statement harshly, but brokenly with each word thickly enveloped with the tears that threatened to spill yet refused to fall. “I would very much like to be alone my lord,” she whispered, shrugging off his warm hand and turning to face him.

The simple yet sweet gesture was more than he could withstand as his arms encircled her, pulling the soft warmth of her body against his own. He felt terrible knowing he was partly the cause of her current state of mind.
He had never wanted to inflict a single iota of pain upon her and knew in the depths of his soul she was unhappy. “I promise I shall give you nothing but choices, my love,” Alex whispered in-between gentle breath stealing kisses.
His heart swelled as she reached her arms around his neck to pull him closer, nearly shattering his composure.

“Viscount Grant,” her tone was cool and unwelcoming, “I pray that you and your wife had a comfortable trip.”
She spoke civilly with emphasis on the mention of his wife as she looked expectantly over his shoulder in search of the woman. Partly, she had to admit, in curiosity at what the child of Charles and Francis would look like.

“We have been well,” she added tersely, “Viscount Grant I must apologize for the oversight on our part, it was never intended…” she paused realizing how uncharacteristically rude she was acting. A wicked thought flashed through her mind as she realized the best way to put an end to his ridiculous affections.
“ I am sure that Ava would love to tell you her news,” she sweetly stated, changing direction. “As a fact, she is in the orangery as we speak, I do wish I could stay and chat more, but I’ve much to do for the ball.” Beatrice finished with a soft smile spreading over her face as she hurried away, her eyes gleaming wickedly.

He ignored the brief flash of concern at her hurried transformation of opinion and, waiting until she disappeared up the stairs, he all but ran towards the orangery. Henry could not deny his excitement at seeing Ava again.
All manner of thoughts ran through his mind as he turned the corner and peered through the glass… his heart sank at the sight… There was no denying the broad shoulders, the thick raven black hair. At first Henry attempted to dismiss it as his friend’s conquest of one of the many guests that were staying at the manor. It was a failing attempt as Alexander released the woman with whom he had been locked in a romantic embrace.
Henry’s eyes darkened with rage. A lightening quick flash of jealousy shot through his body. A bilious heart wrenching pain engulfed him as his vision fell upon Ava gazing lovingly upon Alex. It was a look, he thought, she had never bestowed upon him. It added further insult to his injured pride and his aching heart.

“M-my lord, I must decline,” she stammered brokenly, the thick air choking her. “I do not feel up to it just now,” she lamely excused herself before hurrying from the orangery, rushing past Henry without even a word.
Beatrice saw Ava’s harried figure as she ran to her room. The unmistakable sobs followed her, telling her the plan had worked.
Guiltily she followed after her granddaughter who stood in the corner of her suite with her shoulders violently shaking.
“Dear Ava, I am sorry that when we realized the error, it was too late,” Beatrice pitifully stated, knowing it would do little to ease the discomfort Ava suffered.
Ava turned with amazing quickness. The tears were flowing over her face as she glared angrily upon her grandmother. “You knew of this and did nothing to prepare me?” she snarled incredulously. “I begin to think you revel in my heartbreak,” Ava sobbed, breaking away from her grandmother’s grasp.
“You’ve got what you want, and my fate is sealed.” Ava could neither control the wavering in her voice, nor gain a grasp of her utter hatred for the woman before her.
Turning, she rushed from the room, unable to see her grandmother at this moment lest she commit murder.

“I had not expected it to be so,” Henry mumbled through the cotton thickness of his mouth. “When Duchess Beatrice told me I could find Lady Ava here, little had I known she would be so occupied.” His grin was far from the lecherous sight Alexander saw. It was an evil twist of his inner turmoil.
Possibly, if Alexander knew, he would not want any further experience with Ava, Henry cruelly considered. He was desperate to find a way to put an end to the madness.

Yet he was guilt ridden for he was purposefully trying to place doubt and ruin anything that may have been forged in the short month Alexander and Ava had been in company. Finished with his statement he departed, ignoring the further calls.
A flash of color outside the door caught his attention and, immediately recognizing Ava, he followed after her…
Alexander felt as if his heart had been ripped from his breast by Henry’s cold, calculated answers. Still, he could not blame him, for he had overstepped his bounds in choosing the one woman to whom Henry’s heart had belonged. The constant replay within his mind infuriated him. Alex had always believed Henry to be nothing but honest with him. The thought crept into his mind that Henry had been trying to protect him and, not wanting to be the bearer of bad tidings, he had put it off on Ava. The mere mention of her name caused the bile to rise into his throat.
Had that been the reason she had reacted so horridly towards him because she had given herself to Henry and still held hope he would come for her? The memory of her stricken face was flashing before his eyes. Yes a stricken lover caught in the act of adultery… Why had he not understood it then? He wondered openly, each horrid thought infuriating him more and more until he could do nothing… see nothing. Angrily he rose from the couch and stormed towards her quarters. He wanted answers. He needed them with a desperation he had never known before. His heart was aching for truth and his loss.
Ava did not stop running until she reached the pond where, in a fit of rage she screamed as loud as her voice would allow her. She hurled insults into the thick woods, her anger melted away with each fitful sob and outcry, when she heard it, she heard him.
“My Lady, such language is not a desirable trait.” The smooth gravelly tone of Henry’s voice assaulted her ears igniting a new fury a new rage within her as Ava spun around nearly collided with him.
“Steady yourself my sweet,” he murmured seductively as he reached towards her only to be coldly rebuffed as Ava stepped away.
Her chest heaved as she caught her breath and narrowed her angry eyes on him, “Are you not intelligent enough to know that your coming is the most foolish of acts?” Ava spat out, “And I am not your sweet!” She snarled furiously. “Go back to your wife and let me to my own.” Ava’s tone, though still seething with anger and heartache, was pleading.
She could hardly bear to look upon him nor could she abide his scent or sound. The infuriating grin on his face, invoked a new surge of heartache especially, as she realized her love for him was never strong.
Her words hit Henry with the precision of a soldiers rapier aimed for the heart, invoking a sense of sadness and desperation as he gazed longingly upon her.
“Ava, I ache everyday for you. I love you with all my heart and soul. That is why I had to come,” Henry attempted to explain. His tone was soft and pleading as he stood there unsure of himself in her presence. His hands were aching to feel her soft skin. “I wanted to end this once more… to offer my escape. I shall take you to America , to your father.” He murmured sadly for the first time in the last weeks since the invitation had been accepted and his ludicrous plan began. He felt the unmistakable fear and lack of surety that Ava might turn him away.
With shaking hands he reached for her, took her into his arms and refused to let go. His need was evident and his hopes and dreams were prominent with every labored breath.

His touch did not ignite her as Alexander’s did. His words fell to the ground before them, failing to stir her heart.
“Once again Henry I cannot. In truth I felt very strong emotions for you that I believed were love. In believing so, I nearly missed my opportunity to be genuinely happy,” she whispered. She understood the truth for the first time as she attempted to explain. His stricken look hurt her terribly as Ava realized she was the cause.
Henry tightened his grasp, a surge of pain and heartache coursing through him. Disbelief fell before her words for he had been so sure that she loved him, needed him and desired him to the same capacity he loved her. “Ava you do not know what you say.
I know I have hurt you deeply this why I have come. I want to right my wrongs and give us the opportunity our families would not allow.” Henry’s voice quivered ever so slightly. Fear snaked through him at an alarming pace despite the forcefulness in his tone. He desperately needed to hear her heartfelt words about him, not Alexander. No not Alex…
Ava gazed in fright and concern upon Henry, her heart aching for the pain she had inflicted knowing that he would not take kindly to her next statement but she must continue, for this was their end. The time for closure had arrived. “Please Henry, you are frightening me,” Ava softly pleaded, her heart racing as he pulled her stiff uncomfortable form closer.

She, for the first time, admitted her true heartfelt emotions toward him bringing forth an emotional outpouring of truth. “You will always be in my heart as a dear friend, yet I cannot allow you to ruin your own situation out of an infatuation with what can never be. I implore you, release me from your heart. Henry open it to your wife, and do not be bitter for I am in love with Alexander…” She finished her words with a breathy sigh as the hurried sound of angry footsteps broke through her thoughts.
Alexander had burst through Ava’s door not entirely sure how he would react if she told him that she had allowed Henry to take her innocence. The thought angered him even more. What he found was not Ava… Standing there weeping stood the Duchess…
The mask of fury written over Alexander’s face invoked a shuddering gasp from Beatrice, as her eyes went wide with fear and surprise. “My lord w-what brings you here?” she stammered, suddenly worried over what her granddaughter had done.
“Where is Ava?” Alexander growled, his composure lost. “Moreover, why did you not tell me that Henry had been the one that had broken her heart?” He needed to exorcize his anger and since part of it was induced by Beatrice who had sent Henry to the orangery he could not stop himself.
“I apologize for not having been forthright,” Beatrice whimpered, realizing she had made a far more grievous error than she had supposed in sending Henry to them.
Ok one more post to this monster. I am just having too many issues with the game crashing.
And please forgive me for the not quite matching shots. Still I hope you all enjoy. 80)
Passionate Alexander and the Finally admitting Ava, 80)
Once again I highly recommend the music, if your interested. It is part of the music I used to write this chapter and I chose the songs that I felt most matched the moods I am trying to capture.
OMG!!! OMG!!! That was fantastic! I couldn't scrowl fast enough to read it! I guess I should feel bad for Henry but I don't. I hope his wife wasn't lurking around somewhere! That would be horrid!
Poor Alex! Henry has twisted his friend's emotions and I hope that Ava can reach him before he tries to break things off because of the douby plaguing him!
I can't wait for the next update! It was just great Cheripye!:)
I second Phoenix, what a fantastic chapter!!!
The pictures look great the clarity is awesome, I think I will also follow Beth's advice on Gadwin!!! they loook 1000 times better than they did before!!!
Now what an incredible chapter, so full of drama and heartbreak!
Poor Henry, I do feel sorry for him, lol he was rejected not once but twice by the woman he loves! LOL he is still acting a little too selfish for my taste... just thinking about his necessities and his needs and wants, he doesn't care about Ava, or what the society will talk about her... and that "I will take you to America to your father!" I know he probably meant it, but it sounded like blackmail :D lol "if you do this, you will win this" lol poor Henry, he is better with his wife!
And Alex, poor Alex between his best friend and the woman he loves... He should know by now that Ava would have never given herself to Henry.. but I think the mood of the moment was just too much for him to think clearly... oh well I hope he talks to her soon and fix things together...
Ava, I really hope she tells Alex the same words she is telling Henry (Love Alex part) lol
and Beatrice shame on you Beatrice! Hopefully after this she will stop messing up with everybody's life.... of course she will, she doesn't have any more granddaughters!
Fantastic chapter and beautiful rooms!! spectacular sets!! wonderful writing as always!!!
I want to knock Henry into the pond. What a selfish, immature, self-indulgent brat. Plus he's showing a mean streak. Ava is much MUCH better off with Alexander.
You've set up a particularly ugly confrontation. It's so frustrating that men were so concerned about that stupid idea of "purity", which they defined only in physical terms. Alexander should be a lot more concerned about Ava's feelings than whatever she did or didn't do in bed with Henry, but that's a man for you.
Lovely, just breathtakingly lovely shots. The colors (I love the pink in the bedroom), the composition, and the angles are just beautiful!
Gadwin is simply a screenshot saver. The artist has to create the work!
Thank you Phoenix!
No please dont feel bad for Henry he's being a Jerk. As far as Marianne, well she will be explained a bit later.
Yes Alex is truly twisted up right now, his heart is breaking and he's not one to take such pain. 80(
Much more coming in part two including some less than savory traits about Alex. Oh I am so sad I cant get the four parts out. Because the tidal wave of emotions that go along with it, are all so elemental to this particular piece. 80) I will work on getting it out as quickly as possible.
Thank you so much for the kind words and thanks for reading! I am so glad your enjoying my story.
Thank you Sandy!!! Yes Gadwin is wonderful once I figured out how to use it properly. Got into the game sometime last week and took 40 shots, and had the preview still turned on so I only ended up with 1, LOL! and I followed Beth's advice too, used PNG
Trust me this is only the beginning of the Drama, next up Alex finishes his confrontation with Beatrice, and comes upon Ava and Henry.Oh I so want to strangle Henry, the little jerk.
And Ava has found something better, so no poor Henry, lol! he's trying to break her heart yet again. 80) And no he doesnt care all that much, he just wants what he cant have. The proverbial spoiled child that wants the firetruck his friend is playing with only to toss it aside when he gets it. 80) LOL! Perfect statement there Sandy, LOL! "If you do this you win this" LOL! exactly. But what do you win? nothing but heartache. 80)
Henry has truly fouled things up for himself. As will be seen later. ;o)
Alex, is lost utterly and completely in love with Ava and now this. But being the passionate man he is, stubborn and fiery he has and will continue to make some poor decisions. 80( Right now Alex is relying completely upon Henry's words, and the friendship and knowledge that he knows of the man. Remember Alex has only known Ava for a month. 80)
And believe me, our fiery sweet Ava will tell him. Seriously more drama in part two and some other things too.
Actually I am glad that Alexander exacted some of his anger on Beatrice, finally the old bat got a little bit of what was coming to her. LOL!
Thank you so much Sandy again for the sweet and uplifting words. I have gone through such a struggle with this chapter, lol!
Thank you Beth!!!
Wow! It almost sounds like you dislike Henry more than Beatrice. And yes Henry is acting completely out of boundry. So I too want to knock him into the pond.
Yes I agree Alex should be more concerned with Ava's feelings. But right now his heart is breaking, the one he loves he believes is in love with another. which does not settle well with him.
Yes Ugly confrontation but it is not as expected!!! *Sigh* Things are going to go from bad to worse next part. It was why I wanted to get all four out. The emotions flow between the different chapters and alot of unanswered things are finally answered. If only I could stay in my game to get all the screens. 80) LOL!
And I agree with you they were concerned with that crap. If you love the woman look past it. But in regards to that I shudder to think of what you are going to say at the next one! LOL!
Thank you for the compliments Beth, I had more decorations in Ava's room but the lot crashed on me so I had to demolish it and put a new one in. And just didnt have the patience to re-decorate that room. 80)
Gadwin is a wonderful program and most definately forces me to use my Paintshop. Not just for cropping but all the garden scenes I had to lighten they were way to dark. So I had to use some of the tools. 80) LOL! I am getting better. LOL!
Thank you so much again for reading! Especially when I know you are so wrapped up in your issues. 80)
Okay, I'm not big on the huge pictures, but that's personal preference. Even on my DSL at home (I'm on satellite here and only managed to get half the pictures to load after a looong wait before giving up), I just feel like they are a bit too much, unless you are going for more visual, less words. Your words tend to supersede your visuals, so it just seems unnecessary. I do like your shots, but in this size, they seem to be sized wrongly or there's some distortion. I hope this is taken as a constructive critique and not a scathing comment. I'm just trying to be helpful... my pictures aren't amazing, either, but I've found that reasonable sizes are easier on the reader and myself, too, at times.
Anyway, onto the good stuff. Henry and Alexander are finally confronting one another. Fun stuff, the tension is insane here. I love it. Yes, Henry is being an ass, but he lost the woman he supposedly loved to his good friend. And he was completely unknowing of it for some time. D'oh. So I can see why he's being a little snit... but Alexander, it is his woman now and I doubt Henry's little slights will get much further before he's... well, smacked, for the lack of a better word.
Now I want to see Ava confront Henry's new 'love'... who is also pregnant. This Ball is going to be quite... explosive! I'm on the edge of my seat, here!
Of course I take it constructively. I used gadwin this time, and they are a little large. I am just so frustrated with this whole chapter. My game keeps acting up. So I just posted as is. I will try and resize the next ones. Gotta figure out a good size, my screen is set at 1024 X 728. so maybe i will do a 600 X 400 or 800 X 600. And see if those come out a bit smaller. ;)
This is the ball so to speak... I have to cut the dancing scenes down a bit because my game is having fits. LOL! But there is some interesting things coming next... there is altogether 4 parts to this.
And Alex... Poor misguided fool! he's going to be doing something completely in character for him, yet out of everyone's belief... 80)
Ava and Marianne dont have a go until later down the line... and darn it all my girls are preggo. Even with the dang R.W.H. turned on. (oh well I can use it for something) maybe I'll speed through. I am a bit scared of what Henry and Mary's kid will look like... they were both born in game.
Catherine and Franklin too...
Thanks again for reading
Oh Henry, what a jerk! Mostly from Alex's p.o.v. He's supposedly his friend and is being selfish to try and break them up? I despised the response he gave as to whether he and Ava did anything or not.
Poor Alex! He sure didn't see this coming and I hope he doesn't say anything he'll regret when he sees them together! She's finally admitted she loves him, don't screw it up now! :D
Glad that Ava is figuring some things out about how she feels, confusion can be the most frustrating thing ever and sometimes all you can do is wait and see how things work themselves out.
Really wonderful update Cherie, and 3 more parts to the ball! Should be interesting! Can't wait.
Thank you Emily!
Yes Henry is being a J-E-R-K! thank you for noticing that and commenting on it. But good news is his tail will be firmly tucked between his legs soon. LOL! He's purposefully placing doubt and trying to end all for he wants her no matter the circumstance.
Alex... Poor misguided, confused and passionate guy. Things are certainly coming to a climactic event here. And yes she finally admitted it, all it took was seeing Henry again to realize the true depth of her affections. 80)
Question is will she fight for her man?
Yes 3 more, I am going to try and fight with my game to get all the shots. Dont know if I can though. It keeps crashing between 10 and 120 minutes.
I really want to get them all out so I can take my month and work through all this hassel with my game. Plus I am going in a different direction with the second part. IE Francis and Gabe and more on Mary and Henry... Will their relationship survive???
Thank you so much for reading and I appreciate the uplifting words. Glad you enjoyed. 80)
This is really reading like a romance novel for sure. All the misunderstandings, misplaced anger, it really comes through loud and clear. I must admit I feel a lot of pity for both Henry and Alexander. And Beatrice, ever the bitch, such an evil thing she did. She is so selfish and self righteous.
I am glad Ava finally realized her true feelings and allowed them into her heart. But I do think it will be exciting to see the confrontation with Marianne and Francis. Ultimately the passion that has ignited between her and Alex will be truly wonderful. Can't wait to see it. But of course there is still more confusion, deception, and debauchery before we get there!
Wonderful job, despite the struggles with the game which I think many of us can relate to.
LOL! Thank you Gayl, yes Beatrice is a royal one in this chapter. But there is certainly more to that particular revenge, coming next.
The original story was most certainly a romance novel, and it still is. So thank you!
Although I do not feel much pity for Henry at this moment, he truly was despicable, this time. Albeit his heart was smashed.
Marianne and Ava will come long before the confrontation with Francis, still several chapters away though.
Things have come to a climactic point. And yes I wanted rid of Henry in Ava's life, who would have known all it took was seeing him again lol!
Thank you for reading! I am glad you enjoyed.
Hi Cherie, here I am at last. First, a word about your shots, they did take a little longer to load than normal, and someone with a slower connection might have trouble or issues with that. For me it only took a minute or two. I like the large shots, but in the end, it is what you prefer. Also the shots were vibrant and clear and glorious! And they enhanced your writing!
Now, what an emotionally soaked chapter.
Did Alexander shave again? LOL!!!
I like the stubble look on him, and I like his outfit! The shots in the Orangery were breathtaking, I love that fountain!!
Alex is such a passionate, caring man, asking Ava if she wanted to wait to make the announcement.
Ava snapped right back, but once in his arms, well...LOL! *melt*
He can whisper Mi Amour in my ear anytime!
Henry is a fascinating, complicated character. He too, is passionate in a child-like immature way. Yes, a brat even.
Anyway, Beatrice is quite the manipulator, but a lot of those old dowagers were back then.
The shot of Henry (tight closeup) and the way you described his heartache was wonderful!
Ava's shock was palatable and real.
Hey! My Victorian Rose wallpaper, cool! LOL!!
Beatrice cooing trying to soothe things over, but fiery Ava will have none of it, Go girl, give it to Granny.
The scene between Alex and Henry was heartbreaking. Alex was so pleased to see his friend. Right.
How vindictive of Henry to let Alex believe so was 'not pure', so very important back then.
Henry may have felt a twinge of guilt but he let the veiled innuendo hang out there. Swine.
Love Alex's response, ready to kick Ava's door in an demand an explanation, ah the passion!
*sips tea*
And Lastly, Henry and Ava in the woods, love the mood, dusk, adds to the emotion. And good for Ava for realizing it is Alex that stirs her deepest passions and yes, she is falling in love with him, damn, who wouldn't?
A most excellent update my mate! I thoroughly enjoyed it!!
The visuals and your writing crackle!
*raises mug of Earl Grey tea to you*
Hey Cherie...just a thought...I use Gadwin myself and noticed that when I upload my shots as png files, they do take a long time. They are much larger files. What I do is take my screencaps as png files, edit them and save them as jpegs for uploading. You still get good quality since the original file is high quality but less of a load time.
Again, just a thought...
Yes, I uploaded them in PNG format so that is why it took so long to load. Sorry 80) And for me I have absolutely no issues at home, then again I have Comcast, but I don’t want readers to become discouraged, so I will take Gayls advice and convert them to JPEG. 80) And thank you so much for the comment on the screens!
Yes! Ava didn’t like the caterpillar on his lip, LOL!!! Neither did I… (Slapping self) LOL! The orangery is my favorite room of that house, and because I had to demolish the one from the previous chapters I was forced to re-decorate. LOL!
I love Alex’s feelings towards Ava, lol! Yes Ah… Mi Amore, sigh… LOL! Very passionate man there, but will his passions be his worst enemy???
Henry is a spoiled brat! One who wants what he cant have and is willing to forfeit everything just to get it. I really wanted to slap him in this chapter, and I wrote him. LOL!
Beatrice… She is definitely getting her come uppins, LOL! GO ALEX!!! Right left kapow, lol! And yes so many of them were in that time, actually I don’t think the women of high society, especially nobility were kind at all in the regency era.
Thank you so much, I tried to match his expression to what I was describing and ended up using something along the lines of six different face overlays.
Ava, poor sweet conflicted girl, oh wait did I say sweet, LOL! And yes I told you I was a fan of your wallpapers and floors, as a matter of fact the ball room has your spiced oak floor. 80)
LOL! Give it to granny, LOL! Ava is certainly fiery and spirited, no one can step on her, except Alex…
Yes Alex was happy to see his dear friend, and Henry decided to be a pain in the butt, and place doubt. Once again for his own benefit, HA! Little did he know. Yes I agree he acted like a Swine in this chapter. Arrogant little bastard.
And you once asked how Alex would react if Ava broke his heart, well it is certainly breaking now. And you will see in the next update… he is a very passionate man and completely lost in love… Poor sweet baby, he needs to seriously beat the crap out of Henry… But alas his friendship will not allow, that is unless presented the right opportunity. ;o)
Yes, it was time… Ava hasn’t thought of Henry in a month, then again who could think of him when you have a yummy looking Alex running around, crooning sweet endearments and kissing you so… Um… passionately, yeah that’s it LOL!, all the time! Lol! I was hoping to capture that all it took was seeing Henry again to see that her heart did not belong to him, the final push to her sensitivities to Alex that it was LOVE!!! 80)
Raising my coffee mug back to you, thank you for the lovely and long comment! I am so happy that you enjoyed and look forward to what you think of the next one. Definitely more drama, heartache and a little something debaucher-us. LOL! *Hugs Back* Thank you so much Karen 80)
Thank you so much for the advice Gayl! I will most definately do that, for slower connection sake. And for my upload sake too. For they took forever to load up. LOL!
I swear by the fourth upload I was ready to rip my hair out, LOL!
OMG! This chapter was FABULOUS my dear Cherie! :wub: GORGEOUS pics, BEAUTIFUL writing, and LOVELY characters! (Even the wicked ones, lol)
Oh, that darn Beatrice! She sure did mess things up! :< I feel terrible for poor Ava she was just starting to feel comfortable and happy with Alex, and BANG! Who shows up? Henry! :<
Henry, of course like a man, is going to be a jerk and make poor Alex, think badly of Ava!
I love the things Ava is telling Henry, although I do feel sad for both of them because they never meant to hurt anyone with their love... :( Or young infatuation as the case may be.
I hope Alex realizes that Henry was just answering in anger and jealousy.
Thank you Zayuri!!! although Alex and Henry are the most wicked, LOL! I really am appreciative, I tried the step you sent me and for some reason all the pics disapeared with the exception of the first and last. I will look it up and work on it more to get them back to the right size. 80) *hugs*
Yes Beatrice has been a thorn in everyones, umm... I suppose I should say side for prosperities sake, but that isnt the exact region I am thinking of. LOL!
It was mentioned before, 80) when Mary was so excited... But yes Henry has made the worlds biggest error. 80)
Yes Henry is being a jerk, although he is acting out of, INFATUATION!!! Which he's misconstrued as love... and Alex being the passionate stubborn one, well he is in for some major uh... issues... 80)
I love the things Ava is telling Henry, although I do feel sad for both of them because they never meant to hurt anyone with their love... :( Or young infatuation as the case may be.
Darn I was hoping Ava would come out crabby, lol! no... She does care for Henry just not as she does for Alex. Oh boy your gonna have a fit next chapter.... Please dont be mad at Alex??? 80) I swear it will all work out in the end. 80)
Thank you again so much for your upbeat and uplifting comment. I have been in game all day. Getting shots! Almost done with DE!!! *Yippeee*
Wow! A power punched emotion filled chapter! So much drama - I absolutely love it, lol.
Henry is really acting like a baby. I hope his wife doesn't have to bear witness to his immaturity. So proud of Ava for telling Henry how it is.
By the way - I love Henry's eyes. Do you have any idea where you got them?
Beautiful job - must read on!
Yes this whole piece is emotional and dramatic, lol!
I had stated previously to some other comments that Henry seemed to perfect to me. Thus being I wanted my heroine, *wicked laugh* to realize that he was not what she wanted lol.
As for Mary, well.... You will find out soon enough. Definately a ruff road for those two. LOL!
Henry's eyes as well as everyone in this story with the exception of Franklin and Eleanor came from Rensim. I am a huge fan of their stuff.
As far as Henry's Eyes, They are Rensims, Retooled Eyes, Dark Blue. I believe they are free.
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